Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo that's interesting. Many of the women I know were in their 30s or early 40s when diagnosed. Seems they need to come up with a better screening? I dunno

    MRI is more effective and specific, without the radiation. But takes too long and costs a fortune. They are getting there, and the radiation dose is really low now.

    There is also the issue with over diagnosis. So many women are getting diagnosed with "cancer" younger that if they were left alone wouldn't have actually grown or done anything for 10 - 15 years. It's still a tumour but not spreading and very slow growing. But as soon as they see it, they have to do something. So more women are being treated and diagnosed with cancer but actually incidence of the scary cancers haven't increased. There is a lot of research and conversations in the medical imaging community about this. And the fact that most of these cancers found when women are 35 would actually be better off left alone and just watched. Some of them even shrink on their own or dissappear over time. But of course as soon as its cancer, patients want and expect treatment.

    Yep soap box issue!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo that's interesting. Many of the women I know were in their 30s or early 40s when diagnosed. Seems they need to come up with a better screening? I dunno

    You know if more men had breast cancer there would be more aggressive identification and treatment. Prostate cancer is the most curable cancer ya know. Men and their dumb man parts.

    Ohhh that's so true. Yah male bias in medicine sux!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I got the nervous poops on the way to the tattoo place. Thank goodness for a clean gas station and an open stall. Nothing like an ibs attack. I had the restroom alone mostly until another ibs-er arrived. Poor soul. I blame jalapenos and sugar in the little bit of lemonade I added to my diet coke at lunch, and nerves.

    *Nail bitting* wish I had someone to hold my hand.

    I'll virtually hold your hand. Not the same, I know but hopefully it helps!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    So i was on call last night, I had 3 call outs, with the last having me there at 730am. So I'm absolutely shattered. I think i had about 5hrs of very broken sleep. Day off work today, and I have tomorrow off as well so that's a bonus.

    So I walked the kids to school this morning, and am now firmly entrenched in bed. It's too early for a nap (930am) but I'm going to just rest.

    Scales were very nice, back down to 69.9kg! I lost the water weight from the weekend binge fast! It's usually 4-5 days, but this time was only 3. That was nice. Now to stay below 70kg! I know today will be challenging. Home + tired = munchies. But I packed lunch yesterday, so I'll eat that as planned. And just stay in bed haha.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    @Avidkeo I hope your nap is restoritive. I am up after 5 hours of sleep and hope for a nap later if I can get this huge major care plan done that is due in 24 hours.

    I was fairly responsible yesterday with a long day (for me 8-6). Subway tuna, pot pie and nachos before bed. Eh... guess the IBS attack made me feel "skinny".

    Lord, then I barely get home and have a headache from all the people-ing I had to do and Dh tells me a neighbor is poping over, from lodge, to drop off a check, I warned him that I wasn't up to being social. He was here for 3 hours. Lord. I think it was 1030 before he left. He made several inappropriate remarks. I caught myself hoping a litter box was off, his wife would call, mother nature would call... the grim reaper would call... I'd have a seizure... Exhausting people day yesterday, I need some time in my own head to recover. My people skills are at "cat" level. I do enjoy you cat's though. :wink:

    I have not shared that info with DH nor DD. I don't think they will get it and will be concerned for my state of mind. Honestly, I struggle with being here, DH knows that. I have a symbol on Alex's headstone an elaborate ohm symbol incorporating a winding path suggesting that our paths are not straight and we can not see clearly that path before us, a reminder to walk my path in peace. I didn't want it anywhere it can be seen, I'm old enough to still feel that social stigma of tattoos and it is a reflection of an inner wound that all will not see. So.. I put it on the right side of my head, where Alex shot himself. It reminds me is that all will be healed-his and mine, find peace, stick to your path, and don't follow his because that path is not yours. I feel a sense of wholeness in that instead of feeling like in am in a hole. I also did the exit wound, but the eye of Ra. I am not sure what it specifically means to me. I was talking to Alex about healing and what symbol to put there the night before and just landed on if he had ideas to tell me later. I woke, got in the shower, and the eye of Ra was chosen. I said okie dokie. It's some kind of protection. (if you want to lend meaning and power to symbols- regardless it's the meaning to me and the help to heal, er try to live in a healing state, and I feel Alex is protecting me). Anyway... no one can see them and I am anxiously waiting for my hair to grow back LOL! Being human is awfully complex. I wanna be a spoiled cat and lay in the sun and chase butterflies and be snuggled and suck blankies HAHA!

