Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Gah - can't edit.. actually can edit just can't save the edits in the post. Sometimes MFP is so frustrating!

    @elise4370 wanted to add to my post that I hope you are able to get a really good sleep without distractions! Also hope the clinical goes well!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Made it to the hospital for clinical, I'm 30 minutes early. Better than late I suppose. Dd made me breakfast. I packed a lunch. Think I have everything. Hope so, or I'll be dismissed and written up.

    I've been wearing Alex's hoodie and sleeping with it. I feel I sleep better, the warmth of it against me is like he's hugging me.

    Fingers cross I get paired with someone decent today. Today's the only day we can pair up. I'm ready to start some IVs. Lol!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Yeah for the weight, esp if you are starting your period! Hope you are able to handle your clinical okay today.

    @shanaber Sorry you still haven't gotten your AC fixed! I know that can be miserable, esp. trying to sleep. Glad you got a decent bid. Hope they can get to you soon. Also glad you got in a decent run with Hobbes. The banana bread/cake looks yummy.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    The banana bread is perfect and so good with the cream cheese frosting! I may never make banana bread in the oven again.

    Other food - my usual yogurt and granola with a nectarine on top. Probably no lunch as it is already almost 3pm. Dinner will likely be a salad (Thursdays are Panera day) but we also have our Hello Fresh that I need to make. Dh doesn't want me to cook though until it is cooler. Today it is 98 here but officially it is probably over 100 again. Maybe I will make the Hello Fresh on the bbq. That could work, it is like a gas stove.
    Tomorrow is supposed to be much cooler! So may just wait to cook it then.

    Got a good run in this morning. It wasn't too hot yet and the air was gloriously clear!

    @elise4270 - I am waiting anxiously to hear how your clinical went. Have you done phlebotomy yet? When dd was in school they practiced on each other (yikes) and then recruited others, like their friends and family, to be test subjects. I happened to be visiting and she took me in to be a 'patient' and I ended up like a pin cushion.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Glad the banana bread was so good and that your air was clear today.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Yes, my day was good. I learned a lot. It is exciting and a bit scary at the same time. We had good nurses/CNA's and the patients were lovely. So I don't violate a patient's right to privacy, we have to leave it there. Our phlebotomy was a lab exercise, we get to stick real people next week. I don't think they will sign off on is sticking each other, oof I don't mind being stuck but I think the risk of infection is too great to be practicing on each other. (and we don't have supplies- although some students are EMT's and I hear are letting other practice on tubing.I'm a little jealous.) I have ER/OR or ICU next week. Hope my hip holds up. I took 2.5 tylenol today. So tired and so hungry. My clinical mates today are from Nepal and offered to bring me Indian food next time!!!!

    We were to elect class officers and throw our hats in the ring last week. I hadn't heard anything about anyone running and emailed about it, offering to fill a vacancy if there were any. Congratulation to me, I am treasure.

    @shanaber I missed how you made the bread, I will have to go back and check it out! sounds delicious.

    I am looking forward to some sleep and a lazy friday.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - so glad you had a good day! it is exciting to get to do these clinical things like you are really progressing in the program! I am not sure I would want to be Treasurer for any organization. Dh was treasurer for our professional organization and it was like a full time job. Hope yours isn't that involved though.
    Link for the banana bread recipe is here. I substituted Greek yogurt for the buttermilk/sour cream. I also added a handful of broken/chopped walnuts.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Is anyone friends with @avidkeo? I thought I was but I am not. Wondering how she is doing since she hasn't posted in a while.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad your clinical went well and you may get some authentic Indian food! Yum! Congrats on being treasurer. Hope it doesn't take up too much of your time.

    @shanaber I am not friends with @Avidkeo either. I hope she is okay!

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I follow her on Insta but I don't recall seeing anything recently from her. But that could be the algorithm too
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I thought @Avidkeo and I were friends too... She's been here a while and sure we messaged and she sent me condolences and a jade twist blessed in the waters of Maori custom, I sent her an old Garmin way back. I am perplexed. I love that girl. I sent her a FR and noticed she has 3 friends. I wonder if her running injury is keeping her mind from us, maybe she needs to refocus fo a bit. We are here for you @Avidkeo when you need us. Be well.

