Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well the news about PastorVincent and the fact I've been sleep deprived the last 2 days with the worst headaches of my life meant I wallowed and ate EVERYTHING. And I mean everything.

    And I've gained 2kg (4.5lb) since Tuesday. Yes half of that is water weight. I was going so well. Then this morning, I'm not hungry at all. Still full from yesterday. And I'm reminding myself that eating emotions is not the answer.

    So back on the wagon. Will do some stationery bike today. Oh, the bike gives speed and distance miles (I don't think in miles, another reason I hate this thing, I can't change it). But I really like technology, and statistics and how they can improve performance, hence contemplating foot pods. I'm more likely to keep using the bike with extra motivation like that. Though I've had it 6 weeks now and am using it regularly so there is that. I am going to guy one, but not this one. This one is the worst.

    So today's food will be fruit, vegetables, that sort of thing. Simple and easy.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Yeah for the weight loss. Your class work sounds very challenging. You can do it.

    @bearly63 Glad you have had a good, active vacation. I loved the pictures you shared. Be safe on the way home.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I was supposed to have worked in the 10 month - 18 month old class at daycare today, from 12 - 5. They usually sleep from around 12:30 - 3 or so. I took a muffin to have for lunch, planning to eat around 1:30 since I didn't have breakfast until 10:15. But, when I got there, I find out I am working in the baby room. There is no rest for the weary in there - always someone crying or needing to be fed or a diaper changed. I only took one quick potty break, so did not manage to eat anything, or drink any water. So, needless to say, I was hungry when I got home.

    I cooked and ate a BLT and had a small salad. I still have lots of calories I can consume and be under my goal. I see snacks in my future....probably nuts and cheese.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @bearly63 - good idea to make a plan. I need to do that too. I have one more week in my RunBet. I've made $9 so far!!! haha! Seriously though, it did keep me running 4x a week for 30 mins. But I don't have time for Pellie with it. So I too am going to map out a plan. Since we will be going to beach condo on a lot of weekends it will be reversed from in the past! I will probably be running on Sat/Sun - where as I usually run during the week and ride on the weekends. I am the opposite on the dry Sept though. I could hardly drink all summer bc of working late every night. But when things slow down I will drink again!

    @quilteryoyo - wow, that will be a workout to be in the baby room! Is that your permanent place then? Saw your weight was exactly 135! Nice!

    @elise4270 - yay for weight loss. School will keep you busy! I really need to learn something new like you always do. Not sure what. I probably should learn Spanish since it is spoken so much here. I could spy.

    I noticed again this weekend that when I sleep in until 8:30 or so my weight is way down (2 pounds this AM) compared to when I get up at 4:07am during the week! New diet book - sleep late and then weigh in!

    Taking my dog down to my neighbor for a cut and then lifting weights for an hour. When he's done with cut, ride Pellie!

    We close on Thursday on condo and then I hope to take Friday off. I have been so busy every minute of the school day there is hardly time to eat or go to the bathroom, so not sure how that will work. I am hoping things will slow down by Thursday at noon when I leave. The poor teachers. So many have cried this week. It's just so hard, everything they are expected to do at once. And the administrators and deans have never worked so hard either!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 I don't have a permanent place at daycare. I sub, so am in whatever room they need me. The director is being so nice. She knows I don't want to work right now - due to CoVID, unless she really needs me to. So, she has been trying her best to not have me work and when I do, it's not all day so I can get my exercise in. It's nice to not have to have a full time job. Congrats on closing on the condo. I think you will really enjoy having it. I've heard sleep is very important to weight loss. Guess you are living proof.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2020
    Beary is a pig. He takes the old cat's food all the time. This morning, after being outside all night with no food (other than frogs and bugs), he overate and barfed it. It was funny, as soon as it came up he sprung backward (EW!) as if that has ner happened before. It was humorous. But now I gotta clean up barfs.

    Dh went bigfoot sighting again last night. Seems he needs an expensive gun and a listening device to sit in the woods with other old men. Least it's a hobby, right? With him gone, I had an awfully good cry. I talked to DD about adding the bench and if we wanted to pre-date it for the both of us, DH doesn't know where he wants to be buried. I think he's planning on running away with bigfoot. She wasn't verbal on the issue. I really want to put my name next to his though.

    Every, well almost every surgery (not first rod), there is a point where I feel as if I am going to get better and put this physical pain and hindrance behind me. Then shortly thereafter, it's downhill. It's officially downhill and I am counting the days once again until my follow up. I can't place what exactly hurts, any weight hurts and it seems to be my SI joint and the entire hip socket. ugh... kitten farts.

