Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'm like 600 calories over my goal but my net is like 3k under goal 🤣

    I'm tracking food and trying to be mostly healthy. But if I'm hungry, I eat.

    I did two days of lifting so far and ran daily. Feeling good despite my period this week. I was all braggy that garmin said it was my period and I didn't have it. And then got it a few days later 🤣 At least with implant it's less severe and I can function and workout
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm on goal atm, but it's 730pm and I'm starving! Just had a snack, but been hungry all day. I'm seriously thinking of caving and having a snack, just don't know what. And definitely not thirsty. Drank so much water I think my kidneys have been floating...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Elise4270 I was surprised too, but thought about it last night. The size of the aneurysm IS the minimum that they consider for surgical repair, so I'm sure he is thinking that it can still grow some before there is an issue. I'm sure he weighed that against the possibility of catching CoVID and decided it was in my best interest to wait. I'm disappointed, but hopefully I won't have to wait too long. I hope Bear is okay.

    @RunsOnEspresso You are doing great!

    @Avidkeo I hope you found a healthy snack that satisfied your hunger.

    My weight was surprisingly up again this morning. I was up to 137.2....getting worried I'll get above 140 again. I was trying to decide what I had eaten that would put me up a pound over night and realized I had finished off a container of salted cashews. So, hopefully it's just water and if I watch it for a couple of days, I'll go back down. I'm trying to not worry a whole lot about gaining a little because I suspect I will not feel like eating much after the surgery, whenever that is, and therefore will lose then.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Elise4270 I was surprised too, but thought about it last night. The size of the aneurysm IS the minimum that they consider for surgical repair, so I'm sure he is thinking that it can still grow some before there is an issue. I'm sure he weighed that against the possibility of catching CoVID and decided it was in my best interest to wait. I'm disappointed, but hopefully I won't have to wait too long. I hope Bear is okay.

    @RunsOnEspresso You are doing great!

    @Avidkeo I hope you found a healthy snack that satisfied your hunger.

    My weight was surprisingly up again this morning. I was up to 137.2....getting worried I'll get above 140 again. I was trying to decide what I had eaten that would put me up a pound over night and realized I had finished off a container of salted cashews. So, hopefully it's just water and if I watch it for a couple of days, I'll go back down. I'm trying to not worry a whole lot about gaining a little because I suspect I will not feel like eating much after the surgery, whenever that is, and therefore will lose then.

    Given you were having to decide if you were going to go ahead or not with the surgery, this sounds appropriate. They would not sit on you if it were at genuine risk of bursting, so I think it's safe to wait based on that. Yep salted cashews, that would do it.

    Lost 2lb this week. That's crazy. Libra is showing my average calorie deficit to be 645, a lot bigger than I actually aim for. I did lose 3.5kg this month, 7lb, but because its the first moth, a chunk of that will be water weight. I'll give it another 2 weeks, and if it continues it means I've not been logging accurately (eating less than I think lol) or my garmin underestimates my calorie burn. Neither are genuinely likely... Either way yay for weight loss. And actually might explain why I was so hungry last night! I did have a snack, just a half a sandwich, about 250 calories, so was still in deficit but not the 500.

    Im up early this morning, so going to go walk park run. Then going out to pick up several packages. Then chilling at home.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Avidkeo Yeah for the weight loss! You are doing great.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I made oatmeal cookie dough last night and baked some of the cookies today. I am battling wanting to eat all of the cookie dough. So I baked a few cookies and put the dough back in the fridge. I will bake the rest tomorrow and freeze the cookies. I don't do too bad with the cookies and can easily self regulate but the dough is a different story.
    @elise4270 - I hope beary is doing ok! I saw they think he has a virus, don't think I realized that cats get viruses but it makes sense.
    Glad the jerks are better but I hope they can figure out something that helps all around and doesn't have the jerky side affects.
    @quilteryoyo - I hope they can get the case load down where you are and you can get your surgery rescheduled. I would find the waiting very stressful.
    @avidkeo - great job on the discussion with your girls. I think they will see you being active and eating so healthy and sensibly that they will be fine.

