Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 hugs on the hip. No fun at all! That challenge sounds fun! I'm going to have to start cycling to work. They are building a new building and it's going to take away a lot of carparks, so parking is going to be a nightmare. Fortunately it's not far, about 3k. But it's hilly!

    @elise4270 how important are good grades? Here no one cares what your grades are unless you are wanting to do post graduate study, and you only need a B average for that, or if you are failing. I think your grades sound amazing!
    Good luck tomorrow with the US.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    When I was driving this morning I thought about how I blamed the election for my eating, and that's not really fair. I shouldn't blame anyone for what I put in my mouth! As a teacher I always told the kids to take responsibility for their actions and here I am acting the election crammed chocolate in my mouth.

    Was down 1.5 today! Yay. The 2.8 gain was over the weekend, but that was on top of another 2 - so it was really more like 5 in 3 weeks. But I know I can get back on track.

    I ran today! On TM! 4 miles. I did a peloton 60s run it was fun!

    @bearly63 - I did a power zone test and my FTP was 159. I don't think I did it right - didn't push hard enough! Back in 2015 when I used to go to a triathlete gym the Zwift bikes had an FTP and I think my FTP was 201. But I could be remembering incorrectly. I should hope it would have gone up after all these years of cycling! In any case, after the FTP test, the next day I did a power zone ride and it seemed way too easy to be in zone 2&3 for as long as I was.
    But I'll figure it out!

    So... at lunch yesterday one of my co-workers brought in Snickerdoodles. I had 2. But as I said I was still down because after all the crap I ate the last few weeks, that was like a few crumbs. He brought them in because I had brought in a cookie cake on Thursday and chocolate chip cookies another day. Payback is hell, lol.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Pt visit was productive, I can walk without pain, I am just weak and need a little training. I see her again Thursday. yay! we did something like biofeedback with direct current to help break this pain loop and it will identify angry muscles that we can isolate and work on. She realigned my hips and I stretched to show her a spot on my hip scar that was shockingly tender and pulled my hip right back out LOL! She said, "don't cross stretch like that for now". The hip scar seems to be some scar tissue that needs to be released. That is easy peasy work. My ilicas was tight and she helped with it (muscle on the inside of the ileum, pelvic crest bone)

    @ddmom0811 Stress triggers the desire for those quick carbs. Blame it on the dinosaurs chasing us way back when and our bodies interpreted any stressor as a physical threat. Dang genes! LOL!

    @Avidkeo My self-worth is based on my grades. I do have to maintain a 3.0 in nursing courses to stay in the program. We were told our grades wont be an indicator of passing the licensing exam, so... ya. I should find self-worth elsewhere, like violin which is past my practice time... I'm just enjoying the lack of pain currently and reluctant to get up.

    I am still extra jerky. I like my jerks, they are like little friends made of synapses, calcium ions, acetylcholine and receptors, glutamate, alpha, beta, nicotinic, muscarinic, blah blah stuff that I didn't study on this last exam and earned meself an 81... haha! ok fiddle time.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    edited November 2020
    @Avidkeo Those hormones can reek havoc on our systems. Good for you for weighing today. Now you know and can get down to business.

    @ddmom0811 Sounds like you have the right attitude. Sounds like you had a great run.

    @Elise4270 Yeah for not being in pain! So glad the PT helped that much. I'm going to blame the dinosaur's every time I stress eat from now on. :lol:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Boob ultrasound result
    Scattered fibroglandular tissue is noted diffusely throughout the
    right breast.
    A 3.8 x 0.8 x 0.9 cm reactive lymph node is identified in the right
    axilla. This is not seen on previous screening mammogram October 14,
    2020. No suspicious mass. No dilated ducts. No cysts.
    The deep pectoral fascia and pectoralis muscle are normal. The skin is
    normal in thickness.”

    I, uhhh disagree with the radiologist who suggest to just live with it and watch it. It’s a pain. I’m going to push for removal/biopsy. @Avidkeo you have any insight? I see my pcp mid December, but may get a call from them regarding the results tomorrow which won’t do me any good getting the golf ball out of my arm pit, unless he also feels it warrants more aggressive actions.

