Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo I understand the list of to-get dones. The roof has been an issue for 3-4 years and I had to keep on DH about it. It leaked into the garage only when we had a windy storm, fairly common here. And the porch was "fixed" last year by the wrong person and "unfixed" shortly after. This time DH called a foundation repair company. Hardwood is beautiful. Our whole house is tile and I'd LOVE hardwood. I bet it wouldn't take a crew long to get it done when you decide to do it, could even do a room here or there if you had too to spread out the cost and time. If you need motivation to get that carpet out, I can send DH over for a week. He's like a small group of 4-year-olds with coffee, syrup, mud, jelly, peanut butter, and supper hot hot sauce. I get up this morning and my clean floor has bigfoot mud all over the house. farts dude, I worked so hard.

    I'm still stalling on this assignment. The clock is ticking... ugh ok... DIABETES here I come.

    Hahaha. That would probably help! The carpet is the original that we put in when we built the house in 1998. John and I were looking to replace it when he passed away, so I just didn't have the heart right after he passed and now, 14 years later, it still isn't done. I actually like carpet, but with a dog that sheds in the house, it's just too hard to keep clean. I have some tile that is broken that needs to be replaced too. I just need a really good handyman and haven't been able to find one around here. Hope you got your assignment done.

    @shanaber I really don't have an injury story. When I did get injured several years ago, it was playing tennis and I wasn't consistent with running anyway. But, that is when I gained a bunch of weight.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I don't have a ton of injury experience myself. I'm not sure which direction I'll go for the podcast. I'll see what people have to say and my own experiences and go from there.

    @quilteryoyo We need to replace our carpet too. It's the original but not quite as old as yours! The house was built in 2009. The carpet is getting pretty flat in the living room. My plan is to hold out a couple more years and then get laminate in the living room and recarpet bedrooms.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Got all my HW done. I really need to quit putting ASL off until the day it's due. It's getting harder and I am sure next week I'll need more time to learn it.

    Yesterday was poopoo. I wasn't even hungry and ate a piece of pizza then at 9pm DH wanted chilis hamburgers. ugh. Wasn't hungry and still ate a 1000 calorie burger. DH has gone on a quest for a new laptop, bet he finds one easier than finding bigfoot, so I haven't eaten yet today (3pm). I expect he'll bring back something horrible for me.

    @RunsOnEspresso Before I met DH, at my old house, I pulled up the carpet and put in laminate on my own. Well, honestly I think Alex did most of the living room when he was 10-11. It's not hard at all. I just invested in a table saw. I cut, he laid it. After pulling up carpet, I don't think I'd ever have it again.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hey y’all

    @Elise4270 love the haircut!!! It’s fun to see what people look like!

    @quilteryoyo with pets, I finally went tile. We had several different types of tile and wood in our current house - looked like a bad flooring showroom. Ended up picking a wood look tile with large planks! It’s awesome. People love it. Dog problem.

    @shanaber my hair is longish too but tbh, I’m working out a lot and love pulling it up
    Into a pony tail with nothing in my sweaty face👍🏼

    You do have a lot of projects. We finally just redid son’s room from sad empty nest tribute to son to cool, modern guest room. Just paint and some way fair tables and cool new bedding. The art will be my photographs in acrylic. Looks good!!! Not that we have any houseguests coming!


    My injury story? Started as hip
    Flexor pain in right side. Thought it was just tight flexors when I started running more. Started with Airrosti - not sure if he made it worse as he put his whole body weight into a deep tissue massage/trigger point thing. Ouch. Finally went to sports med guy...X-ray, MRI and am told I have a stress fracture in my femoral neck. Good news / it’s common in athletes. Bad news - they say it’s due to bone insufficiency Ie Osteopenia. Sucks to get old haha. I am running again but riding a bunch. I really need the weight bearing exercise of running but maybe not long distance and need to work on form, And tons of strength. I don’t want to take the suggested drug. I stayed active with the bike and it’s been great but I need to keep running!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 I've helped do it before too. I just don't want to so I'll pay someone to do it LOL

