Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber my mom drives me nuts with her hearing aids, they always have something wrong with them. And then she doesn’t seem to grasp that her phone is set so it rings in her hearing aids and doesn’t actually make a noise other people can hear. I call her and she doesn’t pick up, so I text her iPad and she says, “But it didn’t ring... I’m sitting right here... let me put my hearing aids in.” Then when she inevitably cuts off the conversation by touching the wrong thing, when I call her back she says, “That’s funny, it rang this time!”

    She is generally mentally sharp but not where it comes to technology. Right now my husband has just set up amazon fire for her and she is complaining that it’s broken because it doesn’t connect to her Dish network. Uh, yes. Because they are two unrelated things. The Dish is not broken either, she is just trying to get the Dish on the Amazon channel and vice versa.

    @quilteryoyo My go-to freezer meals are ham and bean soup, turkey chili, beef stroganoff, and spaghetti with meat sauce. Particularly the turkey chili which is made with black beans and canned pumpkin.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    edited October 2020
    @ddmom0811 Sounds like a great weekend. Glad you are enjoying the condo.

    @rheddmobile My mom and dad are also technologically challenged. I finally got my dad to realize that he could indeed call my cell phone from his land line. I get it. In 20 or 30 years I'm sure there will be things that I don't grasp either. I never thought about freezing bean soup, for some reason. I'm hoping I can heat water and cook spaghetti - reason for making the meatballs. I could be way over optimistic as to how this is going to go. We shall see. For some reason, turkey chili made with canned pumpkin does NOT sound appetizing to me, but I'm sure it is. Healthy too. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo If you like pumpkin you might give it a try. We've made it before and everyone likes it, well... not DD because she won't eat pumpkin.

    My niece of 24 came over and needed help scanning and emailing off a housing application. So, some of these young ones don't have the experience we old ones do.

    Dh bought me a smelly candle. I am not sure what it is combining with now and then but it smells like Alex. I am an empty shell of a person, just existing until I don't.

    Results are in. All is well, I suppose the fat armpit is just that. I might see if the spa place will do a cool sculpting for me, I see them tomorrow for some more face zapping (hair laser).

    Egg nog
    I say "gross", DH says "yum" and thinks I should just try it until I like it. I countered with a cat licking exercise he might undertake until "he likes it". He thinks I'm sick but I'm not the one on about cow mammaries and chicken butts. so, who likes egg nog? LOL! He's gross not you ladies! I think the texture gets me, er did when I tried it 40 years ago. Mincemeat pie is also gross.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Look what arrived!!

    I wasn't expecting them for a month cause covid! Less than a week woo hoo.

    These are mens 8, and I think they fit better than the womens equivalent! I think I'll just buy mens shoes from now on haha. So much cheaper too
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I like turkey chili too but I don't put pumpkin in it. I do use black beans and "ranch style" beans with jalapeños. I also make my spaghetti meat sauce with ground turkey. We like it and can't really tell a difference with beef. I can't think of much else to freeze and have ready other than what you have listed already.
    @rheddmobile - Hilde is pretty tech savvy up to a point. She has an old PC running Windows XP(!) and refuses to let us replace it (we have a newer one for her). We also set up her late husbands laptop that runs a newer version of Windows so she can get to some things like YouTube that won't work on her old PC. She mostly does well with her phone but gets confused with what she sees on the home screen and where to actually read and respond to text messages as well as the difference between a message and an email. It will be interesting to see how she does with the hearing aides configured with her phone too.
    @Elise4270 - I don't like eggnog either. My dh loves it, or used to. He had a bad experience one holiday season with eggnog (with rum I guess) and popcorn - too much of both and got very sick. I don't think he has had it since 😂
    Glad the mammo came back good! I need to schedule mine. My PCP is sending me for a fancy 3-D one. Should be interesting as I have no idea what that would be. I am also going for genetic testing since breast cancer is so prevalent in my mom's family.
    @ddmom0811 - sounds like a wonderful afternoon walk! I think we used to have an omelet pan like that, I wonder where it went to. My dd got her Peloton today and it is all set up for her. She is going to do her first ride tomorrow morning before work.

    Dh got kolaches again this morning. I love the ones with egg and cheese inside but I can only eat half as they are pretty big. I forgot to eat lunch but had a big dinner with BBQ chicken, veggies and rice pilaf.
    We watched the Packers lose a terrible game to Tampa Bay... But enjoyed watching the Dodgers win the National league championship!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 I still smell things that remind me of John, after 14 years. Hang in there. I'm not a big egg nog person either. If it has booze, it is a lot easier to take, but I don't seek it out and it has soooooo many calories. Glad the mammogram came out okay.

    @Avidkeo Woo Hoo! Love the shoes and that you got them so quickly!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    The 3D exam was no different from the previous one I had. Squish was a bit tighter, it not bad.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm about 7 years off starting mamo screening - yay lol. My maternal aunt had breast cancer in her 50s so I'm sure they will definitely be keeping an eye on me sigh.

    We don't do eggnog in NZ, it's just not a thing. I think you can buy cartons of it at Christmas, but not common. That said a NZ Christmas is BBQs, and beaches, and summer fun. Haha. So much different from the northern hemisphere.

    My scales were all screwed this morning. When I first jumped on they tried convincing me I'd lost 4kg (about 9lb) overnight! Would be nice but I know it's not a reality. I ended up taking the battery out and putting it back in, and got a more sensible 1kg (2lb) loss over night - realistic as its all water weight. So almost back to pre birthday party weight.

