Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - congratulations on the weight loss! You have certainly been a workout machine! Mine is inching downward. I just wish it would do it a tiny bit faster!
    @elise4270 - I pretty much love coffee flavored anything and I would at least try it so long as it isn't overly cherry flavored or sweet.
    I have never had a problem sleeping so I am no help with what to take for it. The rare times I have a problem falling asleep I have just wait it out which isn't really an option for you.
    @ddmom0811 - we had warnings about possible power outages last night because the overall state grid was overloaded. Nothing happened though. Our city has its own power company and generation plant. They do buy power from others and provide excess into the state's grid but we have not had many if any demand related outages. My friend in No CA lost power for over 3 hours last night when it was over 100 there.
    I hope the school reopening works out. It seems like so many kids and as a parent I don't think I would do it.
    I was prego over the summer and into September - I can empathize with your DIL! It is miserable. I hope it was nice though at the beach. Here it has been in the 80's at the beaches.

    Food - I got up early (6am) and headed out to run by 6:30am. No pre-run snack which seemed to be ok. I was miserable and not hungry at all when I got home but had a banana and some coffee with protein powder. Breakfast was my usual yogurt and granola and lunch was a tuna sandwich and cottage cheese. We decided no cooking because it was too hot. Got Mexican take away - fajitas!

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo whoot whoot! Yay on the weight loss!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm still doing well. 2 weeks on track now. Lost 800g last week, that's nearly 2lb. Very happy with that. And am in a good groove, don't even want to eat too much which is good. Still waiting for it to come crashing down, it always does, but I know I can get back to it.

    Dh and I are watching classic movies, well 80s classics lol. Watching field of dreams atm. And you know it's actually a better movie than I remember. With a strong female lead who actually does stuff. It's quite cool actually.

    I'm getting better at getting on my bike. Calf is finally pain free. Been a couple of days now. So will keep going. I'm learning to like it. Lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Thanks everyone on the congrats. I had spaghetti last night...a lot of spaghetti, in order to maybe be fueled better for my long run this morning, so my weight was up an entire pound. I guess I really don't need to worry about losing too much weight. LOL

    @Avidkeo eo Yeah for losing 800g last week. That's huge. It doesn't have to "come crashing down" again. You're working hard and you've got this...and we're here to help.

    @Elise4270 When I had problems sleeping due to grief, I would read when I went to bed. That usually put me to sleep. Don't know if that would work for you or not. Also, I know this sounds silly, but I would sing the song "The Wheels on the Bus" over and over in my head. I'd add weird things on the bus, like cats and dogs and people I was thinking about. It think the redundancy got my mind off of other things and I'd find myself waking up - having gone to sleep without knowing I had.

    @shanaber That is early to get up for your run. I saw where you were really wiped out from it last night. Hope you are well rested this morning.

    I'm up - got up at 6:15 - getting ready to head out for my long run this morning. It rained last night so it's foggy and water dripping off of the tree leaves makes it sound like it's raining now. I'm just hoping my driveway isn't too slick to run on. Sometimes it's slick when wet for some unknown reason. I really don't want to do 8 miles on the treadmill.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2020
    @quilteryoyo @ddmom0811 @shanaber
    Thanks for the thoughts on sleep. I took a benadryl last night and still didn't fall asleep till 1AM. I think part of it is my schedule is messed up, I don't get up when I wake up and sleep in til 10-11. And the bone healing has probably hit a plateau not demanding so much energy. I am tired, just can't fall asleep. I don't think my mind is churning over anything in particular. I do think of Alex a lot though. I'm back on the "I failed him" bit. And if DH sees me cry, he thinks something is wrong (???- just leave me be).

    I think I will try to read before bed. I have 60 pounds of new books, so plenty to choose from. And I have that book on audio for the Native American studies class! good plan! In the past I found some classical Indian music to listen too, and that was nice (real indian not indigenous Americans- wish they'd change that cuz Columbus was a dumb dumb).

    yesterday we grabbed a burger from 5 guys before grocery shopping. I had the little burger, it was 480 calories. WOW! really? I could have had a quarter pounder for just over 500. Then had lays cheddar and sour cream chips for dinner because DH threw them at me... I need more will power, LOL!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all! Happy Sunday from CO. We are surrounded by fires but they are far away....just a bit smokey when the wind shifts. It's just another square on the 2020 bingo card, with pandemic, killer hornets, hurricanes, earthquakes.....what'd I miss?

