Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Today's food
    Protein shake and a banana today. I was too lazy to fix the usually almond butter and jelly sandwich. For dinner there are so many choices, pot pie or frozen pizza..

    Yesterdays food
    Last of the soup, although I do have a portion in the freezer. I made cinnamon toast and watched Netflix. I had maybe 7-6 pieces and slipped into a food coma, slept for maybe an hour on the couch watching TV.

    I think we got to the root of why dh was so mad yesterday, seems he was bent about me not putting his name on the Alex bench. I asked, he said that he didn't know if he wanted to be buried there. Then when I told him I went ahead and put my name on it, he felt left out. I hope one day the human race evolves into one sex, equally equipped to handle feelings and power tools. I mean, I love my power tools... So...

    I braved using a set of stairs down today. It was a positive experience, so I braved another. I think I'll call that good and not over do it. The knee isn't happy with all my weight on it yet.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Glad you got to the bottom of why DH was mad. At least you know. Can you add it now? Yeah for the stairs! I'm sure you are, but you do remember to go up with the good knee and down with the bad, right? At least that's what I was told.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Glad you got to the bottom of why DH was mad. At least you know. Can you add it now? Yeah for the stairs! I'm sure you are, but you do remember to go up with the good knee and down with the bad, right? At least that's what I was told.

    Well that might make it easier, No I think I lead with the bad up and down. I managed a few more stairs as the entire class moved to another floor. I'll remember that.

    I did contact the monument guy and have it added. It's never too later, they can come out and add info even after it's set. I don't know if it has even come in yet, I suspect it might be at the engravers. Bill has been good to us, he'll take care of it.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - Dd had taken me to a Russian bakery in Seattle a few years back and that was the first time I had heard of them. Last week dh was watching a restaurant show and they were featuring a kolache place, in Texas I think. After that I had to find a place here and they did not disappoint.
    @Elise4270 -Really glad you can have dh's name added onto the bench. I can't figure these guys out either and why they just can't say what they feel or want... even for something as simple as what to eat let alone something important - sheesh!
    Making progress on those stairs! I will have to remember the good knee/bad knee too - I seem to always lead with my right (good) knee but I think that is how I walk too - leading with my right foot.

    Finally getting back into my strength training routine since I couldn't run again today because of the smoke in the air. We are now in the unhealthy for everyone category (not just unhealthy for sensitive groups).

    Air Conditioner - we have had 2 places come out. 1st one the guy barely knew it was an air conditioner and had no clue what the issue was. His boss came out and said the entire compressor unit needed to be replaced and gave us a quote. Dh had a 2nd place come out to give an estimate for the replacement and it was over $2k more (mostly because they want to pull permits) So I found a local place very highly rated and they are coming out tomorrow. The people who put it in originally are coming out on Wednesday as well (called them initially and it was the earliest appointment we could get) In the mean time the 1st place has now decided maybe it could be repaired and has given us 2 different estimates for the same work. Dh 'likes' them. I think they are incompetent.

    Food - 1/2 a protein bar and 1/2 an apple kolache. I need to eat something before agility class and then will have leftover bbq when I get home.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    What pre-made protein drink/shake do you all like?
    I tried the Kirkland ones and they are terrible. I could barely get past the smell and the taste was worse.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad you could get DHs name added to the bench.

    @shanaber I don't think I would trust the first AC guy either. They sound incompetent.

    I thought the knee thing was counter intuitive, but going down with the bad prevents you from putting your weight on it while it is bent. It really is better. You can only take one stair at a time, so it's slow but effective.

    I went to a bigger town today to get a CT scan. Decided to go shopping to see if I could find some clothes that fit. Well, wouldn't you know, the dressing rooms were closed due to CoVID. So, I just walked out. I don't know what size I wear now, so don't want to buy stuff I have to take back.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I’m scared to death of brown recluse spiders. I first heard of them when I moved to Fl in 1985 and an office building near mine was infested with them. All the workers kept getting bit! I’ve never actually seen one but have been terrified of them since then!

    @quilteryoyo - Oh, I didn’t know dressing rooms were closed either. Haven’t shopped in six months.
    @shanaber - so awful about the smoke by you. DD says it’s really bad in Portland, send me a pic and it looks awful.
    @elise4270 - glad you were able to add DH’s name. Pouty DHs...

    Had a fun weekend and we were able to get rid of lots of the stuff in the condo. Found someone to take away everything to a donation place. The weird table and all the rest. Had such fun with granddaughter. She loves the beach.
    Ate pretty well, but did drink both Fri and Sat night. But weight stable!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I drink the sams brand, premier protein shakes. I liked the muscle milk for so long and will drink some of them. I have a hard time finding ones that don't have soy and I try to avoid the milk ones, but they taste fine.

    Mine won't make food choices either without me.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I get premier protein caramel at Costco. I tried the chocolate but prefer caramel. Still has that protein shake after taste thougj
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 Yeah for a great weekend! Your granddaughter will have a lot of fond memories from her time on the beach with you.

    I haven't done protein shakes yet, so I'm no help.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I am so tired. I came home yesterday and took a 3-hour nap. I went to be about 1030 and am just up and still so tired. My alarm didn't go off (for 8 AM zoom class check-in), it was set for the other day that begins with a "T". Luckily I got up just in time to make the class.

    Exam tomorrow... stalling... or planning?
    Major Exam Tomorrow.
    I need to be disciplined today. Earlier this semester someone said that this semester of nursing school was the easiest. Yesterday we were gathered outside the class (auditorium) waiting to get in and chatter started about how many people have dropped the program already. I can think of about 5, but the consensus is closer to 12 and that this is the semester most students drop. Some are still working, all I do is classwork so I don't know how they manage in the least.

