Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @ddmom0811 I just started one. There's only 2 episodes so far.

    So, I got the mail today and Geico sent junk mail to my dad. Who has been dead for almost 2 years. And never lived here. Which reminded me he's not here for my 40th bday next weekend. Needless to say I had a good cry and now want ice cream (good there's none in the house)
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Guh scales are annoying. Gained 100g yesterday. I think its cause I had a lot of salt compared with normal - KFC bought out Hot and Spicy, which they only do once a year so I had a couple of pieces. So even though I was on calorie goal, the salt could have caused fluid retention. I was so bloated yesterday. Annoying.

    Today I was doing well till DH suggested taking the kids out for lunch. I had a grilled Chicken burger, very tasty, but have no idea on how many calories. I estimated 600, and added an extra 200 for the fries (small portion). I attempted to guess calories on the burger by doing individual components, and got around 450 ish, so I think it's probably somewhere in between.

    Sadly I now have no calories for dinner, not that i will need much dinner haha. Going to go for a walk later, just to get some movement in for the day. And will probably just have a light salad for dinner.

    Still all that salt won't help lol.

    @quilteryoyo I wonder if your situation is retention as well?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hot a walk in. Calf started to ache at about the 2k mark - definitely progress as last walk it was aching before I got to 1k, and that was only a couple of days ago. Also, it stopped aching within about half an hr of getting home and resting. So is definitely healing! I suspect it will be October before I run again. I am leaving as long as I can, because I do not want to go back.

    Food.... Ate everything. Sigh. Oh well. Happens. New day tomorrow.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 You are doing great being so busy. I can't even imagine the chaos. Hopefully it will settle down once classes begin. I think the desserts are probably okay with all of the stress you have right now. Stress does burn a lot of calories.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Oh, @ddmom0811 I was only down 0.2 pounds today. LOL Probably because I had spaghetti last night.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 Sounds busy!!! We have a school for the Deaf about 30 minutes from us. I tried to talk DD into getting on there and honing her ASL skills. But I can't seem to motivate her either. Maybe they'll need a school nurse one day. It is walking distance to my favorite running spot.

    I had another dream about Alex dying. We were on top of a high building and had to climb down a ladder, like 10 stories. I watched him, about 6-7 years old, start to go down and he went front-facing and he had on roller skates. Yup, he fell all the way down. I got to him and his neck was broken, I tried to move him to safety, braced his neck in my hands and lost my balance falling on top of him, now severing his spine. I swear as if my days aren't hard enough my nights aren't helping me through this. I suppose it's all a normal way sorting through the guilt I feel. Still, a bit traumatic and I don't know what to do with it.

    Complicating all this, I think I have embarked on a bit of anxiety. I had a "test" last week demonstrating a physical exam. I know it front and back, I wasn't stressed over it at all. I got in there and near had a panic attack. WHAAT?? I'm a little high strung anyway but don't usually have test/demonstration anxiety when I know that I am prepared. I'll just watch it, see if it gets worse and see the doc if it does. I am falling asleep better though.

    I've had a terrible headache 2 days now, I am sure it is period related. I liked menopausal symptoms better. I blame being in a room full of childbearing women (girls) and their pheromones, (classes).

    Leg is amazing. Hip is being stupid. My hips are uneven and I can't seem to keep them in line. Which means pain. I fear it will mean an SI joint fusion. I can ask in October if that's the case there. fluffy kittens. I think that means no running, even if the leg is doing better. So I am motivated to lose (not gain), so I can show the hip surgeon. Sure he can see it on x-ray anyhow...

    Lots of complaints... so how about some Happiness???
    DD IS going to class. Bear is DH's best friend, making DH feel needed and loved. MetLife is paying the death benefits and DH has almost 5k left from the Unum policy left and has no idea what to do with it since there is this emotional tie to it. I suggested we use it for some foundation work, and we paid DD's bill for the mental health facility. Guess that's good- money is fine right now.

    ??? something frozen. DH got BBQ but with the headache, I am not chancing the preservatives. I found this non-dairy coconut-based Silk brand heavy cream that I have been using in my tea every morning, I might double-check it for a migraine trigger. Migraine meds are only working for a short time... I started decongestants today, maybe allergies.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 Hang in there. It will get better. I had nightmares about my husband after he died too - he had seizures due to the brain tumor and he always seemed to be having one in the dreams. Eventually, he stopped having them, in the dreams, and I would see him smiling and happy. I think it is just a normal part of working through everything for your brain to act out those things while you sleep. Sorry about the headache and hip issues. Glad the leg is feeling better. Good that the insurance came through and Bear is loving on DH.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 That is an amazing view! WOW!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Wow @bearly63 what a view!