    Made butter chicken
    Mmmm I think it’s my favorite homemade Indian dish yet!

    How are y’all doin’? Eating well? Running in some cooler weather? Meal planning for the holidays?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    I am behind, again.
    I slipped (again) at agility class on Monday night. I slipped and then as I tried to recover and take a step it felt like my hip gave out and it hurt. I managed to keep from falling but the two steps I took felt so weird. I was able to continue the run, cautiously and then rested and stretched before our next turn. I must have yelped or something because it freaked Hobbes out and he wouldn't leave my side. I took an Aleve as soon as I got home and didn't move much at all on Tuesday, well other than walking around Costco. I felt great this morning so we gave the run a try and ended up walking home part way. Now it feels fine, maybe a little achy. I am thinking I may need to go in to see the orthopedist. Stretching and rolling just doesn't seem to be doing enough to really make it go away. I am kind of in limbo land though since I switch to medicare next month. If I can get in before then I won't need a referral but after that I will need a referral.

    I made a stew over the weekend and that will be dinner tonight. The rest of it went into the freezer. I haven't been hungry and haven't been eating enough, not a good place for me to be in. I have lost the election stress, weight I gained and a little bit more.

    @elise4270 - I would be wanting that lymph node out too, especially since it has come up so quickly. Hope your PCP will see it that way too.
    Can you share the butter chicken recipe? Would it work for fish? I had butter fish at a restaurant that was so good!

    @ddmom0811 - I love Snickerdoodles! They were my favorite when I was a kid. I don't make them very often though and am not a fan of store/bakery bought. Nice on the weight loss!

    @quilteryoyo - were you able to talk to your doctor's office about getting the scan sooner?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2020
    @shanaber the butter chicken is here. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with fish. If you make it with this recipe or another let me know. We don’t get good fish here but maybe a frozen cod would do, I’d like to try it. We have frozen mahi-mahi too. So I may try it.

    I’ve had that swollen node for a few years, it just seem to be larger or more noticeable with weight gain.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Boob ultrasound result
    Scattered fibroglandular tissue is noted diffusely throughout the
    right breast.
    A 3.8 x 0.8 x 0.9 cm reactive lymph node is identified in the right
    axilla. This is not seen on previous screening mammogram October 14,
    2020. No suspicious mass. No dilated ducts. No cysts.
    The deep pectoral fascia and pectoralis muscle are normal. The skin is
    normal in thickness.”

    I, uhhh disagree with the radiologist who suggest to just live with it and watch it. It’s a pain. I’m going to push for removal/biopsy. @Avidkeo you have any insight? I see my pcp mid December, but may get a call from them regarding the results tomorrow which won’t do me any good getting the golf ball out of my arm pit, unless he also feels it warrants more aggressive actions.

    Made butter chicken
    Mmmm I think it’s my favorite homemade Indian dish yet!

    How are y’all doin’? Eating well? Running in some cooler weather? Meal planning for the holidays?

    No real insight. I too have fibro glandular breast tissue. Basically just dense breasts. Don't know much about reactive lymph node but a quick Google says it's nothing to worry about, just a reaction (hence reactive) to infection. I wouldn't suggest removing unless it's really painful. That can lead to other worse issues like lymphodema. Maybe they can drain it? Always seek a second opinion if you aren't happy. I would wonder it its related to stress etc.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm good. Was good yesterday and was rewarded with 1.2kg loss on the scales (around 3lb). That was quick! It usually takes a few days of sticking to calories before that happens.

    I was up at 5am, bladder woke me (above reason) and I couldn't sleep again, so got up and did my bike workout and strength training. I have the day off work, so had hoped for a sleep in, but getting it done early was nice. I walked the kids to school, then split my time playing my switch, packing for my trip, doing some quilting, doing some cross stitch and a little gardening. It was wonderful.

    I'm about to go out for dinner with my students, celebrating them qualifying as Radiographers.

    Tomorrow I'll be up at 630 for a run before heading to the airport for my trip. Looking forward to it.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member

    I've been lurking. Not posting much. Last week was a *kitten* show for me. I've been eating better and working out this week but haven't been tracking food. I get breakfast logged and then forget the rest of the day.