    @bearly63 Thank you! I've gotten a couple of responses and its helping get some direction.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 and @quilteryoyo - I went to talk to dh the other day and happened to look at the door to his office. Looks like he spilled a cup of coffee along with who knows what all down the door. He acknowledged he may have bumped it and when I said there was nothing on the floor he was 'oh I wiped that up' but you left it all over the door 🤷🏻‍♀️
    @bearly63 - I also love that my hair is long enough to pull back in a pony tail or with a big clip thing. When I run I have to pull it up into a little bun though otherwise the ponytail hangs down my back and gets all sweaty and gross.
    @runsonespresso - I have had both a knee injury and metatarsal stress fracture that kept me from running. The knee injury wasn't from running but kept me from running and the stress fracture just seemed to go on for months and months. @7lenny7 posted a link to some 'hurt foot' videos that I did to try to stay in shape when I couldn't run. I also spent a lot of time at the gym on the recombinant bike and I continued with my strength training through it all. Pretty much for all the injuries and surgeries I have tried to keep that up but even with cutting calories and working out as much as I could I still gained weight and that was a huge frustration.

    I haven't run since last Friday and I am getting twitchy! Planned to run this morning before it got ungodly hot but walked outside into smokey awfulness that made me couch and my eyes water. I feel like a lump that has been sitting around for too long. Now I need to find a workout to do instead and maybe I can get a run in tomorrow too. We have agility class tonight even though it is a holiday so that will be interesting if it is super hot and smokey then too...
    Food hasn't been too bad. Calories were low yesterday but I didn't do much and the fat % was too high in comparison to the rest. We were going to smoke ribs today but are putting that off too until tomorrow when it should be quite a bt cooler.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I decided this morning to start fresh. I updated my starting weight to today on here. I did my measurements and redid my calorie goal based on today's weight and being another year older. I need to take my own podcast advice and be more consistent with running, lifting, and eating. I do really well for weeks and then my period comes and I give up for a week. I need to figure out how to do better that week yet still giving my body the rest it needs.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Maybe plan for it if you are regular enough to do that and take it as a cut-back week. Still run but shorter less intense runs and/or less frequent same with your lifting. I also wouldn't change your eating that week - maintain your calorie level so you are satisfied and that might help not to give in to cravings. If it is on your plan it will be easier to stick with it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber So funny that your husband wiped up the coffee off of the floor but left it on the door. I guess he was being safety conscious, not worrying about aesthetics. :lol: Hope the smoke clears some for your class tonight.

    I reset my MFP to maintenance mode. Do you have any idea why my calorie goals are different on the lap top than on my cell phone? It seems the cell phone is still showing my goal for loosing, but I checked and it knows I'm in maintenance mode. It's just weird.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hmm that is weird @quilteryoyo. Did you just reset to maintenance mode today? Maybe it just takes some time to sync across? I would think that both platforms are accessing the same information but maybe the app only pulls it in every so often?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited September 2020
    @shanaber I always start off with those plans but never seem to follow through. I'm hoping when I get my implant replaced in October I go back to not having my period. The last 2 times it's first 2 years, no period, last year period. From what I've read it's pretty typical because it's not releasing as many hormones or something.

    @quilteryoyo I've had the issue when I update goals on the app and not updating the web version right away. It doesn't seem to do that if you update on web, at least for me. I updated my goals this morning on web and it's already updated the app.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo Ther is a lag in syncing across devices. If I log food on my laptop, it doesn't show on the ipad and may or may not be on the phone app. It's wierd. It'll update eventually.

    @shanaber Your DH... sounds like my DH! haha!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I actually reset it a couple of weeks ago. The phone app shows that I am in maintenance, but the calories goals are different from the lap top. It's just weird. I thought it would pull from the same information too. Just looked and the phone is still saying a goal of 1440, but the laptop shows 1920. I'll just know that if I look at the phone it is wrong.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Hello! Wow, it was busy in here!
    @elise4270 - I think what you are going through is totally normal, though that's no help, I know. The thing is if you don't grieve you could end up with serious problems later on. We are here for you (although I'm rather absent of late).

