Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning peeps!

    @Avidkeo So sorry to hear that. From someone who seems to always have pain, I don't know what to say. If there is nothing physically wrong, I wonder if you just need to slowly work through it and see if it goes away....maybe due to just getting back to using it for running? I love the new haircut....sassy and cute!

    @Elise4270 Def go get some peace of mind on the armpit. It's great that you are the bench and headstone. A nice place to sit and chill and reflect. I am down for a HI trip anytime...

    @shanaber I don't like fireants - so many times the kids got a bite. Now we are living amongst scorpions. Texas is truly the wild wild west. And I am not a cat person simply because if I am in the same house, my eyes swell up and I sneeze...withing 10 min...I can tell if there is a cat in the area.

    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry about the scale creep. The great thing is, you know what to steps indeed. I will try some of that Premier Protein....I also bought some Orgain Chocolate ones at Costco....they have both vegetarian with pea protein and organic grass fed cows milk ones....I went with the milk to get the calcium. They are pretty good and not too high in sugar.

    @ddmom0811 that smoothie looks good. I made one and remembered to add some oats...yummy and really filling. For a meal replacement, I don't worry too much about the cals if all the ingredients are healthy. As for Peloton, the glitches are happening to a lot of us....freezes, no output... I just exit the class and then resume immediately and it seems to reset and keep you going. They need to solve this....

    @quilteryoyo Keep us posted on your surgery plans....we are here for you!

    I am trying to "back off" a bit on the longer rides during the week and just do one, in prep for the long challenge weekend coming up. Stretched a bunch yesterday and did a Barre Class....great low impact but really challening. Ballet much respect for dancers.

    Food - took a page from @ddmom0811 and cooked up a some chicken and prepped a bunch of salad veggies to make salads for lunch everyday -told my DH that he needed one too! Baby steps. And will drink my protein and have a smoothie.

    DD got another Med School interview - TAMU. So that is 3. First one is Friday, then next Wed and Thurs. She is pretty pumped and in serious prep mode. Fingers crossed that they see her has a good personal fit for their programs.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    As I was reading that @Avidkeo , my first thought was scar tissue. Can you call the physio and ask them what they think before running again, just to be sure you aren't injuring it again?

    This is my first thought as well. Like if I sit on my R ankle my leg will ache a bit when I first get up and take steps and then it's ok. But always best to check with the doc.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 yay on the food and woo hoo for DD!

    Thanks for the replies about the calf. So far it's feeling fine this morning, though its only 8am and I haven't got out of bed yet haha.

    I'll definitely follow the plan. The physio had said it could feel tight at first, so I'll bike and foam roll today and see how it goes. So frustrating!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 Fingers crossed for your DD.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I did very little yesterday. Just laid around being sad and depressed wishing for a CVA, PE, or sudden cardiac event to put me out of my heartache. Of course, today I am in a hurry to make up for the lost coursework time. I probably needed a frumpy day anyhow. I am trying to go through the motions hoping this low will pass. I find these lows are worse before a period and coincides with PMS.

    I made that appointment with my PCP. I always wait until I have 15 things to talk to him about and then need to prioritize the concerns. Scheduled it for the boob pit and it's 13 days after the mamo so he should have results. He'll ask about how I am coping so I can bring up the panic without soliciting a script. He lost his teenage son ages ago, so I know he'll know if I am exhibiting and behavioral concerns. Then I'll have him send me for blood work, my liver hurts. Probably those nasty toe-nail fungus pills trying to kill me, again. I might find time to call a podiatrist and see if he'll take pity on my liver and pull the nail.

    Back to the assignment that is due in T minus 12 hrs 43 min. No way I am working on anything past 6pm so I better get after it.

    Eat well. Is it Fall where you are yet? it's cooler here. 82 yesterday.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Sorry you had a down day, but those are bound to happen. Glad you have an appointment with your PCP. Good luck with your assignment.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Dh just came out and said he thinks he's getting sick. His temp is up 0.5-1 degree so I played it back. Oh not enough for a fever, you're fine, it's nothing. LOL! At least I can rule out allergies or CMV since he has it too. Could be the apocalyptic plague. I may suggest DH go get a test, I don't want another so he can do it.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Dh just came out and said he thinks he's getting sick. His temp is up 0.5-1 degree so I played it back. Oh not enough for a fever, you're fine, it's nothing. LOL! At least I can rule out allergies or CMV since he has it too. Could be the apocalyptic plague. I may suggest DH go get a test, I don't want another so he can do it.

