Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Logged everything yesterday. Did yoga/meditation at lunch and 4 miles after work (2.2 with doggo so run, walk, run, sniff, sniff, sniff, poop, run)
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    @quilteryoyo The Australian Shepard we had was a nut. She liked to play "football" and run around and just knock you over. She was a big dog, she might have been part rough collie with the full coat and trim features. She'd sneak up and nip that soft spot just where you rear meats the leg. I found her at the local shelter as an adult dog. she was a very good dog. She remains at Alex's grave, his forever protector.

    My cats are all running around chasing each other. I cut a large skinny box where they can run through it completely. It's a hit. It is the center of play most days. Guess they are like kids, just give them a box. I gave the window birds leftover cornbread, I think they like it, I heard some "chirp chirps". Bear sits at the dining table watching them, studying or watching bird TV.

    I need some real food today. No idea what. Probably soup.

    After PT it wasn't a whole lot better, but this morning I feel that today may be the last of the grump. PT said to rest it for a week, least amount of twisting and bending possible.

    I need to study.
    Still behind those 3 chapters. Suppose I'll circle back to them. I did watch videos and completed that test remediation bit. I missed a question about which liquid can a pt have on a liquid diet. milk, applesauce, yogurt, or tuna... I picked applesauce. why? It's the easiest to digest and milk is just outright snotty gross (personal bias to work through. the boys in the neighborhood used to spit snotty milk loogies on the ceiling of the walkways and they hang down. so nasty. ). I argued that the milk was no more a liquid than the sauce, it is a suspension in fact, or perhaps out of date and just as chunky as the sauce, perhaps the tuna is a puree, yogurt is no less of a liquid than milk it takes the shape of the container... yadda yadda. so hopefully the instructor enjoys my banter because that was just a terrible question. I will give no patient milk US dairy farmers. *barf*. there is cream in my tea... haha.

    my left leg is vibrating so much today. it is so weird. Usually, the vibrations are transient and 5-6 seconds, this is practically constant.

    @quilteryoyo Hope the CT report comes in today and is good news.

    fine..farmacology LOL! I mentioned Pharm class to someone and they thought FARM perhaps an animal husbandry course. It's rural here. and OSU and The Noble Foundation have research interests, fields, animals, plants, and local jobs for the PhD's.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning. @runs_on_espresso it just didn't feel right to have a traditional cake that several members of the department can't eat. And honestly it's was so easy to make, no excuses! Haha.

    I woke at 530am and did not want to get up. But I got up, got on my bike and cycled for about 40 mins. Glad I did because I'm going out for dinner tonight with the students. It's their last day tomorrow and they are qualified! So exciting for them. So between cake and dinner, I figured I'd need the calories.

    I want to cry a little. Calf is niggling. It's back to doing that annoying pulling for a few steps but eases quickly. I'll see how I go the rest of the day. It's probably just scar tissue again now I've increased my distance again. If I need to, I'll skip tomorrows run, and run Saturday. Sigh.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,118 Member
    @swenson19d Funny about your Australian Shepherd. They can be nippy. Tippy started nippy my heals, but my dog behaviorist helped me stop that annoying behavior. I'm really curious as to why tuna would be considered a liquid? As an outsider, I would have chosen milk because, to me, that is the only one of the 4 that is a liquid.

    @Avidkeo So sorry that the calf is acting up again. Hopefully it is a minor setback, if that.

    I did get a call, while I was exercising today, from the surgeon's office. She called my cell phone, which I didn't have with me in the basement, and left a message that the doctor wants me to come in tomorrow to talk to him about the CT results. Since I didn't get to talk to her when I called back to make the appointment, I don't know if that means it has grown or if he just wants to go over options. I did ask the person who made the appointment to please have the nurse call me. I want to ask her that question - if I should be concerned or not. She hasn't called me back yet, and, honestly, may not. Since the doctor wants to talk to me, she may not be "allowed" to tell me anything. Anyways, the appointment is at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. So, I'll know something after that. She did give me the option for an appointment next week, so that tells me that it isn't to the point of a "true" emergency, even if it has grown. Trying to keep a positive attitude here.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo I hope it's nothing too bad. It doesn't seem like it if they said you could come in next week. Fingers crossed for you
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Hopefully it's just a planning appointment. Can you look at the radiology report? I know I overthink those easy questions, I suppose tuna was a "how dumb are you" answer, LOL!

