Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys, think I could pull off this haircut?

    What I currently look like
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Hey guys, think I could pull off this haircut?

    What I currently look like

    I think you can. But I am biased, I loved my hair shorter. I keep looking for an excuse to cut it again, it’s a long bob now, but not long enough to pull back in a pony. When are you getting it cut? Haha! I’m living through you!

    I think it would look great on you!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Up at 430. I woke and tried to go back to sleep, then heard a crash and break in the living room. Seems I left a bowl out on the end table and beary must have decided it needed to go. He's become that cat that just shoves stuff off, more noise the better. Or he was licking it. He's currently happy I am up and is putting his paw through the back of the couch trying to play with me. Seems when I sit there is just enough room for his monster paws and claws.

    DH made a chicken noodle soup yesterday. I even asked if there was anything in it I can't eat... I'm daft. I ate it. Then emergency bathroom and I decided might as well grab a shower (with water baby beary half in and out crying for me to hurry up and come hold him- he's obsessed with the shower and towel) and had to make an emergency exit back soaking wet with towel and beary on my shoulder. He's a nut baby. Pasta is a no-no for whatever reason. No idea why I forget that now and then. Scale should be down since I'm probably a bit dehydrated.

    I have ASL to work on today and my book is not in the living room. I don't want to wake DH to get it. So I'm just chillin' wit you. I was getting an assignment done yesterday (11 actually that took me 7 hours to do) and had a pile of books and the computer and DH said " I think you need more books", I said that's good because I just ordered 2 more. LOL! You know I had to buy a bookshelf for all my nursing books. @bearly63 I bet med school is just as bad or worse, be prepared!

    well, bet I can find something to work on and start next week's assignments now.

    Here's the bench.
    You can see the upheaval of dirt. Ants took over a pile of dead flowers I left, replace with fresh ones, and the ex left a wreath that I had to remove- ants. That is also the spot where there is a hole dug.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo I think it would look great. Best thing about a haircut is that, if you happen to not like it, it does grow back. I say go for it!

    @Elise4270 I am NOT a cat person. I like them okay and want the best for them and will pet them when they're around, but much prefer dogs. Anyway, when I was in the AF I volunteered to keep a cat for a few days for someone who had just moved to the base. First night I woke up to the worst noise I had ever head. He had found a bolt and knocked it into the metal kitchen sink and was batting it around. After that, it was crate for him at night. LOL

    Sorry you can't eat pasta and forgot about it. I love pasta. That would be really hard for me. Hope you feel better today. Also hope you get your assignments done. The bench looks lovely. The hole is odd. But, if there were ants, it was probably a critter getting at them.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I don't doubt the possibility of a critter, armadillos will dig holes, and google says they will eat fire ants, so perhaps.

    Cats. yes you gotta get to know that personality to appreciate it!

    here's a better view of the area. I bet you are right though, even if it does appear to be the original urn spot.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I hope it was a critter and not crazy. LOL If it was crazy, she didn't try very hard.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Hey guys, think I could pull off this haircut?


    What I currently look like

    I think you can. But I am biased, I loved my hair shorter. I keep looking for an excuse to cut it again, it’s a long bob now, but not long enough to pull back in a pony. When are you getting it cut? Haha! I’m living through you!

    I think it would look great on you!

    I did it!
    Love it! DH hates it but he prefers me with long hair. I get it, I like me with long hair too, but it's way to much to handle. It gets hot, and knotty and a PITA. I basically live with it in a bun.

    So it's gone! Perfect timing for my first run tomorrow!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo I LOVE IT! You look great! Enjoy your run tomorrow!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @avidkeo - wow! You look amazing!!! I bet it will make life so much easier! I have only had short hair a couple times and my hair gets really dark and curly when dark so I don't like it. But you look adorable!

    @elise4270 - That is crazy that ants are there. It seems like they would treat ants at the graveyard. In FL ants are a big problem, if you don't constantly treat for them. I never saw ants like this when I grew up in Virginia. I assumed it was just a FL thing. The little owl is so cute.