    So happy for all the great news on weight losses, IRS resolutions, jobs, injuries getting better.

    @elise4270 If I open a book while in bed, I am out cold in 10 mins. I wish I could read in just makes me drowsy. My issue is staying asleep. I am on social media or computers too much. I need an adult in my life to take it all away.....

    Food: Its been a bad couple of days since sitting in a car for 14 hours leads to chips and starburst. Made a steak and a big veggie salad last night so that was good.

    exercise: Since I am away from the bike for 2 weeks....which will be really hard, I brought my dumbells and a mat and will do some basics, core, squats, stretching.....and we will try to hike walk or run everyday.

    Our rental place is on the Gore Creek that runs through Vail. They have 2 chairs down by the river and this is where I will sit and solve all the worlds problems for the next 2 weeks. It's gorgeous.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Elise4270 It amazes me at how many calories are in some foods. Hope you can figure out the sleep. Oh, just thought of something. We started playing Theta music for the older kids at daycare during nap time and it seems to help them fall asleep. Maybe look into that. I think there are various frequencies for various do better with a different frequency than adults do.

    @bearly63 I'm jealous. That looks like such a relaxing place to be. Enjoy!

    I did manage to get in my 8 mile run, with an extra mile walking. It was tough, but I managed. TMI under the spoiler.
    Did hit a milestone I could have done without - had runners diarrhea and didn't even realize it until after the run. So gross!

    Plan to celebrate the run with a piece of birthday cheesecake. I froze what was left over after the first week so I would only eat it when I earned the calories.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    TMI LOL @ quilteryoyo! I remember when I got DH to run more often and we changed our diets a bit and he said "i pooped myself" not knowing that was a thing. I have no gallbladder so walmart trips even still present the "uh oh's!". I can tell you how many socks I've sacrificed in the woods. Or planned runs around the porta john. And keep a stash of wipes in the car with a change of shorts. Congrats on the 8 miles!

    @bearly63 Beautiful! I am a tad jealous.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo yay for the run and sorry about the milestone. Have yet to have that happen, though been close a couple of times.

    Up early today and been on my bike. I actually went up resistance levels today so am getting better at it! Yay.

    I'm on the countdown today, pt in 2 weeks!
    Still pain free, though yesterday it was a little achey. Not painful but not happy. Does that make sense?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Avidkeo Yeah for upping the bike resistance. Glad you are still pain free. Being not happy but not painful does make sense. You know it's not normal, but it doesn't hurt.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - Not a milestone that any of us aspire to and most of us would rather not admit to reaching maybe even multiple times. But yes it is a mess and horrible when it happens.
    @Elise4270 - I often plan my routes around where I know the bathrooms are and have used poop bags to throw my undies in the trash more than once. Have never had to use a sock but have come darn close to trying to dodge behind a bush or tree. Probably would have if it weren't so urban all around us and you never know who could be watching.
    @bearly63 - I had to show your picture to dh. I so want to be there watching the sunset! Tell you what, I will meet your there and bring wine!
    Hang in there @avidkeo!! You are healing and it will improve and you will get back out there!

    Food wasn't too bad... it is hot and we just aren't hungry. I did get peaches at the grocery and had one with cereal this morning. Nothing for much and then did a strength workout to ease back into that and had half a protein bar after discussing erythritol with dd. I had some protein bars with a small amount of that and some with sugar as the 2nd, 3rd and 4th highest ingredients. Decided to dump the ones with so much sugar and go for the ones with the erythritol even though it can in some cases cause stomach upset but not as much as other forms of sugar alcohols. Dd pointed me to some pretty hilarious reviews on amazon of sugar-free (Haribo) gummy bears made with maltitol which is apparently very bad and very immediately bad.
    We had our Zoom call with friends this evening and ended up snacking on cheese, crackers and salami for dinner.

    Broke heat records again today and it isn't supposed to be better until next weekend. So far fortunately we have not (yet) lost power although the rolling outages continue and it is possible to hit us one of these days. Plan is to get up early early tomorrow to get out to run again.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We took doggo for a night of camping. She seemed to enjoy it but might have also been a bit confused by it all. She did get to go in two creeks and a lake.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso That sounds like a fun adventure.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber My stomach doesn’t mind erythritol but it tastes funny to me - especially if eaten at the same time as something that has real sugar, such as fruit, the real sugar just makes the fake stuff taste vile. I tried it for a while but eventually decided just to do without refined sugar.

