Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo I think I need those steps back I gave you yesterday. :lol: So far today I only have 5372 and have no intentions of doing anything to get anywhere near 10,000. I have been busy all day, I guess it just didn't involve walking. I did vacuum, did some laundry, cleaned the baths, and rearranged the living room furniture before I am told I can't lift anything for a week. The surgeon's PA said they like for people to try to sleep in a recliner after the open heart surgery, if possible, because it keeps them from rolling over onto their side and putting stress on the sternum. I usually can't sleep in one, but I'll give it a go when I need to. Also went to town and got the dog some food...also something I won't be able to lift for a week after Monday. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.

    You may not get steps in but man have you been busy! Sleeping in a recliner sounds awful but I can see their point. I'll send what I can but I've only done 3k myself lol

    actually this got me thinking. I used to be obsessed with getting 12,000 steps a day. Why 12? Cause it looked like a good number I guess. Because of my calf injury I've let it go. And have realised one of the reasons I got the injury was because of the obsession! The day that caused the worse problems I went for a 9k hilly walk. On a rest day. While I was in the middle of marathon training. I went for that walk so I could get my steps in. Other days I'd walk on the spot in the evening to get my steps in. I never actually allowed my legs to rest even on rest days.

    I've let go with the step obsession, I think. But still struggle with actual rest days. Even today, I desperately want to go for a walk, even though Sunday is a strict do no exercise day. But what's 2k right. It starts at 2k,then is 3,4 etc.

    So part of my recovery is learning to actually rest, and not push things too much. I keep contemplating picking up strength training again, haven't done any since the injury on PT orders. I will wait till next PT session to discuss that though.

    Couple of very very tiny niggles today. I think scar tissue grumbling.

    So now I'm getting lunch ready for tomorrow, laying out my running Clothing, cause I get to run in the morning!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I don't always feel wise. Lol I don't remember the 3rd. My memory is awful 🤣 Ok, I looked. I did all my races on the 4th. I did a trail that has all the ups at the start/end (out & back). I averaged 13ish per mile despite basically hiking the inclines. If I remember it was my best effort on that trail.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Interesting insight into the step obsession. It would probably be okay for someone whose only exercise was walking. But, with running, I think our bodies do need some rest every once in a while. I was trying to take at least one day a week that there was no running or fast walking. Those days often turned into mowing the lawn, so not total rest, but not pounding on the legs. I may become obsessed with walking after my surgery, since I won't be able to run for a few weeks.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    I am sleeping hot and sweaty. Pellets again since I have the excessive facial hair under control or ask PCP for help? oh, I should wait until the mammo. I forgot cancers can be fed by estrogen (not that I have cancer, just might wait a bit until I complicate potential treatment).

    Beary has seasonal allergies
    I gave him Benadryl last night. He is chipper this morning and seems to feel better so I allowed him to go back outside. DH thinks he should be sentenced to life inside so he won't get sick or snake bit as I disobey his concerns. Ya gotta let the kids be kids and the cats be cats. I assured him that another dose of Benadryl this evening will be marked for Mr snots. It's kind of funny as DH has no kids and didn't experience that balance of allowing childhood experiences. Of course, he is of the opinion that this is why mine are so undisciplined because I allowed them to do everything. Perhaps, but one must experience life not sit safely behind glass watching the other kids (cats) play outside and chase butterflies.

    DH made chili and cornbread yesterday. yum. I need DD to analyze it and tell me what it is missing, it is a little bland. but still very good with an unhealthy portion of sour cream.

    Muscle spasms
    I still am having them but also think they might be fewer since I have upped the potassium foods, oranges, bananas, and OJ. I have 18 days to finish my jerk-research. I have magnesium supplements but take a multi and don't anticipate it to be the Mg.

    holding steady just above the "!!!!" mark. PMS or a faint period this week so perhaps the weight will drop afterward.

    I wear them only 2 days a week and I swear I have more outbreaks and gross skin. All those oral germs trapped upon my skin, why is there no antibacterial mask solution. I saw a nurse wipe her face with purple wipes ( alcohol- I think), I thought- that is probably a good idea. I've also ben disposing of the blue/white masks after one use. @Avidkeo You have any medical advice on the topic?

    ok stalling... HW and exams... oh crap I have to do an ASL final today telling my swim story!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @elise When people say “bland” often it means the sour component is missing, try a squirt of lime and see if that fixes it. Other techniques to make chili pop - heat the spices and pepper in oil first to develop the flavor. And of course the obvious make sure there’s enough salt.

