Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Re: dumbbells. My husband asked for the Nordic track 55 lb select a weight ones for Christmas last year and I love them. They are normally 300+ dollars but were on sale so we paid half that. They are so easy to change weights that I find myself using them for many more things and go from 5 to 55 lbs. Itโ€™s a lot more than I was looking to pay but way less expensive than buying multiple sets at all weights, and takes up less room!

    I already have dumbbells in 8-30 pounds otherwise I would have looked at something like that. I think since most of the exercises I will be doing with higher weights are squats and deadlifts I will get an Olympic bar set. Not sure my arms will ever get strong enough to do much over 35 ๐Ÿคฃ

    The only things I really do over 35 are goblet squats and one armed rows. But my husband gets good use out of the higher range.

    Just make sure you get an adequate squat rack if you are going to be squatting alone, we donโ€™t want you squished!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning.

    Just a quick update since I am a zombie.

    Grey cat is doing well. Back to his usual self (minus the Halloween eye), I wish I could get him to wear an eyepatch, it is really kinda creepy to look at. He is mad b/c I wont let him sleep with me since I am afraid I will whack him in my sleep. I hope that he gets feeling better enough that I can start mixing his meds in his dinner again and not have an assembly line of syringes.

    I drove 100 miles round trip yesterday to pick up a $40 bag of fluids for black cat, got home and gave him 150ml sub q and nausea meds. As soon as we put him on the ground, he walked over to the bowl and got a drink after 2 days of nothing. Stupid furry loveable cat. His appetite still isn't quite there but he was interested in some junk food (meow mix) and had a few bites.

    Nothing else new. I am exhausted.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Sounds like you are doing great. Love a good bargain!

    @CMorning99 Good to hear that grey cat is doing better. I hope black cat gets to feeling better soon.

    @shanaber I'm glad Hobbes and Beaux walked well together. I hope your arm feels better. Glad someone is finally helping with your scheduling now.

    The magnesium oxide already seems to be working. I've had a lot fewer palpitations in the last two days. They called me yesterday and want me to double my dose of one of the high blood pressure medications. My diastolic is still running above 85 consistently and above 90 a lot. Hope that works and doesn't slow my heart rate anymore.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @rheddmobile most definitely! I got a few on my amazon list (because it's easy to keep things saved, not that I will necessarily buy from there). I need to do some more research. And most days I work out after work when DH is home.

    I will not be buying anything else for a while. I currently keep all the dumbbells and workout equipment in the living room and work out there. I don't think we have to room or set up for a squat rack (and not sure DH would like one in the living room ๐Ÿคฃ). My plan is to ultimately make the guest room a gym/storage room.

    Currently our guest room functions as a guest room (for our non-existent guests), storage (hiking, camping, holiday decor - things we don't use often but don't want to store in the garage), and piles of stuff to be donated (during the pandemic donation places stopped doing home pickups and I haven't gotten around to scheduling anything and I can't be bothered to take it somewhere myself).

    I need to start organizing home pickups and figuring out what to do with the bed. It hasn't been used much so I don't want to just trash it but most places won't accept mattresses (which I get). Hopefully, we can find someone that will take it. We need some shelves for the hiking and camping stuff. Will be easier to figure out what we need once we get all the other stuff out.

    Some people in my neighborhood set up gyms in the garages. We could do that as we only park in half (my truck is a bit too big for the 2 car garage ๐Ÿ™„ when we both had two small cars that was about all we could fit in there and just barely). But I cannot imagine working out in the garage in the summer. It's freaking HOT in there when it's 120 out!

    Oh boy, I wrote a freaking novel! LOL
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I need to do some organizing/purging too. I just don't seem to have the time or energy for it. I read an article the other day that said the best way to start decluttering your home is to get rid of anything that is covered in dust. I told my mom that would definitely declutter my house as there would be nothing left. LOL
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Happy Friday

    Nothing exciting, but like the routine of logging in here.

    Grey cat is still doing ok. Made an appt with a vet eye doc...their first available is 28 June so he is on a wait list. He has his follow up tomorrow. I think he is ok for now, he is feeling well enough to have enough of our $h1t. I tried mixing some of his meds like I used to (10 days ago) in his kitty crack food last night to see if I could not make him so mad with 6 syringes. Unfortunately he didn't eat it. He is so mad now that when he sees me coming with a syringe, he instantly starts foaming at the does he even do that?

