Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 I must have missed something. Do you have a mass that you believe to be benign? Hope you get the appointment and find out what's going on soon.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 I must have missed something. Do you have a mass that you believe to be benign? Hope you get the appointment and find out what's going on soon.

    The neurologist? My hip doc suggested I see one with the ongoing muscle jerks. Of course, I can't get google to diagnose me properly.

    I finally found a graphic of the abdominal tear (core injury).
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Yes. Asking about the neurologist @Elise4270 . I did see that. Just didn't make the connection. LOL Darn google. Can't ever give a proper diagnosis. Seriously, I do hope you get to see someone soon to find out what is going on.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 I must have missed something. Do you have a mass that you believe to be benign? Hope you get the appointment and find out what's going on soon.

    The neurologist? My hip doc suggested I see one with the ongoing muscle jerks. Of course, I can't get google to diagnose me properly.

    I finally found a graphic of the abdominal tear (core injury).

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    Yes. Asking about the neurologist @Elise4270 . I did see that. Just didn't make the connection. LOL Darn google. Can't ever give a proper diagnosis. Seriously, I do hope you get to see someone soon to find out what is going on.

    I guess we'll get there, epically via virtual visits and incorporating an external blood testing unit that connects like a USB for labs. LOL! And the camera will be replaced with an xray/MRI. I thought about phoning today for an appointment, but think I am going to work up to it after the boob squishing tomorrow.

    ETA yes @Avidkeo it is ouch. DH just metioned I am not even trying to come back after this surgery. I said why bother, it hurts and I'll just wait. He's invited me to the park twice this week, and its only tuesday. The bike even makes it hurt. I agreed to try to walk a bit from house to road... later.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 So sorry you are in so much pain. :disappointed:

    @Avidkeo Yeah for the walks. Boo for the niggles. I, too, am hoping it is only being hyper aware of the calf and how it feels. Fingers crossed for your run on Friday. Being aware of wanting to exercise more so you can snack more is a great start. Now you can evaluate the why before doing it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo I find the need to snack now and then. Could it be hormonal? Therefore no real control over the urge and best you can do is grab an apple several times a day? I think the calf will come along if you continue to evaluate it every step! Have you been able to gently stretch, massage and do some counter pressure? It makes me think of a PT visit where they get out that metal tool and rub that scar tissue deeply to break it up. I know you are seeing someone and are knowledgeable, you'll get there.

    I am so dumb
    I had my final in ASL last sunday only to just realize that it was supposed to have been done wednesday. geez. I emailed the instructor acknowledging my mistake. I need 3/100 points for an A, surely she'll grant me leeway and at least give me a B. I did share my sob story about dealing with grief. I think I am sinking this week. I bailed on classes and violin monday and missed that deadline and "studied" last minute for this weeks exams and just don't care. Boobs, neuro, hip, pain, Alex, grumpy DH and zero interest in leaving this house, ALthough I do have an appointment today and plan on shingles/pneumonia vaccinations and a TB test, maybe run by the cemetery and lay in the ant bed until they eat my eyes out and I feel something other than sadness. *sigh*
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Sorry you are having to deal with so much all at once @Elise4270 . Great big hugs to you! Wish I could do more.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Sorry you are having to deal with so much all at once @Elise4270 . Great big hugs to you! Wish I could do more.

    Thanks. It's probably just hormones and time for a good cry. It'll sort out. Dh starts his ADD med today, fingers crossed it helps. I am going to try to train my brain today by thinking of gaining nursing experience with that hip doc next summer, something to look forward to.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Sorry you are having to deal with so much all at once @Elise4270 . Great big hugs to you! Wish I could do more.

    Thanks. It's probably just hormones and time for a good cry. It'll sort out. Dh starts his ADD med today, fingers crossed it helps. I am going to try to train my brain today by thinking of gaining nursing experience with that hip doc next summer, something to look forward to.

    Biggest hugs @elise4270. Don't forget to allow yourself to feel these emotions. Don't bottle. And yeah looking forward to that nursing experience is definitely a positive!

    Well I treated myself to a sweet slice from the cafe yesterday. Its usually my favourite one, but one bite and I just didn't really want it. I ate it anyway but it was just so sweet. I guess 2 weeks of eating more balanced has changed my taste a little. I notice that before. When I eat salads, and more fruit and Veges, and less sugar than sugary food tastes sweeter. The more sugar I eat, the more I want. I know its not backed by science but it does seem that way to me.

