Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Day went well. So so incredibly tired. Brain dead. So much junk food around, managed to avoid most of it. Stuck to calories.

    In angio tomorrow. Going to be a challenging day for food because I'll be sitting in the same tiny room as a lot of sweet and savory treats.

    I've planned meals, I'll have a fulling breakfast, and I have something basic to munch on instead of the treats. My mantra, I'm not hungry. I don't need it. Yes they taste yummy, I already know that. I don't need to try them again. I don't NEED them.

    And no i wont even have a little. Because that turns into a lot.

    And additionally I'll be meeting up with an acquatience I havent seen in a couple of years for lunch... And he's already commented he will bring me something for afternoon tea (I won't be getting a afternoon break due to working in angio)


    Fortunately I'll be doing a good bike ride in the morning, followed by some strength.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    I'm pulling for you @Avidkeo ! You can resist. You can! Enjoy your lunch.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo I've been stress eating. It's awful. I miss my antidepressant. Jerks are few and far between though.

    Bear is back to being a pain in the rear to the other cats, and DH. I just interpret it as my spoiled wild child and enjoy his personality. LOL!

    Exam in 7 minutes. I do not feel prepared nor awake. I am tempted to sneak my ear buds for some music, but that could earn me a zero if i get caught. guts are not going to be compliant in this test window i fear.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Good luck with the test @Elise4270 .
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hope the test went well @elise4270

    Woke abruptly at 4am. Couldn't go back to sleep. Now it's 5am,ive decided to get up and do a gentle 1hr on the bike.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks, @Avidkeo and @quilteryoyo. My raw score is 92% so I guess I learned more than I thought. I cried during my test... The instructor is going to love reviewing that video. oh well. Today is an antidepressant day and it seemed to start working about halfway through. Now to get organized for the rest of the day/week.

    LOL bear really is a turd. the old cat wants to sleep and bear is just laying on him and gnawing on him making old cat fuss! LOL!

    Now to celebrate my accomplishment with some zombie killing, or planning.

    @Avidkeo I hope your day is good, I kind of like those surprise mornings up at 4 or 5. Its like stealing time.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I came across a web site for vegan dishes. Thanks FB, see how nice FB can be when you only add people you actually know, although... I said I would add everyone because they can't post on Alex's page if they aren't my peep, but figure they could at least PM me. Anyway, I need more veggies in my life. (can you tell that I am stalling on HW and such? I may even cook that acorn squash that I've had a month...) Onward!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Congratulations on the test results @Elise4270 ! Glad the antidepressant is helping today.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo ! I cleaned the house a bit, that website (vegan food) has so many easy recipes and I can find all of the ingredients. So I did a walmart order. No more frozen pizza, chips, or dominos because DH shops. 350$ grocery trip and there is still nothing to eat? I spent 50 and have 3 meals.

    I put on the acorn squash and have some make-shift pumpkin curry rice in the rice cooker. They should be good together. Smells good so far.

    look at me, I am adulting today!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 yay on the test! And adulting!

    I did just over an hour on the bike, then a short sharp strength session. I could probably increase these, they are only around 10-15 mins atm. But since I'm just starting out again, I'm happy to keep it light for the next couple of weeks.

    I've had a big change of plans for this weekend. I was going to be working shift but am now going to work at a hospital an hour away. So I'll be staying away from home for 2 nights in essentially a dorm situation. Trying to figure out what to do for food. I'm going to make up some overnight oats for breakfast, and I'll make up a couple of salads, and take fruit for snacks. I know if I don't plan, I'll go off the rails. And because I'm going away with friends the following weekend, I refuse to go off the rails this weekend! Balance right?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I realized not everyone like cranberries in curry, so I just added mine on top. Bet she would have eaten it anyway. His has jalapenos.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    You really are adulting today @Elise4270 ! WTG!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Got the call from the surgeon's nurse around 5:30 this evening. They still aren't allowing elective surgeries. She said, if I wanted him to, the surgeon would appeal my case and see if they would let him do it - no guarantee. We discussed the pros and cons and I decided to NOT have him do that. Then, I heard on the news that they are having to reassign nurses and may have to increase the patient load of each nurse to be able to care for everyone. That sounds like a decrease in the quality of care, potentially, so I think I made the correct decision to go ahead and delay it. We will talk again next week. She said they just wanted me to be a part of the decision and not make it for me, which is nice. The holiday's coming up is going to put an added factor in there. I was hoping to have it done and be well on my way to recovery before Thanksgiving.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo Well, At least you get the chance (maybe) to run a turkey trot, er virtually. AND run off your favorite holiday indulgence.

