Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @Avidkeo Yeah for the great run with no pain!!!!

    He said they were going to go through the groin. I know that sometimes they go through the wrist - dad had that done a couple of times. Is there a reason they would do one over the other?

    Hmmm not a cardiologist, I believe there is less risk with arm but much harder access.

    More detail in the spoiler for those who aren't squeamish
    With the groin, it's your femoral artery. Big massive high pressure hose pipe. So after the procedure, they have to hold pressure for 10 minutes so you don't bleed. You won't be allowed to sit up for an hour - not even lift your head cause anything that uses your abs puts pressure on the femoral artery and can cause it to bleed. Then you can't walk for 4 hours - needs a lot of time for the clotting etc to work. So that's why all the rules. It's fantastic easy access for the doctor though.

    Your arm is a way way smaller artery. Harder to find, harder to get access to. But you can move around and discharge is usually only a couple of hrs later.

    There are probably a lot of other reasons. This is my vague memory from second year of my degree, about a decade ago!

    Both are relatively low risk in the grand scheme of things.
    It’s also my understanding that women have smaller arteries in general, which might be why they would do the arm more readily on a man versus the femoral.

    Hlah missed you in my list. Hi!

    And yeah thats true
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo and @rheddmobile It's interesting because he said the procedure should take about 15 minutes and I would be allowed to go home in 2 hours....but I'm sure he said he was going through the groin. I guess we'll find out on Monday.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - love, love, love the smile on your face!

    @quilteryoyo - glad things are moving forward and I am amazed they are able to get you in so quickly for your appointments. Good luck with the cath, I am figuring it will be fine because I can't imagine you running and playing tennis the way you are able to with any kind of blockage.
    I am so happy your dad is doing well, got his stitches out and the new medications are helping!

    I was being a bit silly with the blood test thinking I could get a run in, shower and to the lab within a reasonable time frame. I was not expecting to have to wait almost 2 hours at the lab. They started with 4 people working and by the time I got called there was only 1 tech taking people back.

    @rheddmobile - Thanks! I do like hummus and will give it a try!

    @elise4270 - hope things are going better for you! When do you see the PCP?

    Not sure what was going on with me today. I was exhausted yesterday, maybe from the run or ??? who knows what. I took about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon then went to bed early and slept a solid 8 hours. I should have had a plan for today, a workout or class to do but instead I did nothing but chat with friends online and poke around on the internet. I maybe had 3000 steps. Oh well sometimes you need those kinds of days.
    I did get my lab results back and everything is good. I am getting slightly into anemic range but still ok and the best news is my cholesterol is back down to well into normal range. I was looking back thru lots of data and have decided I need to be serious about losing at least a few pounds to start. I wanted to go back and see how/what I ate before when I lost so much but apparently MFP has gotten rid of the historical data. I only have data now back to mid 2018 so guessing they are only keeping 2 years of data. Oh well, I can figure it out again. I have 8 weeks until my birthday so I am thinking 5 lbs by then? 11 weeks until Christmas so maybe 7 by then. Hopefully that is not being too optimistic.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber I hate waiting! 2 hours is a long time. I am all about a complete rest day every once in a while. I'm sure yesterday did you good both mentally and physically. I'm pretty sure if you don't pay for MFP they don't keep your data for very long. I figured one year, but maybe it is two. Good luck with the weight loss. You CAN do it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber How weird about the data. I thought I had gone back several years to look at my calorie amount I was eating at when I lost weight. That was earlier this year so must have been recent they dumped it. I went back to like 2015.

    I need to get serious about weight loss too. I'd like to lose 30 total. Right now I'm focusing on tracking food again and running. I'd love to lose about a pound a week but it might be to aggressive. So, going for .5-1 pound per week and hoping for 6-12 pounds be end of the year. I just need to remember to weigh in tomorrow or Sunday. I meant to do it yesterday and forgot. Then I was going to do it today and forgot. LOL
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    @shanaber I see the PCP about the 27. Mammo is the 14th. I am waiting for x-rays currently then head to the hip doc at 1pm.

    I really think I have something despite no fever. I did eat at the cafe in the hospital yesterday, Could be food allergies. I had diarrhea again yesterday. And today.....

