Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @shanaber That picture of Hobbes cracked me up! :lol: Sounds like you have a great plan for August. It's great that your weight has gone down a little. And, it sounds like you really needed that sleep. Glad you didn't have any stomach issues during your run. I am trying to get more sleep, but am failing miserably.

    As for how July went, not great. I gained almost 4.5 pounds. I don't know why I almost always do in the summer when I am more active with mowing the lawns, trimming trees, gardening, etc. I was 149.6 pounds this morning. I really don't want to get over 150 and want to get back to at least 140. Ideally, I'd like to get to and stay at 135, but I haven't been able to achieve that yet. I can get there, but it quickly goes back up. I am going to try to do better with my running in August and try harder to eat better and get more sleep.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    Monday funday! The weekend was pretty standard with errands and thrifting. I made a big push to get some listings up, I have been slacking on that and just working on my draft bank. Sales were very slow, I think only 2 for the whole weekend. I ended the month at $90 less profit than last month.

    How often does a Monday fall on the 1st LOL...I feel like it just removed all my excuses to start eating and exercising more. 12 Weeks to PT test. I am going to start my challenge over again and go 7 days at a time...week by week. I also reset my smoothing weight app so I can track how much I WILL lose by Oct 15th.

    Vitamins daily 0/7))
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (0/7)
    Weight (0/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    Just a quick update. You know how I said the calendar set me up for success for starting tomorrow? Yeah, I showed it. I bought some new bone conducting headphones impulsively. I have the sunglasses version but I need some for in the gym and my AirPod Pros just do not stay in as soon as I get slightly damp. The reason I did no run was 1)I got busy at work 2) Bigger reason, all my sports bras are way too small now and I felt like the girls were in squished to my neck and my ribs were being cracked. All I wanted to do was get home and take the bra off. I think probably 75% of my bras are too small, I have some basic old ones that are stretched out that fit. I swore I was not going to buy new ones, but then I was on Poshmark (used clothing app) and some lady was selling her size 10 Oiselle wardrobe for $10-20 was meant to be. I spent $78 for a shirt (not needed), a running skort (I def don't need and after I looked at them closer they are short short and chaffing prone), and 2 Flyout sports bras (my fave). If I had bought these at the store, the bras alone are $56 would have been at least $225 retail.

    Vitamins daily 1/7))
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (1/7) - Over by 234 (but had to guess a bit on dinner)
    Weight (0/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @CMorning99 Tracking week to week sounds like a good idea. Get score on the bras. I've never heard of Flyout before. My favs at the moment are Handful. Somedays, it is more of a struggle than I care to deal with just to get the sports bra on and off of my body. LOL I don't seem to have that problem with Handful, but maybe because I got them a size larger than the lady at the store wanted me to buy. I would never have worn the smaller size because I was winded just trying to get it on.

    I worked today from 8 - 12, then went to the doctor for my annual physical. I'm fine. No changes to medications or anything. My cholesterol is up a little, but just going to watch it. He is always impressed by my HDL, which was 129. My LDL increased a little to 119, but still within range. I told him it might go down when the tomatoes are gone out of the garden and I quit eating BLTs. LOL

    When I got home, I did a treadmill Foundation Run then went out and mowed the part of my yard that can be seen from the road and up to and including where I used to have a garden. I did have a BLT for dinner. They are so good with home grown tomatoes!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo My attempts at growing tomatoes have been dismal. I have a lovely self watering planter outside that I have tried 3x to plant herbs in...and they all die. I have decided it is cheaper and easier to a) not eat veggies LOL b) buy them from the store.

    I got my new bone conducting headphones. The packaging is 75% in Chinese LOL. They seem to work well and fit well enough. The sound quality is better in my Bose sunglasses ones but they also are a more stable and snug fit.

    I went for a 3 mile run and set what I thought was an easy pace. I hit it the first mile, hung on for dear life the second mile, and crashed and burned on the last. My legs were non responsive and my quads are actually pretty sore today. My watch said the temp range was 81-88 degrees. This is the watches internal sensor so it measures more actual temp near to my skin. The weather app said it was only 72 but the dewpoint was yuck. I also was thinking about it, I am running on a running trail lately and it has areas of soft dirt and moderately loose gravel so I think that makes it harder too...and my feet feel beat up. There is 1 small part that is paved and it it feels so much easier. I have a track run scheduled for Thurs so it will be interesting to see how that feels. I did 10 min upper body in the gym after and I had sweat pouring down my face it was so muggy.

    I tracked calories, again pretty suspish on how accurate it was. Dinner was a hodge podge so lots of guessing. I think I was still under though.

