Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ok going back a few days to respond to everyone...
    @avidkeo - glad you are making progress but I know how hard it is to think about 4 more weeks. Be as patient as you can, you will get there and get back running! Congrats on the overall weight loss for August!
    @quilteryoyo - hope you had a good visit with your mom and dad to see the baby (toddler now?) also hope Tippy enjoyed it too.
    @bearly63 - YAY!! Congratulations for your dd!! I hope it works out for her!
    @bearly63 and @ddmom0811 - the really sad reality of the kids at the Taco Bell is that that area was also hit very hard by the fires and those kids could very likely have been impacted by the fires as well. I just can't believe the employees would call the police and the police would take the actions they did. I agree that wifi should be available to everyone and not priced so high that people can't afford it. I know I often take it for granted that it is so easily accessible for us.
    My dd was 9lbs 2oz, natural delivery. She was 'sunny side up' and refused to turn over. Also my water broke and nothing was progressing so they induced as well. It was pretty miserable. They were able to get her turned but ended up using forceps and the nurse also laid on top of me to 'help' me push her out. The doctor came in and apologized to me in the recovery room. He had been an ob/gyn for many years, had delivered many of my friends' babies but he didn't see the need for ultrasounds. She and I spent 10 days in the hospital afterwards because I couldn't walk, she was fine (badly bruised) and healthy. I would definitely have taken a c-section had it been made an option but I also think there are many ob/gyns who just automatically go to c-section because it is easier for them to 'schedule' their time, even when it isn't nearly as healthy for the babies.
    @Elise4270 - I agree on seeing your pcp or alternatively is there a grief counselor or just a counselor (not dh) you could talk to? They might have insight into how you are feeling and provide ways to help deal with it. You have so much at issue with the grief and all the physical pain and mobility limitations that they may be able to help you get through it.
    I am glad you are getting the bench the way you want it and that it will be in his memory. I hope sitting on it and being there brings some comfort to your dd and you too.

    I decided with the beginning of September that I was going to go back to what I had been eating when I lost weight before. Nothing else seems to be working and I just keep losing and gaining the same 2-3lbs. So lots of salads, not too much for breakfast unless I get back from running soon enough. Light dinners and not too much snacking.
    Dinner tonight was another Hello Fresh - walnut crusted chicken with oven roasted broccoli. No modifications and very tasty. I did forget/miss adding the fry seasoning to the chicken before the panko walnut topping but it was not missed.
    I also finally had a really great run. Still walking some but ran more than I have in a long while. Tomorrow I am going to attempt a speed workout with some fast, for me, intervals. Have to get out early though. Tomorrow is the last 'cool' day before it goes back to record breaking hot. I will run on Friday too then taking a few days off until it passes.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Thanks. We had a nice visit. Tippy did great, but was a little overwhelmed with all of the activity that is a one year old. She was glad to come home. LOL I'll try to post a couple of pictures later. Glad you had a good run. It's supposed to be hot and humid here today, but really nice over the weekend, with lows in the upper 50's.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I know it is frustrating, but don't give up. From you profile picture, it doesn't look like you "need" to lose any weight. You look great! I want to give you some great words of wisdom about eating, but I got nothing. I'm certainly no expert. I know what works for me, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. You have to discover that for yourself. For me, it is running and eating more unprocessed food and lower sodium. I track my calories, but don't obsess over it. If I'm over a bit a couple of days, it's okay. I don't know....just hang in there. It will come off eventually.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    For those who aren’t in the running challenge thread much right now, I just posted details of the memorial challenge run for @PastorVincent over in the other thread.

    Also, if anyone is injured or otherwise not running right now, and wants to “spirit run” for @PastorVincent, I can add you to a team.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I agree with @quilteryoyo Just tweak a few choices, maybe eliminating certain things will help. For me, I hade to start a no no list of foods that I can not eat responsibly-nachos. You can also consider that maybe a dynamic change is happening, losing fat and adding muscle. Maybe a DXA scan once a year? Hormones and salt make weight tracking for women so difficult. You already do weights, right? Maybe add something different? cycling? cardio class etc? See if that won't spur a little bit of loss?