    Black cat is back to his usual self. He ate half a chicken thigh from my dinner plate LOL.

    Work is work. I am tired, the stress is affecting my sleep. Anxiety is better. Interestingly when I stopped taking the SAM-e, HTP and St Johns Wort a lot of the physical symptoms went away

    I was having a bit of a pity party yesterday. I told DH I wanted a break from all the stress and for the cats to just be self sufficient for a week. I am tired of getting up an hour early to start grey cat's meds and (now) fighting him. But I will only get a break when he passes and I told DH I felt trapped. I love that cat so much, but I am so tired.

    With my period this week, my pants barely fit with the bloating. I actually had PMS and cramps this month and I never do.

    Not a lot planned for the weekend. Grey cats appt and need to drive the truck around check mom's mail box.

    Nothing heard from draftsman...I mailed his check Monday and I am sure he has it since his address is only about 30 miles away.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I need to do some organizing/purging too. I just don't seem to have the time or energy for it. I read an article the other day that said the best way to start decluttering your home is to get rid of anything that is covered in dust. I told my mom that would definitely declutter my house as there would be nothing left. LOL

    ๐Ÿ˜† we would have the same issue. I'm not the one in charge of dusting. DH does it but not as... thoroughly as I would.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @CMorning99 Hugs to you. I know it's hard to have a sick animal that needs extra attention and time and stress and worry. It all does add up. I hope you can find a way to get some much needed you time. I hope the draftsman works out.

    @RunsOnEspresso Hahaha I'm glad to see that you DH is in charge of that. Mine was in charge of mopping the floors. That is not my favorite thing to do, so after he passed....let's just say things aren't as clean as they used to be.

    I didn't get as much exercise in this week as I had hoped. I did keep up the walking streak, but that is all I have done since Wednesday. My neighbor passed away on Sunday. The visitation was last night and I stayed longer than intended to keep his daughter company - she's up from FL. Then, after I got home I spent almost 2 hours trying to get the phone company to schedule a repair for my mom's phone, which wasn't working again. It was almost 1am when I went to bed and I got up at 5 so I could be at work at 7:30. I only had to work 2 hours and then came home, changed clothes, picked mom up, and we went to the graveside service. The wind picked up and it was really cold. No one had on the appropriate coats, so there was a lot of shivering going on.

    Mom needed a few things from the grocery store, so we also got subway sandwiches for lunch and I got chips and dip. I know it's stress eating. I'm giving in to it this week and will work on NOT eating everything in sight next week. However, that might not be easy since it is HOLY week and we found out that my husband had a mass on his brain on Good Friday. Even though it is not the same day of the year, Good Friday is always hard for me. I'll survive. There just may be a little more of me come Easter than there is today. :wink:
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @CMorning99 Hugs to you. I know it's hard to have a sick animal that needs extra attention and time and stress and worry. It all does add up. I hope you can find a way to get some much needed you time. I hope the draftsman works out.

    @RunsOnEspresso Hahaha I'm glad to see that you DH is in charge of that. Mine was in charge of mopping the floors. That is not my favorite thing to do, so after he passed....let's just say things aren't as clean as they used to be.

    I didn't get as much exercise in this week as I had hoped. I did keep up the walking streak, but that is all I have done since Wednesday. My neighbor passed away on Sunday. The visitation was last night and I stayed longer than intended to keep his daughter company - she's up from FL. Then, after I got home I spent almost 2 hours trying to get the phone company to schedule a repair for my mom's phone, which wasn't working again. It was almost 1am when I went to bed and I got up at 5 so I could be at work at 7:30. I only had to work 2 hours and then came home, changed clothes, picked mom up, and we went to the graveside service. The wind picked up and it was really cold. No one had on the appropriate coats, so there was a lot of shivering going on.