    I was up 2.9 from the day before, but it's all good. I had Mexican for dinner and birthday cake (bug pieces) at lunch and dinner! And again tonight!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - love the haircut! You look adorable! I always want my hair short, my mom always cut it super short so that is what I was used to. But my hair is so curly, it never looks like I think it will even if I blow dry the crap out of it, it just goes where it wants. So now I have it really long and just leave it curl the way it wants to. At some point I will probably will get it cut short again though dh also likes my hair long.

    @Elise4270 - It really does look like someone dug there but hopefully it was just an animal trying to get to the ants. The bench looks beautiful!

    Fire ants are the worst! I don't think we have them here (yet).
    When dd was little, maybe 2 or 3, we visited her godparents who were living in Alabama at the time in a brand new development. She followed the dad's over to look at a brand new house with no yard or anything yet. She tripped on the curb and fell face down into fire ants. She was screaming and had a sweater on that the ants went inside of and we couldn't get it off. She had scars from the bites still in HS, she may still have them today. Fortunately she only had a couple of bites on her face.

    We had a couple of cats for a while. One dd found as a kitten abandoned in a park where we were for a swim meet. It was malnourished and covered in fleas. She ended up living outside (dh is allergic) and became a huge tabby. Dd even entered her in a competition and won 3rd place. The other cat was a chocolate point siamese. She lived in the house for a while until she had a couple of strikes against her... first we were delayed coming home on a trip and our neighbor didn't come and pay attention to her (one day delay!) she shredded the back of dh's leather chair. We figure she knew whose fault it was. Then a few years later she chewed the back of DD's 9West shoes that she had saved up for. That was the last straw and she became an outdoor cat too. It was good though, we had a neighbor who was on hospice and the cat let herself into their house and onto the woman's bed and refused to leave. She stayed with her until the end.

    I have been doing well with food, cutting out lots of the sweets but still craving carbs. I have been having Skinny Pop popcorn in the afternoons and that is helping me avoid other less healthy carbs.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    @Avidkeo love the do! My Dh hates it short too, I loves it! It’s an added bit of sophistication I think!

    @shanaber how can you be 0 for 2 on cats? None of mine tear anything up but have 4 cat trees and shelves on the wall to run. Beary is like having a toddler around. He’s fun and knows he’s the baby. They all play together but don’t match bear in the complex learning at all. He’s always wanting a new game. He got into something and gets foamy from licking his paw. I washed it several times and no luck, I think its in the claw sheath. Dd thinks he was playing with a toad. Idk, I’m going to have to check the flower bed for plants. Sounds like you had some trying times with those cats!

    Fire Ants
    My oldest boy was bit once when he was about 2 on his finger and still has a scar. He's 29 in 3 weeks. They are terribly aggressive. @shanaber that sounds just horrible, your poor dd falling in them.
    @ddmom0811 I have no idea hoo left the owl. Maybe a cousin or crazy. The ex left him a beer and I left it for about a month then gave it to the ants. Who leaves an alcoholic a beer on their marker? Dd constantly leaves cigarettes. I suppose we all mourn differently. I didn't see ants anywhere else.

    DH and I put poison out today and sat on the bench for the first time. Money well spent. It's comfy. I can sit there all day in the sun with a light breeze and quite and not have to leave for lack of comfort nor the abundance of ants.

    I lost 1.5 pounds with the tummy upset yesterday and my temp is up half a degree F. Ate it back I’m sure, McDonald’s today, which was a fiasco.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Fire ants are awful. Sorry your DD had to go through that, and especially bad enough to leave scars. Horrible. Love the cat story. Animals do know when humans need them. I'm a carboholic too, so totally understand the struggle. Popcorn is my go to too.

    @Elise4270 Glad the bench is comfy and you were able to spend some time there. I agree, leaving alcohol is a little bit odd, but we do all grieve differently. Glad your tummy is feeling better.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Love the hair @Avidkeo. I think all men prefer long hair.

