Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 Glad you are home safely. I got an email today that said my shirt was on the way. Hope I get the other stuff too.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber Yes, I think they'd get me a steroid shot, that doc is the October appointment. It's kinda weird, the hip surgeon is my treating physician and referred me to the trauma doc to correct the femur, so I think I am relying on the hip doc to call the shots. I love the trauma guy best though. I can check the app with the hip doc and see if I can get in earlier, usually not since he can be booked months out.
    Also, Hobbs does sound like a 3-year-old! Video it if you can avoid giving him attention for the behavior, haha! I think if I had a pet like that, I'd just fix them a plate and have him sit with us- least with poo bear I would, he's sweets. My step-grandmother use to fix a plate for her favorite bird, Charlie Brown a cockatiel. My fat cat begs, but I don't feed her people food, so she begs from DD and DH. He walked through the house this morning with paint brushes and she was all over him thinking it might be food.

    @quilteryoyo MMM! your lunch sounds good! DH made beans last week without cornbread though. Definitely no cake.

    @rheddmobile That's a funny tidbit about raccoons. When out running or walking I'd find persimmon seed poop in the middle of the sidewalk or trail or sometimes on a rock. I always heard it was a coyote, then someone said it was more likely a raccoon. Guess it really was a coyote.

    DD made beef enchiladas for everyone and cleaned the kitchen up afterward. WOW!

    A smallish poop with fruit seeds around here is most likely a fox. You learn some weird stuff working at a nature preserve!

    Our cats have chairs at the kitchen table but they don’t eat people food, with the exception of beef jerky. They go clean nuts for beef jerky.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I had no idea about raccoons having a latrine area @rheddmobile. Ferrets do that as well and is one of the reasons they are not good pets. They will select a place and regardless of where it is cannot be trained out of using it. I worked in a zoo for many years but we did not have raccoons.

    mmmm @Elise4270 - now I want enchiladas!
    I will try to secretly video Hobbes at dinner one night. He does get 'treats' from our plates if he stays on his bed and is quiet. Usually it is a bit of lettuce, a green bean or carrot and if he is really good a little piece of chicken. If we fixed him a plate it would be gone before we even had a mouthful!

    Welcome Back @bearly63! I got the same email as @quilteryoyo that my stuff is on the way!
    @quilteryoyo - you are killing it on your runs! 9miles total in 100% humidity! Wow!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @rheddmobile FOX! yay! It's been a while since I've seen any so I never thought about them. YA, it is just little piles of fruit seeds, usually persimmon. I have to plant persimmon trees now.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber maybe Hobbes Shadow are somehow related lol She normally is good while we are eating but today at lunch I was apparently eating my pho too slowly for her. Then we got starbucks (free bday drink) this afternoon and she had a pupachino. I think she thought I had the same and was barking at me to finish. I said next time she will get hers after we finish ours lol

    I got the email that my scooby race packet shipped as well. I think it said it will be here next weekend
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys
    Saw the physio today. Still a way to go, probably another 4 weeks till I can start doing a little jogging. In the meantime I'll be doing a few strength exercises, and I'm allowed to start walking for exercise again.

    Slowly but surely.

    Also the scale was pretty good to me, lost most of the weight I gained last week, yay.

    Already planned tomorrows meals. I'm trying to bring more balance, so have a great salad with seeds and nut, a pasta dish and fruit. I'm trying to get more protein and fiber. Worked well today, definitely wasn't as hungry
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    OK....I am now a skat, cat, ferret, raccoon.....hmmm. I can tell you the latrine thing is real. We were the proud landlords to a ring tailed cat - a little viscous raccoon relative, in our attic. We heard him last year. They are nocturnal and tree-climbers so he/she managed to get crawl up the trees near the house and get in. The pest guy trapped it with a humane cage and marshmallows - Add some graham crackers and chocolate and I would be caught in minutes. Anyway....they found a pile of skat and said that the animals all poop in one place. Lovely....

    @ddmom0811 Sorry to hear about the teachers....we have our dear teachers now getting hate mail from privileged bratty parents and its breaking their hearts. We will lose some great teachers....don't blame them tbh. Glad you discovered the secret to weight loss - sleep more. I need to see if I can now sign up for the meals....didn't want to do it while gone. I like your plan - run at the beach...