    @shanaber Don't say that treasure will require a lot of time!! haha! No one wanted that position or secretary or public relations. Seems everyone wants president or vice.

    @bearly63 I love the do and seeing your lovely face! I am running out of free space with DH working from home and keep thinking of a weight rack. I have a 10 pound "mush" ball? IDK what to call it. It's like a medicine ball, but squishy. I am trying to incorporate some strength for the recovering shoulder. AND the good shoulder os getting cranky, swear it is going to freeze up someday.

    Hi @quilteryoyo! thanks for the congrats. How's your weight coming along? Did you find a way to slow the loss? Netflix will do it, LOL! Saw you had a CT, hope all is well with you and your dad health too.

    Unsure. Weight is up supprisingly today. Perhaps it's infalmmation from a long yesterday or monthly gain.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 Love the haircut.

    @Elise4270 The CT scan was my yearly check for the aortic root aneurysm. I go next Thursday to find out the results - see if it has grown any. Hopefully, not. I did find a way to slow the weight loss. Don't exercise and eat two family sized bags of white cheddar popcorn. LOL Seriously, that is what I did this week, but not really what I intended to do. It's so hard for me when I work the late shift at daycare. I just don't seem to have enough time to exercise when I get home at 6 or 6:30 and have to get up at 5:30 the next morning. Also, can't really cook when I get home, so wind up with junk. I know that is NOT the solution, but I also know if I REALLY worry about being too thin, it will be easy for me to gain some back. It will be harder if I make myself make healthier choices. LOL I was 132.6 pounds on Wednesday morning. I was 134.6 this morning. Will probably be higher in the morning, since one of those bags of popcorn was consumed this evening. Dad's doing pretty good. He has days that are really good and some not. I guess that is to be expected. Today, it was low BP that got him down for a while. Thanks for asking.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2020
    @quilteryoyo I figured your CT was such, I think I remember the check-in last year and the aneurysm was unchanged.

    @Avidkeo Don't dismiss the opportunity to do a drive-by here and dump that emotional bucket. I understand not wanting to feel like "me me me", but you you you are important and "you" should be taken care of, the heck with socially acceptable behaviour, it's 2020 - Normal doesn't exist. Reach out if you need too and don't apoligize for it. Send me a horrindous long cathartic email if you want, malin19d(at)

    DH bought BBQ and made brownies.

    The ME complaints, just prattling on for no reason
    Headache all day, my ear hurts and that darn lymph node just under it. Migraine med helped the head, so I just gave in to tylenol for the ear. Then I whacked my leg just outside the shin bone, (I'm so old I can't remember what I just whacked it on), so badly that it still hurts 30 minutes later and made my sciatic nerve burn in my rear. So I go to rub and try to release the piriformis a bit and find pain on the back of my leg, like the skin is sensitive. Anyway I really angered the nerves in my nervy leg. I have fire nerve-butt.
    My hearing must be going. I tell DH that He tell me half sentences. I am adamant that he is giving me thoughts not sentences. DD, DH and I were talking about the cemetery and a tree; DH says "what country does Alex want?" what country? what are you, what? huh? he says again what country does Alex want. DD is looking at me like WTF? I think it because DH has had a stroke or somethin' in that ADHD brain. No it's me, I am not hearing right, "what kind of tree..." oh, IDK. DD is looking at me like "mam are you ok?". To be fair, I do have a migraine and do forget words, names especially. Once I couldn't remember Dd's name and couldn't figure out why the boys were callng her that, but I didn't know her name. It happens often. Maybe my hearing is connected too it.

    DD and the horn dog
    He might be coming over this weekend. I hope that means DD is cleaning again, she did do dishes... yay! She's excited and has text me 4-5 times in the last 10 minutes about it and my threat to feed him to bigfoot and see if he passes the Beary test.

    oh tylenol, there you are, lovely. I took tylenol yesterday and can get a rebound headache from it. I really hope that is not what this is. Surely it's the monthly.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    edited September 2020
    @Avidkeo Glad to see you back. We were a little concerned about you. So sorry you have been so sick. Horrible weeks can put anyone in a bad state of mind, especially in 2020. I hope you seek and get the help you need. Nothing to be ashamed of, that's for sure. I am glad your calf is getting better and you may be able to run again soon. Hang in there and feel free to rant or me me me as much as you want.