    Made veggie korma yesterday with rice. Leftovers today. I used all the cinnamon in the korma and decided I wanted all the cinnamon toast for a late Dr Who watching snack and remembered we have cinnamon capsules as a metabolic supplement. It worked. No scale yet today, Dh is still sleeping and it would require me to get up, walk and stand on the scale. I am parked, willing the hip to not be so angry. Scale will probably be up with 5 pieces of butter and sugar toast.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Didn't know that DH is into Bigfoot. I think it is interesting and watch some of the shows about "finding bigfoot." I hope your good cry made it feel better. I always seemed to after I was able to let it out. Sorry the hip isn't feeling good. You just are having it rough right now. :disappointed:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I think the bigfoot thing is so dumb but it gets him out of the house. He's happy. They made some documentary last night, one guy is deep in the bigfoot stuff, I can't remember his name but he's all over the internet with it. I guess if he enjoys it, there's no harm.

    I don't like this whole grief thing. I'm strugglin'. Thanks for the support @quilteryoyo
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Wish I could do more to help. It's hard.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - hugs to you. That's funny about the BigFoot lookout. Is BigFoot supposedly around you all? I don't know anything about it but just thought it was a made up thing. Now I'm curious! My current dog throws up and eats it. It's so disgusting. I try to stop him if I am home but sometimes I'm not and I can tell it happened later. This is better than my golden retriever, who had one flaw -- he ate dog poop. OMG it drove us INSANE! We tried everything. He never got sick from it but I hated it. I would make him rinse his mouth out with the hose for ten mins. He was so quick at it too. He wasn't picky whose he ate. bleh!!! 🤢

    Did my lifting. Picked up 🐶 who was so happy to come home. Then remembered I needed to go pick up some jeans I had hemmed. Bought them in Feb and they sat around here since last weekend because I didn't want to hem them and I didn't want to go anywhere! And picked up some shampoo in the Ulta pickup outside, and Panera pickup outside. I do recommend the strawberry chicken salad (with no chicken, add quinoa) - so good. With baguette and a chocolate chipper! DH saw cookie and wanted some which was fine with me! That thing is not very big for 440 calories.

    Been working a little while I let food settle before I go on Pellie. On the jean hemming, I know I have shrunk a little bit from my original 5'7" height but I never had to hem pants until the last couple years. And I'm not talk about an inch or two, it's like 5 inches! It's crazy.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 I think all dogs eat barf. Coprophagia (eating poo) is common too, especially if they are ill. We had one dog that did it as a puppy, he had parvo and was a puppy mill dog. Shame on me, I had no idea puppy mills were a thing when I go him. The dogs I have now will eat cat, horse, cow dung... but I think that is "normal". Currently, my border spaniel eats earthworms. Internet says they carry parasites??? huh. Least I guess that's what she's after digging holes and eating something in the ground. Nut ball. I worm them monthly, so guess keep eating them girl. Or maybe shes eating acorns... IDK.

    There aren't bigfoot anywhere, but if Dh finds one I'll let you know. :wink:
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    My Tippy eats lots of odd things for a dog - I think. The oddest is that she loves persimmons. Fortunately, she doesn't eat any kind of poop, but will eat critters that she catches and kills...moles, rabbits, etc. I know it's normal behavior, but I hate it when I see it happening.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    We have feral cats that sometimes come in our back yard and Hobbes will find and eat their poo. I blame it on the cats but it could also be the raccoons IDK. So when I clean up the yard I have to look for the other poo. He also used to go after the horse poop on the trail too when he was a puppy. I think though if he could have he would have preferred to just roll in it. Hobbes also eats lots of strange foods. He loves lettuce ends and smacks when he crunches them. He also loves most fruits like melons, berries and stone fruits. He doesn't throw up too often and always seems very startled by it when he does. He never tries to eat it

    @bearly63 - hope you made it home safely! Your vacation sounded wonderful. I don't think I could go completely dry for a month. I don't drink a lot, just a glass of wine and once in a while 2, but I do enjoy it.
    @ddmom0811 - I hope your teachers and staff are all safe and things calm down soon for everyone. I can't imagine how hard it is for them to manage kids in class and kids online and worry about their own health. I have always had to hem my pants and jeans, even petites, but the amount they need to be cut off has gotten longer. It will be so fun to get down to the beach on the weekends and enjoy your new condo!
    @Elise4270 - I wish I had some words but I don't other than hoping the pain goes away soon and the grief gets easier. I think you should put both your names on the bench. Even if DD never wants to be buried there it may still make her feel closer to him too.
    @quilteryoyo - that is great that the director is being so accommodating. I am sure she appreciates your work and doesn't want to lose you completely.

    I got my first HelloFresh box today and made Sesame Soy Pork bowls tonight. I loved how everything that was needed was included and the prep and cook time was less than 30 minutes. I did change the recipe a bit to leave out some of the high calorie/fat ingredients like butter in the rice and a mayonnaise chili sauce. I just used the chills sauce by itself and it was delicious. Even at that the 30 fat grams were still high and I can't imagine where it would be with the full recipe. It did bring the calories down considerably from over 1000 to around 600.
    I got out and ran my ISS 10k today. It was really slow and I had hoped I would be closer back to my previous pace. Oh well, it is done. The PM is still an issue and for now I am just trying to work around it as much as I can, walk when I need to, stop if I have to.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We call horse poop trail snacks cuz Shadow always tries to eat it 🤣 She also wants to roll in all poop when we run/hike. 🙄 She will eat anything but loves pb and watermelon the most. She whines when we have those out.

