Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We had Carraba's last night. I was going to only eat half but then I was still hungry so I ate it all. Then I felt stuff. I then had marshmallows later in the evening to have something sweet. Went a few hundred calories over. Oh well, *kitten* happens.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber stay safe!

    @elise4270 lots of hugs and yay for tests? At least you may get answers.

    @RunsOnEspresso that sounds like me the last couple of days haha.

    The weightless gods were nice, despite eating all the sugar Sunday and Monday, yesterday I stuck to calorie goal and today mysteriously I was back to Saturdays weight. Seems too good to be true, but I'll take it. Maybe sleep depravation helps lose weight?

    I ran today and it was wet. Loved it. The only thing is the rain brings out NZs deadliest creatures. Not sure how to fend these off...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo LOL! I love the snail! It is beautiful! I am already stalking my patient portal for labs. No idea why, I know it'll be a few days!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Elise4270 It sounds like you had a good appointment. I hope they can get to the bottom of everything.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I forgot a driveway update, cuz I know it was something everyone was wondering about. Here's a cheating pic from the security cameras.

    I only checked them because I heard dd talking outside, then she didn't come in. So my lazy
    Beary tent of a butt just checked the cameras. No dd. I think it's time for a nap, maybe bear just did his stretchy squeak.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Today I started weights again. My limbs are dead
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Elise4270 I'm so glad you posted that picture of the driveway. I was losing sleep wondering about it. :wink: It looks really good! Glad they came back and finished it. I think I must still be asleep - I don't think I see what I am supposed to in the security cameras. The video won't play.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 I'm so glad you posted that picture of the driveway. I was losing sleep wondering about it. :wink: It looks really good! Glad they came back and finished it. I think I must still be asleep - I don't think I see what I am supposed to in the security cameras. The video won't play.

    Oh it's just a screenshot, not a video, sorry for the confusion. I blame lots of HW, headaches, lack of antidepressant, and human existence for the oversight.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I have learned through my homework that I probably have cluster headaches as well as migraines. Interesting. My book noted that they are often perceived as allergies and seasonal changes, exactly why I had these symptoms. Also, migraines are a result of low socioeconomic status and low education. HUH? I actually read the opposite somewhere on the internet... I was completely offended at the notion that I am white trash with headaches, or that anybody is.

    No new script yet or a call to schedule the ultrasound. Swear. and we pay for this... So I skipped yesterday's antidepressant and took a half dose this AM ( I have some capsules that are not extended-release and just guessed about 1/3 the dose. I just woke up and feel jittery, and very tired. Hopefully the antidepressant withdrawal will subside soon, guessing that's it.

    Weight is 0.1 pounds under the oh no weight, whoo!

    DH went grocery shopping and bought only frozen pizza's... I need to figure out an intervention and do some cooking. I am a bit concerned over the antidepressant, I have no motivation and my mind is just there and won't engage.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    If you continue to feel the antidepressant withdrawals, you should call your PCP to discuss. I'm not sure it is a good idea to stop them cold turkey...I guess it depends on the kind, but I think I had to gradually stop mine. So, what idiot said migraines and headaches were a result of low socioeconomic status and low education? That's ridiculous. Hope you start to feel better soon.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    If you continue to feel the antidepressant withdrawals, you should call your PCP to discuss. I'm not sure it is a good idea to stop them cold turkey...I guess it depends on the kind, but I think I had to gradually stop mine. So, what idiot said migraines and headaches were a result of low socioeconomic status and low education? That's ridiculous. Hope you start to feel better soon.

    Yes, I am supposed to be on a lower dose but don't have it, I left an email with the PCP yesterday, but unsure anyone ever checks it. I might call later once I feel a little more with it. I did take a low dose late last night and today. Cold turkey can make things worse, seizures. I was just kinda feeling it out yesterday. My stupid Med Surg book by Harding, Lewis and some other numbnut thinks that regarding migraines. Assinine. It's well known that it is blood flow and triggered by various foods, stress, hormones etc...

    Jerks seem a little less today, last night they were same-ish. and my left cheek twitched again. I hope it's not the antidepressant, but hope it is as simple as that. so... I will suffer this month. just a month, not forever (maybe) 1 month, 30 days... i can figure this out.

    LOL I am a kitten. DH is often on my last nerve, no filter yesterday and I was outright frank with him. LOL! I might like this no-nonsense me. He thought that if he fed bear nasty turkey in the floor that it is not his duty to pick it up if not eaten... yeh it is. and put in on a plate, i dont need turkey bacteria in my floor. and he spilt bubbly water on the carpet, and was no biggie cuz its just water... it will still mildew... sheesh... go get a towel... and clean it up.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 I'd get pretty Frank with my husband over those things too! And getting just frozen pizza with groceries, seriously! So frustrating!

