Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Still here. Eating my weight in chocolate but have an awesome holiday.

    1 week! Only 1 week till I can run!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - glad you are enjoying your holiday!
    @elise4270 - Yay that the bench is in! I hope it looks great! I hope no one was digging especially not Crazy Girl!

    A comment from @quilteryoyo made me realize I hadn't posted here about my appointment with the cardiologist last Monday. The tech I saw this time was great and was the one I saw in the hospital. He was actually with the EP when they put it in. I felt much more comfortable with how knowledgable he was. When I described what I was feeling he knew immediately what it was and then would test it (adjust, adjust, is this what you feel as I am jolted 😂). He turned the 'voltage' down and I am no longer have any weird periods of pain or discomfort. He also changed the max HR to go to 140. My natural HR could go there anyway but the pm wants to try to not go above the max. So my run this last Monday where I thought I was just going to run and run did not happen. It was back to feeling mostly like I had no energy at all. When I got home and looked at the hr data it hit 145 while I was doing my warmup walk with Hobbes and the rest it barely got above 100 which I am sure is why the run felt so hard. I am hoping it will start re-learning again and be better over time.

    I had a great NS victory today and I am not at all sure why it has made me feel so good. I go about every 4 months to get my legs sugared (like waxing only better). I have been going to the same girl for several years now and when she saw me today she said 'Wow you look fantastic, have you lost weight? You look so fit!' Then proceeded to ask me about all my workouts. It completely caught me off guard. I have been feeling fluffy and old of late so it really felt nice that I still look fit and not like a frumpy 'old lady'.
    I also got flipped off by a young guy in a truck because presumably I did not get out of his way when he wanted to get around traffic. Interesting because he was behind and in the lane next to me in traffic, I had no where to go and neither did he. I really wanted to follow him once he zoomed around me (flipping me off) and into In&Out and ask him WTH? but maybe he was just hangry.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I don't know what it is with "kids". We had a wierd incident coming back from the cemetary with two guys in a loud truck making odd dog screaming noises. Dh was going to engage them playfully by racing. I said you better not! that's how people get hurt. I felt bad for taking his seemingly harmless fun away, but sheesh all it takes is a dog in the road and it's a stupid situation no one can mitigate without someone getting hurt or dead.

    I hope that pacemaker lines out for you. Maybe the initial wierdness, 145 was it learning? Kudos on being fit and trim! LOL! I get it. I'm definatly soft and fluffy!

    I am convinced someone was digging. Earlier that day I had this imaginary conversation with my ex about Alex's ashes not being there, and realized he can't possibly know that unless he dug there. So I felt like he was thinking about a conversation but cant because it implicated him. No one knows except yall and DD and DH. Well and Bill the monument guy.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Hey, you could have wheeled in there (In and Out) and offered to buy his lunch. LOL!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - I had to laugh at your boxes arriving! That happened to me yesterday. The stress of everything has me shopping for random things and last night it was pouring rain and dog starts barking -- a package. Opened the door and there were four boxes! Only one was medium/large - the others were small. It was exciting opening them since I had the shipping delayed and forgot about one item, lol.

    @quilteryoyo - that is very scary about the aneurysm (thank goodness for spell check). I agree - get it taken care of. A friend of mine here has one also and gets it checked every few months!

    @shanaber - yay on the NSV!

    I've been busy too, sort of like @shanaber said -- I plan on posting but am just too tired late in the day.

    I decided to try adding an avocado to my morning smoothie. At this point I am adding WAY to much to it! When I input it all today it was 710 calories!
    steel oats
    flax seed meal
    chia seeds
    honey (got to have my local honey!)
    frozen mixed fruit
    athletic greens

    Not sure if that is all of it. It was so filling I couldn't finish it so put some in a smaller Yeti cup and brought to work!

    Took today as a rest day because I stayed up too late. I was overdue for a rest day anyway! I'm taking off Friday and Monday (though I have a meeting to attend on zoom Monday) and staying at the condo for a birthday weekend. Weight is stable (well, stable in that it changes every day but still staying in a good range).
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Sorry that I have been off of here for 5 days!!! I missed some big stuff!

    @Elise4270 You're right....nurses can't be naughty....they gotta save us! Glad that the bench was done and your joke is funny.....

    @quilteryoyo I would go for it asap. Your healthy, fit and the weather is good right now. Get on the that road to recovery sooner than later! We are all attached to you....that must feel pretty great!!!!