    I missed last weekends weigh in. I think my body was fighting something. Felt off and temp was 99 (I'm usually in the 96-97 range). I basically sat around all weekend. I had tried to run Saturday but my body was like nope!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @shanaber I hope your hip is feeling better. Dogs know when we are hurt and want to be there for us. Sweet Hobbes. No, I haven't talked to the doctor's office yet. Hope to today. See my semi-rant below.

    @Avidkeo I hate waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep, but it is nice to get your workout done early. Did all of your students pass? Have fun on your trip.

    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry you had a bad week. I'm with you on your body temperature. My normal is around 97, so if I'm at the "normal" temperature range, I'm usually feeling a little feverish. Hope you are all better now.

    Here's my surgery semi-rant. I called the surgeons office on Tuesday, hoping to talk to the nurse about moving the scan up so she could talk to the doctor and we could discuss it when she called me on Wednesday to discuss what's going on with CoVID at the hospital. I had to leave a message. She didn't call me back until 11 on Wednesday, but I wasn't home. I called her back, but she was at lunch. The other lady said she would tell her to call me when she "came back through." So, I was expecting a call at 1pm. NOPE. NOTHING.

    I was having a bad moody day anyway. Things just piled up (two people I know died this past week as did Alex Trebek, dad isn't doing real good, this looming surgery with no schedule) so I had a morning stroll where I talked to the universe, prayed, and cried. That got some of the pent up stuff out, but still moody. I had decided I probably should run, but just couldn't make myself get out there. I spent the entire afternoon doing things in the house, waiting for a call. She was supposed to call about CoVID anyway.

    It was nice outside yesterday afternoon, so at about 4:30, while potatoes were baking, I decided I needed to go try to get some steps in, but wanted to stay close enough to the house that I could get a signal from my portable phone. I wound up walking some short laps - which included walking up and back down the back and front porches. I'm pretty sure Tippy thought I had lost my mind. :lol:

    She never did call. I didn't give up until about 6:30 as the first week she called around 5:30. So, I am going to call her here in a little bit and see what's going on. Hopefully, I can talk to her today.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I hope they get back to you soon. The cathartic walk/run was always a good move for me. I'd take the boys to the lake and let them give the rocks their woe and throw it in. I've done the same with throwing horseapples at trees. This year has been so hard. Hang in there, we have your dad in our thoughts and prayers. Get him well.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I heard today that next semester's courses will likely be online. I assume they anticipate an increase with flu season here. @quilteryoyo perhaps they are slow to get back to you because no one knows what is going on and what the plan for this season.

    I'm a cry baby
    Sure, the day is emotional. Dh found an audiotape yesterday of the twins playing with it when they were 10ish. Alex was being funny (typical) and he told his sister that he was recording their conversation to show the principal as proof that she wasn't sick (she missed school- she had tonsillitis often). The cat was also going to testify that she stayed home and she rubbed his belly allll day. LOL I haven't had the emotional ability to listen to more of the tape. Alex even suggested that DD was part cat and he could prove it because "look she's already chasing the tennis ball" he was waving around in her face. Those two were such a joy.

