Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad you are having a blast! That's a gorgeous location.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    @avidkeo - enjoy your holiday. It looks like a beautiful place to run and explore!
    @Elise4270 - glad you had a pretty good PT visit. Is the hip that is out of place the one you had surgery on? What do those docs say about it? I think if a neurologist would give you peace of mind you should see one. It will probably take a while to get an appointment so maybe get it set up and if you see the PCP in the meantime or something changes you can always cancel it.
    That cornbread sounds delicious. I would eat it. I can't make anything with jalapeños except chili. My dh wouldn't touch it and no sense in making it just for me. As for cold weather recipes... I made stew while it was cold here for a couple of days. Now it is hot again. Hopefully later this week it will get back to normal again.

    We had Italian take away last night. They don't seem to have a lot that is interesting that isn't in a cream based sauce. I ended up getting spinach raviolis with chicken, artichoke hearts and sun dried tomatoes in a lemon pepper cream sauce. It was delicious but I managed to leave most of the sauce behind. I am wondering if in the future I could ask for the sauce on the side so I can drizzle just a little on top. Otherwise it is just too rich for me. I only ate half of the dish and had no idea how to log it. I am pretty sure I had enough calories to cover it but I really wish they would provide some nutrition info - I probably don't want to know though.
    Tonight we are having baked potatoes and veggies again. I took cabbage balls out of the freezer that my SIL gave us but didn't realize there wasn't enough for a dinner. Dh can have it for lunch one day instead.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @shanaber I'm assuming your Italian place is not a chain restaurant. Most of those have nutritional information on their website. Maybe you could go to The Olive Garden website and see if they have something similar, just to get an idea. Asking for the sauce on the side is a great idea.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    @quilteryoyo - it is a chain (Tutto Fresco) so I think I may email them and see if the can provide the nutrition information, it is not on their website. I did that for El Torito a while back and they provided a photograph, literally that someone took with a smartphone. I guess they only have a printed version in the restaurants for customers who request it there. It was mostly legible and had the information I needed though.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    PT today
    I am doing better, less grumpiness in the SI joint. It is still out, but she thinks it might just take a bit to calm it down. I seemed to have sprained my wrist simply sweeping last week and mentioned it in passing, how the simple things can/will cause injury. She thought as I, probably a subluxated wrist bone (almost dislocated, but really just slightly askew). I get them in my feets too. She wiggled it back and I was told to ice it and baby it, DH will have to do the sweeping and mopping, LOL, like as if that could ever happen! You should see him re-learn how the vacuum works every 3 months!
    She also inquired if I had any more of those episodes. I have not, and I did try to reproduce it with no luck. I told her that perhaps it was just guarding. She said that's not guarding and we agreed it was spasticity. She thinks the neuro is a good idea and no harm could come of it. eh. I am kinda doctored out right now, so uhduno. Maybe later when I feel like it. I am mostly twitchy and less jerky. Antidepressant every third day now. I think once I hit four, I can ditch them entirely.

    Been doing better, weight was down a tad then DD fixed lasagne and I ate so much of it along with my daily serving of 1/2 an apple pie. oh well. weight back up to balance the sodium.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad the hip is doing better and she was able to help with your wrist too. Take it easy and let things heal as best as you can. I understand about the doctor overload, but I wouldn't wait too long to see the neuro. If nothing else, they can ease your mind that it isn't anything to worry about.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been slacking again with food. I keep logging breakfast and nothing else. Goal for today is to just log everything.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I heard today that next semester's courses will likely be online. I assume they anticipate an increase with flu season here. @quilteryoyo perhaps they are slow to get back to you because no one knows what is going on and what the plan for this season.

    I'm a cry baby
    Sure, the day is emotional. Dh found an audiotape yesterday of the twins playing with it when they were 10ish. Alex was being funny (typical) and he told his sister that he was recording their conversation to show the principal as proof that she wasn't sick (she missed school- she had tonsillitis often). The cat was also going to testify that she stayed home and she rubbed his belly allll day. LOL I haven't had the emotional ability to listen to more of the tape. Alex even suggested that DD was part cat and he could prove it because "look she's already chasing the tennis ball" he was waving around in her face. Those two were such a joy.

    jerk book
    I started a chart, because why not? I like charts.
    I went to PT, cried on the way there. The owner asked me how I was doing, I've worked wither her for 4-5 years now off and on. I managed an "ok" and she said "that all?" "yes ok" I replied fighting tears.
    Just prior to this conversation, I was working with a therapist who had me do some calf raises on a squishy mat and something odd happened. It happens at home and I dismiss it, maybe I'm just being dorky. But the noticed response to the "dorkiness" had to be addressed, the therapist was slightly alarmed. "what just happened?". I try to speak and get out "I get spastic sometimes". I'm not even sure how to describe it. I hope they send a note to my PCP. The therapist grabbed my elbow and lead me to sit down. The remaining PT exercises were sitting or laying. Of course, I am already emotional and now embarrassed? worried? and I fight the eye-watering. swear, I am going to become a fish if I can't stop crying all the time.
    I thought this spasticity and jerking might be related to pain, it seems worse with pain. But I get the impression that most people in chronic pain don't experience this. I don't know what happened really. It was a little hard to see, to be oriented, I was frozen, my left arm drew close to my chest and my right abdomen tightened up, my back stiffened, my legs like lead, nothing wanted to move for a second or two. Then it passed. *sigh* This doesn't sound like chronic pain response does it. I assumed it was a guarding response before but the therapist didn't seem to think "oh ya that happens with 8 years of chronic pain, lose a kid, don't get any sleep the night before and decide to live on apple pie because it is a fruit after all."
    I am down for any insight until I tell the PCP in a month.

    Are you on any meds? There are some meds which could cause similar effects.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2020

    Are you on any meds? There are some meds which could cause similar effects.

