Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Yeah for a good report @Avidkeo . Sorry he put the kibosh on the short runs, but hopefully you'll be back at it in a couple of weeks.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member

    My DIL is having the c-sect now but no one can be there. I'm a nervous wreck because it was supposed to start at 6:30am and still not heard anything at 7:43am. What's taking so long... I am hoping it started late, or his phone has no cell service. Can't think to work at this point so taking an MFP break.

    @avidkeo - omg that minera story (or whatever it was called- awful!) I think I have a high tolerance for pain on my cervix. Labor was nothing with DD - it wasn't bad at all. (DS was a breach c-sect). Whenever I've had pieces cut of cervix or whatever things they've done it never hurts. So I'm lucky there I guess. I had endometrial ablation in 2007 and never had a period since! But then I never really knew if I was in menopause or not. I have not had many hot flashes the past couple months but with me I will not have them for a few months and then they suddenly show up!
    Bike rides by shore! Awesome!

    @elise4270 - sticking people - yikes! I don't think I could. As you know I am the opposite and don't watch anything getting done.

    Ok, I can't even concentrate on this, so I will just watch phone and report back later.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    She's here! 8 lbs 1 oz and 19". Abigail Grace but we call her Abby. :smile:
    Mom and baby are fine. One of the doctors was late so it started late.

    Congratulations!!!! Baby kisses!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 Congratulations. I love the name Abigail Grace! Glad everyone is doing great!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited September 2020
    @ddmom0811 yay congratulations!! Hope everyone is well.

    I'm envious of your high pain threshold. I had red hair as a kid so apparently we have lower pain tolerances and need heavier sedation for general anaesthetic lol. Im just going to blame my Scottish heritage!

    I'm not worried about not doing short runs yet. I figured I probably still need 2 more weeks! And having him confirm that is good. I will be good and obey because I want to actually run in 2 weeks time. So excited lol. Im good when I have a plan.

    How's everyone else today?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Doing great @Avidkeo . Have had a difficult time getting runs in due to work the last couple of days. But, the current plan for the day has me playing tennis at 9, working from about 11 - 2:30, then coming home and getting a run in. I hope that works out.

    I think I am going to have to use the calories my Garmin says I burn in order to maintain my weight. MFP seems to think I burn a lot more than I do on days when I don't get in much exercise. I think my metabolism is slow - or maybe it's just because MFP doesn't take into account my resting HR, which is around 50. Interestingly though, when I do run, esp. a long run, they seem to be pretty close.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I am tired today. I was up too late. Beary is very happy this morning, I've got the front door open for a bit and he's running in and out doing his little squeaks of joy. It is amusing even if I am not awake yet.

    yesterday was lazy study food, just cheese and tortilla and cereal before bed.

    That's all I got until I wake up more.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @Avidkeo OMG....I am now cramping up after reading that.... must be sympathy pains!! I hope it helps!! Love the picture - so pretty!

    @shanaber agree....the one pro of menopause is no worries about pregnancy. But for perimenopause, according to my OB-GYN, a ton of late age pregnancies occur if women think they aren't fertile...your cycle gets all screwed up. I agree your calories seem low with your running and muscle mass....but I am no expert!

    @quilteryoyo I get ocular migraines sometimes, usually caused by a bright light or the sun shining off a car into my eyes....the weirdest feeling.....I start getting "water" spots in my vision and they move across my vision....I take excedrin migraine or something like that....its a vascular issue so I think caffeine helps too. I just lay down and close my eyes and they eventually go away. Supposedly can lead to real migraines but thank god I have never had that. As for calories, I use my apple watch cals as they are lower than the idea why but guess its just different algorithms - the HRM's match exactly.

    @Elise4270 Sorry your headache is still hanging around. And feel bad for DD re idiot boy toy😡 Jealous re your beard....I need to get mine done!

    @ddmom0811 Congrats on little sweet pea!! So exciting!

    This week so far:
    Good news - DD got another Med School interview invitation at UT Long Medical School in San Antonio. She was very surprised and happy.....Both (UT McGovern in Houston) will be virtual and in Oct. Ideally she gets offered a "pre-match" which I guess means that they want you and you want them and can seal the deal early. Or you can hold out and see what else comes up. Or you get waitlisted or never hear back from anyone ever again. It's going to be a very long 4th quarter.

    Update on Bone Density:
    So I decided to hold off on the Tymlos (Scary bone drug) and do more research. Then I found out my insurance denied it anyway. But then, 5 days later, I get the approval letter. So weird. I decided to go and chat with my OBGYN and discuss my HRT and whether I take the endocrinologists advice and go off of it. I am really glad I went. He basically said that the Womens Health Initiative Study that has been going on for years with Thousands of women shows that current HRT thinking is that it is good/benenficial to be on it vs off of it. - he showed me the studies and outcomes. He does not want me to go off of it and also agrees that Tymlos is very extreme for my numbers - made no sense to him. odd.....glad I asked.

    Exercise: I did that really long endurance ride on Sunday so I did some Barre into classes on Monday - new addition to Peloton. They were good....I need to learn a lot....Doing some short strength classes each day and core. Ran today....felt pretty good

    need to focus on macros....and stop eating sugar. I am doing well with the September dry month. Sleeping much better.

    one more spoiler! So beautiful. This was a tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsberg! - @elise4270 this one is for you!!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo I use my garmin. I agree that MFP over estimates my calories on restinf days. So I set my activity level to sedentary, then allow adjustments. Bec3i wear my garmin all day its usually the most accurate. On days I'm busy at work I can get an extra 200 calories just from all the waking (can do 7-10k steps at work on a busy day), but days it's quiet and I struggle to got 3k steps I see the difference. When I'm track my WL trend matches pretty close to my calorie deficit.

