Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning folks!

    @quilteryoyo I 100% get what you are going through, your monologue is so similar to mine when it comes to running.

    @swenson19d I agree you need to take Sandy with you everywhere. A scared dog can turn into an snippy dog because their flight or fight is pegged out.

    A warmer day here, yesterday was bitterly cold and foggy. It is clearish and warmer today, there was gale wind that woke me up sometime in the wee hours of the morning, must have blown it away....but let me tell ya what it did blow in...this yellow pollen. I suspect it is from the eucalyptus car is covered in it. I had a stuffy nose and scratchy throat yesterday and was worried I had caught a bug, but I took a Claritin and felt fine this AM.

    Yesterday was a day, nothing exciting. Grey cat is keeping food down again. We will see how long it lasts. The vet called us with black nekkid cat's results from his appt. She said he has gone down from stage 3 to a high stage 1 kidney disease and all his values are looking really good. I was surprised about the kidney disease, I didn't think it was reversible. She is not an oncologist, but she said based on the type of cancer he has (blood born) he may have had kidney cancer too and it may have not just been in the intestines that they biopsied.

    I spent time on reselling. I got a bad review :( I sold a girls cashmere sweater size L...the lady was so mad saying why would I sell such a shrunken old sweater that wouldn't fit her. I pointed out it was a child's sweater and she came back and said she knew that and it was not a large and I needed to do better. I don't have kids so I am not sure exactly what a child's large looked like, so maybe it had been a bit shrunk, I don't think by much if it had based off of other stuff I have. She could have returned it too for free, but she did not. Being on the other end, I am a lot nice to people who do customer service LOL I also watched some youtubers give their opinions on the new search logic, one lady who used to be a programmer and is now a full time very successful reseller says the search logic looks like what a company would use as a start-up to increase app/site time metrics. Basically make it not as easy to find what you want so it looks like you are shopping more. She wondered if sales are slowing, they went public at the end of the covid e-commerce boom and they are trying to appease stakeholders.

    Today I need to get my ducks in a row for the inspection tomorrow. Working on some other program stuff, no one wants to do what I need them to do. I also need to figure out where my accounts are so I can learn this new job. I feel bad for the head guy, I think he thinks I am a slacker LOL. My counterpart is already moving and shaking things up. I am also supposed to do that everlywell test tomorrow and still have not figured out how to do it.

    have a great day!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    Thanks again @swenson19d . I'm glad to hear that Kevin is good with everyone. Love chicken nugget bait. 😂
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs @quilteryoyo I know that feeling. My moto is I never regret a run. I've regretted missing runs though. And I'm not a fan of walking though as @shanaber said walking is just as good! That's how I initially lost the weight! Hmmm maybe too much running is why I'm not losing lol. also it sounds like you have a lot of changes going on that are outside of your control. Remember to be kind to yourself too and acknowledge that people don't like change. It really stresses us out. we like stability and things to stay the same.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I had a good day yesterday, relaxing admin in the morning, then angiography in the afternoon, so not a lot going on for me. A lot of sitting around waiting. Just a calm pleasant day.

    Food was good. I've increased my protein, I now have a protein shake for breakfast and try have more protein in my other meals and I've really noticed how I feel fuller for way longer. Over the weekend I didn't have the protein and ate a lot sugar and I was just hungry all the time. Though I was also tired as well cause of being on call. Broken sleep really is the worst.
    So I have a strategy for when I want to eat due to bored - do one of my many hobbies! Now I need a strategy when I'm tired. Maybe cups of chai tea (caffeine free)? More water? Something to keep me away from the sweet food.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @CMorning99 I thought of you when I was having a hard time this morning. Hugs to you. Im glad black nakee cat is doing better and you got good news from the vet.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    I hit some button on my phone and it wouldn't let me type anymore. Crazy.

    Thanks @Avidkeo . I'm trying to handle the changes, but you are right. I don't like the feeling of having no control. I know walking is supposed to be just as good as running, but from my experience, it doesn't help me lose like running does. I just don't burn enough calories on a walk. It sounds like you are doing great with your food and are working on good strategies for when you crave sweets. The best thing I can say about my food over the weekend is that I did NOT buy chips and dip to eat during the Super Bowl. LOL

