Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo Hmm. That might be a fair question for @Avidkeo since I assume she does measurements. It could be that your doc, like many I've come across, like to read their own radiographs. His measurement might be different than the radiologists. Or he just rounded and decided to put you on the surgical schedule... which eh, might piss me off personally. But his gut might have said we've let this sit for long enough, I want to take care of it considering your level of health (stellar) and activity. He might have been looking at the 2019/2020 results side by side and saw something that alerted him like the diameter hadn't changed but noticed a shape change or thinning of the wall.

    So you could follow up with the surgeon and just say "hey I noticed... and I understand that I am not an expert, but could you explain a bit more about what is going on with the aneurysm?" from that, you can gauge your comfort level. I love it when they pull up the images or draw you a picture or get out the model.

    ETA you could ask for the radiologist report from the imaging service for both CT's and compare the two also. :)

    @quilteryoyo Perry much everything @elise4270 said.

    First I'd check the dates carefully, the repost filed on the Sept 2020 date, does it have a different date on the actual report?

    The next step I would do is go directly to the practice where you had your scan and ask for copies of your reports. See what they actually say.

    If they indeed show no change, I would definitely talk with your Doctor. Its possible they do their own measurements and different radiologists may measure in slightly different spots, which can change measurements.

    But I'd straight up just ask, "I got my results, it shows no change in size. Can you have another look and let me know". Sure it may piss him off, but tough. It's your head, and you need to be confident in what's going on.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2020
    I carried bear on my shoulder to get the mail, he's lost 2 pounds and only weight 12.04 pounds. I have mid back spasms now. Least with the valium the jerks stopped. I feel like I seriously need a personal health manager.
    *I know there is no post on Sunday, but amazon said my gloves will be delivered today.
    Bet nachos will make it better.

    @Avidkeo sounds like you have a good plan to help @quilteryoyo .
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Thanks ladies. With CoVID, I don't think I can just go into the hospital and ask for a copy of the actual report. I did triple check and the date is Sept 14, 2020 - on the chart. It also says that it is being compared to the Sept 9, 2019 scan. I am going to call and talk to the nurse tomorrow - she's fantastic, and see what she can find out. I know the doctor's are not in the office of Mon - Wed...that is when they do surgeries. Of course, they may be there tomorrow, since they aren't doing all of the surgeries they had scheduled. I like the way @Elise4270 worded the question. I really don't want to piss the surgeon off who may, literally, have my heart in his hands at some point.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks ladies. With CoVID, I don't think I can just go into the hospital and ask for a copy of the actual report. I did triple check and the date is Sept 14, 2020 - on the chart. It also says that it is being compared to the Sept 9, 2019 scan. I am going to call and talk to the nurse tomorrow - she's fantastic, and see what she can find out. I know the doctor's are not in the office of Mon - Wed...that is when they do surgeries. Of course, they may be there tomorrow, since they aren't doing all of the surgeries they had scheduled. I like the way @Elise4270 worded the question. I really don't want to piss the surgeon off who may, literally, have my heart in his hands at some point.

    Lol I get that. I tend to the blunt haha.
    Good luck. It definitely sounds like it's legitimate.

    I really wonder if they do their own measurements. That's the thing with specialities, he will know a lot more than the radiologists. It's what he looks at all day every day and will be more on top of the current way to measure things. Radiologists are kinda generalists, in the sense they have basic knowledge of all things radiology. A neurologist will have indpeth info on all things neuro. I hope that makes sense.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I am often too blunt like @Avidkeo and wind up with my foot in my mouth. I am a little better now that I have a rapport with them, like the boob visit, he hands me a gown and says hell step out. I said nonsense, we've known each other too long for that, and proceeded to remove my top in a locker-room fashion. Bare boob an all in 2 seconds, he was taken aback. I am here, here they are, now why is my armpit so fat? LOL! Anyway, @Avidkeo you know some american docs have real god complexes and omg you will burn eternally for questioning them. Ph.D. professors can be like that too here.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    I think I may say that I realize he may have done the measurements himself, or something like that. I will definitely let you all know if I find out anything.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo It's great that you are on top of your reports and can call and discuss with the nurse. That is so and question.

    @Elise4270 sorry you had a rough day. That deodorant sounds wonderful. I don't use it much....I must not smell hahaha!

    I am starting this week with such a sense of dread. I would not be unhappy if I woke up and it was 2021. I just need to focus on my own health.

    I rode the bike a lot this weekend - we had a Halloween ride on Saturday. It's fun because the various instructors dress up and do their rides....pretty funny. And on Sunday, we had a music themed series of rides - Country. I am a country fan....I like all music...rock, pop, hip hop, classical. But country has the best lyrics IMHO.