    @elise4270 please be kind to yourself. Biggest hugs, grief is so hard without mind screws.

    I did well today. 35mins on the bike, and am ending the day about 400 calories under goal. Given I was 1500 Over goal yesterday I figured it won't hurt. Just once anyway haha.

    Calf is a bit achey today. Sigh. But getting better, slowly. Very very slowly.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @bearly63 WOW! What a view! So jealous.

    @Avidkeo Sorry about the achy calf. I sure hope that resolves soon.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    I changed my settings in MFP to maintenance, knowing that I shouldn't really eat that many calories most days. But, it stops it from being that angry red color when I go over the number of calories needed to lose a pound a week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2020
    @quilteryoyo I added 5 pounds to my MFP starting weight so it wouldn't say "0 pounds lost". It's not that I didn't lose from there, but I lost it before MFP or chose to selectively forget that I weighed that much more. For calories, I have to set it low because I'll keep eating until I'm 500 over.The red does me good.

    DD goes out to Alex's grave every morning, and text me today asking if I was still putting a bench out there because the ants are bad (when you sit on the ground). We did abandon the bench since I can't put it on his plot and to save the money. So by noon, I had a matching black granite park bench ordered for a plot (we already have) next to his. Will still be a month before DD isn't sitting with the ants. Meantime DH is getting her a folding chair. I love how much you can do in 10 minutes' time via email and one quick call between class.

    I'm tired. Monday is long. Almond butter and jelly today and a few chips with cheese dip that tastes awful. Probably the antidepressant. Headache is back. Wonder how hard it'd be for me to make brownies.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad you were able to figure out how to get a bench for your DD. I'm sure it helps her to sit and talk with Alex every day. Hopefully she is using that time to work through some of her own issues/grief.

    I may have to reset my diary again. I actually ate over maintenance yesterday! Not sure how that happened. Well, yes I do. I took dad to the VA for a couple of appointments yesterday and we stopped at Wendy's and got burgers and fries for lunch. Than I was hungry at dinner, so ate cereal with blueberries and then was hungry later and had cheese and almonds. Plus, my tennis match was cancelled, so I didn't get any exercise. I'll do better today.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I had cereal with blueberries for dinner! Great minds!

    I have a follow-up today with the antidepressants. Lots of course work and an exam to study for and violin homework... busy day for me. Headache is still lingering.

    Weight is up about half a pound. I'll just call it normal fluctuation. No food plans for today yet. I think there is meat in the fridge that needs to be made or put in the freezer. maybe I'll just have a tuna sandwich today.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Peeps! through all the posts....its amazing! Everyone has crap going on and yet you all seem to work through it, shake it off, and keep on keeping on! Strong people right there. Refreshing too! A appreciate this group so much!

    @quilteryoyo Sounds like a busy day and sometimes the eating thing just gets messed up. But the mere fact that you realize that is winning!

    @Elise4270 Love that you could get a bench added to Alex's grave. That will come in handy for the chats...sounds like school is going ok. Glad the leg is good but dang...hips are important too. And it sounds like you are doing ok with the diet....keep it up!!

    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry about the mail and twiggering the sadness....that sucks. Any fun plans for the birthday weekend? Hopefully some icecream! I missed the podcast thing....fill me in. As for topics re running....coming back from injury and rebuilding confidence. I am struggling with that.

    @Avidkeo Glad the calf is slowly recovering....and the biking is getting the job done. It's such a great way to get the heart rate up without putting stress on the bod. Good for healing.

    @shanaber I feel the same way when its really hot....nothing sounds good. But I love the wine/chocolate/yasso bar diet....yummy! Glad Hilde is settled less stressor! How are the fires in SoCal? NoCal is a sad.

    @ddmom0811 The school thing is such a mess. Sorry that your having to deal with all the changes. and traffic! So I have been following an emerging story with our home district. A group of pissed off parents who's kids did not win the lottery to be in school vs online, have formed a group and now protesting the school's decision (based on state laws and science) to not fully reopen at full capacity. They are pushing "log out" movements where kids will not log in to the online classes. This is how we are funded. Daily attendance. It will crush our already underfunded public schools. Parents acting like brats, who didn't get their way. Probably the same ones who also insisted on having parties, vacations at the beach with tons of people, football, etc and keep spreading the virus. And they want to teachers to expose themselves and their health so they can play more tennis. Rant over. Sorry. Can you tell I am in need of a hard peloton ride? lol.