    As you know, I was in a mood this morning. I wound up crying all the way into work, but I needed that release. I also figured out a lot of it has to do with worrying about mom. She has a weird growth in her belly button that the doctor didn't know what it is. She is going to send her to a dermatologist. I know it could be nothing, but if it is something Mom is of the mind to do nothing about it. I'm not ready to lose her too. I'm trying to not worry until we know something, but it is in the back of my head. Anyway, sorry to be a negative Nelly today. On a brighter note, I'm working in the 1 year old class today and am getting lots of love.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @CMorning99 One bad review can actually be a good thing. As long as you reply with facts and not emotion. A lot of people are distrustful of accounts with all 5 star, positive reviews. They think they've bought reviews. Basically, I am trying to say yes, getting a bad review stings but it usually won't hurt your business. As long as you don't go crazy on the review like I've seen 🤣🤣

    Basically do not pull an Amy's Baking Company's_Baking_Company Although it was fun watching the drama unfold.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo I cry in the car a lot too ... I guess usually it is because I like Mom's music too and it is a "safe space". I used to change the music and try to buck up...but now I just let it happen.

    @Runsonespresso I agree the bad reviews sting and I have had very few. But you are right, I do learn from them to make sure that I have done everything I can. Add another photo, or measurement. Clearer in my description/policy. Read the article, that was hilarious LOL There is a YouTuber reseller who has that kind of attitude, you could watch her sing a lullaby and it would get your blood boiling LOL

    The week is progressing. I really don't have much to do on the ranch. Yesterday I had to rebuild an excel spreadsheet that someone password protected and then left. Ugh. That pretty much took me all day. I really can't think of what else I did.

    Today I needed to do my everlywell test and finally figured it out. I had to do the blood test this AM, 12 drops on a card. Despite being warm and rosy fingers, it took me 3 lances to fill the card. Next test is on the 20th day of my cycle and is blood and saliva. I only have 1 lance left so it might be interesting. Grey cat is having another good day.

    I was thinking what folks said about running, I feel like if I could run when I want, I might start running. I like to run a least an hour after waking up. I guess I could get up earlier and make that happen but meh LOL. I bought a "new" sports bra...based on my side hustle, there are very few things I buy new anymore. It is the Oiselle Flyout Bra. It has a high neck and a pocket in the back I can actually get to. New they are $54, I got mine for $25 + $7 Shipping. Shipping is getting crazy. UPS raised their SurePost $2 for a 1-2lb box. USPS raised theirs about .40 cents per increment. Free shipping is a HUGE selling point, but unless you can eat that cost, you have to put it back on the customer which raises your prices... So here is a question...would you rather pay $10 + $5 shipping for an item...or would you rather pay $14 + free ship for an item?

    I pulled my mid-month analytics, sales are down 38% overall. I am thinking of dropping FB Marketplace and adding Kidizen. Kidizen is not a fast mover, but I feel like it is a better organized reselling platform. But I have been listing in the FB Marketplace clothing category now for 2 weeks and not one sale. I have 4 more inventory boxes coming in and I want to go go Santa Barbara on Monday and see what they have at their Goodwills. They only have 2 stores, but that is fine. I miss Sacramento LOL

    Well, been at work nearly an hour so I better get to it.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @CMorning99 The car IS a safe place to cry and carry on all you need to. To answer your question, I'd rather pay $14 and get free shipping. Having to spend half as much as an item costs for shipping would probably be a deal breaker for me. I'm sure at some point I would realize that the seller is getting their money back someway, but my brain would go to free shipping as a plus.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @CMorning99 free shipping always wins for me! Lol. But shipping to NZ or even around NZ is disgusting.

    I had a rubbish run this morning. Went out for 6.4k but just didn't feel it. Gave up after 3.5. My whole body was aching with every step. Like jolting. So gave up. Didn't care. And I ate too much last night. Probably a sugar crash. I'm in self destruction mode.

    Work is going well. Worked with a student yesterday who needs a bit of work. Gave me flashbacks to last years student, but she was very quick to respond and took it all in. So I have high hopes. She's doing a lot of study and I'm confident she will get there. I'm amazed at how invested you get in some students
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    @CMorning99 - I would rather pay $14 with free shipping too depending on what it is. I am one who will look for free shipping codes or wait to get free shipping. I have the Oiselle flyout bra but I like the Handful bras better. I think they just fit me better.
    I had my best luck selling on Offerup although lately I have gotten people who just want a 'deal' even when the item is below what it is selling for on other sites. I figure they just want to get it cheap and resell it again for more. I am just selling things we are getting rid of (dh's StarWars collections mainly) so I have no desire to bargain much with people.

    @Avidkeo - I have found the same thing with protein. If I don't have enough I want to eat everything I know I shouldn't, especially the next day. I also get hungry overnight now too but I refuse to get up to eat anything. If I log and realize I haven't had enough protein I will have a protein drink or something else high in protein a couple of hours before bedtime because I know how I will feel otherwise.

