Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Ran again today! No tightness or niggles after, but eill see how the day goes. Definitely feeling more confident that I'm on the flipside of this injury. After the twinge on Tuesday, it bounced back after only a day and I don't remember any niggles since Wednesday (Friday now)! So that's a huge positive! I wore my new shoes today and I much prefer them. These are the mens gel kayano 26s and I honestly think they fit better than the womens. I'll just buy mens from now on. I can actually easily get them on sale.

    I have to laugh cause I'm sitting on the couch eating breakfast, watching frozen 2 with my 4yr old, who is "singing" along with into the unknown. I say singing, it's basically saying every 3-4th works, then "unknown" four times very loudly in a really random key. So so cute, and something only a mother can love.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Wow, you all have been busy!

    @avidkeo - so cute about the singing!
    @quilteryoyo - glad you got it scheduled and wow, that is soon.
    @shanaber & @bearly63 - The meals take me way longer to prep too. DD can definitely add you to her account. I added mine and she's in Portland. She uses a lot of the strength and running. Will use Pellie when she gets here in December (assuming she can get here). She and her BF have a month long trip planned. They will fly here and quarantine at the beach for 10-12 days (how convenient, lol). She already WFH and so it will just be there. He has exams for law school online. Then she is off for two weeks.
    @elise4270 - I quickly read all the posts, but did you show us the tat? Or just said what it is? You just have to do whatever you can for you right now.

    I guess I got cocky with my weight being stable because since the weekend it's been up 3 pounds. Need to watch the sugar... Usually it goes down by Wed/Thur after weekend but not this week!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad you are on the flipside of your injury. I know what you mean about your 4 year old singing. I get to hear this all the time in daycare. I love it when they just break out in a random song and gets the words sort of right and sort of wrong. Too cute.

    @shanaber Funny that you DD and BF are going to HAVE to quarantine at the beach! :lol:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Last Saturday during my race my right arch starting bothering me. It was fine Sunday (walk), Monday (run), then Tuesday as we were walking the Grand Canyon it started up again. Went on our big hike Wednesday. Sore on the way down, not as much hiking back up.

    I am blaming my tight calf. I noticed it was getting tight/tired on my last long run (10 miles on the trail) and now plantar fasciitis is back. Gonna ice, stretch and rest today and tomorrow then attempt my 11 miles on Saturday.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 No I didn't post a pic of the actual tattoos. I didn't want to get caught. I mean, have to explain to dh. He can be understanding but I fear all his see is the hair gone.
    Heres the ohm ans the eye I am sure you've seen before. just think of the Egyptian eye, that what it is.

    @Avidkeo I am excited about your running progress! The little one singing is magical!

    @RunsOnEspresso Dang. I hope that PF sorts quickly. I only get a PF niggle with Achilles tightness and that's bad enough gimping from room to room until it stretches out.

    Five days until my PCP appointment.
    So looking forward to some ideas about this jerk that I am. LOL! the muscle jerks. I had an IBS flare and they got worse. I was so tired today I took 2 naps and can't wait for a third. Could be fatigue. So I took a magnesium pill and will be eager to know if tomorrow is better. I don't mind the jerks, it is just a, you know; not normal. They even were strong enough to wake me last night during the nap. I find I have more pain when the jerks get worse. My legs ache (thighs) and my shoulders ache, esp the almost thawed frozen shoulder which is about 90 recovered.

    I loooovvveeee Indian classical. My teacher is going to see if she can find me stuff to learn... omg, my heart sings.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi guys -

    We had to get out of the house today as our cleaning person came and we wanted to let her just take care of it and be out of the way. We took a slow drive up the coast from Newport Beach to just beyond Long Beach (about 25 miles). We stopped at a Submarine Memorial that I had driven by a few times and Dh wanted to show it to me (he served on subs when he was in the Navy). Then on the way back we went to a reincarnation of a taco place we used to go to in college. Literally it was bought years ago by Del Taco and it was missed so much a bunch of people got the original menu and recipes and opened one. Now the original founder is involved again and there are 3 of them. It was great! The food was as good as I remembered but probably not very healthy. We got home to a beautiful clean house!

