Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all.

    Dinner was fine. I'm definitely not the social butterfly I used to be. I just feel so awkward in a group now, and have nothing to talk about. The food was nice. It was more of a sharing place, so the idea is you get several small platters of food to share. Except no one was really sharing. And it was Japanese so very fresh and tasty. But very expensive for what you got. I think im getting old where trendy places like that don't really feel right anymore.

    Anyway, calf felt fine this morning. I did 5k no issue. Did some good stretches and actually got out the foam roller. I want this injury free trend to continue. I really do think it was time on my feet at work that caused the problems, so will make a point to rest where I can. So I will continue with the plan. 6.5k tomorrow!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad your calf was good for your run today.

    News: The aneurysm did grow since September, so the surgeon recommended we do the surgery sooner, rather than later. I did look at it and it is considerably larger than the normal sized portion. He still has to send an "appeal" to the hospital to be approved, but the surgery is currently scheduled for Wednesday, as in 9 December! For some reason it's scarier this time than it was when it was scheduled in November. Mom said the same thing. I guess because there's less than a week to "prepare."
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member

    I saw your caring bridge post as well. It would be scary when you didn't have time to prepare but the great news is it will be done and you will be on the mend before Christmas. Do you need to retest for Covid and isolate? That's the challenge - the prep has to happen now. You are in fantastic shape so I know you will do fine. Tell us how we can support you?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - oh I am so glad you pushed to have it checked now other than later and now you can get it taken care of! You are in great shape and that will make such difference with the surgery and the recovery.
    Like @bearly63 said - How can we support you?

    @avidkeo - I think your analogy is great. The only real concern I have is that it has been tested enough on various populations, ages, health issues, etc.. By the time I am eligible though it will be done the line and lots of people will have gotten it already. Dh will be eligible before me and will likely get it when his pcp recommends it.
    @bearly63 - have your dh look up the things to do for his hamstring online. The intuitive stretches I was doing were not helping. Glute bridges and some yoga positions I didn't't think would do much really seem to be helping along with resting it.
    For your not feeling well/lack of energy - are you eating enough generally? That is how I felt when I was having so many problems with my eating and trying to lose weight and just not eating enough to fuel what I was trying to do. My solution (from the nutritionist) was to eat early, well before my workout, something (mostly carbs) and then eat as soon as possible after my workout even though I am never hungry after I workout.
    @rheddmobile - We all have days like that... some days all I want are every carb possible, others just give me all the veggies.

    Woke up to fires, smoke and ash again this morning. I am hoping the air quality will be good enough to allow me to run tomorrow. The big fire is still 0% contained but the winds have died down so maybe they will make progress overnight. I do wish it wasn't so incredibly dry out. My skin is dry, my mouth is always dry and my nose alternates from running to being bone dry and now it hurts.
    We are also on the precipice of another lockdown. The governor announced a new measure based on ICU bed availability by region since hospitals transfer across counties here depending on availability. If the region drops below 15% ICU availability we go into lockdown. At least 2 counties in the So CA region were already there and now Orange County (where I live) hit 15% this afternoon. Won't change too much for us other than going back to ordering groceries instead of going to the store. The state had already recommended people over 65 to just stay home which includes dh and me in a few days. So we are staying home again. There is also a travel restriction - they aren't enforcing it, can't really, but want people not to travel outside of their county if they don't have a requirement to for essential services. We had planned to go pick up some wine and put it off planning to go next week and now we will probably have to wait until January. Maybe I could justify that wine is essential 😂
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @shanaber is essential. Go for a 12 pack! Thanks for the tips.

    I will pass the hams stuff on to the ham (Mike) and just ate a few of these. They were tasty. Got them at Trader Joes. Were you the one that mentioned something similar? I couldn't remember. I had a few before my hard ride at 8.

    I saw the news about so cal lockdowns. Scary times but totally predicted. People didn't listen. The NYT had an interactive quiz yesterday to tell you when you will be eligible for the vaccine. I am very close to last.

    Hope the fires get tamped down asap.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    Thank you @bearly63 Yes, I have to be tested for CoVID again and get more bloodwork, but those things probably won't happen until Monday, so I'll only have to isolate for 2 days. I don't know if they will do a rapid test, since the regular one would take too long. I'll see.

    Thanks @shanaber. I sure hope the lower winds help the firefighters and they get it under control. Also hope people listen and we get CoVID under control. Someone posted on FB that the NYT had listed the counties that were most likely to be really bad in the near future. Several were in TN, including mine! People here just won't take precautions. It's frustrating.

    As for what you guys can do to support...just keep sending prayers or positive vibes my way and after the surgery help encourage me to follow doctor's orders and, when given the okay, to start running again. I really don't want to use this as an excuse to stop. I tend to do that. LOL But, I've never been to where I am fitness wise either. So I think I will get out there as soon as I am allowed. They are recommended walking only until the surgery, so I guess my running total for Dec is 2.5 miles!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    @bearly63 Saying that I have heart issues, I am in about the first 80% allowed to have it.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Glad the changes were caught early! Definitely have you in prayers and positive thoughts.