    @quilteryoyo - I am sorry about your worries with your mom. Is it possible your mom is felling despondent without your dad? I am just wondering if there is anything that she could get involved in with friends or the church to help her feel like life is worth fighting for whatever that growth is.

    I got in a pretty decent 6+ mile run today. It was so nice out! By the time I got home though I hurt all over. I am really looking forward to getting the new medicine next week but I know it will take a while to see any affect if it helps at all.
    My weight is down about 1.5lbs... yay! Hoping the rest of it comes off soon - I am guessing it is mainly from eating away from home all last week. I am trying to do more yoga adding it in to my warmup routine and also on non-running days.
    Tomorrow our cleaning lady is coming so we need to be out of the house. The plan is to go down to the San Diego Wild Animal park. Haven't been there in years and it is free for the month of February.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    @Avidkeo So sorry that you are having a rough time right now and that your run didn't go well. Wonder why you were hurting so much? You did great to do what you did under the circumstances. Recognizing you are in self-destruction mode is a good thing, in my mind. At least you know that and maybe that will help you stop doing some of those things you don't want to do. I hope your student does well. It sounds like she is trying, unlike the one last year that just blamed his failure on someone else.

    @shanaber I love the Handful bras. I just wish they didn't say "Handful" in bold letters on the back. They are nice enough to run without a shirt, but not sure I want people behind me reading that. LOL What site are you using to sell the Star Wars stuff. I have a nephew-in-law that loves Star Wars. Maybe I could get his next Christmas present early. Thanks for the thoughts on mom. It's hard because she doesn't drive, so anywhere she goes someone has to take her. She stays busy and told me last night she wished she had less to do around the house so she could do more of what she wants to do - jigsaw puzzles and read. She says she is 86 years old and she is going to have to die of something. She doesn't want to spend her last years feeling horrible from chemotherapy or radiation. I do understand that. We have seen that happen to too many people. So, we shall see what the dermatologist says and go from there. Enjoy the zoo. I went there when I was stationed in CA. I loved it then.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo My mom was the same way after her mom died. She would always give me instructions o "if she kicked the bucket". I used to just roll my eyes, but looking back now, she passed a lot of good info. I think there is definitely a point in your life when you have to start thinking about it in order to best prepare your loved ones.

    The weather is nice here today. I was told yesterday the thick yellow dust on everything is actually pine pollen. I don't know what got to me last night, but my eyes were on fire! I took a benadryl and that helped but they were bad again when I woke up.

    Not too much exciting. I passed my inspection easily, I usually do, I get all bent out of shape b/c I know it could be better. Talking through it, there are some things I want to change. I got sandbagged though in some small tasks so was not very productive. I worked on some reselling and still really slow. I watch other resellers and I just don't understand how they make so much! Each person is so different too. Different kinds of stuff, different types or numbers of platforms, dedicated time.

    We have a 4 day weekend, perk of military :wink: Tomorrow I meet the new draftsman at the property. So excited to get that ball moving. Saturday is hair day take 2. Sunday I think we might go up and work on the travel trailer, we need to scrape off all the old silicon and reseal. Monday I think I might go shopping in Santa Barbara. I am then off on Tuesday for court. Not sure what is going to happen. The DA had mentioned he had hoped that we might have the mental health evaluation by then, but I am suspicious. I think it is going to be more back and forth on finding the "right" doctor.

    I am in training all day. They moved it to virtual and for once I am glad for COVID. It is dry stuff. DH said he wants to use the tax lady, so I need to call her.

    DH also responded to one of his Navy "kids" who is getting married that to let us know when and where and we will be there....yeah. It is next month in NC...So now he needs to call and see if he can back out. We love this kid (a young sailor) but with kitty health, we both can't leave unless we can take them. Also DH is not thrilled about spending the money and time off to go that far. He said he thought it would be later (they just got engaged last week)...and at where they are stationed which is Colorado.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Trying to catch up...

    I prefer free shipping (and will buy something else to reach the threshold cuz at least I get something tangible for my money LOL). I'd much rather shipping be included. I hate getting to the checkout and realizing shipping will add X to my order.

    Protein is great for helping keep you fuller longer. I've been following this nutritionist (I think, I always get them and dieticians mixed up) on TikTok. And she says if you eat carbs always pair it with another macronutrient. So cheese and crackers. Or many other examples I can't think of at the moment 🤣

    AH! I keep forgetting it's a 3 day weekend! YAY!!!