    @bearly63 those migraines sound scary! Yay for DD progressing thats so so exciting!

    Macros. Sigh. I'm make an effort to improve my fibre intake and protein. So have switched my breakfast to sultana bran, and supplementing with some metamucil. Been on and off for a couple of weeks, and noticed a positive difference. Then since Saturday (so 5 days now) I've had it all every day effectively doubling my fibre intake - I was struggling to get 10g a day, now easily getting 20. I think my bowels are complaining. Woke this morning with trapped gas and bloating. Went for a 4.5k walk and still getting gas pangs. Its going to be an interesting day.

    I am lucky that I managed to dodge the rain. It started midday yesterday and continued all night. When I got up at 545 it was a touch foggy but no rain. Walked for 45 mins. Just as I got home, the heavens opened up again. So glad I went out, though I nearly didn't hahaha.

    Then did my strength exercises. The calf rolling hurts lol but it's getting better. I was a bit sore yesterday after all the stretches but it was fine today.

    I have 2 days of work then a week off on holiday. My mum is coming up for the week and hubby and I are having a night away in a hotel. Dinner, breakfast bottle of bubbles, the whole works. I can't wait!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 OMG Congrats to your DD! I am so excited for her! So few actually get in the first go around! I have been putting off the beard laser for months but just had enough of it since its is so dark any my skin rather fair. It was a good move, today it's just a little swollen bumpy but better than grizzly mrs adams.

    @Avidkeo Enjoy the time away with the DH! Bet the kid will love having her visit.

    blah blah
    We had a gravel road in to and through the addition. Last week they found the material to put down, not quite paving but it'll pack and no longer need grating. Today we get a visitor offering to put the ame stuff down in the drive way, mind you it's a larger drive way, DH and DD park there with enough room for me to get out of the garage. Fella says 1800 and he can do it, even will level it, salt it so the grass and weeds dont grow through. I tell DH "eh I'm ok with it if that what you wanna do". Now it's 2700 and not half finished. I'm glad dh handled it, I'd have told to to pick it all back up and shovel it. What a scam.

    I put brownies in the oven. I hope to eat them all. LOL!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 My "visual" migraines are circles of twirling lights. It either starts right in the center of my vision and widens out to the edges or starts on the edges and narrows down to the center. In either case, when it is in my center of vision, I really can't see anything at all, except the swirling lights. And, it makes me queasy. So glad I haven't had them in a long time! I rarely have a headache with it, but have a couple of times. It's miserable. Great news for DD and med school! Great job on your Peloton workouts too.

    @Avidkeo Your body probably just needs to adjust to the extra fiber. Until then, good luck with the bloating and gas. Glad you were able to get your walk in and miss the rain. Enjoy your vacation and time away, alone, with DH. Sounds fantastic!

    @Elise4270 I feel you on the driveway. I've been scammed myself in that area and felt so stupid. It used to make me mad every time I went down the driveway, but finally decided it wasn't worth my energy to fret over it anymore. I just learned my lesson and moved on.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2020
    Here's the driveway. It's not horrible really. Least it's not haphazardly spread. DH said they'll come back and add to it but we aren't betting on it. Next time, the quote will be in writing. Turd nuggets.

    Eta bear approves (see spoiler) and is monkey-hoping all around. DH thinks it might be worth the bit more, I told him to hemhaw with the guy over it though.

    @quilteryoyo thanks. It is fairly nice out here. On neighbor is an excop from chicago and other is a retired doctor. We do have the roudy bunch behind us and on nice days can hear loud music from the other side. We have had one midnight visitor that got in a fight and needed the police- unsavory types. It's well balanced out here.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    edited September 2020
    @Elise4270 The part they have done looks really good. I hope they finish it and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. The area you live in looks really nice.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @bearly63 - congrats to DD and you! That's awesome! I'm listening to the RBG tribute now. Very nice.

    @elise4270 - agree with @quilteryoyo - it looks nice and hopefully they do finish it without more money.

    Baby and mom and doing great. Big sister can't wait for them to come home!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    You know you're tired when you drink a red bull and have a brownie and are ready to go back to bed for a nap.

    I had clinical today but forgot my ID and was dismissed. Probably get a warning. Oh well. I will make it up in October. Dh was rather peeved over it, me forgetting or them not allowing me to be there despite. Can you imagine having an unidentified student in the ER poking people? I wore black shoes just so the blood wouldn't show too. dang it. Nap and catch up on violin and ASL today then.

    I plan to make the most of the split pea soup dh made that is more like a mashed potato consistency by adding broth and maybe some chicken. That soup seems to be awfully high in calories. I was shocked. Maybe I should have a look at a bag of peas to confirm that. I've already eaten the brownies and half a cheese and mustard sandwich (packed lunch that I didn't need after all).
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo....your description of the ocular migraines is spot wavy watery lights....I don't do drugs but I assume that "shrooming" would be like this. I do do shrooms but only with garlic and butter and a nice strip steak haha!

    @elise4270 the driveway looks good but agree that they need to finish it....lots of green open spaces! Looks lovely!

    @ddmom0811 Wonder how long big sis will love having lil sis? Hopefully no painful transitions...haha. Our joke is that Zach got Julia for his second birthday as she was born the day before, even though he wanted hotwheels. I couldn't even celebrate with him because I was stuck in the hospital.

    @RunsOnEspresso it. Next Monday it is. Or you can use my trick and say, "Oct. 1st"
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've gotten back at running just not tracking food. I do like half the day and then forget.

    @elise4270 Coffee (or caffeine) naps are a thing.