    @elise4270 - your introspection on the tat's is so interesting. I am glad they seem to be giving you some perspective too. What did your dd think of them?
    I hope you get some relief from the muscle twitches with the magnesium or answers from your pcp. They must be fatiguing your muscles and making them sore. When I had the twitching from the PM it made my shoulder and neck so sore and all the way around into my lats in my back. I wonder about the relationship between the ibs flare and it getting worse. Could the ibs flare cause your normal magnesium and/or potassium levels to drop?

    @bearly63 - we have done some of both. We had a salmon meal we really liked, Ginger Lime I think. For veggie we had a Szechuan bowl that was spicy but really good and this week we had steakhouse pork chops that were good too. I also like that we are having things we wouldn't normally try, especially dh. He eats pretty plainly so I am really enjoying making things with sauces and finding that he likes them.

    @bearly63 and @ddmom0811 - I am not using the Peloton app right now. I am hoping to use dd's but she may be going on one of her friends so she won't be paying for it. I will talk to her this weekend and figure it out. She is pretty unavailable during the week right now and I don't want to bug her too much. Is it pretty easy to add someone on?

    @ddmom0811 - that is awesome that you are going to get to have them all home for December and the holidays. Going to be so much fun!

    @RunsOnEspresso - if you have one of those small massage balls they are great to roll around on the arch of your foot to help with the PF.

    I have a dermatology appointment tomorrow morning. Planning to get a strength workout in when I get home.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber I have always said if I won the lottery, the one thing I would change would be to get a housecleaner. Glad you do that and had a day out with DH while she cleaned. I didn't know your husband was a submariner! Thank him for his service for me. When I was in the AF, I was able to take a tour of a nuclear sub at Cape Canaveral. It was fun to tour, but I am a little bit claustrophobic, and would have panicked if the hatch were closed and it was under water. Is there another term for panicking when in closed spaces, but mostly when I'm afraid I can't get out. Maybe a fear of being trapped and not truly claustrophobic. Ok. Looked it up. I think I have Cleithrophobia, not claustrophobia. I learned something about myself today. :)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @quilteryoyo We toured a submarine (and battleship) at Pearl Harbor. I don't think I could live on either. Although maybe if an officer or dentist/doctor on the battleship. They had big suites with windows.

    I do have one of those balls and a roller. I used the ball yesterday along with ice & stretching. Feeling better. Will keep it up.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 A friend of mine visited Norton VA the other day and posted this. I think your DH and friends should take a field trip. :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - we went to a reunion for one of the subs he was on in New London, CT a few years ago. A brand new nuclear sub, the USS California was there and we also got a tour. It was amazing. So much technology! Dh was talking to all the officers and basically said he would volunteer to come back and be their onboard IT guy! He was on smaller diesel boats like the ones @RunsOnEspresso was probably on at Pearl Harbor. I could not live on one of them either. While much thinner then my Dh is a pretty big guy with broad shoulders. He had to turn sideways to go thru the different areas of the ship.

    That sanctuary sign is hilarious!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo that sanctuary sign is brilliant!

    Well yesterday I was so active, and ate so lightly I actually ate under my calories for the day, by around 150. That's rare for me haha. So much salad. I'm heading into spring/summer so it does make the salad stuff easier. It's weigh in day - I weigh in every day and track my weight in a trending app, but use each Saturday to update garmin and MFP for accuracy of calories burned etc. I think I've lost 1.5kg this week? Will see.