    Oh, and if we don't eat our food fast enough or take a break she will bark at us. It's weird.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    LOL! Some funny dogs out there! @shanaber I can't believe Hobbes eats the fruit. @quilteryoyo I've heard that coyotes eat persimmons, so I'm not entirely shocked. @RunsOnEspresso watermelon is probably the craziest thing for a dog to eat. Haha!. My dogs don't eat anything that isn't normal dog eats. Well, other than the worms or whatever Maggie is digging up. My fat cat loves popcorn and milk and they all like almond/peanut butter. Beary is kind of picky. He went through a phase when he was undernourished and wormy and we were cooking him eggs every day, now he'd just look at you like, "That's baby food, I'm big. Not eating it". DH used to buy him rotisserie chicken, he seems to have outgrown that too but will eat lunch meat currently and raw hamburger meat.

    eh, it is trying to plateau or move upwards. I have had some salty foods and TV snacks that I shouldn't have.

    @shanaber I really do like the idea of putting our names on the bench. I'll see if I can get DD's okay. I don't want to do anything that feels right for me but hurts her.

    Food today
    leftover korma sounds fine. Dh finally bought the tea I like, so I'll enjoy a few cups of that. Korma and BBQ yesterday and I gave in to some TV potato chips.

    All caught up... now study and finally get to violin that I should be doing daily... Maybe next week I'll be a bit better with my time.

    I think I'll fetch those crutches, maybe see if I can move the (October) hip surgeon up a few weeks although if this is surgical once again, it needs to wait until I have a school break, preferably summer. That's going to be a horribly long time to deal with this, but I think with covid we are cramming in lab/clinical and my group might be done mid-october. Trauma/leg doc in 10 days, so I hope he can help some or any.

    Stalling... ok studying now
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hobbes loves watermelon too, well any kind of melon. They can have the rind to gnaw on too but sometimes it can give them gas... Hobbes also loves broccoli but it gives him stinky gas so I just give him the trimmed ends and a couple of flowerets. I have not given it to him but I have read about pups who get Brussel sprout stalks to chew on too. We used to give Hobbes scrambled eggs once in a while but he developed an allergy and now gets hives when he has them.
    @runsonespresso - maybe Shadow is saying if you aren't going to gobble that up right away you can share it/give it to me! Hobbes thinks all food should be shared with him and will whine and bark at us. He has to stay on his bed when we are eating and when I tell him to go back when he gets up he will literally "bark yell whine" at us with his displeasure, kind of like a 3 year old. I should take a video of it sometime, it is hilarious and we have to try not to laugh.

    @elise4270 - could the hip issue be related to the new rod placement? Could they give you a steroid shot or something to help relieve the pain and inflammation?

    We have a Zoom Happy Hour tonight so dinner will be snacks, cheese, salami, crackers, olives and the like.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber according to my reading, if it’s buried in your yard it’s more likely cat poo. Raccoons poop in “latrines” which are often crawl spaces inside a wall or something.

    Re: watermelon. My horse when I was growing up loved watermelon rinds more than anything. Never met another horse who cared for them much.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    edited August 2020
    I've never given Tippy melon, but she does love carrots....and button mushrooms. I know they say they shouldn't have those, but she would eat the old ones out of my compost pile and never had an issue.

    @Elise4270 I hope they can do something to make your hip feel better before Spring/Summer!
    Glad you got your school work done.

    Had pinto beans and corn bread for lunch again today. It really is so good. Also had some corn and mashed potatoes and a piece of German Chocolate cake - no icing. I ran 7 miles this morning and have walked 2 miles, so still have nearly 1,533 calories to play with for the rest of the day.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Yes, I think they'd get me a steroid shot, that doc is the October appointment. It's kinda weird, the hip surgeon is my treating physician and referred me to the trauma doc to correct the femur, so I think I am relying on the hip doc to call the shots. I love the trauma guy best though. I can check the app with the hip doc and see if I can get in earlier, usually not since he can be booked months out.
    Also, Hobbs does sound like a 3-year-old! Video it if you can avoid giving him attention for the behavior, haha! I think if I had a pet like that, I'd just fix them a plate and have him sit with us- least with poo bear I would, he's sweets. My step-grandmother use to fix a plate for her favorite bird, Charlie Brown a cockatiel. My fat cat begs, but I don't feed her people food, so she begs from DD and DH. He walked through the house this morning with paint brushes and she was all over him thinking it might be food.

    @quilteryoyo MMM! your lunch sounds good! DH made beans last week without cornbread though. Definitely no cake.

    @rheddmobile That's a funny tidbit about raccoons. When out running or walking I'd find persimmon seed poop in the middle of the sidewalk or trail or sometimes on a rock. I always heard it was a coyote, then someone said it was more likely a raccoon. Guess it really was a coyote.

    DD made beef enchiladas for everyone and cleaned the kitchen up afterward. WOW!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all:
    Just back from a great trip!!! Will check in later! Look what just showed up at my door!!