    jerk book
    I started a chart, because why not? I like charts.
    I went to PT, cried on the way there. The owner asked me how I was doing, I've worked wither her for 4-5 years now off and on. I managed an "ok" and she said "that all?" "yes ok" I replied fighting tears.
    Just prior to this conversation, I was working with a therapist who had me do some calf raises on a squishy mat and something odd happened. It happens at home and I dismiss it, maybe I'm just being dorky. But the noticed response to the "dorkiness" had to be addressed, the therapist was slightly alarmed. "what just happened?". I try to speak and get out "I get spastic sometimes". I'm not even sure how to describe it. I hope they send a note to my PCP. The therapist grabbed my elbow and lead me to sit down. The remaining PT exercises were sitting or laying. Of course, I am already emotional and now embarrassed? worried? and I fight the eye-watering. swear, I am going to become a fish if I can't stop crying all the time.
    I thought this spasticity and jerking might be related to pain, it seems worse with pain. But I get the impression that most people in chronic pain don't experience this. I don't know what happened really. It was a little hard to see, to be oriented, I was frozen, my left arm drew close to my chest and my right abdomen tightened up, my back stiffened, my legs like lead, nothing wanted to move for a second or two. Then it passed. *sigh* This doesn't sound like chronic pain response does it. I assumed it was a guarding response before but the therapist didn't seem to think "oh ya that happens with 8 years of chronic pain, lose a kid, don't get any sleep the night before and decide to live on apple pie because it is a fruit after all."
    I am down for any insight until I tell the PCP in a month.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @Avidkeo Yeah for your students passing. I know they must be relieved. Yeah for the weight loss too. You guys are lucky, as far as CoVID goes. I hope you don't get it in your community. What does a lockdown look like there? Just wondering.

    @Elise4270 After John died I felt like my tear ducts got turned on and the valve got stuck. I still cry at the drop of a hat. I was always emotional, but it is worse now. I just decided it is love with no where to go, so it trickles down my cheeks. Wish I had some insight on your jerks, but I don't. It sounds like they are worse than what I had pictured. Did the PT say anything?

    Thanks for the virtual hugs ladies. I was able to talk to the nurse this morning. Of course, no elective surgeries are being allowed still. I called that one. Also, it would be at least a week after they allow them before I would have surgery, because of the need to redo some of the preop stuff. That means that, if they started allowing them next Wed, the soonest the surgery could be would be the day before Thanksgiving. I don't want to be stuck in the hospital, with no visitors, on Thanksgiving if it isn't an emergency. I asked about my idea, she talked to the doctor, and he agreed. So, the plan going forward is to not even try for surgery before Thanksgiving. They will move the scan up to the first week of December and see what it shows. If it is relatively stable, we will just wait until January to try again. If it has grown....well, I guess will have to discuss the rate and whether it constitutes and emergent condition or not.

    I was expecting a call today with the rescheduled appointment, but it didn't come. I looked at the healthcare app and it shows that the doctor asked for it to be done on the 4th, but it isn't scheduled yet. I am going to call them tomorrow morning because I have an eye appointment on the 4th that I have waited over a year to get. Just want to make sure the timing would allow for both.

    I feel so much better today, having a plan in place. Not knowing from week to week is stressful. I like predictability.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2020
    @quilteryoyo Thats great that you have a plan and the doc is on-board. Glad to hear it alleviates some stress and concern, we all need that.

    jerky reflection -Pt yesterday
    I am of the opinion that the spastic response could have been guarding and unrelated to the jerks. I had experienced one episode of clonus (repetitive motion) in my rt ankle the other day while blow-drying my hair. It could be a hundred things, so I am going to try to just document and not diagnose. I have a neurologist picked out and thought a visit, even before following up with the PCP, might put my mind at ease and let someone more knowledgeable "worry" about it all. The hip this morning is still out of place. I told the therapist that I was leaning towards getting it fused, she is of the opinion surgery is never the answer, I respect that and understand that much can be addressed conservatively. This hip just isn't wanting to cooperate. It's troublesome now and a half successful surgical fix probably will be less troublesome. I've accepted that there is a very slim chance of ever running again and I'll be lucky to bike, hike, and walk any distance.

    I think I have stuff for lentil chili again. Although I made that wonderful cornbread with sweet bell pepper and jalapenos and not much of it was eaten (by humans). I keep eating like a teenager and the scale hasn't yet jumped. I'd better not push it.

    Anyone try any new recipes? cold weather favorites?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @Elise4270 Sorry you are having so many physical issues right now. I hope you can see the neurologist and get some answers.

    My CT scan is scheduled for 1 Dec. Hopefully will know what it shows by the end of that week.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Up a pound this morning. No one to blame but myself. Will keep trying to be better. I gotta get back to logging food.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Missed a lot this weekend. Am still on holiday. Have eaten everything and don't care, have had an absolute blast.

    I ran 20 minutes this morning!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @avidkeo - so beautiful there!