Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo He took advil right away. Refuses to ice 🙄 Men. It's tingly but he says it isn't that bad. Sounds horrible awful to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    I'm glad he's okay.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo BW is lazy for blood work.

    @RunsOnEspresso was the scorpion sting bad? DH got stung once and said it hurt but quickly went away, only 1/3 as bad as a wasp. I wonder if he only got half stung or if your DH is allergic? Beary just watched one crawl under the couch last week like " theres a bug for you" No idea where it is now. Lazy turd.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo that er doc is a butt. Hope you get some rest.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yikes @RunsOnEspresso! Glad he isn't allergic (is that a thing?) and/or didn't have a bad reaction to it.
    @Avidkeo - I hate it when people are so disrespectful of others. Doctors seem to be the worst sometimes, especially with nurses, radiologists and others they consider not as important as they are.
    @quilteryoyo - I think you are doing great staying as active as you are. No not running but still walking and doing work around the house!

    I finally got my zucchini bread made. I ended up make a double batch because I bought too many zucchinis and I still didn't use them all. I made it a little less terrible nutritionally by replacing most all of the oil with Greek yogurt. It turned out so good. I think next time I will just use the yogurt and no oil but I was afraid it would need a little.
    I also want to make some oatmeal cookies. This is what happens when it gets cooler. I just want to bake everything.
    I had a great run yesterday and then we had a virtual beer tasting sponsored by the alumni club at our local University and a nearby craft brewery. I am not a huge beer fan but it was fun and the beer was pretty good. We ended up going to In-N-Out for burgers though for dinner but I was still well within my calories and macros, mostly because I forgot to eat lunch.
    Today I am going to take Hobbes out for a walk and get some steps in, then come home and do some strength training. I looked back at what I was doing earlier this year when my weight was trending down so nicely. I was doing a class and/or strength training 3 days a week in addition to my running 3-4 days.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso scorpion sting sounds awful! @shanaber most of our Drs are amazing. We don't have as much of a hierarchical thing in NZ, I call most drs by their first names, even the surgeons. At the risk of being offensive, our worst offenders tend to be the American drs (and yes! These drs were American). They are the ones who order scans on EVERYTHING (and I mean that literally) and tend to the "I'm the boss" attitude. The UK and NZ drs I feel like I can have more of a discussion with them. I think its because of the fear of litigation if they miss something. We just don't have that in NZ.

    I had 2 calls last night, only got about 6hrs of broken sleep. So I'm not going to run. I'm just too tired and I worry if I run ill get another injury. I can barely walk in a straight line let alone run.

    Maybe tomorrow? No big deal if I miss it.

    Had a small gain after yesterday's binge, only about 1lb though so that will pass quick. I think I'll be spending all day in bed. Or on the couch. Not really hungry. Just tired. And I still have one more night.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    From what he told me it feels like stepping on a razor initially and then tingles for awhile.

    From my understanding that's pretty typical. I think for kids they do the antivenom but most adults are fine with just some pain & tingling.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo offend Americans that have to deal with American doctors all the time? Not a chance. We’ve all come across those that are so full of themselves! Americans and American doctors! Lol!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo offend Americans that have to deal with American doctors all the time? Not a chance. We’ve all come across those that are so full of themselves! Americans and American doctors! Lol!

    Lol. I feel awful about stereotyping a whole group and usually try to avoid it haha. that said my best friend, who is American and a GP also gets incredibly frustrated with American doctors too. Though she's a kiwi at heart, her mum is kiwi, she was born and raised in the states.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo offend Americans that have to deal with American doctors all the time? Not a chance. We’ve all come across those that are so full of themselves! Americans and American doctors! Lol!

    Lol. I feel awful about stereotyping a whole group and usually try to avoid it haha. that said my best friend, who is American and a GP also gets incredibly frustrated with American doctors too. Though she's a kiwi at heart, her mum is kiwi, she was born and raised in the states.

    I am not an American at heart either. I am still trying to find "home"! I understand the comment. It is true that there is an air, in our culture of, pompous grandiosity. It's just pathetic. I was astounded when I heard someone from uh... Norway? maybe or Sweden that you can have conversations with the men and they actually talk to you and are not focused on sex. I thought "what! that's possible?". Can't believe I forgot where I was thinking about moving there LOL!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Avidkeo you can stereotype us because for the most part it is true. Maybe with the younger folks who have traveled more it will be better.
    I agree with @Elise4270. I was shocked and embarrassed when I was first in Europe and saw how 'Americans' acted...<sigh> and thought at the time no wonder they hate us (like our $$ but not having to deal with the American attitudes and expectations of privilege). The only place I ever felt unwelcome was in rural France, mostly I think because I don't speak much French and they didn't want to deal with me. Everywhere else I went people were helpful when I tried to figure out the signs or words without expecting that they spoke English. I have seen so many Americans be downright rude when a shopkeeper or waiter didn't speak English or didn't understand what they were saying because they spoke too fast or used slang.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Many Scandinavian countries are on the top of lists for equality between men & women. Norway is either 1 or 2. Can't recall exact numbers.