    Don't get discouraged. You are able to run and are healthy. Discard the images of perfection sold to us through ads. What're a few pounds when you can run a few miles?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I had kind of a crappy day. Cried all the way to class, 1.5 hours. Cried there, cried the whole way home. Still crying at 0830pm and I just wanna go to bed and cry more. I ate half of an almond butter and jelly sandwich and 4 fudge banana popsicles today. I looked for grief information online, seems that I am probably "normal". So I'll just roll with it right now.
    I did do better today with the panic. So not moving forward with an appointment just yet. I talked to a lab mate today, since she came in and noticed I was crying. Perhaps that will help me a bit, she wanted to hug me- thank goodness for social distancing. I'd have to announce that I'm on the spectrum and no touching allowed. I still feel like I need to think about breathing or else I'll stop, just as in the first days after Alex died. I text DD since I was down and asked if she was doing ok, she said not really but what is there to do. Told me it's okay to cry. I hope DH goes bigfoot sighting again this weekend so I can continue to cry in peace.

    I have some school work to do. I hope tomorrow I can get it done.

    eased up a bit, perhaps it was just intermittent inflammation.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all:

    Busy week with work and the first of the month. Also catching up on missed exercise. Glad its Friday and a longish house is a mess. Took me 2 hours to fold and put away laundry this morning.

    Elise4270 so sorry for grief that seems to appear out of the blue....glad you can talk about it here and try to work through it - its still so early tbh.

    @avidkeo love your plan as always....slow and steady.

    @RunsOnEspresso sorry about your weight frustrations....sounds like something else is in the mix besides food and exercise. Love what @elise4270 said.....and one of my favorite Peloton cyclist instructors, Christine D'ercole, is a masters champion indoor cyclist. She is not thin. Just strong. She is my cheap therapist. My favorite quote of hers? "you're bigger than a smaller pair of pants".

    @shanaber I also lose and gain the same 3 but I feel like its the impermanent water/digestive flux that will never really go away. I am also trying to work on body recompo, more muscle and less and fat. So if I gain but lose inches that is a win. Glad you had a great run.

    @rheddmobile I'll check it out. What a great idea!

    Talking babies? My first was 10lbs 8oz. Vaginal. Forceps. No Epidural because the guy tried 4 times to shove the needle in my back and couldn't seem to find the place to put the meds. That sucked really bad. The boy was getting stressed so people were in a panic. I should have been induced a week earlier. The episiotomty was large and lovely. And to add insult to injury, they handed said kid to me about 3 hours later because he was keeping the other babies up and told me to nurse him. Left the room. No idea what to do. Ended up bleeding from both breasts. That made the delivery seem like a walk in the park pain wise. Haha. But I did it all over again and got my smaller DD (8lb 120z). Women are so strong. Just saying

    Food: More salads but still eating starburst that I bought for driving 15 hours....I really need to get my macros back in order....more protein to go with the strength goals. No alcohol this week....but the real test is the weekend.

    3 long rides, one bootcamp on Monday, some upper body short toning classes and core everyday. Need to do a yoga and stretch - I am so sore.

    Happy Weekend all
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Sorry you had a sad day. It's totally normal. Hopefully today will be a little better.

    @bearly63 Wow. You're first baby experience sounds awful. I never had a baby, so can't even imagine.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 oh my goodness, those were big babies. My first, they overdid the epidural and I couldn't feel a thing. Being the first I had no idea what I should or shouldn't feel. Doc says push when you feel a contraction, I'm just watching Oprah. They had to use forceps on him. Episiotomies are never fun. My first one felt like it was seriously large. I was afraid to have a BM after the first one was a lot of blood. I tried breastfeeding the first kid, but had no support, know-how or experience. The twins I joined La Leche League and breastfeed them fine for as long as they wanted, about 18-24 months.

    Down a bit today since I didn't really eat yesterday. hooray! 2.2 pound from "OH NO"

    I know this is all normal. But when you get sucked into it in the moment, it is just miserable and all-consuming. I tried telling myself that I cry because Alex loves me, hoping it'll help me be okay in that moment and talk to him. I'm still a bit emotional today. I think a lot of it is also hormonal changes.

