Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo Take a deep breath. I find when I go salty snack foods, it takes a few days to cycle through....don't feel defeated. You are under stress with all that is going on. Just let your body do its healing job, drink a ton of water and eat good foods for a few days and keep moving. On the holiday day, eat a really light healthy breakfast and fill your plate with the veggies and turkey and have some of everything else. Next week is a new week. I can gain 3 lbs in a night and 5 in a week is easy...but then it comes off enjoy the fam and do what you can do.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I thought I did better with my eating yesterday, but was up another pound this morning. I had hoped to stay below 140 this week, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen as I was at 139.4 today. I know it is all my fault and SALT. I have not really eaten that many calories! But, I have to confess, this weight going up 5 pounds in a week is starting to make me feel defeated. I have to get that out of my head and know that I can lose it back next week. The rest of this week, except for maybe tomorrow, are going to be BAD eating wise. I just need to suck it up, try to exercise, enjoy the food, and work really really hard to start getting it back off next week.

    Between heavy lifting, a long run, and a sodium packed day, I had an EIGHT POUND swing a couple weeks ago! It’s all good now, back to previous weight, but I gained eight pounds in 48 hours. I knew perfectly well it wasn’t real fat gain because I was logging and knew my calories, but it’s a bit of a shocker to see that number. Try not to let it get to you!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    weight gain
    Wow, those are some amazing swings! Mine is usually 1-1.5 with bad food and no exercise of course. Nursing classes teach us that anything over a 2 pound gain overnight warrants investigation. Such a large fluid shift can be sinister. If you can identify why, like I ate half a pie, a bunch of KFC chicken - I expect to see a gain. But if it's for no good reason, it needs to be checked.

    PT today
    Things are calming down. Which is wonderful.

    I ate too much again... already mentioned. I will blame PMS.

    Bear is fat and lazy. He has become a turkey addict and you can not go in the kitchen without being accosted, with claws of love scratching your leg and cute little baby squeaks letting you know he truly loves you wants you to shower him with turkey love... NOW!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    Thanks ladies. I was actually down a pound today, which is surprising since my food yesterday consisted of a sausage and cheese biscuit, Wendy's cheeseburger, and small fries. Plus some almonds and cheese for a late night snack. But, I did have to go pee every hour. I guess that got rid of some of the water. :lol:

    @rheddmobile I thought I had big swings. Eight pounds is huge!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I love amazon.

    And I am stalling on a MAJOR CARE PLAN that I get to re-do because I had no idea what I was doing. It is a pass or no pass assignment, meaning I have to make an 80% on it or I get to repeat the course. ugh. please no. I made a whopping 54% the first pass.

    My violin instructor text me this AM with a few book finds that lead me back down the Amazon hole. I want all the new happy stuff. New happy socks, new happy tea cups, new happy blankets, a new happy life.

    I found canvas photos. They are cheeap so I ordered a few not telling Dh and plan to litter my walls with Alex memories. I have these two coming soon.
    lzf70223626q.png Arent they magical? I may need an antidepressant today. He's just beautiful.

    ok no more shopping or major stalling. Wish me an additional 30% on my grade.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @swenson19d Nice pictures. Fingers crossed that you will get that 80% or better on your assignment.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    A package was delivered and is just assumed it was DH's work stuff from staples until a second package was delivered separately from staples. So I had to look at the first package which was my canvas photos of Alex. I didn't get a pick of the second photo because I can't remember Alex's login to MFP to share from the cell. This pic I shared with the girl that took the pic via FB so i just stole it back from FB. technology.

    the clock was my maternal grandmother's. It's not expensive or anything. and I can't get it to work despite sending it to a clock guy who said it works fine... it is stopped at the time Alex died.

    still chipping at the paper. almost done. just keep it together for a bit and get this done.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    A package was delivered and is just assumed it was DH's work stuff from staples until a second package was delivered separately from staples. So I had to look at the first package which was my canvas photos of Alex. I didn't get a pick of the second photo because I can't remember Alex's login to MFP to share from the cell. This pic I shared with the girl that took the pic via FB so i just stole it back from FB. technology.

    the clock was my maternal grandmother's. It's not expensive or anything. and I can't get it to work despite sending it to a clock guy who said it works fine... it is stopped at the time Alex died.

    still chipping at the paper. almost done. just keep it together for a bit and get this done.