    I have 20 chapters left of the 70. It doesn't feel like I have done anything. I am saving the harder stuff for this weekend since the pharmacology exam is Monday. Other exam is Wednesday and I can make a 78 and keep an A. So not feeling the push to hit it too hard, a once over should do.

    oof. The pies must have caught up with me, I am 2 pounds over the uh -oh weight. I hope it's PMS, although the body seems to be back on the phantom cycles. I am already hungry this morning and there is pie in there. Perhaps I can exhibit some self-discipline and cook eggs and plop them on an English muffin.

    I follow David Chang on FB and he posted about his new set of Momofuku dishes from East Fork. dude. I was curious and liked the look of them so shopping me HAD to check it out. I bought 2 large coffee mugs for $75.80 and they were seconds. Shipping alone was 15 bucks. I might have to plan a trip to North Carolina and just buy some and haul them home. I've always wanted to visit NC, perhaps even move there, it seems nice. So even if I buy a few pieces every few months, DH might break one and I will freak. I suppose I may have to accept that they are too expensive for my house. But probably not, I love the idea of hand made pottery and supporting small American businesses. Dh can buy a 1000 gun, why not spend that on dishes? JK! Maybe I'll get Chang's cookbook first.

    I am struggling. I'm not crying, but know once that starts it takes a few days to pass. I am just indifferent to my existence. Something stinks in here too, like dead poo (I think it's my aura). I should clean the house and put on some happy scents- maybe that'll help. My hip isn't horrible, perhaps I can walk to the entrance and back (~ 0.2 miles), the fresh crisp air might be good. But I keep looking at ditches and trees to just lay down in and die. But, we'll shower and do some cleaning, maybe violin time before I crack into those Pharmacology chapters. 18 days to doc. 4 until haircut. 3 until that pharm exam- I need a 90.5%. I got this.

    Ya'll have a happy day.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I figured out how to make myself engage more studying! yay! I made study sheets to put drug classes on, and all the info. I am not behind studying anymore.

    Did you know that smell I smell could be a migraine? It might not be a real smell. I hope so, I washed the couch blankets, showered, used deo, have not brushed my teeth... erp... my teeth got very sensitive after I ate DH's skittles so I have been modestly lazy in brushing.

    I spent 100 bucks on amazon today. I think I need to stay off amazon.

    I ate that English muffin and egg and cheese... then all the pie. I think tomorrow will be better. I am shaking the depressive funk.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    @swenson19d Glad you figured out how to motivate yourself to study and that you are all caught up. Way to go! Interestingly enough, I have had smell and taste migraines before, at least that was my self diagnosis. The taste one was really weird. Everything I ate tasted like strawberries for a couple of hours. I just couldn't eat. It messed too much with my brain to try to eat mashed potatoes that tasted like strawberries. It's almost like motion sickness - your eyes don't think you are moving, but all of your other body symptoms know that you are, or is it the other way around? Anyway, getting different stimuli for the same event causes you to get sick. Odd how our bodies work.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    Today has kind of sucked. About 9am, I started feeling achy. I took my temperature and it was 98.9. That's not too bad, but my normal temp runs around 97.6. I kept checking it and it kept going up. Never got over 100, but did get to 99.6. However, I am afraid that I may have been exposed to someone with CoVID on Tuesday. I took my dad to the VA and I overheard the nurse who checked him in telling someone that she "still can't smell or taste, but tested negative." Then, the doctor that came in was coughing and sneezing and going on...did have on a mask and was good about washing her hands well. But, she said that she had taken Thur, Fri, and Monday off and had tested negative, so she was there, with a "cold."

    I talked with a doctor at one of the local Urgent Care Clinics and he said I should come in...after telling him I was potentially exposed to someone with CoVID. Well, before I left, my temperature was back to normal, my normal. I went anyway, hoping to see the doctor and get some reassurance, or something. When I got there, the lady at the front desk said they only give Rapid Tests to people who are in their group - I'm not. Also, she and the doctor emphasized that if you get a positive result from the rapid test, you know you have it. If you get a negative one, you really don't know if you have it or not. Apparently there are a lot of false negatives with it. There was no offer for me to see the doctor, just if I wanted to take the other test or go somewhere else for a rapid one.