    I have been really down this week, another reason the cookie dough is an issue. I am stressed out about the election and will be so glad when it is over. I am also so tired of not being able to go anywhere. We were planning (tentatively) to go to Central CA again in December for my birthday and maybe get to see our friends from No CA but we have decided it is not a good idea given the growth in cases. While I talk to her most weekends I haven't seen dd in almost a year and that is weighing on me too.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Only lost .1 this week. Not a big deal. Figure period made me feel extra hungry but tried to eat filling foods.

    I also took my measurements. Haven't done that since early September. Lost half an inch from my waist and 2.5 (!) from my hips. Hip area is definitely where I hold the most fat.

    I set up my planner to take measurements the last Sat of each month. I figure I don't need to do it every week like weigh in but monthly is good.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @shanaber Big hugs to you. I try to not stress over the election. I always remind myself that we have the Congress and Senate there to regulate what happens to the country, so whomever is president doesn't get to dictate what happens. I do dread the day that either party has control of all three entities though. I hope this virus gets under control soon. I think it is weighing on everyone. I know it must be hard to have not seen your DD for a year.

    @RunsOnEspresso Yeah for the NSVs! It's the inches that count anyway. :)

    I gained 2 pounds last week, but am a pound down from yesterday. I'm still within 2 pounds of my goal weight, so I'm good. I just have to be careful to not let it get too much higher. The fact that I only ran 5 times the entire month of October probably has something to do with that.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning all and Happy Halloween. Been off this site for a week and so much is going on!

    @quilteryoyo I am so sorry that Covid is messing with your surgery....I hope they can get you done. It's bad right now and will probably get worse. But the stress of having to put it off and quarantine...I am sorry! Hugs

    Congrats to all on weight losses etc. I am stress eating this week and my weight is ok but I am not feeling great due to the bad choices.

    @RunsOnEspresso That is awesome on the inches...I need to do that and I really want to get a body fat analysis done....did one in Jan and my weight is close to the same but I have been really focusing on more regular strength so I am curious if I had any gains.

    @Elise4270 Your process to pinpoint what is going on is fascinating....its a puzzle and you are doing a great job of narrowing it down. Hopefully you get an answer soon. The driveway looks fantastic.

    @Avidkeo Love your approach to healthy eating convos with your girls. It is so important. Great job on the weight loss....

    @shanaber I am feeling the same way about the election. Stomach many issues at hand. I can't just ignore it....thus the stress eating and drinking. You get 4 logins with the Peloton so your DD can get on for you even is she gives one to a friend.

    I had a busy week with appts. Finally went back for my hip pain - I can deal with it but just want to make sure that my working out is not doing damage. We are going to do a little PT since I know that I am imbalanced and feel weaker on the right side. He suggested a final resort of a shot of cortisone into the hip area to tamp down the inflammation. That will leave a mark as they say....ouch!!!!! Also had another appt same place for my left knee ACL tear since it felt weird last week - hard to straighten the knee and a slight pain in the MCL area....hope I didn't pop it doing lunges and squats. Did an MRI on Friday. Feels better this week so who knows. I plan to keep moving and doing strength until some tells me I can't or shouldn't.

    Food: Halloween candy and a few Hello Fresh meals

    Exercise - A Halloween Ride today - all the instructors do them in costume - pretty funny actually.

    Happy weekend!!!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @bearly63 Thanks. Sounds like you did have a busy week. Hope the hip and knee are good and just need a little rest.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - had to laugh at your food! Halloween candy and Hellofresh 😂
    I did not buy any Halloween candy, none and dh knew not to even ask. He needs it even less than me and usually ends up eating most of it. I think I still have some actually of the ones I like, in a bag in the freezer, from last year.