    @shanaber So glad you had a good appt. And love the NS victory! As for being hangry, that is me all the time esp on the way to In N Out haha. As for HRT, as the doc pointed out, HRT does not cause cancer but if you have a certain estrogen-reactive (not sure the term) type of breast cancer, they do not use it. Per the recent studies, most types of cancer risks actually are slightly less on it since they seem to come after menopause. Some are no different on it so the same risk. Others that are estrogen sensitive, not so good. It does have a big benefit for osteoporosis....without the bad side effects that many of the drugs have. It's all a crap shoot.

    The book sounds great! I had a closet full of shoes boxes full of picts before I went digital. I went through them all and kept the best ones and plan to get them all scanned and give each kid a copy of their childhood.

    DD will have her interview and then the process of matching happens....basically sorority rush. They have a have a list and you hope they match. If they really like you, you can "pre-match" where its basically a done deal if you want it to be. She could very well get nothing.....another crap shoot. So many crap shoots in my life!

    @ddmom0811 That smoothie sounds good and healthy....and yes...avocado adds a ton of calories...but would be so filling! I need to remember to add oats to mine! Glad you get a long weekend - sounds fun!

    @avidkeo Hope you are having a nice holiday.

    Not much happening here to report....working out a lot, my stupid hip area hurts - probably because I am working out a lot. I need to focus on my eating again....weight is fine....up 3 down 3 but I am not eating enough protein and veggies....too many carbs. I am running out of time in my day to track everything, exercise, track my exercise, do my social media stuff and work. And I am going to bed earlier. Not sleeping more though because my stupid hip hurts....because....well you know....hahaha.

    exercise: lots of rides, a little running. Hitting the strength workouts consistently - not too long just something daily and daily core.

    food: I need some easy quick sources of protein....I have my chocolate protein milk. But need some more ideas....or do I just add a daily smoothie full of protein and keep it simple? Maybe around 5. We eat usually around 7:30. I don't eat meal one until 10:30-11:30.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 Sorry your hip is still giving you so much issues. Hope it feels better and allows you to sleep soon. AND, it does feel pretty great that you all are "attached" to me. That will definitely help me in the recovery process. It won't be just me. :smile:
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @bearly63 - I have trouble getting in enough protein especially after I became vegetarian. I looked at my expensive-homemade-many-ingredient smoothie I had today (no avocado because DH hated that type and this was a shared smoothie) and was surprised it had 15 grams of protein. See exciting stats in spoiler below. This morning I did two peloton rides and on the second one it did not tell me resistance or cadence and gave 0 calories. I noticed there were a few other people with that same problem. I didn't have time to stop it and restart it with my busy morning.

    Weather is so nice in Orlando the last two days. I haven't run because I needed a rest day and then today was Peloton. Hopefully it stays nice the next 4 days -- 3/4 of which are beach run days.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ddmom0811 That smoothie is very healthy. Yeah for the protein. Enjoy your weekend at the beach!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2020
    @bearly63 I think the premier shakes are fair. The taste is tolerable and I guess you can get a powered one to add to smoothies with veggies.
    Here’s the one I drink on busy days:
    Protein Shakes · 30g Protein · 160 Calories · 1g Sugar · 24 Vitamins & Minerals · Low Fat. @RunsOnEspresso if I remember right, drinks the same one but we had different flavour preferences.

    I think I am loosing it.
    I can’t remember anything. Nada. I get so jittery doing the simplest thing, like pouring pp in the potty. Seriously dropped it 3 times before actually pouring it out. Thanks goodness i dropped it in the toilet and not all over having to explain to the charge nurse how I an now soaked in urine... sheesh. Is it nerves or something else? Who gets nervous pouring p out? I get jittery, feel like I’m trying to catch my breath and have to stop and slow to calm down. Dang. Maybe it is panic and I really should follow up... I gave shots/ meds today no problem so what is going on? Idk, I still am having muscle jerks, maybe I have mad cow finally (CJD. My paternal gpa died from it. It can be genetic and onset is ~52years old, I’m 50). Ya I think it couldn’t hurt to call my pcp, and i haven’t seen him one on one in a bit. I couldn’t spell scissors (oh still can’t) Dh called me the r word. Sizers... uh kno. Good ‘nuf?

    @quilteryoyo you let us know when your having your procedure, I’d love to say I’d come help out but can’t promise to be available. I would in a heartbeat ya know. I think classes is over 1st week December. But may be having the labrum re-repaired. Perhaps you, @bearly63 and I can schedule a recovery vacation together and have uhhh, coffee, salads, pie, turkey, stuffing on the beach with @HonuNui hehehe!