    Be well.
    ETA a quick google of the eye. imbedded the link.. kinda cool and comforting.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 I hope you were able to get some rest. As for the tats, you have to do what you need to do to deal. This sounds like it was a step in the right direction for you.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    The surgeon's nurse called yesterday. She is going to schedule my surgery for 4 Nov. Only a couple of weeks away. I'm glad to have it scheduled, but that makes it real. So, getting a little bit nervous too.

    The cardiologist's nurse was supposed to call on Monday as a follow up to my heart cath. She didn't call, so I called her and left a message at about 3 pm (after having stayed near the phone all day). She still hasn't called. I wonder if she is sick or off for some reason and no one took up the slack? It does bother me a tad. I was hoping to ask her if it is okay for me to run. I googled it and most places say normal activities after a week, but one place said to not run for 2 weeks. So, to err on the side of caution, I will just walk until Monday and then try to get in a few short, easy runs before the surgery. I hate to start loosing my fitness even before the surgery happens!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    The surgeon's nurse called yesterday. She is going to schedule my surgery for 4 Nov. Only a couple of weeks away. I'm glad to have it scheduled, but that makes it real. So, getting a little bit nervous too.

    The cardiologist's nurse was supposed to call on Monday as a follow up to my heart cath. She didn't call, so I called her and left a message at about 3 pm (after having stayed near the phone all day). She still hasn't called. I wonder if she is sick or off for some reason and no one took up the slack? It does bother me a tad. I was hoping to ask her if it is okay for me to run. I googled it and most places say normal activities after a week, but one place said to not run for 2 weeks. So, to err on the side of caution, I will just walk until Monday and then try to get in a few short, easy runs before the surgery. I hate to start loosing my fitness even before the surgery happens!
    I have literally never had a nurse who said she would call me back actually call me back. In most of the practices around here, they are responsible for the doctor’s phone calls but don’t have any time built in to their schedule to handle phone calls, so they just don’t do it. I have the best luck haunting the phone early in the morning and catching them just as they come in and before they have a chance to get busy.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Trying to edit post, have no edit button!

    Forgot to say, glad to hear you have a date. Nov 3 will hopefully give you enough time to recover so you can enjoy the holidays.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    That's what I am hoping, @rheddmobile !
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Ladies who are awesome!

    I am as usual remiss to not be updating here. Finally getting back on schedule after my crazy long ride challenge this weekend. I survived but my hoo ha or "the girls" and and buns were quite pissed off at me after 9.5 hours and 159 miles. But honestly, we broke it up into 4 different rides, starting at 2 am on Sat morning....slept, then 11 am, rested, then 6 pm sat and then a sunday AM brunch ride where we had mimosas and a live zoom call going with like 30 of us on our bikes. I laughed the whole time which took the pain away. The stuff we do....

    Read all the stuff I missed:

    @Elise4270 Hope the various body parts are ok....boobs, hips, core. Glad the final worked out. With all that you have on your plate, your attitude amazes me. ❤ The tats decision is amazing. Love your thought process.

    @Avidkeo Love the shoes....hope the niggles stop at some point and great job on the weight! Also good info on Mammos. I always worry since I was told about 5 years ago that I have dense I get a letter every year saying that it could lead to missing things....then I stress out.

    @ddmom0811 Who knew there are bears in FLA? I am enjoying the meals so far. But I have discovered that I am a sucky cook - the prep says 10 mins and it takes me 30....I need to watch some veggie chopping videos and get some hacks haha.

    @shanaber So is there a workout in MFP for wheelchair pushing? Wow...sounds like a crazy day and your karma jar is overflowing....Hilde is a lucky gal!

    @quilteryoyo So glad you have a date and have done the intel work to feel ok about it all. I feel like a nurse should call back within a day...don't know if Covid is an issue or what. They have to know that people are fretting....Elise's advice was so great too about the hospital stay etc.