    How do you all feel about time change tonight? @Avidkeo is it a thing in NZ? I would love to have it just stay one way or the other. The changes mess up my sleep patterns although it was worse when I was working and traveling. I am not going to run tomorrow and may take it as a complete rest day and watch movies or something. It is supposed to get hot and windy again starting tomorrow and into next week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    @shanaber I love your changing avatars with Master Hobbes. I am looking forward to the time change only because I don't have to drive in darkness as long with the dear deer out and about. Of course, it's an extra hour to sleep and get organized.
    @shanaber Sure your Pt/doc understands better than I with the hip-knee. I have knee pain from the IT band, but that doesn't sound like what you have going on.

    The steroid shot isn't horrible. I've had it in the trochanter bursa (outside hip) and it was unfun, but I was in a significant state of chronic pain and looking at me hurt. I had SI joint, quick and manageable. Front of the hip for MR arthrograms 4-5, 6-8? times, it's manageable. I have found breathing, relaxing, asking the dumbest questions during the procedure- like food, what your fav place to eat or such helps get my mind off it. They understand that as a pain management technique and will happily engage, especially the tech in the background assisting. My hip doc is good at talking me through it when I get panicked. The angry piriformis was absolutely the worst every time but that's a damaged nerve. It feels like it needs another, butt a little discomfort and indignity is better than constant pain.

    Bear is about 50%. I've never seen him so miserable. Steroid shot has him back to eating a little. He wants to engage but seems to be struggling for the energy required. Those cats can get terrible viruses. I am hoping this isn't FIV. I'll have him tested when it's time for vaccinations.

    Without proper treatment, the secondary infections that can occur as a consequence of FIV can progress to life-threatening conditions. Additionally, cats with FIV can develop various forms of cancer, blood diseases or kidney failure, which will ultimately claim the cat’s life.

    I'm so sad today
    I order natural handmade deodorant to avoid the commercial chemicals that are responsible for cancer. Every order Wendy adds samples and this last one included pear. You can't buy it, so I emailed her to let her know how I really loved it, it's soft and sweet. I also asked if she had patchouli, and was currently enjoying aromatherapy of lavender and patchouli. She has some, patchouli and hers is wonderful and will make me some when she gets a chance. I replied thanking her and letting her know that it was a scent that speaks to my soul after losing Alex. Today a surprise box arrives from her with deo and 2 bottles of patchouli oil. I just bawled. I can't stop. Took a full dose of antidepressant. Dh decides today is the one day in 10 years that he is going to clean up his space and sort books. He finds 5 photos of Alex. Today just hurts so bad. I need to thank Wendy but can't even muster the courage to open her card. DD just walked in and offered me a hug, I declined so I don't lose it entirely.

    There is a roast that needs to be put on.

    Weight is up
    But I ate 15 pies. Maybe it's PMS driven.

    Sorry this is a book, but it's helped me stop crying a bit.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 good to see you!!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso yay for NSV! Woo hoo.

    @shanaber yes we do daylight saving. Both love and hate it. It's nice having extended evenings in summer, but it's seriously annoying. Fortunately we seem to get through it OK each year, but it's still annoying.

    One cool thing about modern living, all my clocks magically change. We have 1 analogue clock in the house, everything else is electronic. I used to hate the change the clocks thing.

    Well i ate a bit yesterday, scale was up 2lb. But my trend is saying I'm in deficit by 730 calories a day now!! Still going to watch it for a couple more weeks, but I'm starting to wonder if my TDEE is greater than both Garmin and MFP think... It could explain why I'm feeling hungry a lot the last few days, though I actually think that's due to period due in a few days (definitely getting signs of its impending doom). It does help me feel less guilty about any over eating. Yesterday I went over goal by about 700 calories for example.

    I'm sure it will slow soon.

    Unsure how today will go. We are thinking if taki g the kids to the speedway. DH brother is a huge speedway fan, and our neice (13) is racing in the kids section. Would be great to introduce the kids, and have a day out.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - I am sometimes happier with losing inches than with scale changes. Great job!
    @Elise4270 - I am so sorry you are so sad. I don't know anything that will make it any easier. I am sure your dd wants to do whatever she can to try and make you feel better. I wish there was a way to make it better/easier without the jerky causing antidepressant. Did your doctor say if there was an alternative other than going without? Also that is so sweet that Wendy sent you the nice gift. I love patchouli oil. I always look for soap that has it. For whatever reason it reminds me of my dad or maybe my growing up which reminds me of my dad.
    I hope Beary feels better and that is isn't FIV or any of the other bad viruses.
    @Avidkeo - I used to love going to the speedway when I was a little kid. It always seemed so exciting. My first thought was were the limiting attendance because of Covid but then I remembered that NZ doesn't have that issue these days.