    I used to have indoor/outdoor cats but my nerves couldn’t stand it anymore. The thing about outdoor cats is sometimes they just disappear and don’t ever come back, and you never know what happened - hit by a car on the next road over that you never drive down? Eaten by dog? Just sick and crawled under something to die? Picked up by a well meaning stranger who thought he was a stray? Both of ours were transitioned to indoors and after they got used to it seemed just as happy indoors.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 no real advice on the mask, I don't seem to have issues. But I don't tend to wear them for longer than an hour or so. I do try get the ones with the bit if foam across the top - they are orange coloured here - anti fog masks, cause I wear classes. I can wear those for several hours and not have an issue. Maybe that would help?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @elise When people say “bland” often it means the sour component is missing, try a squirt of lime and see if that fixes it. Other techniques to make chili pop - heat the spices and pepper in oil first to develop the flavor. And of course the obvious make sure there’s enough salt.

    I used to have indoor/outdoor cats but my nerves couldn’t stand it anymore. The thing about outdoor cats is sometimes they just disappear and don’t ever come back, and you never know what happened - hit by a car on the next road over that you never drive down? Eaten by dog? Just sick and crawled under something to die? Picked up by a well-meaning stranger who thought he was a stray? Both of ours were transitioned to indoors and after they got used to it seemed just as happy indoors.

    I'll try the lime. I think Dh tried to keep it not so spicy for me.

    We are rural, but I do still worry about those cats, one is an outside cat and won't come in (noodles). They just paved our road (sort of) and I worry about the cars going a bit faster and bear is grey and practically invisible. He is almost always in the garage or in the flowerbed, he's a baby and won't go anywhere without me or DH. He's even a little shy going into the woods after I dropped that tree-top on him. oops. He's back in safely for his baby naps. It's kinda cute that DH is so protective over him.

    @Avidkeo I'll look for those masks. Thanks!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well its 7am. I'm eating porridge (oatmeal for you US folk) with some bran. My arms and hands are cold and it's hard to type lol.

    Went for a run. 2min run 2 min walk. It was WET! I probably should have wore my long sleeve merino, but it's 10 degrees C here (50f) so wasn't cold enough technically. But combine the rain and a bit of wind, yeah i got a bit chilled. But love it! I love running in the rain. Weird, years ago I would never have said that. But then years ago I wouldn't have been running so...

    Work today. Have meals all planned, a yummy salad for lunch. Not sure what DH is doing for dinner. I always leave around 500 calories or so for the end of the day. Just makes things easier. Evening Meals generally aren't that big, and I always pick up extra calories with my job, on my feet most of the day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo You are doing great! I still haven't embraced running in the rain...unless it's really warm out and it starts after I have started to run. Then, it is really enjoyable. Not sure a chilly rain is my thing.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Steps - I still try to get in ~10,000/day. For a while I was getting $1 every time I did from my insurance company. I ended up with $50 for the portion I was covered last year and $100 (the max) this year. They give it to you as an Amazon credit so that was nice. I am not manic about it though and know that on my rest days unless I take a walk, I likely won't get 10,000 in and that is ok. Some off days I get less than 5,000. Not ideal but I don't worry about it, the daily average is well over 10,000.

    Face masks - I like the cloth (woven cotton) masks the best. I usually don't have to wear them for long but my face does get sweaty, less so with the cotton ones or maybe they just absorb it better? I dunno.

    Menopause - @elise4270, you might consider trying some black cohosh (assuming no allergies, etc.) It was recommended to me by an herbalist in Switzerland of all places when I was backpacking with dd and miserable from the menopause symptoms. It really helped and I took it for years. I couldn't get the exact one I got there which I think was by far the purest and best but I did find some that worked just about as well. Also I found magnesium helped me more with the muscle spasms than potassium did. But you have to be careful how much and which kind you take. It can cause all kinds of stomach issues.