    @shanaber my class mate had a pt today with a pm. He was gruff and I used you to engage him, about how it’s hard to get use too and was sympathetic to his situation (not why he was there). He said it did take a while to get use too and he’d had it a year September. So, thanks for sharing your experience.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - Happy to be of service 😂
    I think you have anxiety, p-anxiety... worry of spilling it all over you and being embarrassed. I know I would have it too!

    @bearly63 - I have a hard time getting enough protein too. I use Tera's whey powder protein and add it to my coffee in the morning or even in the evening if my calories and protein are low and I haven't had any in the morning. I really like the taste and they have all different kinds (whey, goat milk, plant based (including coconut based, pumpkin based, etc.). I did get some of the Premier Protein shakes too. They are better than most and taste ok if I get them cold enough. I got the chocolate and cafe latte flavors. For other 'food' alternatives I get cottage cheese sometimes and have Greek yogurt most days.
    I am going to talk to my pcp on Monday about the HRT risk/benefit for me.

    @ddmom0811 - running on the beach sounds lovely. I am thinking next week once it has cooled down a bit, to go to the dog beach with Hobbes. If it isn't so hot I am hoping there won't be too many people there mid-week.

    @quilteryoyo - I don't think I could get there to help but I would if I could! If there is anything I can do for you remotely, just let me know!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    You all are so sweet to want to come help! Seriously! I know you mean it and that means a lot. I think just being here to let me vent if needed will be what I need. I will definitely let you know when it is scheduled, how long I'll be in the hospital, etc. @Elise4270 A recovery vacation sounds like fun, but would probably NOT want to be that healthy. LOL

    @Elise4270 I think you should probably talk to your PCP. Could be panic attacks that they can help you with. You are dealing with a lot!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    An app you might be interested in. Noonlight. Info here or in your app store. I think it's a great idea.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I should probably expand on that... It will send the police to your location in 10 seconds once activated. You get the creepy crawlies and open this app. It's a simple keep your thumb/finger on the button, once you let go you have 10 seconds to enter your pin otherwise police are dispatched to your location. I think in the situation it is great, i never have the wherewithal to coordinate my fingers to 911 or gather my thoughts to articulate a situation. I can let go of a button.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I do use the premier protein. I prefer the caramel. Only had that & chocolate which wasn't bad. I had hoped for a stronger chocolate flavor. Sometimes I use it as coffee creamer. Usually I drink it. Has to be cold.

    Ugh, I'm feeling very fat and gross. I keep eating everything. Yay hormones. So today. My goal is to log food. Good or bad just log it.

    I've decided I will restart my weight training program after our hiking trip. Doesn't make sense to start now, do 2 weeks then take a week off. So will keep running between now and trip then add weights back.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs everyone, sounds like a crazy few days.

    Mum leaves today. I ate everything. DH took me out for one night to the same hotel we stayed in when we got married while my mum had the kids. It was fantastic! Incredible meals, Spa Bath, full breakfast, no kids waking me up at 630am lol.

    Then had pizza yesterday.

    Weighed in, I'm officially back to the weight I was in January. Damn it. I did so well in Feb - March but its just slowly gone back up since then. So yep definitely starting again. And after all the food the last week, I'm not even hungry.

    3 days till I can (maybe) run again.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Sounds like a lovely stay @Avidkeo
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Avidkeo Glad you had a nice night with your husband. Sorry about the weight. Hopefully, once you start running again you can get it back off.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I did good yesterday. Logged and weighed all my food and even had some calories left at the end of the night.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - it sounds like anxiety to me as well.
    @avidkeo - sorry about the weight but since it was so fast, maybe it will come off fast.

    It is a rainy day at the beach but that's okay. We don't mind! I did a nice lifting session today in the condo gym. The temperature in the gym is a little too warm for me, so I work up a good sweat. Made a shake for breakfast and we were going to go to an outdoor restaurant for lunch but with the rain, we decided not to go. I made a Hello Fresh meal which was really good. Tonight hopefully we can go to the outdoor Mexican. DH bought a chocolate cake that was really good - had a piece after lunch and will have more tonight!

    Only 2 more months of Invisalign! The time has flown by and I'm excited to get the caps on the two tiny teeth. Dentist said I may need "refinements" which is apparently common. Which I guess means a few more trays.