    I've had a pretty good day so far. Tried a run but ended up with half and half. My legs were so tired that when I turned around to head home I only ran a little of the last mile+. Also my glute/hamstring started hurting, mostly in my hamstring on the outer part of my thigh in back. We have been working on reconfiguring our home network with some new, more up to date equipment that will work better with my MacBook. Now we are watching college football with pizza and salad planned for dinner.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber we ended up going. My oldest is usually fearful of loud noises, but she had a blast! My youngest liked it to start but got a bit bored. That said we were there for 2 hours!

    We took a packed lunch, so I had a good salad. We thought it was going to be cold, so dressed warm. It ended up really hot and we all got a bit sunburnt! Summer is on its way! We forgot to take sunscreen, will have to get some for the car. I was sitting there with a child's t-shirt in my head to get some relief from the sun.

    So I'm exactly on calorie goal today. Woo hoo. Monday tomorrow, no work, but I get to run again! And just going to relax.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad all of you enjoyed the speedway. Hope your sunburn isn't too bad.

    I was going to get up early (7:00) for a treadmill run, since the time changed. Well, I forgot to set the time back on my analog alarm clock, so it went off at 5:30. I turned it off and went back to sleep. Then, when my phone alarm went off at 6:45, I accidently turned it off instead of putting it on snooze. So, that plan didn't work. LOL Tippy forgot to turn her clock back too, because she came in to make sure I was getting up at 7:30 (her 8:30). It may be a while to get her system on track with the new time. I forget how it's been in the past.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    For you nursing types, I have a question. I found a piece of paper I was given at the CoVID testing site that said I could get my results in 3 - 7 days by going to the app for the health care system here. So, I set up an account to check it out. I was Negative, as expected. I took the time to look at all of the test results that were posted - back to Aug of 2019. The result of my Aug 2019 CT test was not there, but the one for the Sep 2020 one was. However, it said that the aneurysm was stable at 46 mm. The doctor's had told me the latest one showed that it had grown and was now at 5 cm. I'm assuming there is some sort of problem with the system and they did NOT lie or make a mistake. But, I want to call tomorrow and ask the question. How do I go about doing that without sounding like I think they lied? BTW I was told in 2019 that it was stable at 4.6 cm, so am thinking the test results were just put in the wrong spot. I just want to make sure, since if it really is only 4.6 cm, and stable, I won't have to have the surgery.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2020
    @quilteryoyo Hmm. That might be a fair question for @Avidkeo since I assume she does measurements. It could be that your doc, like many I've come across, like to read their own radiographs. His measurement might be different than the radiologists. Or he just rounded and decided to put you on the surgical schedule... which eh, might piss me off personally. But his gut might have said we've let this sit for long enough, I want to take care of it considering your level of health (stellar) and activity. He might have been looking at the 2019/2020 results side by side and saw something that alerted him like the diameter hadn't changed but noticed a shape change or thinning of the wall.

    So you could follow up with the surgeon and just say "hey I noticed... and I understand that I am not an expert, but could you explain a bit more about what is going on with the aneurysm?" from that, you can gauge your comfort level. I love it when they pull up the images or draw you a picture or get out the model.

    ETA you could ask for the radiologist report from the imaging service for both CT's and compare the two also. :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm tierd. ima tierd jerk today. Finally got the lower dose antidepressant, no more separating the higher dose and worrying about spilling it and Bear or Bean or even dumb dumb Goober getting into it.

    I'm mentally willing dh to fetch breakfast sandwiches.

    Scale is still trending up, but just 1/2 a pound from the upper acceptable weight.