    Well u finally finished call for this fortnight, no more call for a week. I had 13 call outs over 6 nights. No wonder I'm tired haha.

    My legs feel really heavy this morning. No run today anyway. Supposed to go on the exercise bike and do weights but not sure I have the bother. I also want to go out and pick up my shoes that arrived in store but again, can't be bothered. That one can wait till Saturday. So I think I'll just stay in bed, play my switch until I have to go to work (not till 2pm)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I ate a ridiculous amount of food today. 1/2 a frozen pizza, cheerios w frozen blueberries, 1/2 a lemon meringue pie and 3 homemade tacos. ~2500-3000+ calories i guess, no way I'm looking at the pizza box or the pie box!

    Jerks do seem to be much less today. That's good. I can put CJD, ALS, schizophrenia, brain tumors, and whatnot out of my head. Which honestly I don't care... my doc said I need to be here for DD and I shouldn't hope for such fatalistic diagnoses. Life is fatal. So, what's the difference? Bet tomorrow I get blood work results! yay!

    @Avidkeo I hope the next 6 days are wonderful and you get rested.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    Glad the jerks are better @Elise4270 . I remember wishing I had taken my last breath at the same time John did so we could have just gone together. It took a while for me to realize that I am still here for a reason and now I look back at all the good things that have happened since. I would NOT have wanted to miss out on those things. In the beginning, it did help for me to think about my mom and dad needing me. So, do keep your DD in mind and hang in there. It will eventually get easier.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo . You always make me feel so normal and I so appreciate that.

    I am crying more with the lower doses. Still no rx for the new script or the ultrasound. I'll have to make a call.

    Blood work is in. Glucose was flagged high at 100 fo fasting. It's always about that. I didn't see a1c. Serum albumin is high at 4.9 reference cut off is 4.8. and this throws my a/g ratio off. I see those out of range all the time.

    Mg is 2.1, not out at all. Since the jerks are less I can conclude it is the antidepressant.

    Bear is sick I think. He's so lazy and I think had an ear ache. Poor guy. I get to play cat doctor today.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 as always hugs. Definitely get in touch with your Dr about the muscle twitches and the rx. You still need treatment from the sounds of it but maybe that one isn't the best for you.

    I did a boo boo this morning. I went out for my interval run, and even though I had my watch on the plan I didn't look at which interval I was up to, and I lost count, and went too far, ending up with a nice walk back.

    Calf was a bit tight on Wednesday night after that run, but again eased quickly so it continues to improve.

    Yesterday we had fish and chips. I usually try to hide my measuring and tracking food from DH. Last night I just gave up. I bought the scales to the table, and weighed out how much I was having, and ate just my portion. I made a comment about losing weight, and the kids asked what that meant (they are 6 and 4). DH corrected that I was just being healthy. I quickly rephrased that I was eating in moderation (yes had to explain what moderation is haha) to make sure I stay healthy. I'm not sure how much longer this narrative will last, we definitely avoid talking about weight around the kids. We phrase food as a health thing. We encourage the kids to finish eating when they are full (they are good at this) and not to eat when bored. I'm trying to give them healthy views on food. So nothing is junk food, nothing is forbidden, it's treat food that you can eat, just not a lot of it.

    Fortunately both my kids are normal weight for their age. I'm acutely aware that this is a hang up that I have. And I make sure I don't put it on them. I just hope they don't end up with my issues I guess.

    I think when they are older I will talk about energy in and energy our, and making good choices to live healthy.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Avidkeo You are doing a great job with the healthy conversations around your kids. At daycare, we have been told to encourage the kids to eat, but not force them to and to not say anything that would give more value to the desserts than the other foods - so no, you have to eat x before you can have dessert or anything like that. If they eat dessert first, that's great. At least they ate something. I don't think they have the most kid friendly meals there anyway. Dessert is usually fruit.

    @Elise4270 Glad my comments help. Sometimes I hesitate to write what I do.

    I had my pre-op appointment this morning/early afternoon. Was there at 10:30 and didn't leave until 1:30. I had a chest x-ray. FYI, if you wear a pull over bra with no "hardware", you don't have to take it off for the x-ray (Of course, you guys probably already know that. LOL) - I had made a great choice by accident this morning. LOL Had blood work, talked to the nurse, gave a urine specimen, had a MERSA test, and scheduled a CoVID test to get in my hometown on the way home.