    Vitamins daily 2/7))
    Run (3/12)
    Strength (.5/3)
    5K steps a day (1/7)
    Track calories (2/7)
    Weight (.5/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Daily update:

    Yesterday was 30 minutes of Pilates...I am so weak or those exercises are unreasonable.

    Vitamins daily 3/7))
    Run (3/12)
    Strength (1.5/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (3/7)
    Weight (.6/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member

    All is going well. DH has a coworker who is moving to Alabama and evidently has a pretty sweet lease. DH offered to talk to him and see if we could take over the lease so we didn't have to find a place. The only "issue" is that it would probably mean we will need to move within the next couple months. He told me this at 9pm and immediately my brain wheels started cranking and at midnight I was sitting in bed wondering how DH and I would move the washer and dryer. I despise moving. We don't have an answer yet. I just need to keep remembering maybe my timeline is not the only or best timeline LOL. T-17 days to mobile home move. OMG, I am terrified LOL.

    DH keeps telling me about jobs for after I retire. IDK if he is trying to be helpful or if he is not fully onboard with me trying to make it on my own with reselling. I don't blame him, reselling is not bringing in the money I thought it would with the effort I am putting in. I just keep watching other resellers and can't figure out what the difference is. It is online so it is not a locality thing and we are selling many of the same things. Last month was my worst month all year, I came in around $950 after taxes. I need to make $2K after taxes or $24K a year average since some months do better than others...I am currently around $8K for the year after taxes.

    Despite the lack of sleep, I managed my run. I did 3 miles with 8X1 min hard efforts w/ 30 second
    recovery. I really tried to do a sustainable hard effort not a crash and burn pace. I didn't look at my watch, just tired to go off of feel. I was pleasantly surprised that even though I felt like I was dying, it was pretty consistent and was within 15 seconds each effort and averaging an 8:50 pace. This morning I did a 1.5 brisk walk. Tomorrow is a 3-4 mile easy run.

    Vitamins daily (3/7) Still in my pocket from yesterday
    Run (6/12)
    Strength (2/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (4/7) Loosely
    Weight (.8/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app...How will I fare over the weekend?

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I have been in silent mode again for a bit. I think I am in a bit of a funk again, not really sure what is going on but I just haven't felt much like going out for a run in the heat and when I do go it feels terrible. I don't recall the humidity being this bad here, ever. Tomorrow is supposed to be a dryer day bit then we are back to humidity, thunder and lightening and no real rain to cool us off... We went to the beach with Hobbes on Thursday while the housekeeper was here and it was hot and humid there too - over 80 on the beach and hazy/foggy when we arrived.

    The look you get when you say it is time to go...

    Video of Hobbes playing
    Friday I had a very early hair appointment so no chance to get out for a run and we had Hollywood Bowl that evening so we did hike up the hill there (not much but a bit of a workout). The morning after I am always so wiped out from being up well past midnight so I didn't even try to go out this morning but I did make myself do some strength training. My whole body just feels tired. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I may walk or try to run some, we'll see how it feels.

    @CMorning99 - I am not a huge fan of the Oiselle bras. They just hit me oddly where the PM is. I do have one of their Flyout zipper bras that I like a lot. I love their Flyout shirts though. I may have to look at Poshmark for some tops. I like them loose and the resale FB group only has tiny sizes.
    I hope all goes well with the mobile home move and the sub-lease works out. If you can have someone just move you I would highly recommend it. The best thing we did when we moved out for the work on the house was having someone come in and finish all the packing and moved everything for us. Also an 8:50 pace is awesome on those intervals! I find the paved parts of my trail feel much easier than the dirt but the dirt is so much cooler. Do your feet get hot? I guess because it is so hot out the pavement must be super hot and my feet feel like they are on fire.
    @quilteryoyo - have you tried the Handful zipper bras? I have several of them specifically for the summer because they are so easy to get on and off.

    Tonight I went out in the garage to take care of some laundry and I surprised a family of raccoons - looked like a mom and 3 juveniles. They were trying to get the lids off the metal containers we store the dog food and treats in. Made me think about @rheddmobile and wonder how she is doing and how her raccoon buddies are all doing.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    @Shanaber It was so humid here last week too, it was gross! No wind, just stagnant moist air. The winds came back this weekend so I hope it cools down. I am such a wuss now with hot weather LOL. I like the flyout bras because they have a lot of coverage and the pocket in the back that I can actually put something in. I have a SheFit zip adjustable bra as well that I like, they are pricey though. My feet don't get hot that I feel...they do sweat and I get some blisters because I walk on my last 2 toes. I have Injini socks and they do great. I might try to see who can help us with the move...the problem we have here is getting folks on can't have any kind of criminal history and the moving companies are not so discriminate. It took us 4 tries to get our washer and dryer delivered because they couldn't get on base. I went down to Pismo Beach this weekend to the vet and it was cray cray! I just wanted to get out of there.