    But been sticking to calories, easy atm. I'm in a good place. One problem is my kids ar 6 and 4. I feel like we are going to a kids birthday party EVERY weekend. Any good tips to avoid all the delicious party food? I'm thinking drink bottle and drink every time I'm tempted? Make sure I have a big lunch before going? I'm not good at limiting. Once I start, it's oh just one more, just one more...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - I hope you hear back from your professor that she will at least accept your final if not for full credit. Grief is tough and there are going to be times where you just want to curl up on the couch and not move or do anything but cry. Being in pain and all the other stuff going on medically doesn't help. I am amazed you are able to get any schoolwork done at all. Keep using that idea of nursing experience with your hip doc as motivation!
    @quilteryoyo - how are you recovering? Hope you are feeling well.
    @avidkeo - I think there is evidence that eating sugar results in our bodies wanting more sugar. I don't remember the name of the book but there have been studies that show the addictive affects of sugar on the brain and that it affects the same areas that addictive drugs do. I have the same response to sugar, things taste overwhelmingly sweet and also to salt because I don't use lot of it and then things taste so salty to me that a normal person would think are just fine.

    I had a long day. I got up early to go for a walk and ended up not going but did a fun online aerobics class instead. I needed to go with Hilde to another doctor's appointment at 10:30 but when we got to the office they said she had the time wrong and her appointment wasn't until 1:30. With no way to get home and then back again I tried to figure out somewhere we could walk to. She has been needing to get her hearing checked and fitted for hearing aides and the place wasn't too far away. I called and they could take her at 11. So I am thinking we have to hustle to get there, its only a third of a mile, will only take a few minutes to get there, we can make that. I didn't consider that it was 90F out and I would be pushing a wheelchair with an ~250lb (probably more) person. I was so hot and dripping when we got there 7 minutes late... 90 minutes later we were heading back to the doctor's office with new hearing aides (yay!). We had plenty of time to get back for her actual doctor's appointment and were finished by 2:15. By the time the ride came for us and we got home it had been 5 hours! I was hot, sunburned and so tired. I did happen to take a couple of granola bars with me in the morning just in case and I was so glad I did as we were both getting hangry while waiting. So no walk or run, no strength training and nothing but a granola bar for food. We had leftovers for dinner so I didn't need to cook really. I am exhausted. Every muscle in my body is tired and surprisingly my hands hurt. I guess from holding and willing the chair to go where I wanted and not careening around.
    Tomorrow I had planned to go for an early run and then we are going down to our close little wine country for the afternoon but I will see how I feel in the morning. An early run may not happen. Oh and it is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow, back over 100F 🥵
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - I think what you are feeling is totally normal. And I know we all wish there was something we can do. But it's just time. You are so amazing with all you have on your plate.

    @shanaber - wow, that sounds like an exhausting day with the two appts and pushing the wheelchair. My goodness!

    Did a Pellie ride this morning, lifted yesterday, pellie Mon/Tues. Maybe tomorrow I'll do my half hour run and half hour Pellie. The bear in our neighborhood, which everyone is calling Yogi now, is getting very bold. He used to only be out from around 10pm-5am, but he's been spotted on everyone's cameras from about 8pm-6:30am. Monday eating trash in someone's driveway as the sun was rising. I had to leave my trash bag out this am at 6:30 when I left (DH left earlier) and I cringed imagining if he gets into that bag. Some neighborhoods have bear-proof trash cans but ours does not.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber @Avidkeo There is the up and down of blood sugar with those simple carbs which trigger the "hunger" for more glucose. So if that loop can be broken, you can control those cravings. In my experience, it is removing any refined product and focusing on fiber. I know there is an extreme view in macros, all this and little to none of that- which isn't what I'm advocating. Just have some fiber in those sweets and it should help (apples, blueberries, oranges). I have occasionally treated myself to a small square of dark chocolate with the fruit.

    Thanks for the emotional support ladies, I appreciate it.
    Seems DH realizes how bad I am and is keeping on with the offer of taking me for a walk. I have yet to walk. He's on day 2 of ADD med but is wary of dependence. He's a much nicer person and listens. Hopefully, that will remove some strife... I've made some honest comments to DH and he is aware that I am overwhelmed. I have a sweetie beary snuggler this AM which makes life better.