    Keep going, you absolutely got this! You are doing so well
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well I've been really good for 3 whole days haha. Actually ate under calorie goal by 500 each day for 3 days. Not going to long term, just needed a kick up the bum really.

    Tonight I'm going out of town for work. Leave at 4pm, staying in a tiny overnight flat right by the ED. Usually Hawera means junk food. And it might. But I do have a meal packed as well. See how I feel when I get there...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @swenson19d The canvas looks nice on the wall next to your grandmother's clock. Hang in there. You've got this.

    Good luck with the food @Avidkeo . It's tough when traveling.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    dh was not impressed with the artistic photo of Alex. hes on a homophobic kick right now and even asked why a female cousin cut her hair short, is she a xxxx now? what? lord I hate sexism. I'll be sure to let him know that a woman is more likely to be raped if she has long hair. I love the photo. He surely wouldn't love the idea of Mr Frank N Furter (tim curry's) on my wall that I am desperately attracted too. mmm I just love that strut and those legs in the fishnets and that bustier! Only society defines what we wear by gender and it's stupid.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    dh was not impressed with the artistic photo of Alex. hes on a homophobic kick right now and even asked why a female cousin cut her hair short, is she a xxxx now? what? lord I hate sexism. I'll be sure to let him know that a woman is more likely to be raped if she has long hair. I love the photo. He surely wouldn't love the idea of Mr Frank N Furter (tim curry's) on my wall that I am desperately attracted too. mmm I just love that strut and those legs in the fishnets and that bustier! Only society defines what we wear by gender and it's stupid.

    I LOVE the pic. And i couldn't agree more about the society definitions. I actually had a (fairly friendly) disagreement with my brother last night that all started when he said i disre3my husband by cutting my hair short because its nit feminine...
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well the overnight went as well as i expected, not great because i got out of work late and ehen i came home to collect my stuff, i completely forgot the food in the fridge. Takeaways it was. I didnt eat a lot yesterday, just wasnt hungry. But what i did eat was high calorie - candy and cake. Oh wrll. Life happens.

    I got the go ahead to start HM training, yay!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited November 2020
    Survived another Thanksgiving, yay!

    So, my mother’s morning was exciting, she was fixing breakfast and here come the horses trotting by her kitchen window. Turned out the pasture fence was down. There’s a second fence with gate across the driveway at the road but it’s not usually shut. So she leaps up and sprints down to the road (my mom is in her 80s) and closes the gate before the horses get there! Then has to catch the mares who are running around being jerks, absolutely delighted with themselves, and stuff them in the stallion paddock temporarily (we don’t have a stallion on the place at the moment so the stallion paddock is empty) while she tries to find someone who can repair the fence.

    I knew none of this until we arrive that afternoon to find a team of workers swarming around the patio where we were planning on eating thanksgiving outdoors. And one of them is cutting metal poles to length with an electric saw!

    Now, my husband has scarring on his esophagus which gives him trouble swallowing sometimes. Basically he has to stay very calm and relaxed while he eats or his throat will spasm and he can’t swallow. If you have ever had your esophagus spasm when you quickly drink cold milk, it’s similar. Very painful and potentially day-ruining. So he is not delighted at the thought of eating in the middle of a work site with a screaming saw. My mom as it turns out also broke her glasses while chasing horses so he goes to get the stuff to fix them and says to me, “You two work this out.” And my mom says to me, “What do you want me to do? I can tell them to go home if that’s what you want.” And I say, in as pleasant and neutral a tone of voice as I can manage (because years of experience have taught me when I’m about to walk into a hornet’s nest), “Well, it is a little noisy, and it’s a holiday.”

    And as expected my mom totally loses her stuff, starts telling me to just go home and not even bother, she can never do anything right, and on and on. And friends, I think I finally earned my Scout badge in adulting, because I did not say one word back, I just went and sat in the car until she calmed down. In the end the work crew agreed to knock off for a couple hours, my mom admitted it wasn’t anything I did that made her lose it (which is as close to an apology as I’m likely to get in this lifetime), and my husband actually didn’t choke on dinner, which was good by the way. The catering company’s smoked turkey, corn pudding, stuffing, gravy, salad and pumpkin cheesecake roll was enough food for everyone plus leftovers without being too much, the weather stayed nice, and the horses came up to the edge of the stallion paddock and watched us eat. I parceled up everything before we left my place so only her food and leftovers were in her containers, no shared implements, and we ate outside at two separate small tables so we could talk but not be too close. I was certain I had overdone it on carbs, but by the time I got home and tested my glucose was back down to a very respectable 88!