    Mom needed a few things from the grocery store, so we also got subway sandwiches for lunch and I got chips and dip. I know it's stress eating. I'm giving in to it this week and will work on NOT eating everything in sight next week. However, that might not be easy since it is HOLY week and we found out that my husband had a mass on his brain on Good Friday. Even though it is not the same day of the year, Good Friday is always hard for me. I'll survive. There just may be a little more of me come Easter than there is today. :wink:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    You all just need to pack up like you are moving out and the decluttering will happen, either with the packing or unpacking... ๐Ÿ˜‚ We looked at things and said if we don't want it and DD doesn't it's gone. I just pulled out all the VCR tapes in out built in bookshelves and told DH to go through them cause I didn't want any of them and DD definitely didn't (even all the Disney movies). DH wanted to keep them all (especially all of his history movies and documentaries and horror movies) and we don't even have a VCR hooked up to play any of them. My feeling is if he really wants to watch one of them he can likely stream it from Netflix or another streaming service or even buy a better quality DVD. I am even going to take a bunch of family tapes and have them transferred to blue-ray.

    I am making my old office into a workout/wine storage/library room. We bought wooden shelves for inside the closet and put in wine racks on the shelves. The room stays very temperate and gets no real direct sunlight so it is perfect for storing wine. The other side of the closet has all my workout and yoga gear, mats, weights, etc.. I got rid of my old office furniture and now I am waiting to get some bookcases from IKEA that are out of stock. I got a really cute rug from Ruggable that I love and makes me smile when I am in there and found lamps that match. Thinking I need some kind of a comfy chair so that when I am finished working out I can collapse and read while enjoying a glass of wine ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

    It never cooled off much overnight last night. @RunsOnEspresso I don't know how you deal with the heat like this all summer +. We have only had a couple of days and it is miserable. It was over 80 all night and still when I got up. The pups didn't eleven want to run around outside, just took care of business and were ready to go back in the house. Even with some training sessions though they were going crazy so I knew we had to at least try a short walk. With the wind it didn't feel too bad but Beaux was not his usual energetic self at all. By the time we got backed it was 97 out (well over 100 again now) and they were both zonked. Beaux actually slept the rest of the morning in his crate and mostly they have been pretty low-key all day. Tomoor it is supposed to be much cooler and I am hoping we can really go for a run.

    The best news though is the radiology scheduler called this morning and I have an appointment for my MRI a week from today. Yay!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    I love the idea of a workout/wine/library all in one @shanaber ! Also love the rug. I hope the weather is better tomorrow. YEAH for getting the MRI scheduled. It's amazing what can be done when someone competent who cares is on the case. I hope you get some answers and can get it fixed.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I found someone to take Kevin & Sandy for 14 days for obedience training. It took a few days to convince DH, all I did was not correct them for 2 days when he was home, LOL! They go monday afternoon.

    I am going back to the nursing program this summer! yay! (fingers crossed). Still waiting on legal to draw up a contract since the return letter from doc says "as tolerated".

    Dh laid his bike over Thursday afternoon and is in the hospital with a compound elbow fracture. Not the best pic of the hardware. Other than the elbow, hes fine. Just amazing that it wasn't worse. He'll be released tomorrow morning-ish. He was going about 50+MPH, realised his mirror was loose, had one hand on the handle bars, one holding the mirror. His headphones flew off and he turned to look back and lost control. ADHD. The bike isnt too bad, lights, scuffs and bent the foot plate.

    Mallory is healthy and happy. Beary seems to look after her and enjoy her getting him. He likes to be chomped on... so it works out.
    Mallory and Cori and Mal Kev and Cub (Cori)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @swenson19d Sounds like it is good timing for Kev and Sandy to be out of the house since DH is injured. So sorry he had that accident. I hope it heals well. When I fractured my elbow, it took 8 months before I could straighten it up again, but it wasn't a compound fracture, like his. His might even heal quicker. The critter pictures are adorable. I hope nursing school works out and you can make the concessions needed for you to complete the work.