    I am being weaned off of 30 mg duloxetine XR. I currently am taking 20 mg (not XR) once every 2-3 days. I think it's been ~2-3 weeks at the lower dose and the last week at lower and not daily. PCP definitely thinks it could be the culprit, but it did start before I took the med. But I can double-check that and make sure.

    ETA jerks began 7/1 duloxetine script 7/28. It could be a contributor though.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad you were able to adult, even if you didn't like it. I hope the zoom meeting helps. Talking with others who have gone through similar things is a good outlet.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited November 2020
    So, what are all the Americans doing for Thanksgiving? thanksgiving is still a big stress meal for me, because of all the carbs and my family wanting me to eat everything. Like, one slice of my family’s pecan pie is 60g net carbs which is more than I can handle in a whole meal, and I’m expected to eat that AND stuffing AND gravy with flour in it AND sweet potatoes AND a dinner roll plus etc.. I handled it okay last year, just blew off the roll and sweet potatoes completely, brought a salad and a weird pie made with less sugar.

    This year it’s just me, husband, and my mother, and we are probably eating outside on the porch since she is not in our bubble. It seemed silly to cook a fancy meal for three people having basically a picnic meal, but my mom was insisting she wanted to go to the store and shop (NO) and then cook for us, with this sort of pitiful tone to her voice making it clear it was the exact opposite of what she wanted to do.

    So I threw money at the problem. Like a hunnad fitty later, I have a pickup scheduled for a petite smoked turkey, FIVE POUNDS of giblet gravy, fancy salad, fancy dressing, corn pudding, and some sort of cheesecake pumpkin log thing which I have been assured is low in sugar. It’s going to be enough turkey for an army but it was just as cheap to get a whole one as a breast, and everyone except me hates turkey breast. Tried to get just bbq legs but that would have been $40 for four compared to a whole turkey for $45. I told my mom no way am I humping a whole turkey out to the country to try to slice it on a tray table on the porch - I will take a lovely photo of it before carving, then carve it here and pack it up. I will make turkey chili and fajita soup with the leftovers probably.

    No idea what I am expected to do with five pounds of gravy. Good grief. That was the smallest amount they would sell. They will sell dressing for as few as two people, but no gravy with it unless you get five pounds.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We are planning to air fry a turkey breast.

    Then I found some recipes for sides & a pie that'll I'll make. Probably way too much food for 2 of us but then I won't have to cook dinner for a few days!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @rheddmobile Crazy that that is the least amount of gravy they will sell. Sounds like you have a good plan. You too @RunsOnEspresso .

    My mom and dad and I are going to go to my neighbor's house for Thanksgiving day, with a couple of other neighbor's. Everyone has agreed to wear masks except when we are eating and we will try to keep families separated for that. The weather is supposed to be nice, so we should be able to have some outside on the porch and the rest in the adjacent dinning room. We'll all be bringing food and my neighbor always cooks wayyyyy tooooo much.

    The day after Thanksgiving, we are going to go to my nephew's house for another meal. We're a little more hesitant to go there, as my nephew and niece are both school teachers and my brother and his wife, who will be there, are some of those of the opinion that wearing a mask does no good and you're just letting the government control you. But, if we don't go, dad won't get to see his great grandson and great granddaughter, whom he literally lives for. I mean, he has told me and mom if it wasn't for them, he would just give up and die. So, I think it is important to go and just take as many precautions as possible. Hopefully, we can spend most of our time there outdoors too. I need to talk to my nephew about that. Again, I know there will be way too much food.

    These are days that I just don't worry about what I eat and work on losing what I gain the next week. I'll try to be semi thoughtful about what I put in my mouth.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,415 Member
    @elise4270 - How is your wrist? I am glad you made the neuro appointment at least this way you have it and if things get better you can always cancel. How are your exams going? Is this finals time?
    Also what kind of pies did you order?

    @quilteryoyo - I would really worry about going to your nephew's. I know your dad wants to see the great grandkids but still it is so risky, especially right now.

    For a few years now we haven't done much for Thanksgiving but this is the 1st year dh's brother and sil are here. I was looking forward to having family around for the holidays but we are all keeping within our own bubbles. We will cook a turkey roast and potatoes, sweet potatoes (just baked and mashed, not sweet gooey ones) and green beans. I am making stuffing because Hilde and I like it and I make a raw cranberry orange relish that we all love. I want to make gravy but I am not sure with the roast if there will be enough drippings though so we'll see. I am also making pumpkin pie, not my favorite but everyone else loves it. Oh and I am going to try making my own whole wheat rolls. We will have a lot of dishes but probably not a ton of leftovers.
    You know @rheddmobile, gravy is pretty heavy so maybe 5lbs of it isn't as much as it sounds. I am used to seeing it measured as a liquid so a quart or whatever.

    This week has been a struggle for me. I think I am a bit depressed. I have been so sad. On Saturday after talking to my dd while out for my run I finished it by just crying and everyday I seem to always be on the verge of tears. I haven't been hungry and when I have eaten it hasn't been the best, not terrible but if you're not going to eat much I suppose you should make the most of what you do eat. I am also just so tired. When I ran today I did a Peloton interval run and the first 2 of 3 sets were ok but by the 3rd set I could barely run at all. This afternoon I finally just gave in and took a nap.
    One good side affect I guess is my weight is down below 150 for the month so far. It hasn't been and stayed that low for a long time. I am sure some of it is because I am not eating great but I hope it stays down and starts trending sown again.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,129 Member
    @shanaber Hugs to you! I hope the nap helped. Crying usually helps me get some of the feelings and frustrations out. Maybe some screaming or writing about what is on your mind would help. That's one reason why I journal

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber the wrist is better but still needs babied.