    The weekend went ok. Friday the calories went overboard. I was just so dang hungry! I didn't eat a lot but I did eat very dense foods. Saturday I got up and did a 4 mile steep hill run/walk and it felt pretty good. My knee (patella) is a bit sore.

    I spent a good part of the day working on reselling, I am behind a again. I need to process 125 items a month, which doesn't seem hard but it is time consuming to inspect, steam/stain treat, photograph, research, type a listing. Sunday I went to my honey hole of a thrift store and there were at least 4 other resellers there that I saw. We are obv LOL. One lady filled her whole cart in 45 min, I don't know for sure what she is getting but when she checked out it filled 2 lawn bags. I only left with 13 things, so light day. That is fine since I have a stockpile for now. I had no sales on Friday and then 10 sales on Saturday! and then no sales rhyme or reason to it.

    Grey cat had a rough weekend. Lots of puking and not wanting to eat. He had watery drool just dripping out of his mouth. Not sure if it is a tooth or stomach. I picked up some antibiotics and cerenia that we started on Sunday and this AM he put up a good fight so it must be one of them. He is still feeling ick though. Enjoying every cuddle with him.

    For last week:
    Vitamins daily (4/7)
    Run (10/12)
    Strength (2/3)
    5K steps a day (3/7)
    Track calories (4/7) Loosely
    Weight (.8/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (0/7)
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (.8/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @CMorning99 Sounds like things are coming along well with the property. I hope the lease works out and I second getting someone else to move you. It's so much easier. I hope Grey Cat has a lot of time left when he feels good. Keep enjoying every day you have with him.

    @shanaber I hope you get out of the funk soon. It's hard but you are doing great. Love the pictures of Hobbes. I wonder about @rheddmobile too. I hope she's okay.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    Daily tracking. Did a good run yesterday and still hitting the 8:45 pace comfortably / naturally without looking at watch for 1 min intervals. It still feels hard though to think of holding the pace for 1.5 miles. We will get there. Did a good chest/back 15 min workout peloton app and was happy with that. I ended up spending 65 mins at the gym. Food was bad and high.

    We might get our soils report today! DH talked to the his coworker about the house. He forgot all the important stuff like how big is it? how many bedrooms? when are you moving? LOL. His coworker said he would put a good word in for us...not sure what that means.

    Grey cat seems to be feeling a bit better. He acts like he is hungry but nothing tastes good. We have all been there LOL. I have had to go back to giving him meds by syringe again because I can't trust he will eat the laced food. We both hate it, despite compounding in "fish flavor" they still are drool inducing.

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (1/7)
    Run (3.6/12)
    Strength (.5/3)
    5K steps a day (1/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (.0/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app. Weekend got me.

    I ordered new (bigger uniforms)...$200 ouch. Seems a shame when I will only wear them for a year.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @CMorning99 Sounds like your runs are going great. That's an awesome pace. Fingers crossed for you that the soil report comes back and is what you want it to be. Also glad Grey cat seems to be doing some better. I always hated to buy new uniforms.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    Check in time! No exercise yesterday. I had planned on doing a full body workout but decided to skip it. It was probably for the better since when I got home I saw my socks on the bed still. Food was high and bad. Weight is not moving and I suspect it is my eating. I don't eat out or snack but my food choices are poor.

    We got our soils report! I have NO idea what it says...36 pages of lots of words LOL. I sent it to the draftsman and he actually responded back quickly saying he would get everything ready to go to the structural engineer. I asked him how long that would take but it was 6pm and so I was not expecting an answer...and didn't get one. I also started putting the feelers out for fencing. I messaged my neighbor who just replaced a bunch and has a common fence with us that needs to be replaced...hopefully that is an easy kill.

    DH asked about the house finally. 3 bed/2 bath, 1 car garage, 2 story. The 2 story is unfortunate, grey cat just can't do stairs anymore...and I personally hate stairs too LOL. He did warn us that the land lord is an older gentleman who has no interest in updating the house. He said everything works, but it is from the 1980's ...right down to the stained fuchsia carpet and wood paneling paired with wall paper LOL. But for rent that is nearly $800 a month less than everything else...I will tolerate it.

    1 sale and 1 return yesterday. $0 day.