    We were busy taking stuff out of the condo. We knew there was a lot of furniture to get rid of (well, not a lot, but about 5 big pieces) and we didn't even start on that because what we didn't realize is how much stuff was hidden away in drawers, cabinets, and on the shelves. It was unbelievable. Luckily, DS came over on Friday to help with a lot of it. He and his wife love the condo, as do we! The view is amazing of the Intercoastal waterway.
    The beach too, but that is just from a couple windows and part of the balcony. Anyway it was a busy weekend. I have a second scale that I don't use much that I wanted to bring over, probably just as well I forgot it! But I weighed in at home this morning and I was down 2 from whatever I was Thursday. Surprised - we had pizza 2 times at least, Mexican, etc. I did bring Vitamix over for my morning smoothies!

    I ran on the beach 3 times - Friday, Sat and Monday. My legs are sore! I was thinking that would be easier than the street that I run on (this is packed sand that is drivable, if you've ever been to Daytona, you know what I mean). So my plan is to run on the weekends there and then Pellie and lift at home. But, wow, I wasn't expecting to be sore afterward like I am. I figured it would be easier! Also one day I swam for ten minutes in the pool. That was tough! Jeez! I may build that up for fun when I can. Granddaughter had a blast with all the birds, starfish and shells in the condo. I have no idea why anyone would have as many shells as they had in there! There is no way they collected them all. I decided on the mornings I run I am going to bring a little handful and spread them on the beach and let people find them. Is that mean? I don't mean it to be mean, it just seems silly to throw them out but I'm talking thousands of shells! I figured it will bring someone joy to think they found a big shell. I did bring one huge glass jar (about 4 feet high) that was full of shells except for these ugly flowers sticking out of them. There are some pretty shells, but most are just generic little shells or pieces of shells. There were some really bizarre things in the condo. Look at this chip/dip holder. I saved it because I think it's funny. I brought it out like it was a normal thing and everyone cracked up. It was so gross as the people got salsa on them.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    That is so funny @ddmom0811! I am so surprised that the person who owned the condo or his family didn't want any of the things there. Our neighbors (Hilde and her husband when he was alive) used to go camping on the beach in Baja on the Gulf of California. They had bags and bags of beautiful shells. DD used them for school projects many times and we have kept a couple. I know there are places that buy and sell them and some can be really expensive so if there are really nice big ones you might consider that too.

    I finally got out for a run this morning because it was cloudy and cool and not very smoky. I also sore from my pilates class and feel like my glutes just said NO on the way back home. The severe winds we were supposed to have starting this evening have yet to appear so I am hoping they were wrong and they won't arrive!

    We had our air-conditioning go out yesterday (so glad it made it through the hot, hot, hot weekend) so we aren't cooking anything as we don't want to heat up the house. So far it has stayed pretty pleasant inside but it barely made it to 80 today and has been cloudy all day. I think we are going to do Panara for dinner or some other take out.

    So @Elise4270 asked to see a picture of my hair. I had DH take one of the back and one from the front.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    edited September 2020
    @ddmom0811 Glad you got in some good runs on the beach. Even packed sand is hard to run on. Way to go! Sounds like things are going good with the condo. I think getting rid of someone else's things would be stressful. But, that's just me. I say as long as the shells are of the type that they could have been washed up on shore, go for it. I wouldn't put out any big conch shells or anything. Like @shanaber said, if you have any of those, you may be able to sale them. So funny about the salsa dish! That's a keeper just for the novelty of it. LOL

    @shanaber Glad your AC went out at a good time, if it had to go out, and hope it gets fixed before it gets hot again. Also, fingers crossed that the Santa Ana winds don't develop. Glad you got to get a run in.

    I'm working 6:30 - 3:30 today and then going shopping for me and mom & dad, so I know I won't get any running in today. Working the same shift tomorrow, but will come home afterwards, so hope to get in a run in then.

    Is it bad that I am worried that I am going to lose too much weight. I'm now down to 133.6 pounds. I know that's not much under my goal of 135 and I wouldn't mind getting to 130, but.... When I exercise a lot, I just can't seem to eat enough calories. I even bought ice cream yesterday. It wasn't as good as I remember. LOL Maybe I should just give it some time and see if it levels out. If not, then I'll make a plan of how to get more healthy foods in my system.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo How about adding some nuts and berries to oatmeal. Nuts are high calorie and healthy. I think you are on the right track not adding unhealthy foods. Maybe even a good granola cereal. They are rather sweet but somewhat healthy.

    My weight has stalled. I have a headache today. I added a nondairy cream (coconut) to my diet (tea) and suspect the guar gum in it is the culprit. Terrible, since I really need to make some headway on assignments for this week.