    I don't know that I got much done today, I did get some cleaning done, killed a bunch of zombies (yeh welcome), 1 hr of violin and Eleanor is recognizable, and I found some cool surgical shows to watch (hulu), one is 2 podiatrists. How cool is that? feet surgery and care? Gnarly and heartbreaking, feets are so important.

    Bear is still rotten. I love having him back. Dh half tried to give him his antibiotic, *sigh*... just let me do it... he and I got an understanding. Dh says if I die, he'd have to take bear to the vet for med administration... I said you'd also have to clean up after yourself... *eh hem, hint*
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    On call tonight, and have ended up in the operating room at midnight! Currently sitting around doing nothing. So hungry. Always feel hungry in the middle of the night, I think its the body's response to being abruptly woken up haha.

    Unsure how long I'm going to be here, I suspect a couple of hours. Makes for an interesting night I guess.

    Also had to xray a 4hr old baby too. So juggling that was fun!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Avidkeo Hope you were able to find some semi nutritious food to satisfy your hunger. Hope the little bitty baby was okay. (You really do need to quit juggling babies though. :lol: )
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo Hope you were able to find some semi nutritious food to satisfy your hunger. Hope the little bitty baby was okay. (You really do need to quit juggling babies though. :lol: )

    Bahaha! Didn't see that.

    Well ended up doing 2 call outs, with 1 hr sleep in between. It's 6am and I'm tired. Normally I'd be waking up to go for a run. Again I think I'll be skipping the run today. May try later but will see. Can always do it tomorrow. Hungry but going to wait till the kids are up. Enjoying quiet alone time atm.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I really hope the cases and hospitalizations start coming down soon but I suspect it isn't going to happen for a while. I don't know if it is better to keep hoping it will be soon or just hope it will get postponed until after all the holidays.

    @elise4270 - it does seem like you got a lot of adulting done yesterday and so great that Beary is getting back to his old self! I would never have thought to put cranberries on curry. Do you eat them raw? I do make a raw cranberry relish but it has oranges and a tad of sugar to offset the acidity of the cranberries. Also I love that you are doing so well with the violin. What happened with the cello? Are still doing it too?

    @Avidkeo - When I had to be up for implementations (typically Friday or Saturday nights) someone would always bring in food. Typically not healthy and everyone would eat as if they hadn't in several days.
    Hope the baby juggling went well! Laughed at @quilteryoyo's comment 😂 Seriously though x-raying a baby is difficult. My dd had to have frequent ultrasounds, scans and x-rays when she was tiny and I always wondered how they managed. The nurse told me they had some kind of soft straps that went over her legs and kept her arms out of the way. She screamed the entire time though and was terrified of people in white for years after being poked and prodded so much.

    I have done absolutely nothing yet today except read emails. It is already nearly 90 out at 10am. I must find some class or workout to do. I have to take Hilde for her hearing aid check this afternoon. I am going to tell her no more appointments though unless it is absolutely necessary. I don't want to needlessly expose her or myself with cases going up so much right now.
    Temps are supposed to drop tomorrow by more than 20 degrees and it is supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday. I may make a quick trip to the grocery and get supplies for making a stew as wells Thanksgiving ingredients.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ooof I did too much yesterday. My hip is terrible. At least since it hurts so bad, Dh is cleaning up the kitchen. (his mess finally).

    @shanaber I like the cranberries cooked, throwing them on top proved to be too tart after about 3 of them. I put them and jalapenos with pecans in cornbread. Mmm.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Mmmm the cornbread sounds delicious! Maybe try chopping up a few cranberries to mix into your curry. At least it would be smaller bites of tartness?