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (2/7)
    Run (3.6/12)
    Strength (.5/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (0/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app. Weight is going back up...probs b/c of my lack of tracking.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @CMorning99 - glad you got the report back even if you don't know what it says. With things like that I always hope there is a summary or something that just says, everything is fine or these things need to be fixed... I guess maybe they don't expect a lay person to need to read or understand it.

    The house sounds awful but maybe you can cover some of it up? I would tolerate it too for the low rent, as long as it is clean.

    My weight went up a bit more and has come down exactly 1 lb... I am eating well, working out at least 6 days/week in some form, running at least 4 of them. I have to trust that it will come down again. I am also going to update my spreadsheets that trend over time (months) to see what has changed. Am I eating too many calories (don't think so), too little (don't think so), not burning enough calories... 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Hey @swenson19d - how are you and all your kitties and puppies doing?
    Hey @Avidkeo - how is your winter going?
    Hey @rheddmobile - how are you doing and what about all your raccoon buddies?

    I don't think MFP sends any kind of notification so I have no clue if they will even see that but I miss all of them!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    @shanaber The only thing I got out of the report is that we have to rebuild our "base" 3 feet down under our foundation.

    Yesterday was a productive day. A lot of little things taken care of and plans made. We don't have a time frame for moving yet. His coworker is trying to buy a house at their next location so we have to wait on that. I am fine with that. We don't have to move out of base housing till maybe June of next year.

    Grey cat is having a tough time. I think he is allergic? extra sensitive? to amoxicillin. We had some troubles with it last time but he was on so many meds we weren't sure what was doing it. This time within 36 hrs of being on it he quit eating, has the runs and can't keep anything down. He just looks tired and miserable. I put in a call to the vet to see if there is a different antibiotic we can try and stopped giving him the amoxicillin.

    Went for my run yesterday, 3 mile easy. It was hard. My calves were locking up and I had dead legs even after a rest day. Also did another 15 min chest and back workout. I started tracking calories and got bored with it LOL. Scale did drop though. I really need to get after drinking more water. TOM trying to start 2 week early this month? after being 1 week late last month. Not sure if it is my IUD shifting or actual TOM.

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (3/7)
    Run (6.6/12)
    Strength (1/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (1/7) Loosely
    Weight (0/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app. Weight is going back up...probs b/c of my lack of tracking.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @CMorning99 Glad you got the soil test back. It sounds like that is getting things moving at least. Since you will only be renting the house until you get yours built, I think you can probably tolerate the bad décor. Sorry that Grey Cat is having a hard time. I hope changing the anti-biotic will help. Those hard "easy" miles are the worst. But, that is what makes us stronger - at least that is what I tell myself. Hang in there.

    @shanaber It is frustrating when you are doing everything right and the weight doesn't cooperate. Hopefully you will have a swhoosh day soon! I miss hearing from those three too. I hope they are okay and just busy.

    I have actually lost a couple of pounds this week. I'm pretty sure it is water weight, but I'll take it. I'm loosely logging food again, which helps me know when I am way over. I started a training plan on Monday for my 10 mile race in December. I decided on the HM plan that I did last year, with a little modification for the start, since I haven't been doing many long runs so far this year.

    I'm leaving in about an hour to go to Beckly WVA for a friend's retirement celebration. She was the Park Supervisor for the Andrew Johnson park here in town before getting transferred to New River Gorge in W VA. She is one of the ladies I used to play tennis with and a very good friend. I am just staying overnight and leaving Tippy here, so I'm a little anxious about that, but I'm sure she will be okay. Mom and William, my neighbor, are going to come up tonight and feed her and then again in the morning to let her out and feed her. The person I normally board her with is out of town and it just didn't seem worth taking her to someone new when it was just one day.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    TGIF! I was so warm an comfy in my bed this AM. I turned my alarm off and snoozed until DH came and wanting to know if I was going to work today LOL. Yesterday was my 23rd anniversary in the AF...385 days to go :) Feel like I am getting the it is LOL.

    Yesterday was an eventful day, so much random. We went to the chowhall for lunch (like everyday) and on of the workers collapsed. I am not sure he made it, they tried to revive him for 3-4 min and then they put the AED on him. We were sitting toward the back and we could hear recommended a shock and CPR. DH and picked up our stuff and moved at that point to get out of the way. The fire and ambulance arrived shortly after and when we left about 20 min after that they were still parked out front. Not sure why, I would think they would want to get him to a hospital ASAP. Then a got a call that our vehicle mechanic building address was evidently on some Amazon marketing fraud list (it is called "Brushing"). They were getting all these rando boxes of stuff, 4 balls, a bucket. I guess it is a scam to boost marketing numbers and reviews. I had to go get all the boxes and take them to the LE desk. Nothing we can do to stop it. I finally left a few min early...I had had enough LOL.