    There's a woman trying to check in an needs to come up with 1000+ bucks. I got 100 in my pocket for emergencies. I think she managed the 25% though. I think I should give it to her. She's about to lose her sight.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    Yay! Doc thinks I'm doing good. The labrum tear isn't what's hurting me. It's a core injury. I've torn the abdominal rectus attachment to the pelvis. I haven't looked it up on the anatomical particulars yet. It should heal on its own. But we can do steroids, prp, and even surgery if needed. He assured me, 70% of these heal on their own He'll see me in 6 months. Gave me contact info for a good pt massage place for the grumpy muscles in the hip.

    He asked about classes and my location, mentioned how I had a lot to offer in a service field. *Eeeeee* ya boi! I'ma hit him up in 6 months for some experience!

    ... .

    Anyway, good day here! Oh I should take it slow and be diligent, no running. Duh. Bike and maybe short short walks. I hate walking because it makes my muscles hurt, but admitted I noticed the increase strength.

    I asked him about the muscle jumps. He's puzzled, said I need to see a neurologist, watch potassium, calcium and magnesium. I assured him the calcium was good and will get bw with PCP soon. He's going to check with the anaesthesiologist.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 yay about the hip, boo about the abs. Yah those can hurt. If you are OK continuing, I'd just leave them to heal. I've seen what can happen when they try inject steroid into that area, spasms are not fun. I say definitely hit him up later! That poor lady. You are such an incredible generous person. I hate the American health care system so much. Here if you need treatment, you get it, free. Granted there may be a wait, and I'm not saying its perfect. But at least ability to afford it isn't one of those problems.

    @RunsOnEspresso I think you are sensible going slow. Every time I try losing a huge amount fast, I fall off the wagon after just a couple of weeks. Slow and steady win the race! From last Monday Im determined to stick to 0.5 lb a week max loss. Its slow and frustrating but sustainable.

    That said, its been a week, so I had a weekly weigh in. 1.2kg, or 3lb lost this week. Normal for the first week lol. Mostly water.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Update on my calf, I'm pain free! No niggles or annoyances this morning, after my run yesterday. Actually feel confident for the first time haha. So sticking to the plan went on my exercise bike for half an hour easy pace. And am about to go with my girls for a regular bike ride. Steps are going to be next to nothing, but I'll have done a bit of a work out!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I shoot for 0.5 - 1 pound per week too. I didn't always do it, as I really do tend to plateau for two or three weeks and then drop 3 - 5 pounds quickly. Sounds like you have a good plan. You can do it.

    @Elise4270 I hope the diarrhea is passes soon. (pun intended) Seriously, I do hope you feel better. So kind of you to even consider giving the lady your $. I hate that lots of hospitals require such a large down payment before treating someone. Good new about the hip! Sorry about the other injury, but glad it will probably heal on it's own.

    Yeah for no pain @Avidkeo ! You are doing great following doctor's orders! Hope you enjoyed the bike ride with the girls.

    It's supposed to rain this weekend, so I mowed the lawn today. Needed to get it done since I won't be able to after the heart cath on Monday. I did extra and cleaned out the gutters, so no running for me today. I'm beat. Garmin says I've walked 23,851 steps so far. That may be a little skewed due to the bumps from the mower, but it probably isn't too far off. LOL
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I shoot for 0.5 - 1 pound per week too. I didn't always do it, as I really do tend to plateau for two or three weeks and then drop 3 - 5 pounds quickly. Sounds like you have a good plan. You can do it.

    @Elise4270 I hope the diarrhea is passes soon. (pun intended) Seriously, I do hope you feel better. So kind of you to even consider giving the lady your $. I hate that lots of hospitals require such a large down payment before treating someone. Good new about the hip! Sorry about the other injury, but glad it will probably heal on it's own.

    Yeah for no pain @Avidkeo ! You are doing great following doctor's orders! Hope you enjoyed the bike ride with the girls.

    It's supposed to rain this weekend, so I mowed the lawn today. Needed to get it done since I won't be able to after the heart cath on Monday. I did extra and cleaned out the gutters, so no running for me today. I'm beat. Garmin says I've walked 23,851 steps so far. That may be a little skewed due to the bumps from the mower, but it probably isn't too far off. LOL

    Can I have some of your steps. It's midday, I've done 1500, and will probably only get to 4000 by the end of the day!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    You are welcome to as many as you need @Avidkeo ! LOL
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso I finally found your podcast on Google podcasts!