    @Elise4270 Sorry about the headache. Migraines are awful and probably affect how you hear and comprehend things. Hopefully it is better today. Also hope the visit with the boy friend goes well.

    I had planned to do my long run today, since it's going to be nice all day, weather wise. But, my friend wants to play tennis this morning, so I'm going to do that at 10. I'll see how I feel when I get home. May just do a short run and save the long one for tomorrow. Love playing tennis and the social aspect, as that is about the only time I have one on one adult conversation with someone besides my mom and dad, but hate it when it interferes with my running plans. LOL
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I need lunch Ideas for class/clinical days. I think the almond butter and seeded bread is out. I am thinking maybe that leaves me with a cheese sandwich. I can do tuna, but I am concerned it won't keep and I don't want to smell like fishes all day.

    Dh is back on eliminating meat after buying BBQ yesterday. I'm okay with that and put the fixin's for vegetarian split pea soup on the list.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 Have fun at the condo this weekend. Congrats on the new grandbaby! So they all live near you? I've never heard of "Younger Next Year." I may have to check it out.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - love your hair! You look just the way I pictured you interestingly and beautiful at that!
    @avidkeo - so glad to hear from you! We were worried! Happy you are on the mend from being so sick and that the calf is improving. Just an FYI @HonuNui was also worrying about you on the Challenge page. Not sure if she is following here or not. You can absolutely rant here or talk about me me me... We all do it at times and it is a healthy way to get out our worries and stress!

    @elise4270 - I think people want to Prez or VP so they can say they were and be able to tell others what to do and not have to do all the work. I was Secretary for our professional organization and it was a lot of work too, keeping all the records and taking notes and minutes for everything. I think it really depends on how big the organization is and how many fundraisers and activities they have that you will need to worry about the funds for. It could be really simple too.
    It is nice to hear that your dd is excited about her boy coming over to visit again! Hope Beary likes him and maybe he will want to go Bigfoot hunting with dh too 😁
    Lunch ideas... I am not much help here as it is an area I struggle with too. If you like eggs what about hard-boiled eggs and some cut up veggies and maybe some crackers or nuts? I was thinking cottage cheese but I don't think you do dairy so much.

    @ddmom0811 - So exciting about the baby on Tuesday! I was so sad last night and found myself close to tears a few times this morning. When I spoke to dd she said she felt like RBG had a great long life but now we need to be motivated to help make changes. I spent a good portion of my run thinking about her amazing life and what I could do to help.
    I need to look at Younger Next Year again too. Loved it and not sure why I moved away from it. Also now I want Indian. Hmm wonder if I can convince my dh? It is not his favorite.

    @quilteryoyo - I hope the results from your scan are good! Younger Next Year is a book that @ddmom0811 told me about several years ago. It is a premise for how to keep your body young rather than aging and not being able to do things. It is written by a man and his doctor and was originally targeted at men but they also wrote a book for women. I highly recommend it.

    Last night we had an earthquake that woke us out of a very sound sleep. As I was waiting to decide if it was going to get worse and should I jump under the bed, all I could think of was 'seriously 2020, pandemic, derechos, hurricanes, wildfires, murder hornets and RBG aren’t enough already???' So glad it wasn't a bad one and that there was little to no damage.

    Food has been pretty good the last few days but the scale (damn scale!) was up over 2lbs today. It did show my %fat down and muscle up quite a bit so that is a good sign. I just want to see the scale heading down again. 😖
    So today instead of doing what I knew I should, I had a pop tart post run... Rationalizing this choice - it was the last one, had been sitting in the cupboard for a while now and I will not be buying any more.
    Also if you shop at Trader Joe's avoid the maple syrup, sea salt kettle corn... it is very addictive!