    Yes, the teacher allowed the late final and penalized me 10%. 90/100 and I needed ~3/100 to keep the A. alls good. Other exams an 89 in Pharmacology and 84 in Child/adult. Acceptable especially since in C/A I overlooked 3 chapters (abt 13 on the exam).

    I got the radiologist report yesterday from the xrays at the doc visit. I have a profound subchondral cyst in that hip. It seems to be a pocket of fluid between (or in) the bone and cartilage. I think that explains the ongoing pain in the hip. I suppose if it needs addressed, if the abdominal cor injury hasn't healed, they can be done together. It was also noted that I have osteoarthritis in both hips. I was sure of it anyway.

    onward. past the headache, into the day.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber @Avidkeo There is the up and down of blood sugar with those simple carbs which trigger the "hunger" for more glucose. So if that loop can be broken, you can control those cravings. In my experience, it is removing any refined product and focusing on fiber. I know there is an extreme view in macros, all this and little to none of that- which isn't what I'm advocating. Just have some fiber in those sweets and it should help (apples, blueberries, oranges). I have occasionally treated myself to a small square of dark chocolate with the fruit.

    Thanks for the emotional support ladies, I appreciate it.
    Seems DH realizes how bad I am and is keeping on with the offer of taking me for a walk. I have yet to walk. He's on day 2 of ADD med but is wary of dependence. He's a much nicer person and listens. Hopefully, that will remove some strife... I've made some honest comments to DH and he is aware that I am overwhelmed. I have a sweetie beary snuggler this AM which makes life better.

    Yes, the teacher allowed the late final and penalized me 10%. 90/100 and I needed ~3/100 to keep the A. alls good. Other exams an 89 in Pharmacology and 84 in Child/adult. Acceptable especially since in C/A I overlooked 3 chapters (abt 13 on the exam).

    I got the radiologist report yesterday from the xrays at the doc visit. I have a profound subchondral cyst in that hip. It seems to be a pocket of fluid between (or in) the bone and cartilage. I think that explains the ongoing pain in the hip. I suppose if it needs addressed, if the abdominal cor injury hasn't healed, they can be done together. It was also noted that I have osteoarthritis in both hips. I was sure of it anyway.

    onward. past the headache, into the day.

    I wonder if the sunchodral cyst is related to OA. One of the signs of OA is sunchodral cysts. Yay for your professor. I know that's what happens here, 10% docked per day your paper is late, so to only get docked 10% is excellent!

    @ddmom0811 I'm so glad we don't have bears here, that sounds both kida fun, but pretty scary!

    @shanaber you are such a good friend, and what an absolute mission.

    I'm absolutely exhausted. Took on extra call last night due to colleague with concussion. Got called at 615pm - unusually early. Had a 2.5hr theatre case, got home at 11pm, then called out at midnight! Didn't get home till just before 3! So effectively worked another 8hr shift. So no run today. I literally do not have the energy. Kinda makes the calf a moot point. It's feeling OK today. Slightly tight but no pain so I think i would have been fine. No harm in the extra rest though!

    I have to be at work at 1145am - 9hrs from when I got home. I am no good at sleeping in, body woke me at 8am, so I'm awake! I'm currently just chilling in bed for a couple of hours till I have to go in. And I'll pretty much just be a body.

    It's a shame, it's a beautiful day.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I tried to go for a run this morning but my body was like nope. I haven't been sleeping well. I am blaming hormones. I got my implant replaced today so hopefully, it all goes back to "normal". I was going to run after work but my arm is hurting and I have to keep the bandage on until the end of the day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo I feel for you and have no tricks for avoiding the treats at parties. I don't go to many of them, so when I do, I just let myself indulge. I know....that is NO help. LOL I agree with you on the sugar though. If you don't eat it for a while, sweet things taste double sweet AND once you start, you just want more. I would be exhausted after all of that too. You're right, an extra rest day can't hurt. Hope you were able to get out and enjoy at least part of the beautiful day.

    @shanaber That does sound like a long day. Pushing a wheelchair isn't easy. I feel for you but so glad you and Hilde got everything done she needed to do. Wishing you cooler weather soon.

