Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Re: sweets and cravings. When I was first diagnosed with diabetes one of the things I did was give up most refined carbs. I thought I was going to lose my mind for about two weeks - and then (for the most part) no cravings. Now after four years, not only does most candy taste so sweet it strikes me as downright poisonous, and the obvious things like berries taste much sweeter, but things taste sweet that I never would have thought of as sweet previously, like bean sprouts and milk. I swear plain milk tastes as sweet as chocolate milk used to, and cherry tomatoes are like candy.

    Another weird thing is that for the longest time I was really aware of the smell of bread. I can still smell bread all the way across the house, and I don’t just mean fresh baked bread, I mean when my husband opens a bag of store bought bread and makes himself a sandwich. It doesn’t bother me as much now but it used to drive me crazy.

    For me sugar caused cravings not just because of the insulin thing but also because having something sweet would make me crave something salty which would make me crave something greasy. Coke led to French fries led to pizza. It was really not a good situation. Cutting out Coke alone fixed 90% of the cravings.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    So ate way over calories yesterday. Don't care. Was just so tired. All the sugar lol.

    Someone had bought in some slices, and I kept having a sample of this, a taste of that. Happens. Today is the party. I'm going to avoid all the food if I can but kids party.

    No run till Monday now, its election day here, and DH is working it. So I'm alone with the kids all day. May take them to the walkway for a walk after the party. Will see how I feel. All I want to do is sit on the couch and play my switch.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I ate all my calories then DH wanted burgers, I didn't say no, LOL!

    The hedges are out of control and the flower bed is embarrassing. I managed the front with the hedge trimmers, just mowed down the grass the best I could with the trimmers. My arm is shakey weak now, ugh so out of shape. I'll resign to the couch and netflix now, maybe kill some zombies.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Thank you. I will let them know if/when I get a survey. I'm sure they will send me one. I really do appreciate your kind offer to come help! In fact I am overwhelmed that you would offer to do I know it isn't idle talk. But, I do believe I will be okay. I had a talk with my Primary Care Physician today and feel much better about going to this hospital for the surgery. Also, his nurse's dad had open heart/bypass surgery 4 years ago and Dr. Palazzo (my surgeon) performed the procedure and she had nothing but praises for him! I feel much, much better about it now. AND, I will make sure I have plenty to do. I probably won't feel like doing as much as I envision I will. If I get bored, I'll have the phone and can call to talk to anyone I want. They don't have to be right there the entire time. In fact, knowing me, that would probably get irritating. LOL When I was doing my Officer's Training School for the military, I knew that "real" military life wasn't going to be that way and just told myself I can do anything for 3 months. Well, I certainly can do anything for 4 or 5 days! FYI, I am no where near Nashville. Closest biggish airport is Knoxville, then Johnson City - which is where the hospital is.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Saturday night. Party had too much temptation. I gave in. Sigh. Back on the wagon tomorrow.

    Election in NZ today, jacinda ardern has nailed it, so labour are going to be in again woo hoo.

    OK enough politics. Hanging out for Mondays run. Calf is fine today. I think the rest day was good.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad your calf is doing good. Sometimes the extra rest day is just the thing you need. I wouldn't worry too much about giving in to the party temptations. It happens.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Been tracking food and making sure to run or stay active (walking) when I don't run and weight is slowly going in the right direction. I've lost about a pound over last 3 weeks so right on track.

    This coming week will be camping and hiking then I'll start a weight training program. I'm also on track to reach my 100 miles from 9/28 - 11/1 for Javelina Jallucinations. My goal is to keep up with the 20-25 miles per week and get back to hitting 90-100 monthly miles again.

    Food has been the usual. Trying to make healthy choices and balance it with sweets. I find if I try to cut sweets out completely I binge. If I keep single serve items in the house I do much better. It's weird. I can have a bag of reeses pb cups and eat 2 as an evening snack but if I have the reeses bar I can't eat a serving. I end up eating the entire bar (I think it's 3 servings and like 600 cals vs 200).
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I do the same thing....if I tell myself I CAN'T have a certain food, I'll do okay for a while and then give in and binge on it. So, I never completely cut out anything. Just watch the portions, as you are doing. You're doing great!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Today is a good soup day with a fire log on. We have frozen chili left and Dh is making cornbread. No fire log though. I could get wood from the woods, but everyone is allergic to it, I just got bear well- bet wood smoke would be horrible for him.

    Since the hip doc encouraged me to walk a bit, I chased bear last night in and out of the house, and he chased me. We had a great time. But that hip is unhappy over it. At least I know and can convey that info if it persists to the next appointment. I took magnesium for two days and seem to notice a decrease in muscle twinges. So, I think I'll leave it where it is so if it is low it can be identified and I won't continue to convince myself that I have ALS or another neuronal disease. But if the Mg is fine, I will follow up with a neurologist. I do think it is the magnesium. I noticed an increase in energy when taking it, which means I might have been experiencing a bit of fatigue, characteristic of low Mg. I suppose my electrolytes were disrupted this last surgery, not unheard of with anesthesia.

