Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @swenson19d So sorry you are in so much pain. Hope you enjoy all of your purchases. I know what you mean about a clean's so much easier to concentrate on other things when that isn't hanging over your head. Love your oven cleaner.

    @Avidkeo Glad you went out for the run and you are going to get some relaxing in. I like to cross stitch too, but haven't in a while.

    I still have a fever of 100 this morning. Highest it got was 101 last night for about 3 hours. I decided to go to Urgent Care to see what they said about it so I could let the surgeon know in the morning. Well folks, I have CoVID! Couldn't be worse timing. Thankfully, my temperature is back to normal and I am feeling fine at the moment.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Aww @quilteryoyo I am so sorry to hear that. Terrible. I hope it is mild.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo oh no! Sending you some love and positive thoughts 🖤
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Noooo biggest hugs @quilteryoyo
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    edited December 2020
    Thanks ladies. Now, we're pretty sure dad has it, which I really worry about. This more than likely means the VA doctor had it and gave it to us and everyone else she saw that day and since. I'm so upset right now. Please send all the prayers and good thoughts you have to Midway TN.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Thanks ladies. Now, we're pretty sure dad has it, which I really worry about. This more than likely means the VA doctor had it and gave it to us and everyone else she saw that day and since. I'm so upset right now. Please send all the prayers and good thoughts you have to Midway TN.

    Dang. I hope you let the VA know!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Dh bought a roomba. I am optimistic so far. He actually did notice how hard it is for me to do floors. It spent 43 minutes mapping but missed my bathroom and half my bedroom. It is supposed to learn, so I won't call it stupid just yet. oh I think it just had to go dump. The male cats are intrigued by it, Bear rode it, of course. He also tried to attack me to play because he cant figure out how to play with Bob, yet. It has done a good job so far, floor feels nice and clean under my feet. So far I like ol'Bob-o. I thought the noise was going to bother me, but it actually is calming. Remember when you were a kid and your moms cleaned? Moms- is just an affectionate mother term. (yes, an Alex thing, so is Bob). Uh oh bob died... what a dumb dumb,

    I am incredibly achy. I didn't sleep well, exam at 1pm.

    I had to rearrange the pantry last night. It's just a collection of stuff we never use. I threw away 3 trash bags of stuff. Perhaps tylenol and I can finish that project after finals.

    15 days to PCP, 3 to PT, 2 to CA final, 1 to HC, and 3 hours to pharm final.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Glad Bob is working out. Still waiting for Mom and Dad to see the doctor to see if they test positive or not. We've been here nearly 3 hours, their estimated wait time.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Any new @quilteryoyo?

    Bob did good today. 43 minutes and had to empty, then this evening DH said he wanted Bob to clean his office. It took 6 minutes before Bob was full. mmmhmm, sounds about right.

    I have a migraine again. No idea how the exam went. There were too many questions that I just absolutely didn't know, so I am sure I am set for a B. that's okay.

    My poor violin instructor had family responsibilities and reschedule our Monday to Thursday. It was today that she realized that she missed our Thursday. The mailman hit and killed her dog and it took 4 days of looking for the dog to find that out. horrible. We'll make it up this thusday, but I haven't done much practicing. so.. eh.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Well, it was nearly 4 hours before they were called in. They both tested positive. :disappointed: Mom and I are basically asymptomatic. Except mom and dad both have no appetite and dad says his food doesn't taste right. He had chills after we got home, but he does that sometimes. It's hard to know if it's CoVID related or not. Nothing major as of now. Praying it stays that way. For dad and I, it's 3 days down and 7 to go. Mom's time started today since she really can't pinpoint any symptom start date.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    A nurse friend called me and told me to watch our oxygen levels. She said they are getting a lot of people come in who are just feeling a little out of sorts, breathing fine, but when they take their oxygen level, it is 80! She said if it gets below 90 either resting or upon exercise to go to the hospital. In FL, they start people on remdesivir, steroids, and anti-biotics. The sooner it is treated, the better the outcome.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Hair cut today for DD and I. DD ran off to Dallas last night, so we will see if she's back in time. I warned our beautician prior to the appointment.

    Pain is better.
    I took a benadryl last night. I found a pack of chewables under the bed. ah the rewards of cleaning, er moving stuff so the bob can clean.

    +2.6 from no-no. yech.

    jerks and twitches
    Practically gone. I'll have the occasional twitch, and fasiculation. I had vibrations on my left side leg to shoulder and into my arm and thought my watch vibrated, It woke me up this morning. Vibrations have not abated.

    I have this line on my lip and though it was just that the last lady that did my lips, yes a little resistant to those thin wrinkly lips, and realized by the feel of it that it was in the muscle extending above the lip. Maybe it's just the loss of fat that has made it more visible. Any way dr Google says it is an occult cleft lip. wow. I always hated it, but now I kinda like it.
    yes, my nose is wonky and my hair a mess, I just got up.

    14 days to PCP, 2 for PT, 1 last final, today HAIR CUT!!!

    @quilteryoyo I hope you and your family are doing well considering. I am keeping you all in my hopes and prayers.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Biggest huge @quilteryoyo I hope you and your parents are OK. I missed what's happening with your stent since you tested positive? Are they delaying it?

    @swenson19 glad the twitches are relaxing, that's good news.

