Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Relationships are so complicated, even with family....maybe especially with family.

    Yes, I think the doctor should have known that there was a possibility that the test result was incorrect and stayed home. Or, stay home anyway. You know you are going to be seeing sick people, with lower immunity, and could give them whatever it is you have. It was just crazy. AND, in hindsight, I wish I had told her I didn't feel comfortable with her treating us and left. But, I didn't and it is what it is.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    @Avidkeo Did you give the ring back? tell me you didn't! That's awful. How can people not see that the monetary value is an arbitrary thing? Sure it's nice to have quality things but memories and that feeling of being connected? I had an abalone charm my father gave me. The only connection to him that I had since I was 8. I didn't even have a photo of him until I was in my mid 30's and he had already left this world. I had that charm reset a few years back, wore it day and night, and I buried it with Alex. It was worthless to anyone but me. Money doesn't last and it'll never love you. What a sad state to be in and not see that.

    @shanaber that's an interesting thought about vibrations being sound or something. It isn't isolated to the rodded leg, its both legs, groin, left arm and chest between my shoulders. Dr google suggests parkinsonian diseases, MS, or essential tremors. Alex had benign essential tremors (persistent not just intentional) but I believe his was from experimenting with inhalants when he was about 14-15. I don't think that is what I am experiencing.

    I'm really glad that I fuss about stuff on here, it serves as a diary when I need to go back and look stuff up. LOL!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @swenson19d I get tremors sometimes which seem to be connected to my lupus - at least no one has ever given me a reason for them and they seem to come and go with flares. Mine is most often in my chest muscles and feels almost like someone is putting a hand on me and vibrating it. There’s also this sort of sick, achy feeling that goes with them.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    @swenson19d I get tremors sometimes which seem to be connected to my lupus - at least no one has ever given me a reason for them and they seem to come and go with flares. Mine is most often in my chest muscles and feels almost like someone is putting a hand on me and vibrating it. There’s also this sort of sick, achy feeling that goes with them.

    Interesting. I hadn't considered lupus. I'll read up on it. Thanks.

    ETA Read a bit and checked my recent labs. PCP ordered an ESR, result was 4mm/hour which rules out inflammation. That's a 10-minute education so I am not an expert. No ANA was ordered but my ANA panel in 2016 was negative. So I am guessing that this isn't inflammation at all. Looks like even though SLE is a good fit with the Google symptoms, the blood work isn't supporting it.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    My favorite game is "Diagnose me" so I love the brainstorming. Thanks @rheddmobile

    My thyroid function is also fine
    Tests: (3) Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S (001974)
    T4,Free(Direct) 1.01 ng/dL 0.82-1.77

    Tests: (4) TSH (004259)
    TSH 3.150 uIU/mL 0.450-4.500

    Tests: (5) Sedimentation Rate-Westergren (005215)
    Sedimentation Rate-Westergren
    4 mm/hr 0-40

    Tests: (6) Magnesium (001537)
    Magnesium 2.1 mg/dL 1.6-2.3
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 I kept the ring, and have only spoken to her a couple of times since then.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Dad's oxygen level was low this morning and he felt lousy. He hasn't been sleeping much either. I called and talked to the VA nurse triage line, just to see if I should bring him to the VA or call 911. Turns out neither was warranted. I had been told by a nurse friend that if his oxygen got below 90 to call 911 so they could start treatment right away. The VA nurse, whom I feel may be a little more versed in CoVID, at least the VA protocol, said that if it is consistently 85 or below for 2 hours (never in that time gets above 85) to call back and they would set him up with an appointment with his doctor (not the one that gave this to us). She said major issues don't start until it is consistently 81 or below for like 5 hours.

    I had called mom and dad on my cell phone to help get information for the triage, while talking to the nurse on my landline. That was interesting - trying to get mom to understand what I was doing and get straight answers. Anyway, while we were talking, they checked his oxygen level again and it was 91%. So, I think he is going to be ok. He isn't convinced though. When he thought he was going to the hospital, he told mom "I probably won't be back." Made mom cry. Makes me cry too. I wish I could transfer a positive attitude to him, but I can't. Just praying that he is okay. This is day 5. Half way to being all better, I hope.

    Mom and I are doing good today.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo What a scary time! I wish there were something that could be done to help your dad feel like he is breathing better. I feel for you and your mom. It's it super scary right now. Prayers and fingers crossed for them and you.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I have accidentally found that Benadryl helps with pain. I took one the last 2 nights before bed and my pain has gone from 7-8 to 3-4 on a 1-10 scale. How is this not common knowledge? I wonder if it is short-lived and tolerance is developed easily. Definitely, something to ask my PCP.

    the web said
    Diphenhydramine may be useful in the treatment of neuropathic and nociceptive pain that has failed to respond to treatment with opioids and adjuvant analgesics. We suggest a starting dose of 25 mg of oral or parenteral diphenhydramine every 6 to 8 hours, with titration to effect.

    ok last-minute review... I got this.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs for your parents @quilteryoyo, and yourself.