    Our weather has been crazy today. We've had just about everything, I think...sun, clouds, snow, rain, hail and wind. Below are a couple of picture of the "hail." I'm not sure it was hail or little snow balls that falls sometimes. When I went out afterwards and got a handful, it smooshed up like snow instead of ice, but it lasted a long time. I'm just saying it was weird for 40 degrees and then the sun was shinning in less than 5 minutes. I should have gotten a close up because the pictures look like snow.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Wow, Love the snow-hail. Its getting hot here. Its nice in the evenings and early AM. Its windy and everyones allergies this year are horrible. Most of us are experiencing sore throat with laryngitis. Did you have the hardware put in the elbow? Was it removed? I told dh that it'd be about a year, but he didnt believe me. Hes enjoying all the attention at the hospital. Im enjoying the quiet at home.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @swenson19d I had no hardware. Where I broke mine, actually think fracture/crack they wanted me to move it as much as possible. They said if they put it in a cast or sling that it would grow to the other bone and I'd never be able to straighten my arm. At first, I couldn't move it at all. Once I could without a lot of pain I did months of PT at home, with exercise bands. I wish I had kept up the exercise band because my arms were looking pretty darn sculpted. I broke it in December and it was August before I could hold it straight out again.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo I'm sorry about your neighbor. And the time of year. October/November is always hard for me since dad died in October and his bday is November.

    @shanaber Oh, I've cleaned stuff out and have tons to get rid of, it's the final step of actually getting it out of the house I'm stuck on! I love the rug! It reminds me of the back of a fancy playing card!

    @swenson19d I'm sorry about your husband's accident. Hope he heels quickly!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @shanaber I love that rug too! I see cute things but I don't buy them until they go directly into the new house. I miss having a workout room. I tried to set one up in the garage but meh.

    @quilteryoyo I know how you feel about a Good Friday. That is how I feel about mom dying the day after Thanksgiving.

    @swenson19d When I broke my elbow they also said to move it, they didn't even put me in a cast. They said that kids can get away with it but adults have a real hard recovery if they stabilize it too much.

    The weekend was short LOL. I did get some reselling business done in the morning. Grey cat had his check up Sat afternoon and we have gotten the infection under control (but no gone). Now the vet can see his eye, she says she thinks it is a ruptured corneal ulcer. His cornea was already sus, but she thinks he may have gotten something in his eye and it became infected. He is now on 2 antibiotics and 3 eye drops. They added blood serum. I googled it and it has the exact anti bodies required to fight corneal ulcers. She said it is made in house from horse blood. He felt good Saturday and ate a whole can of food, Sunday he didn't feel so hot and it looked like there was a tiny bit of blood coming from his tear duct. I see a direct correlation between when he gets nausea pills and not. Last night though at 2 am he went on a dry heaving spree for an hour. That is the first time this whole ordeal he has puked. I wonder if it is the new is a doozy. He didn't feel so great this AM. To get his meds in him easier? I mix everything into his kitty crack (Delectable' s Push Up treats) and then over the course of 30 min or so wipe a finger full on his gums till it is gone and it seems less traumatic for everyone. We have been lucky so far not to get any meds that are gag inducing.

    Black cat is back to normal. Sassy and annoying LOL.

    On Sunday I went to the ranch and did my weekend chores. I saw my neighbor who I hadn't seen in 6 weeks since he got his hip replaced. We chatted probably for an hour and I got so burned. It is so weird how up there I burn in minutes. We talked property and the goings on in the neighborhood...he is the resident social butterfly gossip LOL. He complained that the property on the other side of him opened a air BnB and that people keep coming up and thinking they can let their dogs run loose b/c it is the "country". Well there are also no fences and he has been getting annoyed with dogs coming on his property and he has 2 dogs himself. Also another neighbor on the east side of me had a run in with PD. He said that PD was walking down the road with his dog off the leash (remember no one has fences really or not ones that could keep a dog in/out). PD's dog ran on the neighbors property and started a fight with his dog right in front of the house (probably 200 ft from the road). He has a big goofy pitbull that is so sweet. He said PD laid into him and was screaming at him that he was going to turn his dog in and have it put down and he was going to sue him for any injuries. That seems to be PD's default is to attack when he is in the wrong. Gossip neighbor said that PD told him at some point his dog is on meds for mental issues...whatever that means.

    This week I am going to TRY to eat better. I meant to weigh myself but forgot. The straw was I had to take my bra off yesterday b/c it was crushing my ribs. I have outgrown my under-roos...and that is not cool.