    Calf was great yesterday, until I was squatting down imaging a patients knee. When I stood up, I put all my weight through that leg. And it was a bit sore. So 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Rest now till Friday anyway. Its feeling OK this morning, just back to sore when I start walking.

    Cardiacs this morning, so I'll be doing my students paper work and sitting around for 4 hrs. Fun.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I need to schedule my boob squish. Online wouldn't let me pick the location near me. I haven't found any other places on my side of town. Like I'm the only woman 🙄

    Eggnog is gross.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo when is it suggested that you start watching for breast cancer with a relative? I think I’ve heard 40 but can’t recall exactly. I know it can happen very early when it runs in families. They want me in once a year. No way. Two in the last 3 years seems about right for me, lol! Although I may go for 3 in 5 years next.

    Dh opened my letter from the hospital saying that I didn’t have breast cancer. Nosey!!! He asked when I even went, still so nosey. I didn’t poke around about his case of epididimytis. Haha!

    My jerks are back so I started a body map during class to note time and location, also color coding the simultaneous jerks. I might have to make that neuro appointment after all.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I just turned 40 & my doc said I have to get it done. Zero history in my family. Fun fact celiac disease makes breast cancer less likely (but small intestinal cancer more likely)
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I think it depends on where you are. Our screening starts at 45 here even with maternal factors.

    Then there's the whole debate about over screening... I'll leave that for another day though lop
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    So interesting on screening dates. My doctor was sure on early 30s since I had multiple occurrences on my maternal side. I was thankful as I had my first incidence in my late 30's. It was fully encapsulated so only surgery, no chemo, no radiation and follow up mammograms every 3 and then every 6 mos for a while, now yearly. Dd has been told to have her first starting at 35. She is anxious to hear my genetic testing results and will likely delay getting her initial mammogram as long as possible. Well at least until she has insurance that will cover it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I've been having yearly mammograms for so long, I don't recall when I started having them. To me, they are no big deal. I've only had a couple of times where it "hurt," but I think it was because it was "that time of the month" or getting close. My insurance pays for the 3D ones, so that is what I get now.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited October 2020
    Years ago I knew a woman with breast cancer history in her family. She wanted to start at 35 & her doc and / or insurance wouldn't allow it. I can't recall the details.

    It's like when docs & insurance say women can't get tubes tied or men a vasectomy because they are still young and may want kids. Even after they've had 2 or 3 kids and do not want more.

    I believe we should be allowed to have tests & procedures like these if it's what we want. But yes, whole other argument there.

    I didn't realize mammogram was 40. For some reason I thought it was older if you had low risk and 40 for risk factors. I know colonoscopy is 50. I've already been there done that lol
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Years ago I knew a woman with breast cancer history in her family. She wanted to start at 35 & her doc and / or insurance wouldn't allow it. I can't recall the details.

    It's like when docs & insurance say women can't get tubes tied or men a vasectomy because they are still young and may want kids. Even after they've had 2 or 3 kids and do not want more.

    I believe we should be allowed to have tests & procedures like these if it's what we want. But yes, whole other argument there.

    I didn't realize mammogram was 40. For some reason I thought it was older if you had low risk and 40 for risk factors. I know colonoscopy is 50. I've already been there done that lol

    The issue with mammograms is they use radiation, so there is a risk that the screening method if used too early can actually cause cancer. Someone in their 30s has a higher risk of developing something as a result of radiation, compared with someone in their 60s, because they have more time to develop something. Generally under 40 here if you find something, you get and ultrasound. So it's bigger than a woman having the right to access a test or procedure - I completely agree that is a major issue - just in this situation because it's using radiation, the risks outweigh the benefits. Because breast cancer under 45 is rare (yes it happens, but not common), that's why the threshold.

    And there I go, soap boxing!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I wish they would start with identifying the BRCA 1/2 genes and what not. Some of us don't know family history and what if there's a run of genetic luck where gma, mom, and aunts didn't have it?

    I wasn't going to mess with the mammogram at all. No family that I know of had it, I breastfed and just didn't feel led to do it. One year my GP f
    Got on a mammogram kick and convinced me because it will metastatize and then I'll have brain cancer. He seemed as if he might have had experience with such a case and I caved out of making him feel better.

    My weight is up, of course. I know I can't eat irresponsibly and maintain.

    I have 4 hours to kill until we meet for coffee with the senior class officers. I have homework, it think I will present myself to the Position Apple for a tattoo idea. Feels as if today it will be cathartic. I'll probably update later. Wish me no hepatitis. Lol! Although if it's fatal, I don't really care. But seriously, I am working through that- hence tattoo(s).
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo that's interesting. Many of the women I know were in their 30s or early 40s when diagnosed. Seems they need to come up with a better screening? I dunno
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo that's interesting. Many of the women I know were in their 30s or early 40s when diagnosed. Seems they need to come up with a better screening? I dunno

    You know if more men had breast cancer there would be more aggressive identification and treatment. Prostate cancer is the most curable cancer ya know. Men and their dumb man parts.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I got the nervous poops on the way to the tattoo place. Thank goodness for a clean gas station and an open stall. Nothing like an ibs attack. I had the restroom alone mostly until another ibs-er arrived. Poor soul. I blame jalapenos and sugar in the little bit of lemonade I added to my diet coke at lunch, and nerves.

    *Nail bitting* wish I had someone to hold my hand.