    No exercise. It seems TOM is here, I checked and it started 8 days early. Glad I track it, I never used to, now I use an app. I feel like 41 is a bit young to for hormonal stuff.

    This weekend I thought we were going to do some stuff up at the ranch to prep for the mobile move but remembered black cat has chemo/b-12 on Saturday and that always screws up the day. Grey cat is feeling better and ate a good dinner. Vet called us back and it was the one I don't like. He said he has been on it before it should not have bothered him now...I told him last he was on it he was also sick but we didn't know what was causing it b/c so much was going on. He recommended trying the pill.

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (4/7)
    Run (6.6/12)
    Strength (1/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (1/7) Loosely
    Weight (+.2/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app. Weight is going back up...probs b/c of my lack of tracking.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @CMorning99 I hope the worker made it. That's so sad and scary when it happens all of a sudden like that. Weird that you are getting Amazon stuff at the base. Why do people do things like that? As for the hormones, do you know when your mom went through "the change." I have heard that we tend to follow our mom's. I know I did. She stopped in her late 30's and I was 46, but probably would have stopped sooner had I not been taking the pill. I'm glad grey cat is feeling some better and hope black cat did okay with his chemo today. Hang in there. You do have a lot going on.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo I have not heard an update about the worker. It definitely put me in a somber mood thinking about all the folks I know who have passed in the last year or so. I am not sure when my mom went through "the change". I mean, 41 doesn't feel that old LOL.

    The weekend went about as expected. I did 3 mile easy jog averaging about an 11:45 pace. I have been running when it is has been a bit warmer to see if I can force some suck it up adaptations, my Stryd app estimates I can now run 1.5 miles in 16:06. I wore my new size 10 sports bra and it is actually a bit too big. I think it will be perfect though for strength training and low impact.

    Oof Grey cat. I gave him a good dinner with his normal meds and he chowed down. I waited about an hour and then gave him the antibiotic. He puked up a big tummy full of dinner and pill at the 10 min mark. The next morning he was feeling better and he ate a good breaky with NO meds and waited 60 min and gave him a pill and he kept it down! He didn't look happy though, kinda hunched like his tummy hurt. I waited another hour and give him .2ml of his BP meds and he puked within 4 min. So interaction between amoxycillin and other meds? or the other meds were the breaking point of not tossing cookies? I called the vet and let them know he was still puking it up. I gave him an anti-nausea med before dinner, waited an hour and half and gave him dinner with no meds. Waited another 20 min and gave pill and he kept it down. Waited another 1.5 hours and did meds and he kept it down but he was acting very lethargic. Vet tech called me back and it was the mean one. She said the Vet wants to see him. I asked why? Could we try a different med? She said no, that the antibiotic should not be upsetting his stomach and he is puking for another reason. I told her it is the med, I give pill he pukes, I stop pill he eats like a champ. She kept insisting I didn't know what I was talking about and he had been on it before and was fine. I said he was NOT fine before he was a very sick kitty with a lot going on...grrrrr. I asked what the vet would be doing if I brought him in...she said "looking to see why he is puking". She then gave us an appt 2 weeks out, I have never had to wait that long for an appt...I think she was just being a b!tch.

    The rest of the weekend was chill. Sourcing was slim this week and I didn't even spend enough to get a coupon for next week. That is fine, I started digging into my mom's vintage clothes. Most hung for probably 30 years and they smell so musty and have dust and other spots on them. Trying to figure out what is worth it and what is not. DH grilled...poor man is terrible at it, he burns everything LOL.

    My new uniforms should be here this week. I also got a 50% of code for Saucony and bought 2 new pairs of shoes :) My current shoes only lasted me about 300 miles, must be the new materials are not as durable.

    Last week:
    Vitamins daily (4/7)
    Run (9.85/12)
    Strength (1/3)
    5K steps a day (3/7)
    Track calories (1/7) Loosely
    Weight (+.2/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app.

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (0/7)
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (+.3/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning.

    Grey cat is hanging in there. I got my uniform and I don't know who does the sizing and it is different depending where you buy it. My pants are now hammer pants LOL...they are a bit ridiculous. The sizing went from 31R to 35R as the next size but I swear I now have about 8 inches of extra fabric. Probably a dudes idea. But they are really comfy LOL.

    Ran yesterday and effortlessly held an 11:14 pace and was only varying by +/- 3 seconds for 1.75 miles. It was so much cooler yesterday, guess that heat training is working.