    I went to a counselling session yesterday. My anxiety has been ramping up for the last month or so. After doing a lot of talking I think it's related to being a bit stressed at work, and one colleague who really gets to me. He has Narcissist traits, and is very manipulative and gaslights. It really triggers me and I hate working with him. So we are putting together strategies on how I can stop reacting to him and keep in my "adult" brain when interacting with him, rather than reverting to a frightened child. Baby steps.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I read your updates late last night and was so worried about you and your mom and dad that I couldn't sleep. I hope you are able to report where/who you believe you contracted it from. That doctor and/or nurse could have infected so many people. Terrible, just terrible! I will be keeping you all in my thoughts, hoping for a good outcome for you all!
    Have you heard from your cardiologist? I am sure they will have to postpone your surgery.

    @swenson19d - You can hardly notice the line but your lips have great definition and it gives them that pretty little upturn in the middle!
    Love that you have named your vacuum, Bob 😂 Is it the one that goes back to its control port (or whatever they call it) and dumps itself or do you have to do it manually? Dh has always wanted to get one and see what Hobbes' reaction to it would be. I just wish it could fit under our couch but they are too high or the couch is too low.
    So on the vibrations... is it possible the rod in your leg is picking up some sound wave causing it to vibrate?
    Enjoy your haircut!!
    @Avidkeo - I have an older brother who is a narcissist. I haven't talked or interacted with him in close to 30 years. I get the triggering because I react to others like him immediately, almost viscerally and have to just swallow it and walk away. Fortunately I didn't meet too many people like that that I had to work with in my regular job and now I can just not deal with any of them I come across.

    I ran a little yesterday and had agility class last night. My hamstring was fine during but was aching most of the night. I should have gotten up and taken an Aleve but I just didn't want to get out of bed. As a result I slept in late and have done nothing much all morning except play on social media. I will get in my yoga and some sort of strength work. I also need to wrap gifts and finish cookies to ship off to the family.
    It is super windy here again with 70mph gusts. From how the sky looks and air quality alerts it seems as if the fire that was 70% contained has flared back up again. There are also 2 new fires but pretty far north of us.

    Food - I had my leftover birthday omelette for breakfast this morning. It.Was.So.Good! Need more of that in my life! Unsure what the rest of the day will be but I am thinking baked potatoes and veggies for dinner.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @swenson19d Glad at least part of your issues are better.

    @Avidkeo It isn't a stent that I am going to be getting. It is open heart surgery to replace a portion of my aorta with an artificial graft. And, yes, it is delayed once again because I have CoVID. They were going to schedule it for 30 Dec, but the hospital isn't allowing them to schedule anything further than 2 weeks out right now. I'm thinking about having them schedule it for the first week of Jan instead. Glad you are going to counselling to get help with your anxiety. Some people can really get on your last nerve.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    About a year & a half ago I realized my mother is a covert narcissist. I slowly stopped communicating with her & feel much happier and less anxious all the time. I realize where many of my issues & reactions to people stem from now.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    @shanaber We were typing at the same time. Yes, I did call the VA and let them know that I'm pretty sure the doctor gave it to us. I was nice about it and told them I just wanted to make sure she wasn't still infecting people and had been retested. Of course, now, she would be past the 10 day period, but shouldn't be at work if she still has symptoms. And, hopefully that will make them more careful about others coming into work who test negative, but are coughing and sneezing. So far, we are all three doing good. And, yes, the surgery is postponed yet again.

    I hope your hamstring is better after some rest and that the winds die down so they can take care of the fires.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited December 2020
    I worked with one narcissist. I was lucky enough to just ignore him. He was so "what have I done" because I didn't cater to him. I am sure dh is a narcissist. If we chat in front of a mirror, he is just focusing on himself and he can never actually listen to another point of view and is threatened by a difference of opinion.

    Must run. Ready for that HC!

    @shanaber the roomba has a toilet lol! It dumps itself.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19d Glad at least part of your issues are better.

    @Avidkeo It isn't a stent that I am going to be getting. It is open heart surgery to replace a portion of my aorta with an artificial graft. And, yes, it is delayed once again because I have CoVID. They were going to schedule it for 30 Dec, but the hospital isn't allowing them to schedule anything further than 2 weeks out right now. I'm thinking about having them schedule it for the first week of Jan instead. Glad you are going to counselling to get help with your anxiety. Some people can really get on your last nerve.

    @quilteryoyo Ohhhh I'm so dumb. I'm sorry, I did know it was more than just a stent. You had mentioned it, and I just haven't given it my full attention. I am so sorry, I will make sure I read better in the future. And I'm so angry for you about that dratted VA doctor. That's an exact case of WHY it should be taken seriously. It's not about the individual, but how their actions have a flow on effect to those around them. Grrrrrr.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso I've felt so much happier once I let go of people who are toxic. I have a very low contact relationship with my grandparents because while I love them, everytime I talked to them it was like being stung hundreds of times by jellyfish. The final straw was my nana attacking me over a ring she gave me 10 years ago that has value to me, but she could only see the dollar value. It was her mother's ring. She gave it to me as a gift before I got married. I immediately got it valued for insurance reasons. Turns out she didn't realise it had any value and wanted the ring back so she could sell it. For me it was a connection to my great grandmother who I never met but have been told I'm a lot like - love of baking for example, and I'm named after her. So yeah pulled right back after that