    I ate way too much yesterday. Staff Christmas lunch. Yep it's that time of year. Oh well. I'm so tired. A week of shift is getting to me. Last day today, and weekend off. I might try and nap later.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    My favorite game is "Diagnose me" so I love the brainstorming. Thanks @rheddmobile

    My thyroid function is also fine
    Tests: (3) Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S (001974)
    T4,Free(Direct) 1.01 ng/dL 0.82-1.77

    Tests: (4) TSH (004259)
    TSH 3.150 uIU/mL 0.450-4.500

    Tests: (5) Sedimentation Rate-Westergren (005215)
    Sedimentation Rate-Westergren
    4 mm/hr 0-40

    Tests: (6) Magnesium (001537)
    Magnesium 2.1 mg/dL 1.6-2.3

    Yeah my sed rate is usually over 50 when I’m having a flare.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Everyone still hanging in there? your dad hopefully not getting any worse?

    Unofficial grades
    meh. Finished the semester with a 3.86. B in that dang pharm class. I am going to spend the break preparing for pharm II.

    No antidepressant and last night had an episode of them. Perhaps I can have my med back. It takes me twice the time on exams to finish and I have to re-read the questions 3-4 times to put the meaning in the words. I can't seem to focus. Worse of all I have that doom feeling I had the days before Alex died on 6-6-20 on a Saturday. 12-12-20 is a little unnerving to me as it would be 6 months and 6 days after he left. Nothing fearful about 6's, just a pattern. his bday was 5-5-95...born on Friday died on Saturday 6-6 and 6 mo 6 days after feels ominous.

    I am in a crying stint.

    Is my new favorite family member.

    Violin and PT today. Then I am going to delve into some studying- probably videos not reading because I cant focus worths rats.

    I haven't made those pea/potato curry pastry ideas yet. It is possible, but we'll see. I may go to the cemetery after PT and poison those ants some more. Scale is ugh... Please be PMS weight.

    11 days to PCP. thank goodness. 1to DD's hair re-cut.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    I posted the below update on the running thread. So, if you've already read it, you don't have to read this. LOL Well, you don't have to read it anyway. LOL
    So, yesterday didn't turn out the way I had planned. They rarely do these days. Dad's VA doctor called for a telemed appointment at 1 yesterday afternoon. When we told her about his oxygen going down and how lousy he was feeling, she wanted him to go to the VA ER to be evaluated by a doctor there. She said they would do a chest x-ray to be sure there wasn't any fluid building up in his lungs and maybe give him some different medicines that he didn't get from urgent care. Of course, this did not help dad's attitude, even though I tried to convince him it was just to be evaluated. She didn't think he was in an emergency situation, but wanted to make sure it didn't become one.

    So, I came home, got ready and left about 2 for the hour drive to the VA. They would not let me go in, even though I explained that he is having a really hard time hearing - still don't have his new hearing aids and that he probably wouldn't be able to answer all of their questions accurately. They did take my number and said the doctor would call me. I really hate not being with him at the doctor, because I really don't know how accurate the info is that they get from him.

    So, I complied and drove to the parking lot to wait, and wait, and wait. I hadn't heard anything for 3 hours, so went in to check on his status. The lady said, "Did you call that number?" She was supposed to have given me a number to call for updates, but didn't. So she checked and said he was being discharged, just waiting on some prescriptions. They sent him out to the car about 5 minutes later. The doctor never talked to me, so I had to rely on what dad said. I was NOT happy about that.

    Good news is that there was no fluid in his lungs and the doctor told dad that everything checked out good. They also gave him a steroid shot and sent him home with steroids and some other meds he didn't already have. I think just having the affirmation from the doctor that he was going to be okay helped. He was much better on the way home.

    This morning, he is doing a lot better, and even admitted it. :lol: So, I think we are going to make it. They were even able to taste their food a little this morning and dad finally ate his breakfast, even though he said it tasted like slop. We are getting him some Boost and Ensure to hopefully get some nutrition in him. He hasn't really eaten anything in 3 days. Mom will at least force herself to eat something, even if it didn't taste like anything. I never lost my sense of taste or smell. Odd how it affects everyone differently.

    I was entertaining myself last night by watching the squirrels running up and down the trees. I was trying to take a nap when I heard one of them yell out a warning. I looked up and the three that were in view had frozen. They didn't move a muscle. In a few minutes I saw a huge hawk fly by and land in a nearby tree where another hawk had been sitting. I'm glad they were warned and survived that encounter.

    See the three squirrel statues?

    The hawk is in the tree, directly above the street lamp.

    My weight is down 3 pounds since Saturday. I am trying to eat well, but it just isn't in the cards. I had planned to make spaghetti last night, but since I didn't get home from the VA until almost 7:30, I had a cheese sandwich instead. Maybe today.