    @Avidkeo Not that I ever got over my issues, but setting a goal of not more than 2 miles a run for a month or so helped, so perhaps no ramping up your distance or speed for a while?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,118 Member
    Thanks ladies. I am going to ask to see the scan, if that is possible. I'd just like to see with my own eyes what it looks like. Yea @RunsOnEspresso . I'm thinking it can't be too bad if I can wait a week to see them.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I think border collies also have the different color eyes too and similar personality to Australian Sheperds. You can get a doggy DNA test if you are really interested in knowing. I know AKC does one but there may be others too. I have a friend who did her rescue and we were all sure she was mostly cattle dog. Ends up she isn't at all. She is Australian Shepherd and some other type of shepherd. I had to do one for Hobbes too so he could participate in Vizsla Nationals even though we knew his pedigree and he, his parents, grandparents, etc., etc. were all registered. I suspect for this purpose it is just another way for them to make money.
    Hope the news is good from your doctor. I would take it as a good sign that they didn't have an issue pushing the appointment out a week if needed.

    @swenson19d - I would have chosen 'none of the above' if that were an option. If no option to do that I probably would have said apple sauce too. I have never heard of milk being included in a liquid diet because of the way it reacts in your stomach.
    On your leg vibrating... any chance it could be from caffeine in your tea or something? I know when my PM was not adjusted right that is how I felt, like everything vibrating and the PM tech adjusted it but told me to watch out for too much caffeine having a similar affect.

    @avidkeo - I hope the niggle is nothing more than the scar tissue reacting to the additional distance and being tired from so much time on your feet at work. The cakes are amazing! Can you share the recipe for the GF/DF one?

    I got a mostly run in today and it felt great! Food is ok, still not eating enough in the mornings but better. Liking the Aussie Bites for after my run. They seem more nutrious than a fig newton. The one thing we haven't been having are many veggies. I am out of everything and not planning a grocery run. The Health Dept here is recommending people not go into the stores and order for delivery again as the numbers are skyrocketing again. Weight is back down 1.5lbs to under 150 again. I want it to be consistently down but glad it is trending down slowly even with some slight ups and downs.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,118 Member
    @shanaber I have thought about a DNA test for Tippy, but never followed through. It is odd that they would make you do one for Hobbes with his pedigree. Like you said, probably a way for them to make more money. There weren't any surprises with him, were there? Yeah for your weight being back under 150! In my experience, trending down is the best you can expect. There are going to be those unexpected days when the weight is up a little, for whatever reason. You're doing great.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We did a DNA test for Shadow to see what all she was. We did the basic which also told us she doesn't have the MDR1 mutation. You could pay more for additional medical stuff.

    62.5% American Staffordshire Terrier
    12.5% Boxer
    25% A mix of other doggos

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber thee recipe is here -

    @swenson19d I've been doing no more than 3.25k for the last month so I think it's more time in my feet cause that's when I started feeling it. I swapped out of angiography today so I was able to move around and take breaks. When I think back to when I started running, this is exactly how it was for a few days, but always eased, so I'm thinking positive...

    I'm about to go out for dinner. I have a few calories, but will probably end up going over. Oh well.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber Glad to hear I am not alone on the applesauce. Some people just don't do milk, it's just not a first go to in my head.

    I've had the vibrations for the past 5 months, since the last surgery. It started in the right leg with the rod, I just figured it was a damaged nerve or swelling on a nerve. It also happens across my chest and groin, it is usually fleeting. I have 2-3 cups of tea in the AM and that's it for caffeine. Since Alex left, I gave up coffee and drink his favorite hot tea. I don't know if it could be the antidepressant or caffeine. I mentioned it to my PCP and I saw it in my online records. He never said anything about it though. 19 days until I see him again.

    I think PT is paying off. I almost feel as if I could go walk a bit. My balance is much better.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,118 Member
    @swenson19d Glad the PT is helping and you are feeling some better.

    @Avidkeo Hope you enjoyed your night out and didn't worry about those silly calories. I don't think they count in celebration dinners anyway. :wink:
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning:

    Just catching up from last week.

    @rheddmobile I read your Tday post. You do get points for self control. Amazing. Glad it all worked out in the end.

    @shanaber I love that you bought a playgirl to post. Its ridiculous that it still goes on. That cranberry relish sounds delish. I am also doing a 50K challenge for Feeding America - the Holiday Hustle - from Thanksgiving to New Years. Run or walks. Also, my DH is having the same hamstring issue after running. He finally took some time off and just really rolled and stretched. It seems to be helping. Where do I find these Aussie Bites. I really need to come up with quick nutritional post workout breakfasts and add protein. Right now, its either a smoothie or a chocolate protein drink like Orgain and peanut butter toast. Or eggs.

    @RunsOnEspresso I am with you on starting over - pretty much weekly, I make it to wednesday and then all hell breaks loose. And yoga.... I need to do it at least twice a week. Great job on the workouts and logging!

    @quilteryoyo My dog is really struggling with that too. I need to get some pumpkin but she is so picky with her normal food. She needs more fiber. Love the picture of the pup in the snow - so pretty. Looks like the pines and fresh air would smell so good! I hope the appt. is just a check in and discuss options. Seeing the scan will give you advance knowledge to have a good convo.