    @ddmom0811 I missed it if you posted about the bear earlier. That can be scary. Can the wildlife people come capture and relocate it?

    @Elise4270 So glad the teacher let you do your final late. That was the "right" thing to do. Glad DH and Beary are being supportive. Glad you found out what the hip issue is. Hope it can be treated somehow.

    @RunsOnEspresso Hope it's just hormones and you sleep better now.

    I am doing great. I actually can't really tell they "did" anything, except for the band aid I put over the incision so I don't bother with it when I'm sleeping. So, heart cath down. Open heart surgery to go. They haven't called to schedule the surgery yet.

    I didn't check in yesterday because I was having a bad morning, mentally, and then was busy until after 7 pm.... took dad to the VA for an appointment and then drove over to Roan Mountain to look at the fall colors. That part of my day was really nice.

    I woke up yesterday thinking about my experience at the hospital on Monday and am questioning whether to have the surgery done there. I didn't tell you, but the pre and post op area was in an old part of the hospital. I heard one of the nurses say they had been there since March, but didn't ask why they were moved. It was pretty awful. The little "cubical" I was in was the corner one, which was actually ok, since there was a little more room. But, the curtain they had hanging up looked like it was home made by someone who didn't know how to sew, it didn't go all the way to the floor, and the nurse taped it to the wall so it wouldn't be gaping open there. It didn't close well on the other side either, so I felt I was exposed while changing clothes. Then, instead of a call button, they actually put a bell like a teacher has on her desk, on the tray table beside the bed and told me to ring it if I needed anything! Really?! Then, when they came in to do stuff to me, they moved the table and didn't move it back. I just felt like I was in a third world hospital, not state of the art. The care I got was good otherwise, but that certainly didn't leave a very good impression.....oh, and hearing one of the nurses say something along the lines of "There's a whole lot of mistakes being made in here today." Yikes. I assumed that was paperwork things, or at least hoped that was the case, but not really something you want to hear when you are getting ready for a heart cath.

    Then, I found the hospital has a policy, because of CoVID, that I have to chose A person to be the only person who can see me while I am in the hospital. They can't trade off with someone else. Only that designated person will be allowed in! I just sat and cried. How am I supposed to pick someone? There isn't an obvious person. It's just really hard.

    Today, I made some phone calls and found out some information that makes me feel a little bit better about this particular hospital - like the pre op for my surgery would be in the newer part of the hospital, at least. If I use the surgeon I have been seeing, this is the only hospital where he has privileges. So, if I go somewhere else, I'll have to get a whole new surgeon and start over, somewhat. I made an appointment to go to my PCP, whom I adore, tomorrow just to talk all of this over with him and see if he has any insights into the surgeons/hospitals. I hope I will feel better one way or the other after that.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    @quilteryoyo I hope the "mistakes" were just some nit-pickin' nurse with a bug in her britches. I know COVID poses limitations, but can you visit the newer end and get a feel for the folks there? Every visit I have with Baylor I get a survey, if this hospital doesn't do that I would encourage you to voice your concerns at least in an email if you aren't up to a phone call or one-on-one. The staff can be inconvenienced with antiquated, and dilapidated fixures and the hospital is not going to listen, but get patients voicing concern, and things may improve for both parties. Conveying that you overheard such conversations will be an attention-getter as no patient and no hospital wants fussy nurses about in earshot of patients. I know there is someone that needs this information. If it's sub-par the next person doesn't need to be there with life-threatening mistakes. I'm peeved over it actually, I will rip some earholes in a heartbeat over a lack of standards. *drops mic. steps down off soapbox*