    Well, best get to the week. Have a great one.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @swenson19d - Oh I am so sorry about DH's crash. Was that on the motorcycle or on an actual bicycle? I hope he is home and not in too much pain! When I broke my arm just below my elbow they checked to make sure there wasn't any measurable displacement and then just had me keep it in a sling for the first few days, no cast. Like the others I was told to move it as much as the pain allowed and they started me on PT almost immediately. It did take about a year before it really felt normal and I could lift heavy sh&t like I had before.Initially it was no more then lbs for at least 2 months and then we progressed from there.

    I hope the pups do ok with the away trainer. Do they come home in the evenings or is it a boarding place? Will the trainer also spend some time training you and DH (and maybe DD) as well?
    Love the pictures of the pups and the cats. It is so cool that they all get along so well together!
    I hope you get all cleared for the nursing program. I think that is where your heart really is.

    @quilteryoyo - I am so sorry about your neighbor. Is this the one that had the puppies a while back? Also I was going to ask earlier if you had talked to your PCP about being so tired? It seems like you have really been off lately, could be from the work and everything else schedule but I am concerned it could be something else or even long Covid.

    @CMorning99 - so happy the cats are feeling better! It has to be less stressful for you I hope!
    It seems like so many people with aggressive dogs react like PD. Blame everyone else so they are afraid to call you out on it... I hope the neighbor's pup was not injured. Also makes me wonder if PD has abused his dog making it aggressive/fearful so he has to drug it...

    So much cooler here now! The dry, dry heat has given way to beautiful cool drizzly mornings and then the sun peaking through later in the afternoon. Has to be some of my favorite weather. I took both pups for a long (longer than planned) recovery walk because it was just so nice out. Beaux' parents return tomorrow night and pick him up Wednesday morning. He is a lot of work but I will miss him. I think Hobbes will be relieved but will miss having someone to play with. If he only had an off switch I am pretty sure Hobbes would think he was perfect ๐Ÿ˜
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited April 2022
    Dh's accident was on the motorcycle. It was just dumb luck that he didn't hit his head. It has to keep the elbow immobilised for 2 weeks, it's in a splint made of cast material that comes off when he showers.

    The dog training is boarding. I am sure Kevin will adapt. Sandy didnt go, she had diahhrea. So she'll go in 2 weeks. Today her stools are better. Idk if she ate cat poop, Still trying to get med down that super sweet but feisty kitten, Mallory AKA tater tot. I'm going to try to work with Sandra a bit since we have the opportunity. Sandy has gas that smells like a broccoli demon. She may require the help of the vet. This has been off and on for a week or so. Im giving her flagyl & metronidazole, left over from Kevin eating cat poo. No I didnt finish the round of abx. I knew they'd both eats the poos. and wanted to save 75$ and a trip to the vet.

    I ate so much this past week. My hip was doing amazing for a few days, then I planted eight 3-4 inch trees near the property line yesterday, and Im dying. I had to put off the steroid shot due to Eric... He was in a good, thankful mood up til yesterday. Now now he is super a hole. I put stuff up, cleaned the counter off, and OMG I am deliberately makings life complicated and hiding things. He's in a full blown mentally ill state. for real, just consumed with anger and grump. Having one working arm is more than he can deal with... uh huh.. buddy- it does suck to be gimpy. Hes back at work today, thank goodness.

    I gotta get some exercise. Dh bought cookies, I keep giving them to Sandy and Maggie. Prob not good for Sandra's gut daemon.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,026 Member
    @CMorning99 I'm glad the cats are feeling better. Sounds like PD is a real piece of work.

    @shanaber I think I'm tired from not enough sleep, stress, and work. I have wondered about long term CoVid, but how do you know? I also thought it could be from the PVCs and PACs I've been having. They are calming down with the Magnesium, but who knows. I'm making a concerted effort to get into a sleep schedule routine to see if that helps. Time will tell. I know you and Hobbes are going to miss Beaux. I hope it isn't too long before you have another visit.

    @swenson19d I hope the training goes well. Glad Sandy is feeling better. I hope DH can get his frustrations under control.