    I did not get to talk to the anesthesiologist because, in my opinion, he was being a jerk. The lady who was coordinating everything called him to come down to talk to me. She left and came back a few minutes later and said, "Is he done?" I'm like. No. He hasn't been here. So, she called him again over their speaker system, so I could hear what was being said on both ends. He said he had been there, but didn't see a patient in the one room and the other door was closed. He had assumed someone else was talking to whomever was in there, since the door was closed, and had just left. She told him I had been in there and asked him if he would come back. Yes - in a little while. She asked if he had any idea when and his answer was "no." Nothing about, as soon as I get done with X I'll be there or anything. Just no. Mind you, I know he would have been talking to me during this time, had he just come in, so it wasn't like he was in surgery or anything. I waited 25 minutes, asked some of my questions to the coordinating lady (was able to answer most of them for me), and left without seeing him. I hope she didn't tell him I had left and he has to walk back over there for nothing. LOL

    The surprising thing that I have to do is to quarantine myself until I have the surgery. They don't want me to become contaminated with CoVID after I had the test done. It makes sense, but never crossed my mind. Sure did mess up plans I had for the day before surgery though.

    I got the CoVID test on the way home. It was uncomfortable, but didn't really hurt. I just don't like having things stuck up my nose. Not sure how long the results are taking since the number of cases in my county is ever on the increase.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    How I get back at DH for being a... er, um.. DH

    @quilteryoyo Swear that anaesthesiologist. But then I might have made the same conclusion as he. Perhaps the two had a history. Mine always phone me a few days before and the night before and show up before the surgery. I suppose he and his team ( a CRNA) will show up before surgery and you can talk to him.

    I am still less of a jerk. A very tired jerk that only ate pie today, did violin zoom with teach and she was happy with me, worked on homework all day. Not sure if I need an eye exam again or that I am just overly tired.

    @Avidkeo My PCP did not even offer to give me a different med. I am on an SSRI and he chose that one because it helps with pain. So ugh, I am in pain too. I'll manage as long as @quilteryoyo reassures me that I am on track and normal. My PCP said "it's just sh it- you just accept it for what it is". I get it, but I think I am a whinner and everything in my life is soooo haaard. I'll print the list of anesthesia for the last sx so he can discern if anything there might have also caused the same rxn.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @Elise4270 Yes. I will see him before the surgery. His attitude just irritated me. Glad your violin zoom went well and your jerks are better. And, you do have a LOT going on right now. Hang in there.

    I talked to the surgeon's nurse late this afternoon. The group that owns the hospital where I am having my surgery decided this afternoon that they are stopping ALL elective surgeries until the CoVID numbers get better - they are awful here right now. The surgeon went through all of his patient's files and decided on a case by case basis what would be better for each one. He decided it would be in my best interest to postpone mine. :disappointed: The hospital will re-assess the situation on Wednesday of next week, and every week thereafter, if necessary. If they allow elective surgeries again next week (doubtful, in my opinion) they would schedule me for the following Mon, Tues, or Wed. Since my bloodwork and everything else is good until then, I am to continue to quarantine until we see what happens on Wed. If the moratorium on surgeries continue, I'll have to have all the tests again, so can stop the quarantine at that point. So, it's all up in the air.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 Yes. I will see him before the surgery. His attitude just irritated me. Glad your violin zoom went well and your jerks are better. And, you do have a LOT going on right now. Hang in there.

    I talked to the surgeon's nurse late this afternoon. The group that owns the hospital where I am having my surgery decided this afternoon that they are stopping ALL elective surgeries until the CoVID numbers get better - they are awful here right now. The surgeon went through all of his patient's files and decided on a case by case basis what would be better for each one. He decided it would be in my best interest to postpone mine. :disappointed: The hospital will re-assess the situation on Wednesday of next week, and every week thereafter, if necessary. If they allow elective surgeries again next week (doubtful, in my opinion) they would schedule me for the following Mon, Tues, or Wed. Since my bloodwork and everything else is good until then, I am to continue to quarantine until we see what happens on Wed. If the moratorium on surgeries continue, I'll have to have all the tests again, so can stop the quarantine at that point. So, it's all up in the air.

    Wow, I can't believe that yours is not pressing enough right now even with covid. Texas had the spike in cases and my bone surgery was only pushed out about 6 weeks. Hang in there and hope its all for the best.

    poor poo bear
    Still not his lovey spunky self. Dh decided he needs a vet appointment tomorrow, I agreed. I had a left over dose of pain med from his snake encounter 06/2019 and gave him that.