    I kept smelling something like beef jerky last night and couldn't figure out what it was. I just noticed the bag of pup-aroni stick are open and rather close to me... Glad it wasn't a meat ghost. LOL!

    Back to being moderately responsible with food choices today. I have overeaten the last 2-3 and every time I ask Dr. Google for information on OA/subchondral cysts it tells me to lose weight which makes me want pecan pie.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - ha! want pecan pie. That's my choice at Thanksgiving! Yes, don't think about those other neuro diseases. Pup-a-roni is the only treat my dog likes. And yes they stink!

    @quilteryoyo & @RunsOnEspresso - same with me - I'm not banning foods, it just causes the binge for me as well.

    @rheddmobile - wow, that is fascinating about the sugar and bread. I do eat way too much sugar and think sometimes I should try to cut it out, but then I would have the fore-mentioned binge problem. But you didn't have a choice.

    Did a four mile run today - first run since last week's four mile run. Didn't incorporate any running during the week like I thought I might. Tomorrow is weight lifting. It's some type of bike week here at the condo and so many bikers. Yet, I know it will be nothing like February or March when real bike week happens. Assuming it does happen. And, I imagine this is probably a light week given the pandemic.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Had a crap sleep, woke for the day at 5am guh.

    So got up and did 50 mins on the bike. I have work today, Sunday. Its sunny so likely to have a few injuries. Makes for an interesting day! Not that i want people injured but you know, that's why I'm there lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 Yeah for the run. I have a feeling that Bike Week will go as planned. I have a cousin who is into the biker thing and they don't seem to care about the C thing.

    @Avidkeo Hahaha I totally understand what you mean. Sorry you couldn't' sleep.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited October 2020

    @shanaber I can edit your post... how odd eh? Elise. I could make you say something awful, LOL!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    MFP still won't let me save my edited post so deleted and reposting...
    @quilteryoyo - I am so glad you had a good talk with your PCP and that the nurse knew your doctor and gave such a great review. I would have been a freaked out by the conditions in that area of the hospital too.
    @elise4270 - I wish it were a soup and log on the fire day here... Another day of 90's though. Looking at the longer range weather forecasts it looks like there is not much chance for a real fall and winter this year but I continue to hope. This next week will be a bit better with mid-80's but still well over normal.
    Wondering if the playing inside out with Bearry was too much stop and go for your hip. Maybe just a walk would be better?
    I also laughed at the pecan pie comment! I love pecan pie and have a wonderful recipe for a Jack Daniels Chocolate Chip pecan pie that is to die for. I don't make it very often but it is decadent. When dh worked for AAA they would hold an annual conference and it rotated around the US. He was one of the organizers when it was in CA and the hotel they used in San Diego made the pie as a specialty. They actually delivered pies to the AAA HQ as a treat before the conference and at the conference the hotel manager gave me a cookbook with the recipe.
    @ddmom0811 - I saw your run (and picture) on Strava and I am still so envious! It looks like such an awesome place to be and to run!
    When I read 'bike week' I thought bicycles 😂😂 then when I looked it up and saw that it is 'BiketoberFest' and if it is anything like Sturgis they really don't care about covid, like @quilteryoyo said.
    @Avidkeo - I totally get the sunny day/injury comment my daughter says the same about Seattle
    Like @RunsOnEspresso I have been logging everything and getting lots of activity in. Unlike @RunsOnEspresso I have lost nothing (dropped 3 and then went back up and up again).

    I ran further than planned today, mostly because it felt so much better. I have been having issues still with my glute/hip (hurts right in the middle of my glute and makes my hip, hip flexor, maybe my IT band hurt). Today it hurt all down my leg, made my knee hurt and my foot which I am sure were result of stepping weird. After about 2 miles I stopped to stretch and was thinking about all of it and my gait and that I was holding my hip so tight and not letting hip sway like it would normally. So I set out to just let it sway normally as much as possible and guess what? It didn't hurt. It did get tired but I could run and run further than I had been (my goal right now is to just have a good quality run with more of it running). So after stopping at the bathroom rather than turning off for home I kept going on the paved trail to the other end and then turned around for home. It still feels good - none of the pain and stiffness I have been having. I know I strained/hurt it at agility class on Monday and then made it more sore on Thursday pushing Hilde but maybe I have been making it worse myself by the way I was reacting to it.

    In other news... Hilde has already broken one of her hearing aides and we have to go back next week to get it replaced. I thought I could just pick up the replacement but they require her to come in so it can be 'adjusted'.

    Food - I had a big smoothie for breakfast/lunch and some Skinny Pop popcorn for a snack. I think dinner is going to be a veggie one with baked potatoes topped with cheese and vegetables.
    I need to make zucchini bread. I bought a bunch of zucchinis to make it and now it is so hot I don't want to.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Already broke a hearing aide? dangit! I hear they are fragile. DH's gma is still using the walmart one we got her, I don't think they are yet letting folks in or out of the homes yet. She said she was going to live to 120, so I guess being back among the hearing has helped her.