    Lol karma can be fun eh!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Today is day 4 of getting back on track. Calf was a little niggly yesterday but not scary so. Feeling better so far this morning. I'm planning on taking the kids to the pools today (school holidays here), before work at 3pm. It's supposed to be my last day on evenings but a co-worker had an accident and has concussion, and she's supposed to do the evening tomorrow. I volunteered to do her shift tomorrow night. Not keen on it but makes sense in the situation and I'm happy to help out.

    I am planning on a walk at some point today. And more foam rolling. That really seemed to help yesterday. I'm still nervous about it but as it eases when walking it does seem more like scar tissue. And it's definitely feeling tight today. I've already planned out ally food for the day. Easy peasy!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Glad your calf is sort of behaving @Avidkeo . Enjoy the pool. You are a good woman to volunteer to take the co-worker's shift. I hope she recovers quickly.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - hope you get your questions answered with the PCP. It makes sense that your lows correspond to your PMS. That is when anything I had tried to bury and ignore would come boiling out. I hope dh isn't really sick!
    Neither of us have had a test and haven't had a reason to. Found out today that one of the ladies at agility was exposed to someone who tested positive so now we are waiting to see if she tests positive. Class is outside, we all wear masks and are generally well distanced so the chance of spread is pretty low. Kind of freaked me out initially though.
    I had my physical yesterday, asked my doctor about HRT but I am outside the range that it would be applicable. Apparently you have to take either right before or when menopause first starts and the benefit doesn't start until 2 years out. But then the risk starts to go up. For me it has been too long and the risk would be too high. She did recommend that I look for high 'natural' estrogen foods like those with soy. Edamame which I am not really fond of and sweet potatoes. Will need to look into others.

    I did have a great run today. Had to get it in fasted, before I went for blood work and I was sure it would not go well. It ended up being great. I was starving though during and afterwards and then I had to wait at the lab. Didn't get out of there until 12:30. I was dieing but had brought a banana and devoured it immediately in the car before we left the parking lot. We had Italian take out for dinner and I got a veggie pasta dish that was really tasty. I did have chicken added to it and couldn't eat all of it so we have enough for another meal.

    Best news is Hilde's home repair is finished and I went and got her cat for her tonight! Yay!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Knowing that you were potentially exposed is stressful. I hope her test comes back negative, for everyone's sake. I didn't know that sweet potatoes were a natural estrogen food. Glad I like them. I don't do well running fasted. Glad your run went so well. I always try to do labs at 8:30, when they open, so I don't have to wait until noon to eat. LOL Yeah that Hilde's home is repaired and she and her cat can go back home. I know she is probably really relived.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited October 2020
    @shanaber yay for Hilde! Glad things there seem to be getting better. I'm hoping for you that everyone gets negative tests.

    @elise4270 how are you doing today. You are often in my thoughts, I just wanted to share that with you. You have a lot of people who love and care for you, including a bunch of weirdo internet strangers. Please always hold onto that. And remember to take care of yourself.

    @quilteryoyo, @runs_on_espresso, @bearly63 @ddmom0811 I just want to say hi!

    Weight this morning is the same as the last few days, but I dropped 1.5lb since Saturday so will probably have a good drop soon. Not worried. I'm sticking to calories so I know progress will happen.

    I have my first run this morning. I'm still getting niggles after Tuesdays run. Sigh. So will see how I go. It will depend if the niggles happen when I run, and if they get significantly worse after. If they are about the same, I'll persevere. If they get worse Ill email my physio. It could still be scar tissue. No pain at rest, and no pain after a few steps, and foam rolling it feels way better after.

    And it's raining. I love rainy weather when running!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I had the appointment with the cardio vascular surgeon today. We did decide to go ahead and do the surgery. But, before they can schedule it, I have to have a cardiac workup to make sure there isn't anything else going on with the heart that would make the surgery more risky or that would need to be fixed while they are in there.

    I haven't seen a cardiologist in years, so he sent a consult to one of the cardiologists in his building. They were to call me for an appointment.

    We had 3 hours to kill while waiting for my dad's VA appointments, so went to the local mall to see if I could find some clothes that fit. We hadn't been there but about 15 minutes when I got a phone call from the cardiologist's office. He wanted to see me today, if possible. So, left the mall and went back to his office.

    I did see him and he said that based on my records and having talked to Dr. Palazzo, that he agreed I should have the surgery to fix the aneurysm. I have to have a heart catheterization to make sure there are no blockages. He said, "I can do that on Monday, if that is okay." So, I go Monday for the cath. Have to be there at 10 and the procedure will be around 12. I should be able to come home after a couple of hours.

    I won't be able to drive for 3 - 4 days and no running or picking up anything heavy for a week. Once the surgeon gets the results, he will schedule the aneurysm repair. So, still don't know when that will be, but things are moving forward.