    DH is sloppy and left frozen breakfast biscuits out on the counter with the cream... I did eat a biscuit. Those things are so bad for you. I have been thinking about toasting some cheese on bread lately, I might give it a go.

    ooooh hair cut today. I better set an alarm, I might forget while trying to get assignments done. yay!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @Elise4270 I thought they were big too....I passed the diabetes tests they do during pregnancy so I was surprised. But Son ended up being off the charts from day one. Still is at 6'5". My husband jokes about the UPS guy but he looks like my side of the fam lol. And I finally got a lactation nurse to visit and help me deal. It was so painful.

    Enjoy the hair cut and congrats on the scale!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I do think it is so amazing what our bodies can do and how women are so good (mostly) at dealing with it all. I don't imagine most men could survive pregnancy let alone the delivery.
    While our DD was a big baby (DH called her a moose when she was in the nursery with all the other tiny babies) she did not stay big. By the time she was around 1.5 they had her on whole milk because she was so underweight for her height. Now she is pretty average at 5'5" and other than her big boobs she is built just like my mom, long and thin, even her hands and feet.

    @elise4270 - I hope today is getting better and I think the waves of sadness will continue to hit. Maybe not as frequently but with some regularity and little things, memories can set them off.
    Congrats on the weight drop! Also lets see a picture of that new hair style/cut!

    I got my hair colored today and DH got his cut too. The lady who does our hair has used her garage as a salon for years (it is a very fancy garage though). We all used to have to wash our own hair in the bathroom sink (yes a bathroom in the garage) but she recently had a wash bowl installed so she can do it like in a regular salon. It was nice since I used to end up soaking wet when I had to do it myself.
    Because of those appointments and me wanting to get a run in, I had to get up at 5:30. I waited until it was just light enough to head out for my run and it was so nice and cool. I was surprised though at how many people were heading off to work. Somehow in my mind everyone is still working from home. I do like running that early though. It was when I almost always ran when I was working. If I could just get to bed earlier it wouldn't be such a problem getting up!

    @bearly63 - love this "you're bigger than a smaller pair of pants"! I am going to have to remember it. I have been eating better and more this week. Big salads with chicken and smaller dinners. We are planning to smoke some ribs this weekend and have the chili I made with them. Not sure when we will have them as it is supposed to be so hot here. Probably Monday since it will be the coolest of the 3 days even if still over 100F.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Yeah for the weight loss and hair cut!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I really hate pictures, but... My hair will never look this normal when I fix it. The under layer is very curly and I usually just manage to make it fluffy helmet hair, and never get it to lay as neet and smooth. It's just a trim up. DH said it didn't look like I'd had a hair cut. *shrugs*

    How about you @shanaber ? see your new color? Mine is getting quite grey underneath. I doubt I'll color it. I'm really lazy and sure it'd be a constant trailer trash look. haha! Lord my hair dresser was tellin me some hilarious stories. They have spray tanning/tanning and one woman comes in lit, xanax and whiskey routinely. She's like 75 and has to leave bra strap tan lines cuz her man thinks they are sexy. haha! Another day as she tans naked she came running out because she thought she left her keys at the grocery store. middle of the salon, buck naked. LOL! I thought, well ya know that could be any of us... haha!

    I moped all day and manage very little on an assignment due tomorrow midnight and haven't started the ASL due Sunday midnight. I'm frumpy. DH went to sit in the woods with the old men in search of bigfoot. So, I cleaned the floors and ... ugh just the floors. Took so long to do. I might tackle the dishes as there are no clean pieces of silverware. I just poured bleach in the sink. good nuf.