    Vitamins daily (1/7)
    Run (3.5/12)
    Strength (.5/3)
    5K steps a day (1/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (-.3/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    You are doing great with your running. I'm pretty sure I had to get my uniforms tailored once I bought them because they never fit right. But, if they look okay and are comfy....It is possible to see another vet for Grey cat? It sounds like your current one is not listening to your concerns. I hope you can figure out a way to keep his meds down. Poor little guy.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @CMorning99 - I think so many of the military uniforms are designed for men and they still haven't really updated them for women. I saw a program about it one but I think it was focused on the Army.
    A comment about Vet Techs... having worked in Vet offices for several years when I was in college (planning to be a Vet) I found that like some nurses who really want to be a doctor, they are wanna-be Vets who for whatever reason couldn't get in or afford Vet school. Many are very bitter and often think they know as much as the Vet and would be better at it than the Vet they are working for. I wouldn't be surprised if that Tech just decided you should come in and may not have even said anything to the Vet. I would document (like you have here) the process you have gone through and the result - make it like a diary entry so the Vet can see what has happened each time. I hope you can get to the bottom of it so Grey kitty is more comfortable and happy. How is Black kitty doing?

    On menupause/perimenopause... I think the average for actually hitting official menopause is around 50 but perimenopause can start in your early 40's or even late 30's. My mom was right in with the average, 50 or 51ish but I was late at 56. I also started my period really early as did my daughter. I wish I had known the symptoms and changes of perimenopause when I was in my 40's it certainly would have explained a lot to me - especially the overwhelming anxiety, insomnia and inability to lose any weight no matter what I did or how little I ate. I also may have taken more steps to help myself like even hormone therapy which back then was considered a big no-no because of the Women's Health study (much of the results of which have now been found to be wrong...).

    That 'Hit Play Not Pause' podcast I have mentioned before has lots of information and there are also a couple of books by Stacy Sims and Selene Yeager (host of the podcast) that you might want to check out. Roar is one that is more about nutrition requirements and how changes in our hormones affect our performance. Their latest book is Next Level and it goes more into perimenopause, and menopause specifically..
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo In the past my uniforms seem to have fit wellish. Back in 2010? they came out with a women's version of our camo (ABU). But they were terrible! They shrank the waist down so far you had to get diaper butt to close the top button. The new version (OCPs) are female versions as well and they tailored the top which is fine, we aren't wearing a square bag anymore and it seems the pants were let out and not designed for barbie. But now we have the weird sizes. It was like they decided if you have over a 31 inch waist (and the pants are mid rise) they just issue fat man pants after that, you are too far gone LOL.

    @shanaber I will write everything down for the Vet. Thankfully it is the vet we really like. It is not really a wasted trip, I think grey cat is due for his Sr blood panel and he has a funny slightly oozy wart on his neck that is super itchy. Probably wouldn't hurt to have someone look at his eye...not that we can do anything, but it has been 5 months since his eye-magedon. He has been better and he puked for the first time in a few days last night (I think he can make himself puke if he is mad). We have a routine...anti-nausea when I get home, wait an hour, dinner, wait 30 min, antibiotic, wait as long as possible (2hrs) and start rest of meds. That way if he tosses cookies the antibiotic should be in his system already. I am going to watch my cycles and see if this was just a hormonal fluke, a glitch in the matrix LOL. I bought "The Hormone Diet" book a while back, but I have zero motivation to think that hard about what I eat LOL.

    Black cat is doing very well. We have noticed his fur is starting to go grey all over. He has an appt in a month for bloodwork. Chemo is still doing it's job!

    Yesterday we had technology issues all day, we couldn't do anything. I got some appointments made and phone calls done. I need to confirm we are all good to go for next week, I just want that mobile move to be over. I left early to go for my run and it was so hot and humid. My watch said it was 88 again, but the weather app said it was only 72. I had 4,3,2,1,1 Min Fartleks on the books. It was an old workout I just loaded up and so it had my old paces in there 8:00-8:38. I cheated a bit and the first 2 intervals were a net downhill and I hit 8:38 for the 4 minute'r ... after that it is net up-hill and I very consistently hit 9 min/mile with a lot of cussing and pep talks. After I did a shoulder and arm workout and it was terrible too, everything burned and I was using 3lb weights. I got home and all I wanted to do was eat and sleep...calories were terrible.

    Vitamins daily (3/7)
    Run (7/12)
    Strength (1/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (-.6/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    edited August 2022
    @CMorning99 Glad things seem to be moving along on the mobile home, no pun intended. I never did have uniforms that fit well when I was in the AF. Like you said, they would "try" to make changes, but they never really fit my body well. I'm glad to here the cats are doing okay. Sounds to me like you are doing great with the running. Just don't overdo too soon and get injured.