    @Elise4270 so sorry for the stupid grief thing and the hip thing....I guess its always two steps forward, 5 steps back or something like that. I hope your week is better.

    @avidkeo glad your making progress on the recovery. I need to take your cue and plan meals ahead to incorporate protein and fiber....I have to stop eating like there is a pandemic and the world is ending .....oh wait.....

    Back to the bike yesterday - did a 2 hour interval "Tour" - I don't love intervals so it was hard. Today, I am doing a "circuit" tour with a bootcamp, strength, yoga and stretching.

    had mexican last night - I had spinach enchiladas....good and too heavy. But did enjoy the queso diablo and chips a little too much.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad you are progressing, ever so slowly. Hopefully those 4 weeks will pass by quickly for you. Yeah for loosing the weight and eating healthier.

    @bearly63 Great ride. Did you miss Pellie while you were gone? Ahh. Mexican. I think that is probably the first place I'll go for food once CoVID calms down. I haven't had it in months.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Taking mom and dad, and now Tippy, to Knoxville to see my great nephew, their great grandson, today. We don't get to see them often enough. My sitter can't keep Tippy, they invited me to bring her with us so we won't have to be on a time constraint to get back. She is in desperate need of a bath, so that will happen here soon. It is not a fun experience. But, she loves to ride and travel, so it will be worth it to her in the end.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    urgh... the weight isn't moving in the right direction. It was nice to lose a bit but it made me think I could wear jeans again and I was uncomfortable all day with the belly roll pooching forward and over the sides. haha! I had almond butter and jelly x2 today and the last of the beef enchiladas. Over calories for sure but I was hungry.

    Made that hair cut appointment then immediately regretted it... Maybe I WILL let it grow out. Nah, least trim it up. FRIDAY! yay!

    @Avidkeo Good to hear that you are on the mend!!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I got my adorable Scooby Doo package! OMG - so much stuff and so cute! I may give the bottom to my granddaughter. #2 was breech but she flipped the other day to be head down again! She is due 9/27 but will probably be a c-sect and be around a week early. I personally feel the OB pushes c-sections too much, but I'm not a doctor. I don't know the details.

    @bearly63 - yes, it's really sad what the parents can do to teachers. I feel so bad for the students - like these 2 school years is going to cause a gap/slow down in education. And who will they blame? The teachers! The ones I know are trying their best but this is all just so much.

    There was a story in my education news feed yesterday about two kids sitting outside a Taco Bell just outside of Monterey, CA using their wifi. The workers called police and the kids were almost taken away from mother.
    I wanted to cry and send money. Look it up if you are interested. I understand what pediatricians are saying about kids need to be in school but I also get it might not be safe for teachers. What a MESS!!

    Back to work!
    Oh - weight up a little (got up at 4:30 to ride so of course!)
    Food - good except at night I am eating too much mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think I need to start weighing it or measuring it because these half gallons are disappearing WAY too quickly.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @ddmom0811 I saw the taco bell one but it may have been a follow up because the headline said someone (school?) got them a hot spot. But to threaten to take the kids for that? Ugh, that is awful. All our systems are messed up. Not being able to afford internet isn't abuse.

    I think many people assume everyone has wifi. I was watching some interview on CNN and they were adamant everyone has wifi and the anchor was no, here's the stats. And the person was in complete denial.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Isn't it so annoying when your spouse doesn't listen to anything you say and the next day you mention the aforementioned meeting/appointment, and they are hearing it for the first time? Or when you are on that Zoom call and are talking to your mates and the spouse is all "what? where are you going?" from across the house. No. I am on a call, not talking to you. But you know if I were, he'd never hear me...

    Stormy today.
    Love the storms but I have to drive back up to school for a covid test today so we are allowed into the hospital for clinical, ugh that'll cost me 3 hours of my study time.

    more frozen pot pie perhaps.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all:

    yes....@ddmom0811 I saw that story about the kids and taco bell. I think Wifi should be universal, and paid for via taxes ie government funded. Just enough bandwidth to check email, apply for a job, pay taxes, and do online learning. If you need more then you can pay to upgrade. It's become necessary to do anything these days. My 2 cents.