    Also wanted to let you know about an issue I had while waiting for dad yesterday. Since I have CoVID too, I was not allowed to go into the VA. I had to pee! I always have to pee. Mom tells people I stop at every tree when we are on a trip. (I do stop at every rest area. LOL) Anyway, what could I do? No bushes are available that are out of sight. I'm supposed to be in quarantine, so really shouldn't go into a restaurant or anything. I hope you don't think badly of me, but I had to go. So, I went to a CVS that was just outside the VA gate. This particular CVS had the area to the bathrooms locked, so a clerk had to open it....I had on my mask and stayed as far away from her as possible. I barely touched the seat with my toush and then wiped everything down I touched with a Clorox wipe I had taken in with me. I used another Clorox wipe to open the door on my way out. I don't think I put anyone in danger. I really felt better about using that one than one at a fast food place because I doubt if very many people go in there. I didn't feel like I had a choice and took all the precautions I could. What would you have done?

    I think I am going to buy me a portable urinal for women to keep with me, just in case. I have had other times when I couldn't find a good place to go before. Seems like a good idea to me.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @swenson19d Hugs to you. I hate those foreboding feelings. Hang in there.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Glad your dad is feeling better. Whew! It's unhealthy to hold it, so I definitely would have gone! I had a friend (years ago- have none now, actually I was dating her father-inlaw), who arrived at class so early that the building wasn't open and had an uh oh I NEED to go. I lived just 5 minutes from there so it was on her for not coming over. She opted to use a large to-go cup in her car. ???? ! Then just as she is trying to manage the pee-poo cup and a classmate comes up to chat. eww. So, worse decisions could have been made in needing to go! I think you were very responsible in your efforts to minimize spreading it.

    I'm not keen on the squirrels and would have been rooting for the hawk. But glad they have a system and managed to save one another! (for now) LOL!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @swenson19d - I used to get those foreboding feelings after my dad died. I was sure something was going to happen to my dd or dh and I would have nightmares about it and wake up to needing to check that both were ok. Heaven forbid that dh was up early as I would be sure something was wrong and be in a panic. I have no idea what alleviated it but eventually it stopped happening. I hope yours are better after the 12th! How is your dd coping? Hope she is doing ok!
    A 3.86 is a great GPA for a tough program! Also a B in pharm is nothing to be sad about, it is a really tough class although I do get wanting that A!

    @quilteryoyo - so glad your dad is doing better and they got him on some steroids. I have read that they are one thing that can easily help because it reduces the inflammation.
    I had never heard of a female personal urinal. No idea that it existed. Seems like a good idea especially for now. If you want to drive anywhere here, like to go up the coast (before the current shut down when we could) we didn't want to because most everywhere the bathrooms are closed, even at the rest stops. I alike you, I always need to stop and it doesn't help that I drink so much water and get thirsty if I don't.

    Like @swenson19d - my first thought was I would be rooting for the hawks! The squirrels here are so destructive and manage to ruin all my fruit, even the citrus!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    I get your dislike for the squirrel population ladies. I wasn't in the mood to see death and mayhem in front of my eyes though.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys. @quilteryoyo yay for your dad. Glad there's some good news. The bathroom thing is frustrating but you took all appropriate precautions. Biggest hugs. And squirrels... We don't have them here. We have possums instead, and they are a pest here. I'd be happy the hawks taking them away, though I definitely agree about not wanting to witness it!

    I had another bad food day yesterday, scale didn't move much fortunately, and it fueled my run this morning really well lol. So despite being tired, I had a great 5k. Im getting I to the groove again today. Fortunately I'm not on evenings anymore, I start at 10am, go till 630, so I'll actually get to see my kids!

    I'm going to finish Christmas shopping tomorrow, I just need a bottle of something for a secret santa type gift and I'm all done. We haven't wrapped anything yet, so that may be the focus in the evenings for the next couple of nights. The kids finish school next week for their summer holidays so there will be a lot of fun around here!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @Avidkeo Sometimes bad food days are the best for fueling. It must be hard to be on a shift where you don't get to see your girls every day.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I am in the market for a kneeling chair. I think DH might have been spying on my violin lesson and heard me comment that I sit folded up in my chair and it limits my bow stroke/speed. It is a sturdy old wooden chair I got ages ago, it's probably 90+ years old, it went to some Ivy league school back in the day. Anyway, Dh hinted about me replacing it. nah, I like it. He pressed. Nah, I like it. He pressed. Well, I suppose we can look at a kneeling chair, I loved those when I was a teen and the only place I've ever sat that didn't hurt. IDK if he'll get the one I want or not. Does anyone have any recommendations?

    PT was fine.
    My mid and lower spine were all twisted, again. Not surprised with the amount of pain I had been in. I hinted about not putting much into the neuro visit and wasn't excited about it. She was sure to say I should go. I am trying to dismiss and rationalize everything. No jerks today, but the stretches I do at PT cause my legs to want to jump and I was just swinging my legs and thwacking my knees to make them jump, LOL! She laughed at me. I think I must be broken though, she did ask me every if I was fine after every little thing while standing, because we had to do an improvement assessment. Back is 10% better in mobility. yay! I guess she didn't want me dorking-out on her. IDK what to call it, it's freezing spasticity. I am hopeful with the neuro, but trying to anticipate zero answers.

    I made a veggie soup. The butter chicken is marinating for tomorrow.