    This is birthday Hell Week for me or as I call it, Christmas in October. Today is my DHs 58th birthday. Sat is my DD's 23 birthday and Sunday is my DS's 25th birthday. He is flying home from NYC friday since we decided not to go there during the the stupid pandemic with numbers increasing. Plan to eat and drink a lot.

    Food: not good. like @Avidkeo I have gotten into the habit of eating whatever due to the workouts as opposed to eating to fuel my healthy habits....still working through the bag of tootsie rolls I ate during my long ride. I really hope that post birthday weekend, I will be ready to regain some control and make better choices.

    Exercise: Really sore....did a total body strength yesterday...will do a short low impact ride and some upper body and core and stretch.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 I was wondering how your backside would feel after that long ride! Glad you are doing okay on that "front." Enjoy all of the birthday's...and Happy Birthday to all! At least you can celebrate them all on one weekend and it isn't spread out over the entire month. Enjoy having DS home! I am used to having a nurse call back within 24 hours, so this is frustrating to me. Oh well. I'll live.

    Just found out my dear friend has worked it out so that she can take off work the 4th - 6th to be my designated person and be with me at the hospital. I'm so lucky to have a friend like her.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo Awww that is great news that your friend can be there for you can rest easy and focus on recovery!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all.

    I managed about 2.5hrs sleep duri3the day yesterday. Consequently I couldn't sleep last night till after 10! I didn't sleep well at all. Oh well, ill probably crash tonight.

    Today is a rostered day off, but I'm going into work for an hr to do a tutorial with my students. They have been really effected by covid this year, with a shorter clinical block than usual. They finish the first week of December and have several tests they need to do before then. They still have 6 weeks, but are starting to really feel the pressure. So I'll give them an hour of my time to help out.

    I had another loss this morning of about 2lb! Was a bit of a surprise, probably a bit more water weight I'll give it another couple of weeks, but if this keeps up then I'm losing a bit aggressively and I'll change it a bit. Not complaining atm, I'm heading in the right direction, and it gives a buffer for the inevitable overeat days.

    @elise4270 biggest hugs. I think the tats sound awesome, and clearly have a lot of meaning for you. I hope it helps you heal.

    @quilteryoyo drs offices are the worst. Seriously. I had a Ln appointment the other day for the dr to call and discuss DDs peanut allergy. Clear instructions were given for them to call me. Several times. They called DH who was out of range. Now we have to wait another month for an appointment. I'm pretty pissed actually.
    Good luck for the 4th and yay for friends!

    @bearly63 ooh your poor butt! Sounds like a lot of fun though!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @rheddmobile - most of the women I have known with BC were also in their 30's and 40's including my Aunt. I also lost a dear friend in her late 30's because by the time they caught it was too far advanced even though she had surgery, chemo, etc..
    Also on the nurse's schedules, it is similar for some doctors too. Where my DD is working she is on contract so hourly. They wanted her to work 32 hours at the clinic seeing patients and 8 hours at the Covid Test site(2 separate jobs, same company, different billing). Problem is they didn't allow any time in her schedule for charting, follow up, lab orders, etc.. The MAs do most of the patient call backs but she has to spend time with them reviewing each patient (before and after). So she regularly ends up with overtime. Her clinic director wasn't happy about it but the medical director told them to schedule her fewer patients then.
    @elise4270 - I love the thought process behind the tats and am so glad you made it through the IBS attack to get there. How are you hiding them under your hair though so DD and DH won't see?
    @bearly63 - even spread out over the weekend it is too much cycling for me. The mimosas sound great though and would likely take much of the pain away for a while! Have fun with the parties! How in the world did you plan those birthdays to be so close together? It must have been fun when the kids were small and each wanted their own party! I also have a big bag of tootsie rolls. When I ordered it, it didn't sound like so much but it is HUGE. If we were having trick or treaters I would have given them out by the handful. Now not sure what I will do with them all. It would take me years to eat them all.
    @quilteryoyo - So glad it is scheduled and you didn't have to wait too long! Also that is awesome about your friend being there for you.I am sure that will help with your parents too so they know someone close is there for you who can also keep them informed.
    @avidkeo - I would be really pissed too. I did have an issue with one of my doctor's offices calling our landline which we only have for emergencies and don't answer. They had my cell on file and were requested multiple times to use it. I just happened to be standing next to the phone and see the number and grabbed it. I had to have them take the landline number off completely.
    Nice weight loss too! Can you send some of those vibes my way, please...