    Med Calculation Exam yesterday
    If you don't pass it, you get 2 chances to pass 92% or better. If not, you are dismissed from the program. Next year it's 100%. Who the heck knew nursing school was so rigid? New respect for these RN's out there. I made a 95... purturbed I missed one and can't know what I missed. My onscreen calculator only worked so long before I had to close and reopen it, It'd populate in the answer box. I am hoping I didn't misdose a patient and it was a calculator flub. Class average was 89.9, yikes!

    I am starving today. Tired and starving. Maybe I'll have an egg sandwich.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I get premier protein caramel at Costco. I tried the chocolate but prefer caramel. Still has that protein shake after taste thougj

    Banana is my favorite. Chocolate and vanilla are good, I didn't like the caramel. They seem to have a fair amount of flavors. Occasionally I get one that's not dissolved and has little chunks. They are a good grab and go breakfast. But you are right, they have that after taste. I just make sure I grab water to have afterward.

    still stalling... Making progress on the violin assignment that made me cry. haha!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Don't stall too long. Congrats on getting a 92% on your exam. It does stink that you can't find out which one you missed. How are you going to learn from it if you don't know what you did wrong?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    while stalling, er taking a study break, er starting a chip at the next 5 notes on the violin, I got an email about clinical stuff, so took a break (from even starting), to find my storage clipboard for clinicals thursday. I can't find it. But found a thin hoodie of Alex's and can't seem to let go of it. I did get the next 5 notes on the violin. progress. Now back to nursing study, but my heart hurts and is mildly appeased simultaneously. ok no more futzing around... 7 more chapters to review.

    What's for lunch/dinner?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I made Pumpkin Spice Super Hero muffins and Honey granola today, so I had some of each for dinner.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - awesome on the 95! Hold on to the hoodie, nothing wrong with that.
    I had the usual salad for lunch and dinner was a Hello Fresh meal for dinner that was just so-so.

    Trying to not feel guilty that I did no exercise today or Saturday. Saturday was at condo and it was working all day around there and Ella was there so that was okay. But today I could not wake up! And then I was going to lift after work but DH wanted to go to Home Depot for paint and to look at something and since he had a couple beers I drove him. He's big so two beers is nothing, but lately he's felt dizzy so I didn't want him to drive. Oh well, two rest days in a week has not happened in a long time, so I will be okay!

    I finally feel like school is getting manageable at least with my job. But the poor teachers do not feel like that at all.
    Google drive had trouble today which was quite difficult for everyone.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 Don't feel guilty. You probably got plenty of exercise on Saturday working at the condo and running after Ella. I have a horrible memory. Was it you DH that had trouble with AFib a while back? If so, is that why he is feeling dizzy again? I hope that stops and glad you drove him. Smart move. Glad your job is getting less stressful. I do feel for all of the teachers out there.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited September 2020
    I was going to lift yesterday and then didn't. I just don't feel like it. Gotta get back at that.

    Was going to run this morning but neighbors dogs started barking at 4 am and I was like give me all the coffee. Ugh. Maybe I'll get out tonight. I have a 2.5 mile tempo scheduled.

    ETA my phone also did not charge overnight and I can't run without a podcast or music. Lol I hate listening to my own breathing.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Down a tad again.

    Not horrible. I made English muffin and egg with cheese again today. Pot pie for lunch and dd’s frozen pizza left overs.

    I’m tired. I have clinical tomorrow and am nervous about having the physical ability and mental ability to keep up. I had Dh check my time math, so, I’m not behind In the morning. He had a good laugh at me. I have to be up at 0345. It’s almost 930pm. Period half started today, so tomorrow will be extra fun. What the heck happened to menopause?

    Bear snubbed me all day for dd. She surprisingly let him in her room for hours.

    I’m off to bed, to fret about Dh making all the noise and keeping me from resting.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Thanks all for the protein shake info. I got some of the Premier chocolate to try first before I but a big box of it from Costco. I like it ok - much better than the Costco brand.

    @elise4270 - I think I would be wearing that hoodie and feeling like his arms were around me! Hope you find some motivation to get going on your studying.
    @ddmom0811 - definitely don't feel guilty. You work out so frequently that taking a couple of days off is probably good for you. I had the same question as @quilteryoyo about dh's dizziness. I hope it isn't related to his afib.
    Did you hear about that school system that had to shut down their online classes because of a ransomeware attack? I can't believe someone is going after a school system! I am sure they aren't super secure but I am also sure they don't have a ton of money to pay out or to pay for lots of security experts!
    @RunsOnEspresso - I can't run without music either!

    Finally got out (late) for a run this morning. It was hot but not humid at all so it didn't feel too bad. The air quality wasn't too bad but I was coughing but the time we got home. Hobbes was overheated so we both went and sat in the pool.

    Still no air conditioning and it is hot again. Got to 99F today. We did get two good bids though that are much more reasonable and we will be going with the company who originally installed it. Their bid was $700, much more reasonable than the other one that dh liked. So despite dealing with the heat I am happy we waited.

    So with no air and so much heat we have not been cooking tonight we got teriyaki chicken and veggie bowls. Also I had really ripe bananas and wanted to make banana bread but didn't want to turn on the oven. I made it in the Instant Pot! Who knew that it was even an option. While my IP has a 'cake' option, the recipe I found uses the pressure cooker option. Below the split are pictures. I decided to make cream cheese frosting to put on it and call it banana cake 😊 We haven't tasted it yet but it looks good. I will report back on how the texture and taste is.