    I've had it on my watch for a while but haven't listened yet as I haven't been running lol.

    About to go for a walk, chase some of @quilteryoyo steps, have a listen!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @elise4270 yay about the hip, boo about the abs. Yah those can hurt. If you are OK continuing, I'd just leave them to heal. I've seen what can happen when they try inject steroid into that area, spasms are not fun. I say definitely hit him up later! That poor lady. You are such an incredible generous person. I hate the American health care system so much. Here if you need treatment, you get it, free. Granted there may be a wait, and I'm not saying its perfect. But at least ability to afford it isn't one of those problems.

    @RunsOnEspresso I think you are sensible going slow. Every time I try losing a huge amount fast, I fall off the wagon after just a couple of weeks. Slow and steady win the race! From last Monday Im determined to stick to 0.5 lb a week max loss. Its slow and frustrating but sustainable.

    That said, its been a week, so I had a weekly weigh in. 1.2kg, or 3lb lost this week. Normal for the first week lol. Mostly water.

    I agree that our health care needs to be met differently. If I didn’t have coverage the last 8 years... I’d be in so much worse shape. I saw a woman getting her mail today with foot drop, then the 5-6 in the imaging center, no one looked as if it were a budgeted expense. That poor woman loosing her sight couldn’t see the highlighted areas on forms, one fella couldn’t write due to nerve impingement in his neck... Terrible folks have to live in such a state.

    I forgot to take my antidepressant today and expected a horrible day. But the wonderful talk with the doc just made my day despite him finding the exact spot of pain while flexed that still aches and burns! I’m just glad to know what it is and I’m not alone with it. Dh has asked nil about my visit. He’s moody. I think I may be able to wean off those antidepressants come new year after all. We’ll see!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Health care: There's a local restaurant owner (a very popular restaurant - Biden/Harris even stopped there this week) and she had to choose between keeping her health insurance or her restaurant. She has a long term condition, sarcoidosis (I have never heard of this). She chose her restaurant. We should not have to choose between running a business and health care. When the pandemic started she was still taking care of the homeless to make sure they had food. Like she does a lot for her community, how can we let someone like that choose? Ugh, it makes me so angry how awful our current system is.

    And people say with socialized" medicine we will have to wait WEEKS for appointments. Guess what? I waited 3 months for both my Ob/Gyn and PCP appointments and I have some of the best insurance you can get!

    Anyway, yay @Avidkeo I'm glad you found it. I hope you like it! I have to finish up writing Monday's episode and record today. It's like 99% done but I'm rethinking the order I have it in now.

    In other news, I remembered to hop on the scale this morning after a few sips of water. I am down .6! That's about right on track. I updated my goal in my scale app to what I want to be at the end of this year instead of my overall goal. I am going to try and take it quarter by quarter.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Had a busy week, even though I only worked four days. It was just crazy! Tuesday was busy catching up from being off Friday and Monday and then it just got busier all week.

    @elise4270 - read though your downs and up and glad it ended on the up! So sad about the lady at the hospital. Our healthcare system is the worst.

    @shanaber- hopefully you just needed a rest day. I love edamame myself. I didn't know it was good for us. I worried it was too much soy in the past.

    @quilteryoyo - glad you are getting the surgery and it does sound quick. We will await your return from the procedure.

    @avidkeo- yay on calf and run! You look so happy!

    @RunsOnEspresso & @shanaber - I noticed they got rid of old data also!

    I'm happy with my weight right now. I have lost approx 5 pounds this year and though it fluctuates, especially after the weekends, I'm at a number I like. It still sounds high for 5'7" (147), but I just don't think I can get lower and sustain it, and I will be too ribby. In fact I'm too ribby now.