    Dad's appointments went well. He got the stitches out from where he had a basal cell cancer removed and then saw his cardiologist. Seems the change in medications they did the last time worked - he hasn't had any AFib episodes since the change.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited October 2020
    I had the appointment with the cardio vascular surgeon today. We did decide to go ahead and do the surgery. But, before they can schedule it, I have to have a cardiac workup to make sure there isn't anything else going on with the heart that would make the surgery more risky or that would need to be fixed while they are in there.

    I haven't seen a cardiologist in years, so he sent a consult to one of the cardiologists in his building. They were to call me for an appointment.

    We had 3 hours to kill while waiting for my dad's VA appointments, so went to the local mall to see if I could find some clothes that fit. We hadn't been there but about 15 minutes when I got a phone call from the cardiologist's office. He wanted to see me today, if possible. So, left the mall and went back to his office.

    I did see him and he said that based on my records and having talked to Dr. Palazzo, that he agreed I should have the surgery to fix the aneurysm. I have to have a heart catheterization to make sure there are no blockages. He said, "I can do that on Monday, if that is okay." So, I go Monday for the cath. Have to be there at 10 and the procedure will be around 12. I should be able to come home after a couple of hours.

    I won't be able to drive for 3 - 4 days and no running or picking up anything heavy for a week. Once the surgeon gets the results, he will schedule the aneurysm repair. So, still don't know when that will be, but things are moving forward.

    Dad's appointments went well. He got the stitches out from where he had a basal cell cancer removed and then saw his cardiologist. Seems the change in medications they did the last time worked - he hasn't had any AFib episodes since the change.

    Glad you are going through with the surgery. How do you feel about it. Are they going through your arm for the cardiac catheterisation? That's the normal route. I do those as part of my job. Well sort of, I watch from the safety of the control room then process the pictures after lol.

    Glad your dad's doing well!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member

    Current mood! Calf was good. No pain during or after. Will see how it goes over the rest of the day. Was a cold, wet run. The kind I love!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Yeah for the great run with no pain!!!!

    He said they were going to go through the groin. I know that sometimes they go through the wrist - dad had that done a couple of times. Is there a reason they would do one over the other?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo Yeah for the great run with no pain!!!!

    He said they were going to go through the groin. I know that sometimes they go through the wrist - dad had that done a couple of times. Is there a reason they would do one over the other?

    Hmmm not a cardiologist, I believe there is less risk with arm but much harder access.

    More detail in the spoiler for those who aren't squeamish
    With the groin, it's your femoral artery. Big massive high pressure hose pipe. So after the procedure, they have to hold pressure for 10 minutes so you don't bleed. You won't be allowed to sit up for an hour - not even lift your head cause anything that uses your abs puts pressure on the femoral artery and can cause it to bleed. Then you can't walk for 4 hours - needs a lot of time for the clotting etc to work. So that's why all the rules. It's fantastic easy access for the doctor though.

    Your arm is a way way smaller artery. Harder to find, harder to get access to. But you can move around and discharge is usually only a couple of hrs later.

    There are probably a lot of other reasons. This is my vague memory from second year of my degree, about a decade ago!

    Both are relatively low risk in the grand scheme of things.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber didn’t you once say you like hummus? You can make edamame into hummus, it’s quite good that way. I start with frozen steam bags of mukimame.

    @quilteryoyo hoping all goes will with the cardio cath!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    @Avidkeo Yeah for the great run with no pain!!!!

    He said they were going to go through the groin. I know that sometimes they go through the wrist - dad had that done a couple of times. Is there a reason they would do one over the other?

    Hmmm not a cardiologist, I believe there is less risk with arm but much harder access.

    More detail in the spoiler for those who aren't squeamish
    With the groin, it's your femoral artery. Big massive high pressure hose pipe. So after the procedure, they have to hold pressure for 10 minutes so you don't bleed. You won't be allowed to sit up for an hour - not even lift your head cause anything that uses your abs puts pressure on the femoral artery and can cause it to bleed. Then you can't walk for 4 hours - needs a lot of time for the clotting etc to work. So that's why all the rules. It's fantastic easy access for the doctor though.

    Your arm is a way way smaller artery. Harder to find, harder to get access to. But you can move around and discharge is usually only a couple of hrs later.

    There are probably a lot of other reasons. This is my vague memory from second year of my degree, about a decade ago!

    Both are relatively low risk in the grand scheme of things.
    It’s also my understanding that women have smaller arteries in general, which might be why they would do the arm more readily on a man versus the femoral.