Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Busy day today. I ran this morning, sort of early. Ran 2.5 miles and walked one. Then I mowed half of the lawn, took a shower, and went into town for my annual mammogram. Had to drive down and pick up my dad from the auto repair shop - his truck is overheating - and get them a couple of things at the grocery store. Got home and finished the lawn. I burned 1,034 calories during all of the exercise today.

    I ate my normal breakfast plus a banana prior to the run, had an apple with peanut butter for lunch, spaghetti for dinner and watermelon for a snack/dessert. Still have over 1,000 calories to eat. Even with my late night snacks, I should be good for the day.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi All - I have been feeling pretty antisocial I guess, lately and then life issues have gotten in the way again. Hilde got a call about her mammogram and they panicked her so I have been trying to sort it out for her. Dealing with Kaiser is difficult in the best of situations and downright miserable when you really need to talk to someone and get details/facts about what is needed. Apparently they saw 'something' on the mammogram. Could be a shadow but maybe not. Since she can't really stand they had a difficult time doing it in the first place. It is however 5mm in size! Since she is a breast cancer survivor it is a huge concern. I would think a mass that size she would be able to feel but she said she doesn't feel anything. Today they got her scheduled for yet another mammo and an ultrasound on Thursday. I have been trying to find transportation for her today as most require several days advanced planning along with trying to allay her fears and try to get her to not worry, although I would be worrying too.

    Food has been pretty good. Because it has been so hot we have eaten out a few times and taken take out to her too. I did grocery shop for all of us today and got things I can cook on the stovetop or in the IP. I am going to make some chili, not sure why but it just sounds good.
    I have been getting up early to run before it gets hot and have surprised myself at getting out there. My Run yesterday sucked though but not because of the weather. I just got so frustrated and I ended up mostly walking home. I am counting the days until I see the cardiologist.

    @bearly63 - Loving your pictures and keep showing them to dh hoping he will be interested in going somewhere!
    Fortunately so far So CA has not had many fires but it is really early in the season. The crews are mostly all up north helping to battle the blazes there. We have friends who live in Contra Costa county and they said the feel like they are surrounded by fires and the air quality is miserable. My BIL who maintains the helicopters on the fire sites is being sent up to Lake Tahoe this week. It was his company that lost the helicopter in Fresno and the pilot 😢
    Also those parents are just selfish! Just like the people who won't wear a mask. What good is it doing for their kids to do this...
    @elise4270 - I hope you are enjoying being busy with school again. Also hope the antidepressant followup will give you some insight into what to expect and whether what you have is right for you. So glad you were able to order the bench!
    @runsonespresso - my scale has a display to tell when the batteries are running out. I honestly would like it to die. I really want a nice one from King Arthur to use when I bake too. The one I have will handle the weight but it is too small to really set a bowl on.
    @quilteryoyo - I see your workouts and runs on the newsfeed and you are doing an amazing job!
    @ddmom0811 - hang in there! Hopefully things will get smoother over the next week or so!
    @avidkeo - weren't you going to trade that bike in to get a different model instead?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber I hope Hilde's new tests show that it is nothing to worry about. Waiting to find out is the worst. Here's to hoping your PM starts working better for you. I was really hoping that you would immediately feel better. Thanks for the kudos. I'm trying.

    When I took dad to the VA on Monday, they checked the history on his. He has been having some episodes of A-Fib - not quite bad enough for the defibrillator to go off, thank goodness. When he does, he feels miserable. Now that we know what it is, I'm hoping he'll just take it easy when that happens and not think he should just push through it. They changed up his medicine's, hoping that will help. We'll go back in a few weeks to see how he is doing.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Good luck with Hilde. Remind her that there is a high chance it was artifact, just nothing and don't worry until there is something to worry about. She is very lucky to have you as her advocate. I understand that it may be trying at times, but it's nice to see the humanity that is often discarded in our culture. You model good behaviour.

    @quilteryoyo Hope your dad gets the A-fib under control. I am sure it is scary for the both of you.