    As for me....
    eating as if I am on vacation....haha

    we are hiking a lot and I am trying to do upper body strength/toning and core everyday and I add more on the non hike days. I brought my mat and some 8 lb weights. The Peloton app is great since it goes where you go. I have done a few runs here but at 8K feet of elevation and poor air quality due to smoke from nearby fires, not too smart.

    This has been a nice break from the heat in TX. We got the kids up here for a 3 days and it was great but then I get all depressed when they leave. Never gets easier. We get back on Sat night, plan on driving straight through.

    I am going to focus in September on strength training everyday, esp upper body and core. Also no alcohol for a month. I need to figure out how to stop or reverse this Osteopenia/porosis thing with out the use of drugs. I have done some research and I don't think I can do it - go on drugs that is. Awful side effects and really expensive. My doc appears to have gotten my insurance to approve the "latest" one - Tymlos. OMG....the side effects, studies etc....Can't wait to see what the cost is.....I read the street price....wait for it.....$19K/year. Not kidding. No *kitten* way that is happening. I need to get some other opinions....I liked her as a doc but is the risk/reward really there? So confused.

    Sorry this is so long.....

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @bearly63 Glad you are having a good time. Yeah, the elevation makes it hard to run when you aren't used to it. I remember trying to run in Denver once and thought I was going to die. LOL With the poor air quality added to that, I know it has to be really hard. Hiking is probably the better choice. I'm with you on the osteoporosis meds. It's hard to justify the cost versus the real benefits you are getting. Keep us informed on your research for staving it off. I need to start worrying about that too - my last bone density test showed loss, but not quite to the osteopenia stage yet.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    So when I weighed in on Thursday I was up 2.2 pounds. I figured it was water retention and overeating a bit with less exercise. I put on a pair of shorts yesterday. OMG. It was so uncomfortable! Like they fit but were tighter than I'd like. *sigh*

    I realized yesterday afternoon my kitchen scale was acting weird. I weighed out a serving of chips. And it was more like 2.5 servings based on amount. I changed the batteries this morning. Hope that's it. I don't think I've changed batteries since I got it 3 years ago.

    @bearly63 Thank you.
    I started a podcast about running. The first 2 episodes aren't very good but I feel like the 3td one is much better. It's named after my username and available on many major podcast platforms.

    Birthday - I bought a funfetti mix and frosting at the store to make a gluten free cake. Hopefully its not 117 this weekend like it was yesterday. I plan to get pizza from this fancy-ish place. And I finished Fantastic Beasts screenplay/book so I said I want to watch the movie.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Hey! Taking a lunch break! Teachers are not at school today - they always give the teachers the day off prior to either prep (most do) or take off. So it is quiet but tomorrow the 9th and 10th come in. Thursday 11/12 and then Friday everyone. It will be so weird not teaching! I've seen some of the students driving by (for cross country practice) and they yell out the window "Hi Mrs. D!" But I do not regret my decision to leave the classroom for one second. Weight stable! Ran 30 mins this morning and was finally <10 min miles. This is week 5/6 of the RunBet I am doing!

    @bearly63 - that pic is amazing! Yes, you should eat while on vaca! That's ridiculous to not log in and cause funding problems for the schools. Do they not see that will hurt the kids eventually? OMG 19K!

    @elise4270 - sorry about the dream. Sounds awful. It's going to take a long time but you are so smart to talk about it and not keep it bottled in. Glad DD is going to school!

    @RunsOnEspresso - oh gosh on the kitchen scale! Happy Birthday this weekend!

    @shanaber - I'm sure Hilde settled in is a huge relief!

    @quilteryoyo - maintenance is so much harder than losing. I'm sure you've all heard me say it "maintenance is a part time job".

    @avidkeo - salt pushes me up every time!

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.
    Skimming and posting before I go to work.

    My second year students finish this week (3 year degree) and our first year students start Monday so am getting things ready for them. Always exciting and a bit nervous for them lol.

    I've been in angiography for the last 2 days, and have really enjoyed it. I finally feel comfortable for most things we do there, which is nice.

    Today I'm co-ordinating everything and will be on call tonight so busy busy!

    Been better with food the last couple of days. Weight is back down to Saturdays weight, that was faster than usual, especially since I ate over goal yesterday, though still in deficit. Helped that the day before i ate 400 calories under goal lol. All about balance eh.

    Bike again this morning and I realised that my bike really REALLY sux. It can't keep an accurate time. I started my watch 10 seconds after starting the bike, and by the end of the session it was over 30 seconds different. And honestly, i trust my garmin before trusting the bike.

    Tempted to get some footpods to track my distance etc, yeah I guess I'm really getting into the bike eh lol