Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    So I am rethinking my podcast. I feel like no one cares about my specific training so trying to make it more universal rather than a diary lol

    So episode 3 is all about setting goals. I've got some other ideas but what running topics would you want to hear about?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - I hope you are having a better day today and that you made it through yesterday unscathed! My heart hurts for the young mom. So very sad. Like @quilteryoyo I am hoping for some miracle too!
    @Elise4270 - Seems like you are getting your focus back too now that you have something concrete that requires your attention. I think doing some upper body workouts would make you physically feel better, assuming your shoulder doesn't revolt. It also might help you sleep too? I dunno but physical activity of any kind seems to help me sleep/
    @RunsOnEspresso - blog topics... I think things that motivate you and get you out the door when it is so dang hot - honestly I still don't know how you do it. How you overcame your injuries and got back out there. Things I wonder about when I am running sometimes are how other runners deal with that mid-run blah or struggle, or do they, is it just me who feels this way? Maybe a topic for new runners who want to go so fast or far before their bodies are ready for it... Also I wouldn't give up on talking about your training, maybe do one every once I a while like an update on what is going well, what isn't, successes and struggles?

    It has been so hot and it makes me just not hungry at all. When I got home from the agility sweat fest last night there was no way I could eat dinner so instead I had a small glass of wine and a piece of dark chocolate followed by a Yasso bar. This morning I did my classes (another sweat fest even though inside) and had a banana afterwards and am still not hungry. No breakfast and now almost lunch time. Maybe I will have a tuna sandwich with cottage cheese or just one or the other. Neither sound interesting.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber Those are some great ideas! I will be writing them down. Lol I don't plan to never talk about my training but more so talk about it within the context of a larger topic idea.

    Like for goal setting I'm using my current goal to talk through setting goals and how deciding on the goal helped me decide on a plan
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad to see that you slept some better last night. I hope it's not the almond butter that gave you the headache. I had migraines when my job required me to be at the computer all day. Haven't had many since I retired from that. Yeah for downward weight. You are so close to your goal.

    @RunsOnEspresso No coffee!!!!!! How did you manage to make it half way home before stopping? :wink: Sounds like you had a good time, even if everything didn't go as planned - except for the not sleeping well due to a deflated mattress. I hate it when that happens.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    I'm working everyday this week at the daycare, from 9 - 2 with 30 minutes for lunch. I'm glad I'm not working all day, but that is right in the middle of the day - not late enough to run in the morning before I go (for this night owl anyway) and too hot to run outside after I get home. Yesterday was a rest day, so I didn't have to worry about it. Today, I got home about 3 and forced myself to go ahead and put on my exercise clothes and get my training run in on the treadmill. That will probably be my week's routine. Not ideal, but it works.

    I am taking a salad for lunch so I don't eat leftover daycare food. They are supposed to be feeding them per the guidelines, so should be semi-nutritious, but I gain weight when I eat it. I think it just has a lot of sodium and bread. Like today was chicken tenders. They had a lot left, so I brought some home for mom & dad and kept a couple for myself to put on my salad for tomorrow. I pulled the breading off and there wasn't much chicken left. LOL

    Tonight, after running, I cooked Tilapia with dill and sour cream and served it over brown rice with stir fry veggies stirred in. It was good and not too many calories.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo I wasn't driving so that made it easier. LOL I didn't have to think.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys. Had a good sleep mostly. Feeling better today, just a bit frustrated and annoyed with everything, but that's also cause I'm tired.

    Scale was a little up, but no surprise as I ate maintenance and lots of salty food. Will be down tomorrow so that fine.

    Calf was very achey yesterday. I'm wearing compression today and that's helping. 2 steps forward, one step back.

    @RunsOnEspresso I would very much like to hear about getting through an injury and how to come back from it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I wrote that one down but I'm not sure I'm qualified to really dig into it. I've only really had the broken leg and a few years ago I had vocal chord dysfunction which made me dizzy while running. I'll have to think about how I can work that topic.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo I wrote that one down but I'm not sure I'm qualified to really dig into it. I've only really had the broken leg and a few years ago I had vocal chord dysfunction which made me dizzy while running. I'll have to think about how I can work that topic.

    I would love to hear from someone who has been there rather than "expert" advice.

    Little things like, just when you feel better, the next day it will hurt a lot for no reason.

    That kinda thing lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    I took my lunch to work again today, but I did cheat with some of the kids leftovers today. They had Oreo cookies! How could I resist? I did good though and only ate 3. I also ate some the broccoli with cheese sauce. It was just so-so, but I ate it anyway.

    Dinner was a baked pork chop and baked potato cubes.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    On the go all day today starting with my early slog in the heat and humidity. With a few stress filled bumps we got Hilde moved to and settled, in the hotel (yay!) and didn't get home until after 7pm. Dinner was a well deserved glass of wine and a Panera salad. Workers start in the morning on her house. I am exhausted and off to bed. Will catch up with everyone tomorrow.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Yay @shanaber for For getring Hilde settled. I hope she enjoys it!

    I've had a much better day today. Helps that I have a 3 day weekend now! I've planned to meet up with a friend tomorrow for brunch, we'll im cultivating a friendship. She's a nurse at work and we've seemed to hit it off which is nice. They don't tell you when you're a kid how hard it is to make friends when you are an adult. She's got 3 kids the same age as my girls so we have that in common. Her wife is also a radiographer so we also have that too! Haha.

    I feel better in myself. Had a day where I ate maintenance. That's fine. No big deal. Ate well today, stuck to goal. I was on the bike for 35mins. Felt good.

    I'm hoping to go for a bit of a bike ride tomorrow, or a good walk. Will see what the weather does.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Really glad Hilde decided to go to the hotel and you got her settled in. Hope the work on her house goes smoothly.