    @bearly63 Wow that is gorgeous! I had a friend who used to have a place near Vail that she would let me use sometimes. It’s so lovely up there.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Avidkeo I feel for you on so many fronts. If you gotta stay strong, you do it for you by resisting the chocolate, getting some me time, and don't compromise for being a caring human being. I do/did not want to share with my classmates about losing Alex, but ya know, kitten, I am going to cry at odd times so I figured easier to warn them now than blubber through something later. It's okay, tears happen. And this year is really tough. It's okay to cry for someone, even in public, even at work.
    ETA retracted political rant- just delete/hide them on FB. Healthy boundries.
    Thoughts for the young woman, her family, her newborn and the hospital staff.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    wow. They started as MW classes and well, are Monday on campus Wednesday online. My week just got a little "easier". Diggin' it, more pj time. Clinical's start (for me) in 4 weeks (unless COVID or Godzilla takes over). Be off the crutches, I hope, by then.

    Almond butter and jelly sandwiches as planned. The cherry coffee bubbly water is good. It seems familiar and I can't quite place it. Maybe a liqueur of sorts.... but it isn't sweet at all. Then GF pizza for dinner.

    Something is weird. I took a bentyl, which is stomach medicine that slows your guts down and makes you incredibly tired and still wasn't asleep before midnight. I may be resistant to all pharmaceuticals now, JK. I've been up since 530 so I bet I sleep tonight and dream of missing one of the 50 assignments I have due this week.

    Stay well.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Avidkeo Hugs. I am so sorry you are having such a hard day! I pray the young women will have a miracle and get better. It's hard for health care workers to see their patients be in such dire straights. I have a neighbor that is a nurse. When she lost her first patient, she called her mom crying and said, "I don't know how I'm going to get used to this." Her mom gave her wise words of wisdom and said, "I hope you don't. You have to still have compassion in your heart. You don't want to be cold to the pain." (Not exact quote. It was years ago, but you get the gist.) I hope you can get out to run soon - if not today, maybe tomorrow. Stay strong food wise. You are doing great. I'm pulling for you to resist the chocolate. Maybe find a healthier choice to snack on.

    @Elise4270 Sorry you still aren't sleeping well, but I'm not surprised. I think it was a few months before I slept good after my husband passed. Be patient with yourself. Glad you told your classmates about Alex. It will make it easier for you to be you when you need to.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo It may be that my mind is still busy processing and is keeping me up. I will be patient. I did get to sleep by 1130ish. So I lay awake for and hour and a half instead of three. I'm not terribly tired during the day, so maybe I am sleeping more than I think. Thanks again for the help.

    I had a headache yesterday and I just hope its not the almond butter, which will get me if I have too much of it. I hope is computer time and wearing glasses all day for the first time in months. I may have to switch to a tuna sandwich.
    Today... I don't know yet. I have frozen breaded cod that is pretty good, and some thin sirloins we use to make tacos/fajitas with, and avocados.

    Is still downwards. I am sure it's the antidepressant, it makes me not hungry and i don't snack for that chemical reward. 126.8. About 3-7 pounds to go. If I can get to 124 I'll be happy enough to save the rest for when I can get some exercise. I have a tentative plan to go to the school gym thursdays before class. I can't say that I will actually find myself there. I need to do some upper body stuff.

    okay. no more stalling, back to course work. Stay well, stay safe.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Today is back on track day. Sunday was almost a normal day, in the truck, short hikes, set up camp, and usual steps & calories. Yesterday was a weird day.

    We didn't sleep well because we apparently didn't close the air mattress valve tight enough and it slowly deflated during the night. Neither of us got much sleep. We ran out of propane making Sunday dinner and had no way to make breakfast so we decided to head home early instead of going out for another short hike.

    So we stopped at Dunkin about half way home (no propane means no coffee) and I got a caramel latte. I don't go out for coffee much so when I do I get what I want. For dinner we got Red Robin since we had a free burger. I ate way too many fries.

    So I'll eat my normal today, lift weights at lunch and hop on the bike this evening.