    I'm still eating birthday stuff. I'm hoping to get rid of it all this week. After that, I hope I will be able to get back on track as far as food goes. I'm just not going to stress about the weight I have gained. If I do, it'll just make it worse.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @CMorning99 - glad you got the report back even if you don't know what it says. With things like that I always hope there is a summary or something that just says, everything is fine or these things need to be fixed... I guess maybe they don't expect a lay person to need to read or understand it.

    The house sounds awful but maybe you can cover some of it up? I would tolerate it too for the low rent, as long as it is clean.

    My weight went up a bit more and has come down exactly 1 lb... I am eating well, working out at least 6 days/week in some form, running at least 4 of them. I have to trust that it will come down again. I am also going to update my spreadsheets that trend over time (months) to see what has changed. Am I eating too many calories (don't think so), too little (don't think so), not burning enough calories... 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Hey @swenson19d - how are you and all your kitties and puppies doing?
    Hey @Avidkeo - how is your winter going?
    Hey @rheddmobile - how are you doing and what about all your raccoon buddies?

    I don't think MFP sends any kind of notification so I have no clue if they will even see that but I miss all of them!

    I dont get notifications with MFP. There is probably a setting, but I already had too many emails. Kevin is wearing himself out with a Buddha Bone, which is a dried rolled cow cheek. this one is PB flavoured. He loves it so much that she he is tired, he won't put it down and I have to save it in his crate, closed and protected.
    Kev and his chewy boney
    This little thing was in Eric's engine a few mornings ago. We finally had rain. No idea if he got in at work or home and took a ride. He was sweet and feral but warmed up quickly. Sandy tried to be his mama. Poor guy wasn't quite ready to be separated from his mum. He was re-homed to a 9 year old girl with cat experience.

    Here's not so little "baby cat" Mallory. She's too big to be lovey.

    I had rheumatologist appointment yesterday. She put me on Lyrica. I haven't picked it up. Walgreens is expensive, 102$ and won't take the discount card (like Good Rx)20$. So I will transfer it Monday. My labs are negative for RA and scleroderma. I never thought to have either, but she wanted to check. The Raynauld can be an early sign of scleroderma. So far just good ol' osteoarthritis. She noted cervical impingement, I'll ask for an MRI if she doesnt plan on it, or a referral to a good neurologist. She thought all my symptoms were neurological, hyperreflexia and the positive Hoffmans sign with the cervical lesion/tumor/damage. I didn't mention that I am tripping over my own feet more and more. you know how sometimes you dont pick your feet up and the ball lands or catches the ground in mid step ☺️. I am weary with stairs cuz it will be not fun. I bought an SI joint belt and it is amazing for my joints!

    Thats about it here. Ill have to catch up on the posts. Hope everyone is well. Sorry no Sandy pics. Kev is the goof. Sandy did bring Eric an empty paper plate and set it in his lap. when he took it she nosed it, "feed me papa!" haha. it was cute. She has decided to forgo her crate and just go to our bed and dig around fixing it and play dumb. Sometimes she can stay. haha!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @swenson19d - so glad to see you here! Kevin is such a sweetie! Sandy probably too! I do think Mallory looks like a snuggler - such a cute face! and she really doesn't look that big!
    We had a feral cat a long time ago that had kittens in our garage. The kittens crawled up on the wheels and somewhere in the engine. I am guessing it was nice and warm. One was killed when we unknowingly backed out of the garage but the other two were found snuggled up in the engine area. Looked to be about the same age as your stowaway.
    I am RA positive with a couple of different patterns (not sure what that means exactly) but the rheumatologist didn't find anything else that confirmed lupus or another specific autoimmune. I am on Plaquenil (off label use for RA and lupus) and the symptoms (fatigue, aching/sore all over and inflammation) have abated for the most part thankfully. I can't stay on it long term but for now it is really helping. I hope the Lyrica helps you - I can't believe how expensive these drugs are.
    Hope the nursing classes are going well!

    @cmorning99 - did the mobile home get moved successfully?

    I am back in that situation of trying to lose weight and it is not moving at all. So frustrating! I am trying to add in some speed/sprint intervals once a week or so to hopefully get it to move. It is silly, but I have an appointment with my pcp in early Oct. and I really would like it to be down a bit by then.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @swenson19d Glad you see you back here. Love all of your animal pictures. It sounds like you have a lot going on with your health. I can't even imagine how I would deal with that. I hope the new meds help and you can get them at a better price.