    Beary might have a new bestie. haha! Last night DH walked by the front door side glass and noticed a possum eating the cat food outside. Bear was just slowly walking around it, smelling and wondering why this giant rat was eating his food. DH walked out to talk to Bear and the possum didn't seem to mind much that it was not more than 2 feet from DH. It later decided that there was too much action and meandered off, Bear, of course, postured up like "ya that's what I thought ya rat". Then had to show me the praying mantis' on the wall that he couldn't reach, squeaked at me to help him climb the brick. uh huh sure thing tough guy. Possum seemed healthy, probably been eating the cat food for a while. I have all this diet cat food I need to get rid off, guess the possum won't mind it.

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @shanaber Cute hair! I like having the length to pull it up and off my sweaty face and neck! I used to pay tons for waves like that.....finally gave up and leaned to love my stick straight hair....I finally mastered the flat iron to get a few "beach" waves when I actually want to look ok...glad the Santa Ana's haven't shown up yet.

    @ddmom0811 agree with @shanaber weird that they just walked away from all of it. Not a single offspring could come down and at least gather a few mementos? So odd. Sounds like the perfect place for family gatherings and destressing!!!

    @quilteryoyo I would stay on top of the want to be at a healthy weight for bones etc. Might need to mix up some of your meals with a protein shake or something.

    @elise4270 Nice....a new friend for Beary haha.

    I just got done buying a few more items for the "home gym": weight bench, resistance bands (peloton is adding resistance band classes), a yoga bolster ( a pillow just doesn't work for me) and a dumb bell rack. I am determined to focus more on strength right now - almost more important than all the cardio I am doing.

    For anyone interested in Peloton - they just announced the new "premium bike" . Nothing I need but the good news, the old "better" bike has a nice price drop. Also, they are coming out with a smaller, less expensive Tread. The current model is way to pricey but people love the "slat" technology.

    trying to incorporate more greens and veggies and protein. Cold front tomorrow means some version of tortilla soup.

    doing core, strength, and some stretch every day. And riding or running. Hope get get 3 runs/walks in each week.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I finally got my Scooby run package. I bought Shadow the bandana. I threw it on real quick this morning while she was laying down.


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I age with @elise4270 on adding some nuts or trail mix to your diet or granola. If you don't like the store-bought varieties it is super easy to make and you can adjust how much oil and sweetener you want in it as well as what you like added in (nuts, dried fruits, coconut, etc,.)
    @RunsOnEspresso - I got the scarf too but haven't put it on Hobbes yet. Shadow doesn't look to pleased with it.
    @Elise4270 - we have possums. Mostly they just wander along our block wall. They are really good for the environment and eat all kinds of bad things (slugs, snails and the like) along with cat food. When I worked at the zoo we had babies and they were adorable and fun to play with.
    @bearly63 - for most of my growing up I hated my hair. When I was in elementary school it was really really red (and I had horrible red freckles), cut super short and it was so curly. My mom would cut my bangs and then they would just curl so it looked like I had no bangs. I used to put gel on them and clip them down so they would be sort of straight. When I was older I would blow dry it to try and make it straight but a few hours later it would just curl up again. I wanted long straight blond hair (CA Surfing!). It has only been in the last maybe 10 years that I have just embraced it and let it be.

    So I have an admission... for most of my adult life, at least as long as I have known my dh, we have had a waterbed. I loved that bed and never thought we would get rid of it. He mostly doesn't sleep on it any more because he snores too much and I kick him out to go sleep in the guest room. The waterbed though has gotten more and more difficult for us to deal with (changing the sheets is really difficult) so we bought a new adjustable bed this week. It is going to be delivered tomorrow so we are working on dismantling the waterbed. OMG it was so hard. We have a pump to take the water out but did not realize there was some type of material in the mattress that blocked the water from coming out completely. We couldn't lift it with the amount of water left in it so we had to use a bucket and pull the bladder up to get the water out. I got a full workout standing on the bed and pulling lifting it then pushing with my feet and legs to push the water out. I think we ended up taking about 10 large buckets worth out before it was empty enough to lift. So a good run plus whatever that workout was.
    Food so far has been a protein bar, protein coffee and my usual yogurt and granola.