    Outdoor cats - where we live traffic isn't really an issue but we had one cat snatched and eaten by a coyote. Honestly I was shocked that they would come all the way back into our neighborhood but I have actually seen them walking the streets at night. Honestly I am amazed that we have so many feral cats that seem to manage just fine and stay out of their way.

    @avidkeo - you are doing great! Good to see you running but sticking to your comeback plan! I also love rain running, mostly I think because it rains so infrequently I just have to enjoy it when it does!
    @quilteryoyo - by now your procedure should be over. I have been thinking of you all morning and hope it all went well and they found no surprises!

    Weight - my weight has been like a yoyo lately. It is water I am assuming. Up a bit, down a bit. Up more than a bit, down a more then 2.5lbs, then up 2lbs... I just don't know what the answer is. My PCP even mentioned this last time that I should consider dropping a few pounds. I'm trying seriously I am trying...

    Yesterday my dd pinged me to go for another virtual walk with her. She got up to drizzle and about the time she was going to head out it started pouring so I walked and she made herself breakfast. I am loving the opportunity to just talk about anything and everything with her and to hear about her week. She says adulting is hard! 😂 But she is loving her jobs and discovered that she really likes the Public Health work she is doing. The Director of Public Health within the company has several projects for her as does the WA Health Dept in addition to her clinical work and running the testing site.
    I think someone (@ddmom0811 or @bearly63) asked if she had gotten her Peloton yet. The answer is not yet. They delayed all deliveries because of the fires and smoke/air quality and pushed all of them out. She is now scheduled for next Sunday (shocked they are making Sunday deliveries). She finds it frustrating because she had to start paying for it and it has been delayed over 2 months now.

    Got an early, really good run in this morning. I am trying to run less but make them better quality runs with more focus on running further. Today my HR stayed up and felt good. It either jumped up or dropped at one point and I made myself run through it, I think I need to do more of that. It is getting hot, hot and hotter again this week. 90F today and just going up from there, 🥵 Just means I need to get to bed early and up and out early.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Thank you. Procedure went well and no blockages. Home now, resting.

    Wow! That's fantastic that your insurance paid you to get 10K steps. Do you think it actually motivated any couch potatoes to get moving?

    Mom and dad "had" an indoor/outdoor cat they really adored. It would disappear for a couple of days at a time and really bother them. Well, this time, it's been gone almost 2 weeks. It probably is gone for good. Worst part is not knowing what happened to it.

    Good luck with the weight. It's tough, as we all know.

    Glad DD is loving her jobs and you are able to spend that quality time, sharing her live with her.

    Yeah for the running! I hope the new plan helps the PM learn your needs quicker.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    So I had to cancel my PCP appointment a month or so ago. I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous and didn't want to deal with a drive and doctor that day. The scheduling people called a week later & said they set a new appointment for me (without my input). Finally got the info it was December and 2 pm. Nope, because I can't fast that long & drive that far. So I canceled & requested an early morning appointment so I can go to blood draw right after.

    Now they are telling me they can't accommodate but I can see the PA or be put on a 6 month wait list. Nope, I did that last year and the PA was a rude *kitten*. But you know socialized health care will make you wait 🙄
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry you are having those issues with your doctor. What did you wind up doing?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have had similar issues with my PCP because she gets booked so far out. When I called to reschedule my cancelled physical I asked for the next available morning appointment regardless of how far out it was. I had to wait several months but got the appointment I wanted. I just wish they would send in the blood work order so I could get that done before my appointment because the lab has such long wait times...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Ugh! I typed a long message and then clicked done instead of post. I’m on iPad, which I rarely use.

    Anyway I think I said @quilteryoyo - glad procedure went well!
    @shanaber - that’s awful about Peloton, first Covid, then smoke, what next? I can imagine some things but who’s voice here. Agree on blood work. They will never order mine in advance.

    @RunsOnEspresso - so sad for the restaurant lady. And ridiculous about your appt!!! Yes, good thing we don’t have socialized medicine - haha - we get such fast service here.

    @elise4270 - I was getting lots of zits when I first when back to school with mask Especially because it so hot and humid here. Seems like it’s gotten better. I don’t have to wear mine all day like the teachers do, just when I leave my office. I don’t have any advice for it. I feel like Billy Goat Gruff lately — I never look because no one sees my face anyway!