    US doctors and attorneys tend to have that attitude. I don't let them get away with it though. Lol
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    today was ok so far. (neither here nor there)
    I got to the university and no one was there... uh oh. Class was delayed until 9am, which was perfect for me since I have another bathroom emergency. I am actually below my "oh no!" weight but anticipate that it is poop/water weight. sorry that is honest and not pc! Being around nurses and nursing students nothing is off limits!
    My noon class doesnt meet today so I had plans with another student to work on a group project over lunch. She mentioned that the weather was going to get worse today, from 37F to icy... well dang. So I canceled violin (again-swear I deserve an F this semester) and am home safely with bear, a nice smelly candle, a fire log and loads of work to do. I even got up this morning took a shower (yeh... I am depressed and struggle to do the simplest of things), fixed my hair, wore slacks, my cute little boots, a sweater and smelt nice (er, not gross like I been in the same clothes for 3 days with no deo). oh well, Perhaps next Monday I'll feel like doing better too.

    Doc tomorrow! yay! can't wait for some insight into me being a jerk! Oh jerk, Beary is a jerk. Lord. It's cold and rainy and he is a pain to the other cats and is mopey when he isn't the center of attention. It's gonna be a long winter. Your animals get that way in the winter?

    Food today
    tuna sandwich sounds good. So far just coffee (class was freezing cold), red bull, and 2 cuties. I think we have some frozen soup I may put on. Any ideas for a quick easy hot soup on a wet cold day?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Avidkeo you can stereotype us because for the most part it is true. Maybe with the younger folks who have traveled more it will be better.
    I agree with @Elise4270. I was shocked and embarrassed when I was first in Europe and saw how 'Americans' acted...<sigh> and thought at the time no wonder they hate us (like our $$ but not having to deal with the American attitudes and expectations of privilege). The only place I ever felt unwelcome was in rural France, mostly I think because I don't speak much French and they didn't want to deal with me. Everywhere else I went people were helpful when I tried to figure out the signs or words without expecting that they spoke English. I have seen so many Americans be downright rude when a shopkeeper or waiter didn't speak English or didn't understand what they were saying because they spoke too fast or used slang.
    I swear I don't know what happened to this post. When I read it here, even quoted, it looks correct but once posted it is a scramble...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    I had my car serviced today, so also went to Walmart and the grocery store while I was out and about. I found a sirloin tip steak on sale, so bought it and had half of it for dinner tonight with sautéed mushrooms and onions. I also had a very large baked potato. I haven't had one in so long. It was soooo good. Still under my calorie goal, if I can control my snacking tonight I should be good.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Avidkeo you can stereotype us because for the most part it is true. Maybe with the younger folks who have traveled more it will be better.
    I agree with @Elise4270. I was shocked and embarrassed when I was first in Europe and saw how 'Americans' acted...<sigh> and thought at the time no wonder they hate us (like our $$ but not having to deal with the American attitudes and expectations of privilege). The only place I ever felt unwelcome was in rural France, mostly I think because I don't speak much French and they didn't want to deal with me. Everywhere else I went people were helpful when I tried to figure out the signs or words without expecting that they spoke English. I have seen so many Americans be downright rude when a shopkeeper or waiter didn't speak English or didn't understand what they were saying because they spoke too fast or used slang.
    I swear I don't know what happened to this post. When I read it here, even quoted, it looks correct but once posted it is a scramble...

    LOL! I figured! It was still readable-ish. :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    So no run for me today. I think the winds are finally dieing down just a little tonight. I couldn't get out in 25-30mph winds with gusts much higher and then we had/have really bad air quality from the fires. It was 500ppm at one point where good is 0-50 and is still over 300. Even agility class was been cancelled.
    Fires - they are all over the area. A big one near my old gym (Silverado fire) and another near my BIL's home north of us and another near several friends' that is north west of us. I am just hoping no one loses their home but I think that may have already occurred. So many have to be evacuated.
    Food - I ate pretty well today: 1/2 a bagel for breakfast, lunch was a grilled chicken sandwich and dinner was salmon with a honey dijon sauce, roasted green beans and roasted potatoes. It was delicious but I roasted the green beans too long and they were very chewy. Also I did not tell dh that the sauce was honey dijon - he wouldn't have eaten it. As it was he loved it!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber I could still read it.

    Guh no run again. I was just so so tired. Another rough night on call. Its 8pm and ill be crashing soon. Just waiting for the kids to fall asleep...

    Run planned for the morning, and physio at 12pm. Hoping to increase my runs!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @shanaber I hope the winds died down and the fires can be controlled. Also hoping no one looses their home or life. Those fires are horrible. Stay safe yourself.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    The armpit is probably a lipoma or a fat glob an I have an ultrasound for it. Waiting for the appointment call now. I hope what ever it is, they can/will remove it. Cuz it's bothersome.

    The muscle jerks could be the antidepressant. Although they did start before, I agreed to wean off of it and see, then follow up withy pcp. He's also ordered every blood test in the world and I am waiting to donate my ~10 vials of internal goodness.

    I plan on treating myself to a chick-fil-a breakfast sandwich if I get out of here early enough.

    I also managed to have them update that Alex is gone so dd won't get confusing appointments. The receptionist li
    Lost her brother same way 16 years ago, my doc lost his teen son, so I was in supportive company today. No idea how I'm going to deal if I can't take antidepressants. More violin I guess.