    Since the fever was gone and I wasn't feeling too bad, I opted to do nothing unless it goes up to over 100 later. Since I've been home, it has fluctuated back and forth. (I'm taking it every hour.) Highest 99.4. I'll talk to the surgeon on Monday. (No way to get in touch with him over the weekend that I am aware of.) I'm worried, even if it isn't CoVID, but is something else, that it will still precipitate a delay in the surgery. This is hard ya'll.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - that is so scary. Is there somewhere else where you could go to get a PCR test? Maybe you could get the results back by Monday.
    @swenson19d - so happy the studying is going better. I have had smell migraines or as a precursor to a migraine hitting. It is typically something unpleasant that I can't get away from and can't seem to get out of my nose.
    @bearly63 - the Aussie Bites I got are from Costco but I imagine they sell them elsewhere too. Actually I looked and they are available on Amazon. I also found several recipes for making them at home.
    Interesting on the vaccine eligibility going from 64 yesterday to 65 today took me from being behind 2.4 million people to being behind 940,000. The advantages of getting older!

    For my birthday today dd ordered and had delivered a full on amazing breakfast, including a custom omelette, a pancake 'flight' and special coffees. Of course I had to sample before my run which probably wasn't the best idea. I had to rush to the bathroom on my way home but it could have happened regardless of what I ate prior to the run. After I showered I had more breakfast and still have about half left for tomorrow.
    We are ordering from our favorite steakhouse for dinner tonight. Hopefully I will be hungry by then!

    Food porn picture below:
    You can't tell from the picture but the omelette is loaded with mushrooms, spinach, peppers, onions and bacon!

    Also heard that our ICU capacity dropped for the region to 13% last night. We go into a minimum 3 week shut down tomorrow night. Won't really change much for us but I feel so bad for all the small business and restaurant owners it will impact again. I am also worried it is going to get even worse as the Thanksgiving surge hits. Thankfully I can still go out for walks and runs as long as I have a mask on when anyone else is around.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber Happy Birthday! We ate at Snooze in Denver (before celiac) and it was amazing! We have a couple here and they do have gf options but we haven't been. Locations not convenient and now covid
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo You might leave a message with your surgeon's answering service. If he wants you to get a test now he can make it happen.

    @shanaber Happy birthday.. ohh you know today is Krampusnacht? Merry Krampusnacht! LOL!

    just dumb stuff
    I saw a Match commercial that was hilarious. You don't know it's Match at first. Satan is looking for a date (the Legend Tim Curry kind) and *ding* he gets a dating app notification. He's interested, goes to meet her and her name is "2020" LOL! it's too cute. They sit on a park bench watching the havoc, with their perfect match.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    Unfortunately, the surgeon doesn't have an answering service. If I call after hours, it just rings and rings and no one answers. I think that's a little odd. They may have a different number to call for post op questions that they don't give out before. Who knows. Anyway, I am feeling better this morning. Temperature maxed at 101 for about 3 hours and then back to 100 the rest of the night. I think I can go to a different urgent care and get a test. I am considering that, just so I have that piece of information to give the surgeon in the morning.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, I hope it's just anything other than COVID right now. So crazy there is not a number he gives in case you have COVID like symptoms or instructions.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    All of my amazon purchases will be here today... I hoped it would be Monday as it said it would. I was hoping to sneak it all in. But I guess Dh would notice the 3 canvas wall hangings 2 Van Gogh, 1 Renoir. They were cheap, like 10$ each. My bathroom needs stuff and I may offer them to dd. I want to re-do the whole house, kinda shake the old and start anew.

    Today will be a good fast or soup day, DH brought home BBQ and I ate so much. He said he was being "nice" by getting desserts. I have the largest portion of banana pudding and it was not even that good. thanks, depression and lack of self-control.

    horrible. 15 days to pcp. 3 to child/adult exam. 2 to HC. 1 to pharm exam.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I have an exam tomorrow and decided to try to move and help with this stiffness and pain with the pre-exam cleaning ritual. Usually just cat boxes and the floor, maybe some laundry. Dh accused me of stalling, sure, perhaps but I do clean before so my space is calm and controlled and I am not thinking about the cat stink or the dirty laundry or the overly full garbage or the 10 paper cat plates on the floor. DH laughs and says oh sure like you are not going to clean the oven that rarely gets cleaned. well, it does need it. But it can wait along with the cabinets that have goop all over em. The oven can wait... So I decided to clean the oven with a helper.
    7o5ihlexpakr.png But we had little oven cleaner so, it'll get a little cleaning. DH should do it, It looks to be 99% pizza mess.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 that's a cute oven cleaner! That would give me the heebies though!

    @quilteryoyo hows the temp?

    I went for a 3k run today, it was WET! not cold though so thank heaven for small mercies. I'm on shift this week, which means I start at 3pm. So get a few hours to myself (well sort of, DH is here too but he's "working"). I'm going to do some yoga! I found that really helped the tight legs yesterday, they aren't anywhere near as tight today. Then probably play my game, read and cross stitch. Very relaxing!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo Yes, I was ready for LOCK-OUT, TAG OUT with him in there just surrounded by something that could get extremely hot in seconds. Glad you have found yoga to help. Enjoy the downtime!