    It's long weekend, and I'm on call this weekend. Already had 2 call outs, so I'm going to be pretty tired I think. So many drunks. Sigh. So won't be doing a lot of exercise. I'll get on my bike for a long ride later. Tempted to do Parkrun (walking) but calf is a bit tight after yesterday's run and I am NOT going to push things. Stick to the plan!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Yes. Stick to the plan. Yeah on the weight loss. You're doing great.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo LOL! yep Dh might like that! I came across a large metal cut out of bigfoot the other day and told Dh I really wanted it. I don't believe in BF, but this thing was cool, about 7 feet tall and gold/brown. It'd be neat to put just off in the wooded area, especially for halloween and the neighborhood kids to get a giggle out of. I might see if I can talk him into getting it tomorrow. I have lots of HW, so maybe he can go (away).

    @shanaber DD likes the tattoos. I told her the one was backward but wasn't sure since it's a photo and I am looking at it in the mirror. She said she'd be mad if it were backward. I explained how I was fine with it, but she looked at it and assured me it was not backward. LOL!

    I do believe that if my magnesium is low that is due to malabsorption, the IBS. After taking the one supplement I do seem to have fewer jerks and they are less severe. But it seems to fluctuate and I can not be sure. I slept 12 hours last night and took a 3-hour nap today. I am so tired and have a headache (2-3 days now), maybe it's covid. I also noticed that I do not eat a lot of magnesium-containing foods.

    DD and I cooked a turkey breast. I just made stuffing er cornbread with bacon, onion, celery, cranberries. We are short pecans, jalapenos, and Alex. :( I could also use a pie.

    Beary is my buddy, he helped (supervised) the cooking and was my taste tester.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 There are a few people around here that have a bigfoot "cutout" in the woods. Sounds like magnesium could be the issue. Continue to take the supplements and see how they work. If nothing else, it can give your PCP/neurologist some additional information. I'm sure Beary loved to make sure the bacon was cooked to perfection.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 There are a few people around here that have a bigfoot "cutout" in the woods. Sounds like magnesium could be the issue. Continue to take the supplements and see how they work. If nothing else, it can give your PCP/neurologist some additional information. I'm sure Beary loved to make sure the bacon was cooked to perfection.

    yes I anticipate taking the magnesium supplement, but I am trying to leave the Mg level where it is (til tuesday), so I can identify that that is the cause. If the serum level is fine, then I'll think I need to see a neurologist and that might be a lot of testing, assuming they don't do BW first, and it's in Dallas so it could be a huge waste of time when my local PCP can help manage it. It really does fit a Mg deficiency. Occam's razor- simplest solution is likely the answer.

    Beary loved the butter, a whole raw egg, and obsessively sniffed the raw turkey and each cornbread ingredient. I also tossed him a cranberry and a celery leafy stalk to play with. I think by time we got to bacon, he was full. He did ask for a bite.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I forgot to weigh in today. Tomorrow morning.

    Food: I looked at my nutrition per the app. I'm about 600 calories over weekly goal but net is like over 2k under weekly goal 🤣 Big hike & long run burn a lot of calories.

    With 11 miles today I treated myself to a drink & some brownie bites and peppermint ice cream. Perfect ending to the day! Lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 I hope your PCP can fix the issue and you won't have to see the neurologist. What is BW? Beary had a feast!

    @RunsOnEspresso Yes. Hikes and runs are a big help when trying to stay within goal...and you get to eat ice cream. That's why I'm a little bit worried about gaining while I can't exercise, but I haven't really done anything but walk, and some yard work, for the last three weeks and am still at 135 this morning. I am stress eating a little, but am trying to reign it in.
    You're doing great!

    @Avidkeo That would piss me off too. Glad you were able to get some sleep and fingers crossed you don't get called out tonight.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @avidekeo ugh, that's so disrespectful. I find some positions make some people feel they are more important than others. I'm sure if it was reversed they'd be pissed. Lol hope you get some sleep.

    @quilteryoyo Stress eating is a real challenge. Do what you can and take care of yourself 🖤

    Remembered to weigh in today (after the excitement of DH getting stung by a scorpion - no hike today now). Down a pound this week. Definitely not a normal week with an almost 7 mile hike mid-week and an 11 mile long run.

    Plan to start lifting weights again this week.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I hope your DH is okay. I've heard scorpion stings are nasty. Yeah for being down a pound.