    Weight keeps going up. I know what to do. I just can't keep myself doing it. I've logged the last few days. Baby steps.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 the bench looks wonderful. And I can see how it would be peaceful. Hope the ant situation gets sorted. We don't get fire ants here, but I've put a hand in a nest of regular ants a few times when gardening in out old house. Not pleasant!

    @shanaber ibe never had a cat scratch leather or chew like that! But then I've only had a couple of cats. We only have one cat at a time - DH refuses to get more even though I'd love to have 2. And our last cat lived to 14. I still miss her. Her name was Mischief and she was very well named. She was our baby and DH adored her. It took DH 18 months to agree on another cat, and he surprised me by getting one just like mischief! He's the spitting image of her, just a bit bigger.

    @RunsOnEspresso I know that feeling. I'm now 7kg above my lowest weight. I had done so well earlier this year then lost it. I've started again more times than I can count.

    It came so real for me yesterday when I put my uniform on and my pants were on the verge of too tight. Sigh. And I how have clothing I'm avoiding because too tight.

    So back on the wagon again.

    Physio appt today! Can't wait!

    Oh and EVERYONE commented on my hair, even the orthopaedic surgeons, who I didn't expect to notice! And everyone loved it. So so much nicer!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo ooooh! I wanna make a hair appointment now!!!! LOL!

    I bailed today on an officer's meeting and violin.
    I noticed last night my temp was up about half of a degree from 97.2 normal to 97.8F. Not alarming, but I have been tracking it twice a day since the first of August as required by the school. Today about 130PM I felt flush and just happened to have a thermometer with me and it was 98.0, I know not alarming. But I havn't seen anything near 98 in 2 months of tracking. I had the GI issues and thought what if I am sick? I text DH and he dismisses it. I get it, I do. But I decided to error on the safe side and come home. I'm probably fine, could be allergies, or that I am having a slight CMV flare (no big deal). It hits 99 and I will be sure to lick Dh for making fun of me!

    Boobs (sorta)
    I have one armpit that is larger than the other and have dismissed it as just asymmetry. It had gotten where I feel like my bra is tight there and it's uncomfortable with my arm against it, so I scheduled a mammogram for next week. I need to call the PCP about the panic concern. I don't know to schedule fatty arm boob pit and suprise him with the panic or vise versa. Currently I feel more inconvienced with this tender largness under my pit. Probs tender because I keep futzing with it. eenie meenie mineie moe... I suppose I coud schedule the panic then suprise him with boob pit... especially if I have the mammo scheduled.

    I ate mcdonalds again today. life is short. drive thru is fast, haha!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Several years ago, when I had gained some weight, I noticed that I had a "bulge" in my left armpit. Went to the doctor about it. He said it was breast tissue. I guess it showed up because I had gained weight. But, now that I have lost so much, it is still there. I just call it my third boob. They do try to get a good look at it when I get mammograms. It's hard to manipulate it in the machine sometimes. Hope that is all yours is. Hope your temp goes back down and you aren't sick.

    @Avidkeo Yeah for the run!!!!! I know that had to feel good.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo Yes, that is what I suspect it is. I figure I am old enough that I not dismiss having a second look at it. It's just fatter. I have lost some breast fullness on that side, so it is curious that the armpit is still fuller than the other. I just hate that I will give into shaving my monkey- pits for fear of a social scowl.

    Temp is back down. I will bet it's just CMV and will run it's course shortly.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well i want to cry. It's 12 hrs since I did my treadmill run with my physio, and over the course of the day my calf has started to ache. Didn't hurt at all during the run, or the few hours after. But about 6hrs ago it definitely started to ache a bit. It's fine at rest, and when I'm actively walking. But those first few steps after not walking for a bit is definitely niggling.

    Scar tissue? Or more rest?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    As I was reading that @Avidkeo , my first thought was scar tissue. Can you call the physio and ask them what they think before running again, just to be sure you aren't injuring it again?