    Today I will do a short ride and some strength. PT appt this afternoon.

    Food: no idea.....maybe tortilla soup.

    Everybody stay safe....hopefully democracy will be the big winner this week.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo I am often too blunt like @Avidkeo and wind up with my foot in my mouth. I am a little better now that I have a rapport with them, like the boob visit, he hands me a gown and says hell step out. I said nonsense, we've known each other too long for that, and proceeded to remove my top in a locker-room fashion. Bare boob an all in 2 seconds, he was taken aback. I am here, here they are, now why is my armpit so fat? LOL! Anyway, @Avidkeo you know some american docs have real god complexes and omg you will burn eternally for questioning them. Ph.D. professors can be like that too here.

    Eep forgot about the American god complex! Kiwi drs are definitely more accepting of questioning. Though that said, I question drs often in my job, it's actually part of my job though I'm good at the "I'm curious what this is? It says x in the report but I thought it could be Y. Could you have a look and explain for me, so I know for next time?". I'm almost always right bit this gives them the benefit of the doubt haha.

    @quilteryoyo I'm glad you got an answer, and it does make sense. Do you feel more comfortable with that? The reason for no lifting is each lift increases blood pressure temporarily. And increased blood pressure can cause rupture. Running doesn't cause that same increase.

    Tuesday today. Was up early for cross training, bike and weights session. The bike has definitely gotten easier, I did 35 mins at level 4. When I got the bike I struggled to go above level 2. It comes with a 13 month subscription to their Ifit program which connects to the bike with Bluetooth, all the workouts are around level 6-8!! I'm working on getting there haha.

    Calf is good today after yesterday's run. Had a little tightness last night but all gone this morning.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Sorry - been away! Well, not away but just haven't checked in here. I've been stress eating. But, also stress exercising. However, as well all know we can't out run our forks (quote from Kevin from original MFP running challenge!) So I am up a few pounds and will get back to acceptable after this crazy week!

    I skimmed through the 87 posts I missed!
    @quilteryoyo - sorry about your surgery. I loved your comment to @elise4270 about how you realized there must be a purpose for you to be here when you wanted to take a last breath the same time as your husband.

    @elise4270 - hope you and Bear are okay! Scary that he lost that much weight.

    @avidkeo - amazing how quickly you can improve on the bike! WTG! Haha the American God complex! It's more than just some doctors I fear.

    I got my last 4 trays for Invisalign last week. I'll finish these on 12/15 then I go back and he sees if all my teeth are touching. If so, he gives me whitening that I use for a few weeks (would be 2 but Christmas falls in there, so 3). Then I get fitted for the two veneers I need. I'll do before and afters when I'm done. I'm so glad I am getting this done. No one may ever see it, but I will!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Avidkeo Thanks. I do feel better about it now. I did use the - "I'm curious as to why there is a difference" ploy. :wink: Glad the bike is getting easier for you and that your calf is behaving.

    @ddmom0811 Thanks. I'm glad the Invisalign's are working for you. I never did talk myself into it. Need to get this surgery done first and then I'll decide. Glad you are stress exercising too. At least you aren't gaining as much as you would otherwise. Hopefully things will get better soon.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2020
    So nice to see everyone here today! I’m so thankful for you all.

    Still sad
    I didn’t go to my 8am class, didn’t even try to join the zoom part of it cuz last time she had little heifer because I wasn’t sick and didn’t clear it w her first. So, I didn’t sweat missing when I awoke tired with back twinges. I get hateful off this med, really I just can not deal and go to being gruff. I went to a coffee shop (instead of that class late) and ordered a hot earl grey, they don’t have it. Ok I’ll have a chai tea. I got a latte... well, ok.. but I just wanted tea. Shame. It’s a good spot with WiFi and is study friendly they just have sweet kid drinks I guess. I’ll have to just do the adult thing and order a black coffee. As I worked on he there, I cried, cried all the way to school an hour away, cried in my 12pm class, cried during violin, cried on the way home...

    The doc wanted me to follow up in 4 weeks. Cool. I was too lazy to go to the car and get my appointment card so I just looked it up online. It was scheduled with a nurse practitioner. I cussed. The appointment card says my pcp. I phoned them and the best they can do is 7 weeks... I hope they know that he will have their heads when he finds out and that they still haven’t scheduled that ultrasound in addition to not scheduling me when he said. So my only suffering a month is now 2.

    I only notice one today usually 20+ an hour. It was during violin and it wasn’t a resting jerk but interrupted my movements. That is a first. Maybe it is getting worse. The Valium stops them completely. Tomorrow is no antidepressant at all. Oh joy.