    Of course, we book a trip to Vegas next month and two days later they lift the mask mandates 🤦🏻‍♀️I figure I'll keep wearing my mask like I do here. DH work lifted their mask mandate and he is excited. I gave him a look. I know we are both vaccinated but I feel much safer wearing masks anywhere in public. He says he'll still wear it shopping and at hockey games. But I am looking forward to all the Vegas food. I even found a place off-strip that is gf fish and chips. They also have onion rings and mozzarella sticks, two things I haven't had since I was diagnosed.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    edited February 2022
    I had a CT of my heart scheduled for 10. I'm still sitting here waiting to go back. The instructions said I couldn't eat or drink anything for 4 hours prior, so I haven't had any coffee and I'm getting hungry, and I need to pee. Can't go now because they have to have a specimen before my CT. This may not end well. LOL
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    How did it go ? @quilteryoyo

    Nothing new here.
    Kevin & Sandy, especially Sandy, are digging at bedding. It's hard enough to get your blanket from under 2-70 pound dogs without them just taking it from you.

    I had violin yesterday and need to practice. dd sent me this just during.
    I was in a left-over angry state after getting a poor grade on an assignment. Seems the entire class did poorly so I am chalking it up to a difficult teacher. but, her text helped me get over it... and I had a classmate text me. poor girl has/had a 4.0 and is taking it pretty hard. I emailed the teacher expressing my concern and was pretty much told "too bad". Dh says to go to the dean. I may, but my GPA isnt a 4.0and I typically will let personality differences roll on. Will absolutely be brutally honest when it comes time for course feedback.

    be well.

    oh, dh bought an electric guitar... mid life crisis?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    Well, I didn't make a mess and didn't get mad, so I guess it went okay. LOL Turned out, they didn't need a urine sample, so I got to pee before they put the IV in...they take a blood sample to test kidney function. I thought it was a urine sample. It's been a year since I had one. But, the person putting in the IV didn't use the vein they usually do and missed the vein - she said it rolled. Then she did the other arm and got it, but again not where they usually put one and not in a vein that is readily visible. I'm not a nurse, so can't say she was doing it wrong, but they rarely have a problem with my veins....only other time I remember was when I had the heart cath and I allowed a student to try. She missed. Anyway, it was 11:00 before I got called back. The tech apologized for the delay and said "it's been crazy." I know the hospital laid off/fired over 40 people, maybe this week, because they refused to take the CoVid vaccine. So, I'm guessing they were very short staffed and doing the best they could. The best thing about the whole deal was that the dye only made me feel slightly warm, not so hot I thought I was boiling from the inside out like it did the first one I had 3 years ago.

    Since it was nearly noon when I got out, and I still wanted breakfast, I went to Waffle House and had a sausage, egg, and cheese bowl - basically all the above on top of a bunch of hash browns AND coffee! I'm afraid to even look up the calorie count, so will just not count food today.

    Afterwards, I went the assisted living facility and visited with my cousin and then stopped by Verizon to see about getting a new phone. I was thinking about the Pixel 6 because I thought the magic erase feature on the camera was cool. But, the salesman said he would suggest I wait and get the new Samsung S22 when it comes out in March, or maybe later this month. Anyway, he said the reason was that the camera is a lot better (minus the magic erase) and that a lot of people are having problems with the Pixel 6 and returning them. He says the Samsung with defiantly last a lot longer. So, I'm going to do some research before I buy. Do any of you have any experience with either?
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I had the first google phone when they bought Motorola, which is now owned by Lenovo. I liked it and only gave it up when we switched
    carriers. I like Samsung, would pass on Google although I was tempted to get one until I was having security issues and chose Apple. personally I dont foresee buying anything but apple. IMO if you want bang for buck, grab an older model iPhone, whatever your budget allows. They will last far longer than the others. DH had a series 6 apple for work. It worked fine and he'd had it for 5-6 years (left job & returned it). I have the 12 mini, dh has the pro max 12. But if you want the pixel then get it. It may be the perfect phone for you.
    Breakfast sounds good! I love a good diner coffee.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have the s21. I looked at google but it wasn't available when I needed a phone. (Mine was dying and because covid I had very little choice). I'd wait for s22. Ive tried other brands but nothing has been as reliable as samsung. Pretty much any new phone camera will be better than the older generations. My S21 is AMAZING.

    I use an iphone for work and I hate it. I will never convert. I've tried 3 apple products and I just can't. But ymmv.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,064 Member
    Thanks for your input @swenson19d and @RunsOnEspresso . I am NOT an apple person either. I just don't have the time or energy to learn an entirely new system. I was looking forward to the magic erase, but I've lived without it for 62 years, I guess I don't have to have it now. Maybe the next phone I have, that will be standard. I would rather have a great phone without it than an iffy one with it.