    @Avidkeo I haven't heard of a bike that keeps time or distance. I have a Garmin cadence and speed sensor on mine that pairs with my watch. When are you getting a different bike? I can't imagine riding a bike I disliked. Good luck with those students.

    Down 2 pounds today... I am suspicious. But did not chose to reweigh and rule out scale error, or if something was under it, or if it was not level. Just took it and ran today for the motivation. I may be disappointed tomorrow, but I did have a period so maybe it's water weight.

    pot pie and cube steaks yesterday. So lazy.

    No bad dreams
    Paid for the bench yesterday, went to my doc appointment regarding meds, actually went to walmart alone and bought flowers for Alex's grave, ran bank errands and got some assignments done ( I have 18 more due by Saturday-ugh. plus ASL and violin, and an exam to study for... I'm stalling I think). Anyway, I got out and was productive yesterday.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hey guys - thought I would cross post this from the challenge for those not following the challenge much. Pastor Vincent passed away on Monday 😢 @Camaramandy648 posted it there after she saw a post from his wife on FB. He was only 45! I am so sad for his wife and son!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm in shock and disbelief. I just can't believe it.

    Are we going to lose a beloved member every year??
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Wow! That is a shock! Man...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    I'm shocked and saddened. I loved his posts and wit and pictures. I just don't have words...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad you had a better day.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Virtual hugs all around. It has been one of those days. My dishwasher shot sparks all the way across the kitchen when I turned it on, so I am washing dishes by hand and researching new dishwashers. This one has been with this house since 1982, working fine, and it just has to die during a pandemic! Then the city wants us to clear out the brush between our fence and the drainage ditch out back by tomorrow so city workers can get back there if they need to, and I can’t find a crew who is free until October. Apparently the city is just going around handing out citations to everybody, no one on our street trims back there and they went down our whole street putting out citations. And my husband slammed his fingertip in a door and took the skin right off it pretty good. Which means he has a good excuse not to help with the dishes.

    I keep expecting to see a post from @PastorVincent pop up in my notifications. So sad to think he never will get to run Boston. How does this keep happening to fit, strong men like him and @MobyCarp? I can’t even imagine what his wife must be feeling right now.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @rheddmobile any chance on finding a handyman? Sorry about the dishwasher. 1982? Well it sure hung in there! Pick up some bandaids and toilet scrubbing gloves so that Dh can help, or buy throw away stuff until all is sorted.

    I think, like @shanaber mentioned in the running thread, he had a few health issues. I do also recall the mention of heart problems and he’d once been overweight and in poor health. I keep thinking about his son, how they were working on that green house. Really nice he got to do that with him. Losing family is so hard.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @rheddmobile You really did have "one of those day." I hope today is much better and that DH's finger isn't too bad. Also hope you can find someone to clear out all the brush. They really should have given everyone at least a week - or month. To expect it to be done in a day is ridiculous. Just how many times has the city crew had to be back there anyway?

    I keep expecting to see things from @PastorVincent too. I was thinking about their greenhouse last night and how he and his son spent a lot of time together. I can't imagine how hard it is for the family. Even with underlying conditions, you don't expect to lose someone so young - especially one that is running and doing all they can to be healthy. I'm still in shock at the news.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @rheddmobile I am sorry about your dishwasher and glad you weren't injured! Scary! I will recommend a Bosch. They are a bit more expensive but work really well. I also love the 3rd shelf for silverware and other small items. Getting rid of the basket gives more room in the bottom rack.

    Yes, I keep thinking I'll see a post from him too. Ugh. I think he had diabetes as well?
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I'm in shock too over @pastorvincent. I haven't been in the other running thread for probably a year, but I remember how active he was in there.
    Between him and @mobycarp this is very scary!

    Two days of school done! The first day was so exhausting. Today was a little better. I think after another week, my job will settle down but omg, I feel for the teachers. It's so stressful all they have to do.