    @swenson19d Hope the studying is going ok. I have stick straight hair that is only wavy if it air drys and I don't brush it - then straight again. can't help you with the curls. Glad the PT is helping. As for the question, I am thinking none of the above too. Applesauce still has a fair amount of solids in it. Milk doesn't make sense. Something nutrient dense in a liquid form. I saw that OK got a ton of snow - was that farther north?

    @avidkeo Glad the HM training is starting back up. Riding in the wind must add so much effort. Rain would be even harder. Both of those cakes look fantastic - I am now so hungry.

    @ddmom0811 I use pants as my real measuring stick. And I do the same - track one meal then just goes downhill. Glad you had a nice holiday with the babies and are enjoying the condo life.

    I read all the posts and feel caught up. I am just working through the first week of the month which is my busiest at work - money comes in and money goes out. Then things really slow down.

    Workouts - I am doing this Power Zone challenge - enjoying it as I am a numbers person and its really based on your own level of fitness. But the rides are getting harder - much like training for a marathon. And I am noticing that after a ride, strength and stretching/PT exercises, I am pooped and just not recovering fast enough. And now I am adding walking/running slowly to the mix for the Feeding America Holiday hustle. I did a required ride yesterday and just about died. No energy. Felt weird. I am also doing them fasted - eating would make me sick. I need to find some rest day times. I have all of these competing goals and struggling with what to curtail. First world problems I guess.

    Food: whatever is within reach. Trying to eat healthy but still prefer sugar and bread. And wine.

    Also need to redo my apple watch/MFP/Peloton set up - I have been getting double workouts for a long time and had no idea since my Peloton workouts are added to MFP and also my Watch workouts. Somehow something changed. So that is a goal this week. Not that I am tracking my food which I need to be. But its annoying.

    This week is almost over - and this year. Good riddance haha!

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    good to hear from you @bearly63 ! North of us probably had the snow, Tulsa area gets quite a bit. I am an hour North of the Texas border.

    I give up on the hair. I accept that the top truly is straight LOL!. bipolar hair. ok then. I reached out for a hair cut (text) and no appointment yet. odd. I had a "bad" dream I had to use someone else and they are terrible and I was in line to pee for the haircut. guess it was time to get up.

    Covid vaccine
    DH is on the fence over it. So far 66% of his fellow healthcare employees are willing to take it. the remaining percentage had to defend why they were not willing, wow- no pressure there. I'll make that decision when it's time, I am not for or against. It's a later problem. DH thinks that familys will be offered it too. IDK last think I need is an immune response eating away at the little function I have left.

    perhaps a curry. Dh bought frozen Indian food, just pastry filled with potatoes and peas. So I had him pick up stuff to make it at home. Think Ill do a tiki masala like sauce with it. So perhaps Ill make those. I have been wanting pies like real pie, with meat and veggies. I also have the stuff to make scotch eggs, which I never have, can't be too challenging.

    Back is still grumpy a tad. I regret pushing the next appointment out to next week.

    @quilteryoyo Any CT news yet?

    yes, i am still stalling. I have violin in 30 minutes, I could go warm up.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,118 Member
    Nice to hear from you @bearly63 ! Those workouts sound intense.

    @swenson19d I'm a little leery of the CoVID vaccine. Not nearly enough data for my liking, but one of the local doctors participated in one of the studies and said he had no reactions and is encouraging people to take it. I saw where the Pfizer study said it was 90% effective, but that was only after a week. I want to know what the effectiveness is after a month!

    I go see the doctor about the CT results at 3:30 today.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I was in a mood yesterday so I ate nothing but dessert all day. Ended up eating pretty good calories and macros honestly because my “dessert” is, like, stewed steel cut oats with a ton of cacao powder and Greek yogurt plus raspberries and slivered almonds. Dark chocolate, pumpkin cheesecake, baklava, frozen berries with almond butter and yogurt, espresso with foamed milk and more cacao. Feeling much better today! But I needed a day to say eff vegetables I will eat what I like.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @rheddmobile your dessert sounds healthy and delicious-sign me up!

    @quilteryoyo thinking positive thoughts for your appt today!


    I heard this today and thought of you. Just beautiful!!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    bearly63 wrote: »
    @rheddmobile your dessert sounds healthy and delicious-sign me up!

    @quilteryoyo thinking positive thoughts for your appt today!


    I heard this today and thought of you. Just beautiful!!

    I can not play at all compared to this LOL! I love it, the next track is which I loved! Thanks for the music!

    Edit. I should probably step away from Alex's accounts. I mean his Spotify. The last song he "liked" was a day before he died and it was "Death is a party, Invite all your friends" ugh. that a hole. Should have just gotten help instead.