    Now don't worry over the one person being there with you. You won't be too long there, embrace the rest, give me the number to your nurse's station and I will keep them on their toes. Have your one person bring you your phone and charger, reading material, overnight bag, facetime family, I'll send you my cell, and you can text me anything/anytime- then I'll call those nurses to set things right. You can bring in some snacks, order some take out. Dh visited me once in my overnight stay and it was short and just a formality. It is the time of year nurses and med students are doing clinicals, perhaps you will have 2-3 students. I only have class on Mondays now, I seriously can come sit with you. Me getting out might do me a world of good, I can bring homework, violin (no I won't play for you -yet), I can help get things in order for your return home... just name it. I am serious. I am available to help. Maybe DD will come too. Mind your puppy even, sure a hotel is close and I won't intrude.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Fares are cheap right now. Just give me the dates
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @Avidkeo I feel for you and have no tricks for avoiding the treats at parties. I don't go to many of them, so when I do, I just let myself indulge. I know....that is NO help. LOL I agree with you on the sugar though. If you don't eat it for a while, sweet things taste double sweet AND once you start, you just want more. I would be exhausted after all of that too. You're right, an extra rest day can't hurt. Hope you were able to get out and enjoy at least part of the beautiful day.

    @shanaber That does sound like a long day. Pushing a wheelchair isn't easy. I feel for you but so glad you and Hilde got everything done she needed to do. Wishing you cooler weather soon.

    @ddmom0811 I missed it if you posted about the bear earlier. That can be scary. Can the wildlife people come capture and relocate it?

    @Elise4270 So glad the teacher let you do your final late. That was the "right" thing to do. Glad DH and Beary are being supportive. Glad you found out what the hip issue is. Hope it can be treated somehow.

    @RunsOnEspresso Hope it's just hormones and you sleep better now.

    I am doing great. I actually can't really tell they "did" anything, except for the band aid I put over the incision so I don't bother with it when I'm sleeping. So, heart cath down. Open heart surgery to go. They haven't called to schedule the surgery yet.

    I didn't check in yesterday because I was having a bad morning, mentally, and then was busy until after 7 pm.... took dad to the VA for an appointment and then drove over to Roan Mountain to look at the fall colors. That part of my day was really nice.

    I woke up yesterday thinking about my experience at the hospital on Monday and am questioning whether to have the surgery done there. I didn't tell you, but the pre and post op area was in an old part of the hospital. I heard one of the nurses say they had been there since March, but didn't ask why they were moved. It was pretty awful. The little "cubical" I was in was the corner one, which was actually ok, since there was a little more room. But, the curtain they had hanging up looked like it was home made by someone who didn't know how to sew, it didn't go all the way to the floor, and the nurse taped it to the wall so it wouldn't be gaping open there. It didn't close well on the other side either, so I felt I was exposed while changing clothes. Then, instead of a call button, they actually put a bell like a teacher has on her desk, on the tray table beside the bed and told me to ring it if I needed anything! Really?! Then, when they came in to do stuff to me, they moved the table and didn't move it back. I just felt like I was in a third world hospital, not state of the art. The care I got was good otherwise, but that certainly didn't leave a very good impression.....oh, and hearing one of the nurses say something along the lines of "There's a whole lot of mistakes being made in here today." Yikes. I assumed that was paperwork things, or at least hoped that was the case, but not really something you want to hear when you are getting ready for a heart cath.

    Then, I found the hospital has a policy, because of CoVID, that I have to chose A person to be the only person who can see me while I am in the hospital. They can't trade off with someone else. Only that designated person will be allowed in! I just sat and cried. How am I supposed to pick someone? There isn't an obvious person. It's just really hard.

    Today, I made some phone calls and found out some information that makes me feel a little bit better about this particular hospital - like the pre op for my surgery would be in the newer part of the hospital, at least. If I use the surgeon I have been seeing, this is the only hospital where he has privileges. So, if I go somewhere else, I'll have to get a whole new surgeon and start over, somewhat. I made an appointment to go to my PCP, whom I adore, tomorrow just to talk all of this over with him and see if he has any insights into the surgeons/hospitals. I hope I will feel better one way or the other after that.

    Honestly for someone like you who is used to taking care of everyone else, I think it’s natural to be freaking out.

    When you read about surgeries they are always telling you to find out how many of that procedure the surgeon has done and what his success rates, complication rates and so on are. How is an ordinary non-professional patient even supposed to do that? I have no idea. Maybe someone in the profession knows. It does seem that if this surgeon has a good rep and only works at this one hospital it can’t be bad. Having moved there in March makes me wonder if they had to give over their former space to Covid patients or something similar, since that’s when it started to spread in a lot of places.

    I’m just happy to hear you get one person to be with you, since a lot of hospitals aren’t allowing even that right now. It’s a rough time!

    I hope you get some answers that put your mind at ease.