    I am sure running in and out on pavement and on tile wasn't good. I took some tylenol and a nap and feel much better. I hope it gets better with strength. Bear is already trying to get me to play with him outside.

    @shanaber It sounds like you may have had a tight piriformis muscle. I am glad it worked itself out. I found out the last visit that I still have a major blood vessel bisecting mine, it is a real pain.

    DH went to the store, because we are trying to save money but he is under the speel of all mighty walmart and just has to buy anything. I suspect he'll bring home ice cream.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber That pecan pie sounds amazing! Sturgis is where my cousin went. I couldn't think of the name of it yesterday. He posted that no one was wearing a mask - he and his girl friend didn't either. So, I'm sure CoVID won't deter anyone from attending BiketoberFest either. So glad you had a good run and figured out the hip. Hope it still feels good this morning. Sorry about Hilde breaking the hearing aid already. That's tough. A baked potato with veggies and cheese sounds awesome. I haven't had one of those in a long time.

    @Elise4270 Hope your hip is feeling better too.

    Yesterday I made a batch of Super Hero Apple and Carrot muffins and some Super Foods Soup to put in the freezer for healthy, post surgery meals. Previously, I made meatballs and Pumpkin Muffins. Since I still don't have it scheduled, I may try to find other things to make and freeze. Any ideas? Those baked potatoes will definitely be an option to keep in mind too @shanaber . Just trying to think of things I'll be able to fix for myself that will be at least semi-healthy.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning guys, had work yesterday and was very busy! Was awake early so got on the stationery bike for about 50 minutes.

    This morning I went for a run! 4min run, 2 min walk. Felt fantastic. Its a cool morning, and slightly misty. Just wonderful.

    Kept to calories yesterday. Yay. And already have today planned. Planning makes things so much easier. I'm working Angiography suite today and tomorrow - I'll be doing cardiac cases tomorrow @quilteryoyo. Not that I do anything, I just sit and watch really lol.

    OK shower time.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I don't have any suggestions on foods to freeze up. We typically do soups, chili. Dh is making beans which he plans to freeze also. Sandwich stuff is always a good go-to. Cheese and crackers if you like to snack, add jalapenos, olives, fresh herbs or mushrooms. I am partial to Blakes pot pies. I eat the crust frozen then put it in a bowl upside down with the "foil" on top from the package for 3 minutes in the microwave, then eat it while killing zombies.

    DH bought pecan pie. I ate all the pie. Now my scale is up 2 pounds. My hip is better today, I even offered to go walk with dh and he declined citing that I did not need to over-do it. So I am working on a 17 page assignment that will be 30+ by time I'm done... ugh. Sitting here with the rolly-polly belly is a bit irritating. Serves me right though.

    @Avidkeo I am so jealous of you watching cases.

    9 days until my PCP visit. I keep stalking the hospital results for the mammo lab. The muscle jerks have diminished and I think I've had 2-3 all day instead of 15 or so an hour. Perhaps some magic was in that pecan pie. LOL! (nuts have magnesium). I slept sweaty last night again. It's gross. I am washing my bedding twice a week now. I plan to ask PCP for help.

    Where's @bearly63? what are you up to? did you go on vaca and I missed it? how's DD? er MD-DD :wink:
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad you had a great run! Hope all the cardiac cases go well.

    @Elise4270 Sandwich stuff is always a good go to and I love cheese. Always have it available. I'm not big on pot pies. I think I must have had a bad one once or something. :lol: DH should have brought home ice cream instead - probably fewer calories. Good luck on the assignment and PCP visit. Glad the muscle jerks have greatly diminished.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - wow you are really making me want pecan pie! And @shanaber that Jack Daniels one sounds amazing. The funny thing is I don't normally like any desserts with liquor in them. But for some reason that sounds like it would work!

    I used to enjoy pot pies years ago but haven't had one in forever, and now that I'm veggie, not sure how that would work!

    Yes, agree with the bikers not worried about Covid, but I saw an article about how far it spread from Sturgis. It is rainy today so it is quiet! A neighbor mentioned that it is quiet this year ... hmmmm. Makes me nervous for how crowded everything will be when this is all over.

    I decided to make an omelet this morning. I have a smoothie every morning lately and I decided while at condo one morning a weekend I would make an omelet. Forgot if I mentioned that we go this pan with the condo:
    It's so fun to make omelets with it!

    Then for lunch I had brought over a Hello Fresh meal (Szechuan noodles with mushrooms/carrots). It was delicious! For dinner will be left over Indian - so my calories will be quite high today with all that, but it's okay for a day to splurge.

    This morning DH and I took an hour walk and I took him the way I run over the bridge. It was nice and Garmin said it was a 300 calorie burn. Wow! Shocked by that. Then I worked out in the gym downstairs. I was going to swim after that but it started raining.