    @quilteryoyo Yes....I missed the Pellie....but managed to stay active so my first ride back wasn't impossible! Enjoy your family visit!

    @Elise4270 I had a hair appt for Friday (3 during covid) Totally feel safe as my stylist is very careful, shielded up, moved to a private salon room where she can control the environment and we wear masks. No hair drying. I actually ended up rescheduling the appt because a Peloton ride came up that I don't want to miss. Yes....I am addicted. Hope the weight settles down....

    Good news!!!

    DD received an email from UT McGovern Medical School in Houston inviting her to interview. She was surprised and so happy. It means nothing other than she passed one more hurdle. Many kids don't ever get interviews and many hear nothing after and some get waitlisted. I think its one of her top choices. I told her to prepare accordingly.

    ended up with a chicken burrito for Late breakfast early lunch from WF since I was starving and needed to eat something. Other than the tortilla, it was pretty healthy.

    Did a few shorter rides this am and will do a core and upper body strenght workout later today. It's September Fools day and I have a lot to do.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 that's awesome news about your DD! Fingers crossed. And I understand about getting addicted to things. My new exercise bike will have Ifit - a cheap version of Peloton (when I get it, 4 weeks left lol).

    @elise4270 I HATE the selective hearing some people have. So incredibly rude and frustrating!

    @ddmom the thing with twins is the risk of complications are so much higher than a singleton. And while vaginal delivery is best, it's easier to plan for c-sect. Also doing a csect while the mother is labouring is not easy, so it's easier to just plan it, and do it when it's safer. Definitely a challenge. My best friend ended up with a c-sect for her twins due to pre-eclampsia. I was very privileged to be in the operating room. Amazing experience!

    Well the scales have been very kind to me. Down to 68.0kg this morning! That was a bit of a surprise, especially after last week's off the rails.

    I've been on track since Saturday and back to being easier. I lost 2.2 kg (about 5lb) in August - so matches what my goal loss was for the month. Woo hoo.

    Aiming for the same this month, and October, and then I'll drop to a slower loss for November and December. I just want to get to 64kg (141lb) and then slowly get to around 127lb (58kg). That's my ultimate goal - atm. Will see how I feel as I go.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Congrats on the weight loss.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2020
    My twins were a natural delivery, no problems, 8lb 1oz and 6 lbs 12oz. It was actually a better experience than DS1 who was induced because he was getting rather big, 8lb 4oz. DD was born at 8:05pm and DS 8:23. DD was rather chill about the whole experience. Once DD was born, they put a lot of pressure on my upper abdomen to force DS down. That was strange, having a nurse lay across me with force, I thought she was gonna squish 'em. No one ever tried to plan a c-section with me, I am sure they were on alert though that it was very possible in an emergency.

    oooh teetering downwards today. DH made lasagne so I had too much of it yesterday. Seems my appetite has returned. I somewhat enjoyed the suppressed appetite and resulting diarrhea (no gallbladder), from the antidepressant.

    Food today.
    No plans, but I need to reign in the calories.

    I did relatively nothing yesterday. A few assignments not due for a few weeks, nothing that I need to get done this week. Now I have no motivation. I did take valium to sleep last night and the night before. well, sleep and to see if it helped my anxiety.

    DH seems to think that it is "just" PTSD or er, something about reduced coping due to trauma and that I should work through it, meditate. I have always had a disrupting level of anxiety, but nothing that pushed me to a state that I couldn't manage. I think I am having mild anxiety attacks. I tense up and my breathing is all I can focus on to try to regain composure. I think I should at least talk to my PCP about it. I cut corners and saw a PA about it, but didn't divulge the increasing anxiety/panic- I forgot about it and was more concerned with this massive acne break out on my trunk, and a suspicious spot on my back. I think I'll just make an appointment with my pcp, IDK, I keep waffling on it.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - I saw this this morning and thought of you!

    I also thought I had posted an update the other night but I can't find it. So I will be back later to catch up on all that is new and post (repost) an update too.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 please see your pcp. I too waffled when my PPA was spiking, and I'm so glad I finally saw someone. Absolutely worth it.