    I had a good run this morning. It has cooled off, was cloudy and humid but under 70F for the entire run!
    Food: We did another HelloFresh last night and are really liking the recipes. DH doesn't really do sauces but I have been making them and he has been liking them which has really surprised me. @bearly63, I have to add in time too, it consistently takes me longer to make them than what the recipe says.
    I changed up my diary settings today to show sugar instead of sodium. I want to see if I am going way over even though I don't eat many processed foods or add sugar to things. Something has to change as my weight just seems to be stuck in the 149-152 range and is just bouncing around right there. I also put strength training back on my calendar so I will be encouraged to do it at least 2x/week.
    Yesterday we ran errands in the morning and I took Hilde to get her replacement hearing aide in the early afternoon. I had panned and had plenty of time to take an online workout/class or do some strength training and yet none of that got done. I did some laundry and that was about it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Yeah for the weight going in the right direction! You're a good woman for going in on your day off to help the students. I would be pissed with the doctor's office too. It was clearly their fault. They should have made an extra effort to get a quicker appointment for you.

    @shanaber Glad to see that the MD stood up for your DD. Glad you had a good run and are scheduling in your workouts. That should help. Also glad you got Hilde's new hearing aid. I think there must have been something in the air yesterday as I too had plenty of time to get some things done, but managed to fiddle the day away with very little getting accomplished. Today was a little bit better.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    I am utterly exhausted. I finally got that assignment turned in at 1238 AM which turned into 35 pages. I hope today can be a rest day, my house is at that point where it needs cleaned and spot cleaning isn't going to cut it. I tried to sleep in but bear was lovey and dh's add med has made him introspective and chatty, least he's doing better. I have plans for a nap.

    @shanaber My hair covers the tattoos. I told dd yesterday and showed her. I noticed this morning that the ohm symbol is backward. ... ... ... I find that a bit comical as my intent was to avoid Alex's "path" and now to find our paths are reflections of one another. Also from the eye of Ra, it is not backward. Which would actually be the eye of Horus, and I was torn as where to but both of them and chose Ra.... so.. hmm I kinda "see" that our paths can not be seen by us but from a greater perspective outside of ourselves. So, I'm diggin' the "mental" support right now and how some spur of the moment prompt has meaning (to me). I'm sleep deprived, don't listn to me

    I have acorn squash and spaghetti squash that need to be made. It is hot and humid today so I can't say it'll be cooked.

    @shanaber @quilteryoyo Glad things are working out, docs and DD. We have issues also with callbacks from nurses or whoever is to reach out. My hip docs nurse was supposed to phone me with massage/pt info and never did. I just googled it. Our PCP's office/nurses NEVER get back to you ever. It's frustrating.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    stupid edit not edit... @Avidkeo I meant to tag you in the doc office comment.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @Avidkeo Amazing job on the weight really are able to focus when you want to. I really need that skill. And agree about the call back and appt wait. Frustrating! Very nice to help your students out on the day off....karma jar is filling up!

    @Shanaber are you doing veggie meals or meat and veggie....what have been your favorites. The one thing that I really like? I am being forced to cook recipes that I wouldn't normally choose from the descriptions that are good. Different ingredients etc. Tonight its a vegetarian bowl of some sort. Your description of scheduling is interesting and reminds of teachers....everyone thinks they have it easy. They just teach and go home at 5. But then they grade, lesson plan, return parent calls, figure out student interventions, deal with state testing issues. Suddenly they are making 10/hour. Are you still using the Peloton app....I wonder if your daughter can add you to her's - she gets 4 per household. You could take classes together....walk, run, strength, yoga.

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @Elise4270 that Tats sound cool and love the way you explain them...great job on the test!!