    A dishwasher since 1982! Wow! Sadly, like refrigerators they don't last long anymore!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 Glad school for you seems to be settling down. I feel for the teachers too....and the parents and students with changing schedules, and those who have to make the decisions about being in person or not. It's just tough all around.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    School is crazy for everyone. Everyone is trying to figure out this new normal and still get everything done. It is mad. I feel for the staff and teachers.

    I ate brownies today, and had tea. oh and a protein shake on the way to afternoon lab. Beary has made himself home under my legs, under a blanket on the couch, otherwise, I'd be looking for a snack.

    My hair is getting long. ugh. I am at the point of entertaining a haircut but it is just barely long enough to pull into a messy ponytail. Ugh, I want to cut it! I feel like a cavewoman. I think if I can just wait until it is long enough to pull back... I'll leave it. Not really. I think I've always liked it short and it is just a matter of time before it goes back short, why does it feel so weird!!!!!!!! All this hair!!!!!! DD's is to the middle of her back, how does she do it? I don't like it and want it off of me. That's it, I'm calling for a hair cut tomorrow.

    eh, no change. cranky.

    no bad 'uns.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Yeah, @PastorVincent did have diabetes and a history of being very unhealthy, but like MobyCarp and Keeprunningfatboy before him, he had made huge efforts to become healthy, fit and normal weight. As someone in the same boat it’s more than a little scary to think that I could also lose 125 lbs, be praised by all my doctors for being an example of what they wish everyone would do, and still die in middle age. It seems like being a potential Boston qualifier should have meant he was healthy and strong!

    Re: school kids. We pass through a school parking lot on the way to our running road, and last time they were handing out books and materials to online students. I really feel for everyone involved. Thinking about my own school and school friends and imagining a whole year not having any of that. But I guess when pioneers lived on the prairie miles from other homesteads, kids managed to grow up normal. Humans are adaptable.

    The city inspector didn’t show today, so I have no idea what’s going to happen next with the bit behind my fence. It’s been years since anyone has been back there, there are 20 year old trees, I can’t do this without a pro. I have a letter on company letterhead saying I have a scheduled tree trimming company coming. The tree trimmer says this happens all the time and as long as you can demonstrate you are making an effort to comply the city can’t do anything to you. I do wonder what made them suddenly get a bug up their butt.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    It's always hard to process why some people pass and others don't. Someone with the same health history may live until 100 while another passes early. I had a lot of similar thoughts when my dad died. He was healthy, went to doctor annually and was active. It's one of those things I guess we will never know why.

    I've hit the time of year where I'm tired of heat, tired of running outside and keep finding ways to not run. Like I had planned to do 18k today but now I have no desire to go do it. I might switch to the 9k virtual race.

    But at least I lost some of the weight I gained. Last week I gained over 2 pounds. This week I lost just over 1 pound.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My weight has trended downwards all of August since being on the antidepressant. I'll take it; a 2.7 pound loss according to my trend weight. I am 2 pounds from the "do something!" weight. When you lose weight does it cause a bit of weariness in eating? Guess that's my motivation to "do better"; and we are out of pot pies and frozen pizza.

    I mentioned to DD that we have lots of frozen veggies and I can make a korma/curry today. MMMM.

    I am still swamped in course work. 13/22 modules for one class done that's due tomorrow, still haven't touched violin, ASL or studied for Mondays pharmacology exam.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Just checking in and I have no words regarding @PastorVincent . Heartbroken for his family, and virtual friends. I appreciated his dry sense of humor and great running advice. He will be missed. :'(

    We are heading home tomorrow early. It's been a good vacation since I really prefer to stay active. I can't lay on a beach for more than 2 -3 days.

    I need to get home and get back into an eating and exercising routine again. Going to put together a schedule that involves 3-4 days of cycling, 2-3 days of running or bootcamps and daily strength and core work. I am going to have a "dry september" too....gotta stop that habit asap.

    Hope you all have a peaceful weekend. Hug your families. Life is short. <3