    @Avidkeo Glad you are doing better. Hope the friendship blossoms. You're right. It can be really hard to develop friendships as an adult. But, sometimes you do find someone with whom you click.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I think it's just hard to make friends as an adult. With or without kids. Like I have 2 friends and never see them because of how far apart we live (within the Phoenix area) and how busy we all are. And only 1 of us 3 has a kid. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    People. I am almost done with The Brave Athlete and I cannot recommend it enough. I feel so called out on my *kitten*. 🤣

    I think I'll do an episode of my podcast and talk about it more in depth.

    But if you were to purchase the book I would say get a physical copy. There's a lot of illustrations and exercises that make having a book helpful. I don't write in my books so I did the exercises in a notebook which is helpful if I want to go back and redo some exercises. Some of them are ones you want to do again.

    I'm going to post this in the monthly group too.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Better choices and smaller portions still the result of the antidepressant. I think I may need a new dose. Last few days I'm crying a lot. But that's probably to be expected, no matter the dose, unless I can find something to leave me catatonic. But bet I'd still cry. I seem to cry in my sleep too. Today is rough- bad dream that I was responsible for Alex dying and he was a baby. Then I told DD I took her trash out, (she hoards garbage in her room), and she said she was planning on dying in that trash. I told her I was heartbroken and all- more tears. I have the extended-release medication but decided to take the old stuff I have that's not. I maybe should take what I was prescribed.

    Still hanging in there about 126.8.

    All is going alright so far. Easy schedule and no other commitments, I am getting a good bit done. I dropped the Native American studies. It was a lot of writing and after reviewing the material, I decided I had not the interest I needed to carry me through the semester. I swapped it for American Sign Language online and it's an 8 week class, not 16. My brother's baby-mama is deaf, so I've had a bit of exposure and will enjoy adding another language.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys.

    Well had a good week overall. Technically gained 200g this week, but the trend is down and I think its still water weight from the other day. I suspect it will drop today. I've lost just over 2kg (4lb) for August so not stressed.

    I decided to treat the bike as off I was doing training runs. So today was the long ride. 60 minutes solid state ride. Its roughly the equivalent of a 45 min run - so about 7k for me haha.

    Actually really enjoyed it. I like challenges so I'm turning it into a challenge lol.

    @elise4270 I think taking up ASL is really smart! I hope you enjoy it. Sorry about the tears. It absolutely is understandable. I say take what you were prescribed. It should help immensely.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 One of the reasons I was afraid to take anti-depressants was that I was afraid I wouldn't cry or feel anything. My doctor assured me that wasn't the case, and it wasn't. I agree with @Avidkeo - you should probably take what you were prescribed. Sorry about the bad dream too. I know how upsetting those can be. Happened to me too. Glad weight and school are doing well! ASL sounds like a good choice. We try to teach the kids at daycare some of the basics. They really enjoy it.

    @Avidkeo Yeah for the downward trend in weight and doing so well on the bike.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    My weight was up 2.2 pounds this morning. I'm not really worried about that, but I was a little bit surprised. I have tried to be good this week - or at least I thought I was. I went back and put my evening snacks into yesterday's food diary and, for the first time, it said I would gain weight over the 5 weeks - but only a pound or so. Guess I need to watch that part of my eating a little better. Also, I did work every day this past week. I haven't done that in a long time, so it threw off my system and eating habits. When I'm home all day I usually eat a late breakfast, maybe have a snack during the day, and then have a pretty big dinner. Working, I eat breakfast earlier, so have to have a decent lunch, then dinner isn't as big. I think that is why I was so hungry last night and just kept eating to try to get satisfied. I'm not supposed to have to work next week, so we'll see how it goes.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Hello ladies! You can't imagine the insanity of planning for the opening of school on Wednesday. We have had teachers quit and have not been able to find 4 teachers. I've moved rooms, teachers, schedules, all kinds of stuff. And then we have so much to do to organize the # of desks in classrooms we can have (while parents keep changing their mind to keep their kids home or at school). It is nonstop. I could work 24x7. But, as hard as all of it is, I am enjoying working in my office and not prepping to teach! What the teachers have to do is SO much. I fear more will quit next week.

    I have been good about exercising. Sort of okay on eating. They provide lunch during this 3 week planning time, and although I bring my own everyday I always get the dessert which are huge cookies or brownies. I figure once school starts I'll be off those high calorie desserts.

    Traffic has been really light the last 3 weeks but Friday it was terrible. One hour to work (usually 20 mins) and worse coming home. Maybe businesses are opening in FL.

    @quilteryoyo I was up 2.5 the other day and the next day down 2.2.
    @elise4270 - read you aren't sleeping well, had a nightmare about Alex, and then had a good nights sleep. Dropped the Native American studies for Sign language. We have an opening for a sign language teacher! She quit and no one has even interviewed for it. I hope you are feeling better. It's going to take a long time, as you know. I'm glad you told your classmates too.

    @shanaber - I read a tiny bit on the main MFP page about your PM giving you problems while running. I hope it gets settled. Wow, I thought it would be a much smoother transition as I am sure you did!

    @bearly63 - The CO pic looks beautiful. Enjoy your vaca from Peloton. Hope the withdrawals aren't too bad!

    @Avidkeo - agree on making friends as adults. I really like the new computer science teacher who is taking my classes. Partly we understand what the other is talking about! But she is very funny and I can see being friends with her.

    @RunsOnEspresso - I think I missed something. You have a podcast? The book sounds good. I usually do Audible books.

    We were hoping to close on condo next week but it got pushed back to the week after. I will get runs on the beach! I'm sure next week will be even worse but I'll check in when I can. :)