    Random minutia
    Household wise the day was productive. I ordered these socket plugs that turns the two outlets into 6 with 2 usb outlets. No more trying to plug my laptop in behind the couch or unplugging the lamp to charge a phone. I leave Alex's phone next to me and have to charge it now and again. It's on airplane and his calls and texts go to my phone. But sometimes I like to hold it. New wifi modem today also. Guy was real nice, cleaned up the wire mess on the side of the house, and adjusted everything to the correct band er whatever. It was not right and wasn't surprised that we had been having internet issues. I ordered a battery back up for the wifi since our power flickers if there's a storm, or just randomly sometimes, and a wifi range extender, which we may not need with the new modem. The roof is fixed, and foundation guys put uh, things in the ground to keep the porch stable. Oklahoma soil and the porch is tied to the foundation and pulls the brick.
    Now I just need to get this assignment done.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 I love the hair cut, and, personally, feel like I've gotten a good one when no one least I know it's not too short. LOL I asked my hairdresser about coloring my hair a few years back. She actually recommended that I didn't do it because it is a pretty grey and I'd have to keep it up. I think she knew I really wouldn't want to have to go in every few weeks. Sounds like you got a lot of house projects taken care of. I have a list as long as my arm and just can't seem to get started on it. I really want to replace my carpet with hard wood.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I understand the list of to-get dones. The roof has been an issue for 3-4 years and I had to keep on DH about it. It leaked into the garage only when we had a windy storm, fairly common here. And the porch was "fixed" last year by the wrong person and "unfixed" shortly after. This time DH called a foundation repair company. Hardwood is beautiful. Our whole house is tile and I'd LOVE hardwood. I bet it wouldn't take a crew long to get it done when you decide to do it, could even do a room here or there if you had too to spread out the cost and time. If you need motivation to get that carpet out, I can send DH over for a week. He's like a small group of 4-year-olds with coffee, syrup, mud, jelly, peanut butter, and supper hot hot sauce. I get up this morning and my clean floor has bigfoot mud all over the house. farts dude, I worked so hard.

    I'm still stalling on this assignment. The clock is ticking... ugh ok... DIABETES here I come.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been off for a few days (ok like all week). It's been a struggle in general this past week. Trying to get back into routine now.

    I know everyone said they want injuries covered on my podcast and I will cover this topic but I need to know, what are your injury stories? What about injuries do you want to know? What's your go to way to occupy your time when injured? Let me know! Maybe I'll work it into the podcast. Not sure when this one will get worked in but I definitely feel like I need other runners input and stories. (cross posted to monthly thread). Feel free to message me here or elsewhere (Instagram, email) if you don't feel comfortable posting here.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - Your hair is super cute! Love it! I will get a picture sometime this weekend. My stylist doesn't dry my hair when I get it colored so I have just had it back in a ponytail and it is all fuzzy. My gray was sneaky at first, I had been coloring my hair for a while anyways to keep a little red in it like it was when I was much younger. The gray started in kind of looking like highlights and then it got this ugly drab color, now from my roots it looks more white-ish. At some point I suppose I will stop coloring it, maybe when I am 70 or 75. I don't want to be one of those obviously old ladies with bright hair that looks incongruous with their age. My hair is also super long now. Maybe longer than I have ever had it before. Usually the spring heading into summer is the time I get tired of it and cut it all off short but this year couldn't and now it is so long I don't want to cut it off. I am going to get it trimmed and layered next time I go though.
    That is so funny about that lady running in the the salon naked! I bet she was embarrassed, or maybe not.
    We have SO many projects in wait mode... Wallpaper is falling down, hardwood floors and carpet need replacing, the pool needs some serious work and will be expensive. We were supposed to have the work inside (ceilings, walls, new lighting and new floors) done a year ago and put it off then this spring it all got shut down. I have most everything out of all the closets and cupboards and in boxes until we need something and then I have to go searching. I am hoping we can get started soon but will need to see if the guy that was going to contract all the work is even still in business. The house is a mess and the only good thing is no one is coming over or I would be really embarrassed to have anyone see it.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Oh also @RunsOnEspresso - I am not ignoring your posts and request I am thinking about which injury and what I did during to tell you about...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I noticed one of my lab/clinical mates who is in her early-mid 20's dyes her hair and it is seriously grey-ish. We aren't allowed unnatural colors so maybe it's as crazy as she can get with the restrictions. I like her though, she's a smart girl.

    @RunsOnEspresso I'd be no help on injury topics. I know a lot of new runners have shin splints, hip imbalances and PF. I'm curious as to the percentage that have unidentified birth defects like me. I also went through a bout of inner ear issues running and had to learn the Epley maneuver to address it. Just ideas...