    My violin teacher gave me a fun new piece to play. I can’t remember it right now, it’s a beetles song. Abby road is the background of the collage of Alex’s headstone. I am looking forward to (trying) to mastering that one.

    Leftover chili.

    He’s coughing more. Dh was supposed to follow up with the vet, idk if he needs to go back yet. He’s eating a bit but is mostly trying to cover it up (with invisible cover up stuff) so the other cats can’t have it. Or he’s saving it for later. Lol! I made the mistake early on taking him wet food to him as he wouldn’t get off the couch, he successfully covered it up with his blanket. 🤢
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Big hugs to you @Elise4270 ! Can you call and talk to your doctor to let him know that being off the antidepressant is NOT working for you? I hope Bear starts feeling better. It's hard to have a sick pet that can't tell you what's wrong.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I am hoping it will get better. It's really no big deal if I cry, I remind myself that it will pass and often feel very close to Alex when my sadness is great. It is an extra obstacle to manage and I feel behind in school work. I'll phone them again today and see if I can get info on the ultrasound.

    He tried to ride the Beanie cat last night. He does this jump and flip the opposite direction and roll the fat cat. It's like surfing meets bull riding meets hogtying. He didn't seem to continue to play, but he is improving. He's been a bit needy and wants in my room at night, which is fine by me. He's on the electric blanket now, bet that is heaven for a cat.

    I have more to do than I have time, I better make an honest effort at it and surprise myself. The Beetles song is Elanore Rigby. I can't wait til 330, my scheduled daily practice time.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @ddmom0811 I bet the teeth will look awesome....we will have masks off one of these days.

    @quilteryoyo Glad you had a good convo with the PA and can run again....its as much mental well being as physical which is what we all need right now.

    @elise4270 Sorry that your day was hard....who doesn't have Earl Gray? Hang in there....glad the violin brings you joy!

    I went to PT yesterday....he was amazed at how much my pelvis is turned....and the difference in my leg lengths...was pretty obvious because of it. My right side is weaker and more inflexible. So I will do some special strength and stretching reps, not do lower body strength until I can get the hip pain caused by edema tamped down, but I can ride and do upper body. And he agreed that in a month, maybe a cortizone shot in the hip makes sense...that will smart.....

    food: Making tortilla soup today. I started decorating for Christmas hahahaha:

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 I love tortilla soup! MMMM. I think we have everything for it too. It's quick and easy, I may do it! Those pretzels are addictive, I am not looking at them. ;)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I didn't log food yesterday. I didn't exercise. And I ate candy. And ice cream and brownie brittle.

    Today I will log my food. I will try to workout. For the last 3 mornings the dog has been waking up around 3. And apparently thinks I should also be awake. So. Tired.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Avidkeo I hope all of the students do well.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member

    Catching up yet again...
    @Elise4270 - I know you are not one for hugs but I am sending you a virtual one anyways. I hope you can get the PCP's office straightened out. Making you wait for 2 months because of their screwup just doesn't seem right.
    I am glad Beary is doing better. A 2lb loss on a cat is a lot! We used to have something at the zoo for the (big) baby cats when they wouldn't eat. It was kind of a gooey sweet vitamin gel and I think it had lots of carbs in it. Wonder if they have something similar for house cats.

    @quilteryoyo - I am so glad you were able to talk to the PA and get some clarification!
    @avidkeo - so happy your calf is doing so much better! Seems like you are really getting back from the recovery now! Exciting day and probably exhausting day for your students and for you too! Hope they all do spectacularly!
    @ddmom0811 - You will be getting the Invisalign retainers too? They have been key to keeping my teeth from moving again. I can tell by how hard they are to get in sometimes.
    @bearly63 - maybe a dumb question but why is your pelvis twisted? From the fracture? I hope the PT can help with it more long term so you aren't in constant pain.
    I love your idea of Holiday decorating! Mine is similar with a dish of holiday M&Ms or Reeses PB cups 😂
    @RunsOnEspresso - I think many of us are in the same boat. I actually made myself eat better yesterday and log everything. Today too. Day by day it will get better!

    Cross training day for me. I did my HIIT class and Stretch and Roll this morning and had a hard time keeping up in the HIIT class. Lots of single leg step ups and then on the mat for side crunches, push ups and plank twists. I just can't get up and down that fast. So I did as well as I could and just had less rest in between sets. Then I did my aerobics class that includes 30 mins of strength training with bands. I have a set of bands I bought years ago when I was traveling a lot as a way to work out in my hotel room. I guess it is time for some new ones because I snapped one in half during the workout. It is the one I have used the most though so not unexpected. I am glad it didn't snap me in the face or anywhere else though.

    Food - so far just my usual breakfast of yogurt and granola. Lunch will likely be a salad with chicken and I don't know for dinner.