    So, this morning I got to enjoy the best part of any Thanksgiving, leftovers for breakfast! Since I can’t really handle the carbs of a full fried stuffing sandwich I made an open faced one with fresh cranberry sauce and gravy, and a bunch of turkey breast.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @Avidkeo so happy you get to train for your hm!

    @swenson19d I love the pic of Alex. Always been a huge Tim Curry fan too, although I’m more a Darkness from Legend girl than a Frankie girl.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hello peeps! Survived Thanksgiving with too much food and drinks but we had a nice day. Thankful for my virtual friends....they have rescued me during this weird time.

    @swenson19d I like the pic....his eyes are beautiful. Agree with the gender and clothing stuff. Silly.

    @avidkeo congrats on starting HM training...very exciting.

    Enjoy the weekend

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited November 2020
    MFP ate my post. What crap.

    quick recap
    thanks for the support. I got an 84.6 on the paper (pass!). I ate too much. I ate bad food- have a terrible migraine, my teeth hurt. I have to check out Darkness from Legend now.

    jerks few and far between. what what?

    :) SSS (dumb MFP)

    Ohh 1985? how have I missed this show of his? There needs to be Tim Curry-a-thon including his more accomplished works (plays & musicals). DD said I can't have him because he's gay. Harry Connick jr isn't gay and I can't have him either, although I wished awfully hard on that one.
    Timmmmm . LOL! any faviourite crushes/ admirations?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,414 Member
    @swenson19d - I love the picture of Alex. I had no idea you can have that done on Amazon. Pretty cool!
    I also hate sexism as well as homophobia. I have dealt with the whole sexism issue most of my adult life starting in college where I was one of only a few math majors and the only woman. I was also the only woman in the Reservoir Engineering group in my first job at Unocal. I got so tired of being 'picked' on by the engineers and having to prove myself over and over again. I started fighting back (butting in on coffee breaks when the entire team went and left me behind, posting a Play Girl (bought for this express purpose) centerfold to cover up the Playboy centerfolds they put up in the shared coat locker to embarrass me, etc.), not that it did any good at all and I ended up just leaving the group to go into IT. I have talked to many women since who work in the oil industry and it is still an issue some 40 years later - ridiculous!
    We also have many, many friends and some family who are LBGTQ. It just makes me so angry when they are denigrated or mistreated.
    @Avidkeo - yay for HM training! That is such an interesting comment about cutting your hair short! My hair was always short growing up, through college and many times since. I never knew it was some how disrespectful to men in general or to my husband...
    @rheddmobile - I am so glad your mom's horses didn't get out the gate to the road! I am also shocked that she was able to find someone to fix the fence on Thanksgiving! I am glad it all worked out so you could have a nice dinner!

    We had a pretty great day. I had pre-made the pie and cranberry relish and planned out a schedule to get everything else ready. I made rolls early since they take so long to rise and while the dough was rising I made and baked the dressing. The turkey went in on schedule and while it wasn't cooking as fast as they said it would I had left a 1 hour buffer and it worked out just perfectly. Also as soon as the turkey went in the office I headed out for a long walk with Hobbes and got back with time to shower and finish up all the rest of the fixings. I have decided I may just eat cranberry relish every day either by itself or with whatever we are eating! It is really simple - raw cranberries and an orange (with peel) chopped up in the blender, a bit of sugar to taste and some chopped walnuts. So good!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @rheddmobile That sounds like an interesting day. Good for you for adulting and so glad everything worked out.

    @swenson19d Congratulations on the 84.6 on your paper! We knew you could do it!

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber I found the prints at Easy canvas print. Not amazon. I just stared on amazon then some how found myself on a different site, it was a "how did I get here" shopping moment. The two were right at 50$. Bet Hobbes would love a wall hanging of himself :). I love the simple cranberry recipe and may try it. Dh had 3 bags of cranberries. He made sauce with orange juice concentrate but it did not turn out well.