    @shanaber I'm trying to lose weight again too and totally understand wanting to be down before seeing your PCP.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 924 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Glad to see ya'll! I was so tired last week by the time I got mid way through, I gave it a solid F it all. I am dreading to see the damage I did and so I am giving myself today today flush and see if we can soften the blow LOL

    The mobile is MOVED! We aren't done but the hard part is over. It was a *kitten* show from the day before it started LOL The lead mover guy called me and said he didn't know if he was going to make it out there b/c he was having heart rhythm issues, but he was going to send his son out. The first snafu was the hitch broke, it was so rusted they had to weld a new one on. I was concerned if that broke, what else was weak. They got it jacked up and moved away from the deck and tires on it no problem. Now we live in sand, it looks solid and packed but if something is heavy, it sinks. There was a 20 foot patch of sand between the 2 plots and that bad boy sank to the floor . It took his 1ton truck and a tractor to yank it out...I was sure they were going to rip the back end off it, not to mention all my tenants stuff was still in it. But they got it out, and in the process the tires fell off so then they dragged it on the wheels, and by the time they got it parked, the axels were coming off. End of day one, I drank when I got home! The second day, these guys were sooo inefficient, they came out and looked at the utilities and then went out and bought what they needed, wasted the whole morning. By the end of that day they got the electric and sewer done. The 3rd day they got the gas and water done. We had no idea where the electric was buried so our gas line is only 18 inches underground. Lead guy also made a lot of promises of what he could do, but I guess later realized he didn't want to do them. Like put the skirting back on and move the deck. I also need to find a mobile home repair company (who will actually call me back) to give it a once over. There is some water damage b/c the tenant won't tell me when stuff is broken. I am so glad it is over, mostly. All that is left is to build new skirting, and the fence guy is coming out on thursday to give me a quote. That just leaves the deck and repairs.

    I also had a long talk with our builder. I realized it had been 6 months since we signed the contract with the draftsman and we are no where near where he said he would be (he promised we would be nearly done). The builder had a "man to man" talk with him and the guy promised to see our project through and that the plans were with the structural engineer. My neighbor said that my builder had relieved him of some projects because he was costing him money because he was waiting so long.

    We also had court. They didn't say what the last Doc said in his report but they moved forward with scheduling the trial. Jury selection starts 26 Jan 23 and then the trial probably the week after? If all goes to plan, which I am sure it wont, we will go to trial 27 months after mom died.

    So that is why I was tired. I also worked Thurs/Friday. No runs, no counting. I did get my step count in though LOL. I brought my new running shoes, I got a pair of the carbon plate ones, Saucony. I have had them a week and I never even opened the box I was so tired LOL. Gotta get back to food watching too..DH (he was trying to be nice) said maybe this is my "new normal". Gak. Fitness test in 6 weeks and I can do a whooping 4 push-ups.

    It is a short week (4 days) so I best get to it!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,611 Member
    @CMorning99 That sounds like a nightmare to get the mobile home moved, but am glad the hard part is done. Is the tenant still going to be living in it? I think I missed that part. I hope the draftsman gets his stuff together and you can get going on the house soon too. I'll have my fingers crossed for you about the trail actually getting started sometime in Jan or Feb. It's no wonder you are tired and don't want to count calories. I wouldn't either. How many push ups do you have to do for the fitness test? I'm so glad we didn't have to do that when I was in the AF.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Wow @CMorning99 - what an 'adventure' with the mobile home! Refresh my memory as to why it had to move so close to where it already was? Also where is the tenant while all this is going on? If I were her I would be freaking out! I guess she just wants to continue to have a place to live and doesn't care?
    It is crazy how long it takes to get a criminal trial set and done and no wonder they lose witnesses and people can't remember things. I find it interesting too that it varies so much by county. There was a DUI/manslaughter case here recently that happened maybe 3 or 4 months ago and the guy has already been found guilty and sentenced. I guess maybe his lawyer didn't have a lot of defense to put up.

    I weighed in on Saturday and my weight was up another 2.5 pounds. I am really confused and can only think it is water retention. I am not eating differently but I am running and working out more/harder. I weighed again today worried it would be up yet again and whew it was down a pound but I am still at that OMG stage and I can't figure out what to change. I am only eating around 1500 calories give or take and trying to get my protein levels up. I really can't and don't think I should cut that back much or I won't have any energy to run.
    I have an appointment (video) with the rheumatologist next week. I may mention it to her and see if it is a side affect of the medication she has me on. I don't think it is, I haven't see it listed anywhere but who knows.