    I love the condo but my running is really suffering, probably because of the Peloton too. @shanaber - did your DD's arrive yet?! I'm only getting 1-2 runs in a week! However, I am really making myself lift weights 2 days minimum a week and honestly that seems like it really helps with muscle/flab. Much more than running. So I have to either double up days like I used to (run in AM and lift after work), or just accept that I will just have less running for now. Hmmm. I do have my annual holiday running streak coming up! I will have to think about that!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Health care: There's a local restaurant owner (a very popular restaurant - Biden/Harris even stopped there this week) and she had to choose between keeping her health insurance or her restaurant. She has a long term condition, sarcoidosis (I have never heard of this). She chose her restaurant. We should not have to choose between running a business and health care. When the pandemic started she was still taking care of the homeless to make sure they had food. Like she does a lot for her community, how can we let someone like that choose? Ugh, it makes me so angry how awful our current system is.

    And people say with socialized" medicine we will have to wait WEEKS for appointments. Guess what? I waited 3 months for both my Ob/Gyn and PCP appointments and I have some of the best insurance you can get!

    Anyway, yay @Avidkeo I'm glad you found it. I hope you like it! I have to finish up writing Monday's episode and record today. It's like 99% done but I'm rethinking the order I have it in now.

    In other news, I remembered to hop on the scale this morning after a few sips of water. I am down .6! That's about right on track. I updated my goal in my scale app to what I want to be at the end of this year instead of my overall goal. I am going to try and take it quarter by quarter.

    Wow that's not something that gets talked about much. Here it's based on need, so you get triaged and go on a waiting list. The most at need people get seen first. And we have an additional "insurance" called ACC for accidents. If you have an injury due to an accident - doesn't matter what - you are covered by the government. Funding for this is taken from our wages like a tax and it covers everyone, no matter what. Overall its a fantastic system, and has allowed a really good private system to work along side the public system, because anything covered by ACC goes through the private system. This frees up public resources for chronic conditions.

    I really enjoyed listening yesterday! I love your open and honest approach. Now I want to ask you all the questions, cause I took a break, how sis your race go on October 3rd? I'll have to go back and see if I can find it lol.

    And I didn't realise, I'm only 2 years younger than you. You seem much wiser than me haha
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @ddmom0811 I think that's the hardest thing with finding ideal weight, is that weight you are most comfortable at.

    I did a lot of thinking about my weight goals yesterday. I started this particular journey 4 years ago at 90kg (198lb) and lost 20kg (44lb) over a year, then basically yoyo'd for the last 3 years - losing and gaining the same 5ish kg. As of December it will officially be 3 years since I lost that initial weight so studies show I'm at my new highest. Basically if you keep weight off for 3 years, less than 5% gain it back (apparently).

    Currently I'm definitely a couple of kg above my comfortable weight. Im currently 71kg (156lb). My lowest was 65kg (143lb) in March (thanks covid) and I liked being there. For me ideal weight is around 58kg (127lb). That's the middle of healthy weight range for me. I have a goal of 60kg atm, so 12kg loss (26lb).

    So my plan is to go semi-aggressive till January, aiming for 1lb a week. That gets me to about 66kg and half way to my goal. I'll then drop to 0.5lb a week and take 6 months to get to my final goal.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso That's so sad about the restaurant owner. She sounds like an amazing lady.
    Yeah for the scale going down.

    Oh. I think I put this on the running thread, but forgot to post it here too. I set up a Caring Bridge page where I can update everyone at once on my surgery and recovery. I think you have to go to the link below and set up an account - all free. Just give them your e-mail so they can let you know when I, or my designated person, has updated my status. It's easier than having to repeat myself a bazillion times. LOL AND, you guys can find out about the surgery before I am able to post my designee will post for me.

    I have a heart cath on Monday. They want to make sure I don't have any blockages before they schedule the actual repair surgery.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo I think I need those steps back I gave you yesterday. :lol: So far today I only have 5372 and have no intentions of doing anything to get anywhere near 10,000. I have been busy all day, I guess it just didn't involve walking. I did vacuum, did some laundry, cleaned the baths, and rearranged the living room furniture before I am told I can't lift anything for a week. The surgeon's PA said they like for people to try to sleep in a recliner after the open heart surgery, if possible, because it keeps them from rolling over onto their side and putting stress on the sternum. I usually can't sleep in one, but I'll give it a go when I need to. Also went to town and got the dog some food...also something I won't be able to lift for a week after Monday. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.