    I was thinking about perhaps splitting my morning workout to be half run/half Peloton. Sounds crazy I guess and I don’t know which one to do first.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I have had similar issues with my PCP because she gets booked so far out. When I called to reschedule my cancelled physical I asked for the next available morning appointment regardless of how far out it was. I had to wait several months but got the appointment I wanted. I just wish they would send in the blood work order so I could get that done before my appointment because the lab has such long wait times...

    I've tried to do the blood before the appointment before and it got all messed up and they didn't do the right tests. I had to go back for blood on another day.

    @quilteryoyo I'm about to find a new doctor. I like mt doctor but the hour + drive and scheduling being so difficult makes it hard.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Too tired to try catch up, sorry guys.

    @quilteryoyo glad things went well, that's excellent news.

    @elise4270 we've run out of my favourite orange masks! We now have these weird, really soft ones. They feel nice but fog up my glasses. One of the surgeons today recommended some tape (tanspore!) across the bridge stuck to my face to stopy glasses fogging! It worked a treat for that, but wouldn't recommend if you change masks often, I think i took a layer of skin off my nose when I took it off. Apparently they are out of supplies so we have to use these random ones. I want my old masks back!

    I easily fit my calories in today, I had budgeted for icecream from the icecream truck after work with my kids, but he never showed up! So got to have some chips and chocolate bed time snack instead. I still have some calories left over, and since I'm not hungry I've just banked them for later.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    As far as bloodwork goes, my PCP always has me do it a week before my appointment so he has the results when I see him. Sounds like that is not the norm.

    @RunsOnEspresso I think finding a new doctor is a good idea. I could go to the VA, but chose not to because it is an hour away and I didn't want to have to drive that far if I wasn't feeling well. If my current doctor, whom I adore, ever quits or moves, I will look into the VA. They sure have been good to my dad. Anyway, I get that the hour drive is a big negative.

    @Avidkeo So sorry that the ice cream truck didn't come by. What a bummer!

    The anesthesia must have still been in my system last night. I was falling asleep on the couch at 9, so went to bed at 9:45 and didn't get up this morning until 8 am. I haven't slept that long in a long, long time. I'm still supposed to rest "on the couch or in bed" today. I have some on-line training I need to get done for my daycare job, so that is my plan for the day - probably sitting at my desk. I think that will be okay. It's 4 hours of training. I'll break it up so I'm not sitting for that long and, with the way I feel, will probably throw in a nap somewhere. AND I get to take a shower and get the annoying tape off of my leg this afternoon. Without that, and being sleepy, I wouldn't know anything had happened.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member I posted a long post since its been awhile, last night at about 8ish.....and do not see it. Total bummer....I read and caught up on everyone's week and responded. Some really good!

    Oh well....maybe you got it but its not showing here....sorry about that. Hope everyone is well....just got back from my husband's colonoscopy. I had to sit in my car but he was done in 2 hours....jealous of his awesome power nap.

    Food: breakfast tacos....yum Did my ride before we had to go to the appt so I was starving.

    Exercise....going to go light on the riding this week - some short intervals only and do some strength and stretching before the long riding this weekend to get to 150 miles. It should be fun....doing several large group rides with drinks and zoom calls.....these are crazy people.

    DD had her first interview on Friday with Long School of medicine in San Antonio. It as 4 hours of zooming, of which 1 hour was 2 30 min interviews one on one with people and rest was informational group zooms. She thought it went ok but just can't believe they can pick a class of students with a short zoom call.

    She has one tomorrow and Thursday as well....We are just trying to be hopefull....

    Happy Tuesday
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    Been extra terrible the last two days. Dh took a day off (today) and yesterday was indigenous peoples' day (holiday for the tribe). Too much fast food. So my weight is up a pound. But finally started a period instead of the flirting with business. Perhaps the pound will leave in a few days.

    I found someone at Baylor so they can communicate with my other docs there, and I've just had great luck with the Baylor group. I haven't made an appointment yet. I am getting a bit curious about it and want to phone. I sincerely believe that it is benign and am just trying to do anything other than study.

    I wish beary would behave himself and quit being a stinker. LOL, JK. He's a sweetie. He taught the Beanie to get in the tunnel and play, and it only took 3 months. Bears feet smell like corn chips.