Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso I'm definitely an eat when bored or when needing a hit as well. I'm starting to wonder if I'm slightly adhd as well. I get obsessive when I start a new project, like it takes all my thinking. I research in depth anything I'm into. I also have anxiety so....

    @CMorning99 whew what a list! I spoke with the bank yesterday about how we go about our plans. Our plan would be to live in our existing house while we build. If we wanted to build this year, the max we can borrow is 700k. Given conservatively what we want to do is about 900k that's not happening. However we can buy land, as long as we intend to build in 5 years. Given we don't plan on building for a few years, that may be the plan. So now we will be looking for land! Will see.

    Foods been good the last few days. I find when I'm on I do brilliant, it's easy and I don't think about it. But if I'm stressed I fall right off and it's hard to get back. Just over a week ago I fell off hard. Both of our cars had major engine issues at the same time. My MIL had a bleed in her leg and ended up in hospital overnight and I was taking the brunt of the medical stuff because she wasn't taking care of herself properly. It was all just too much and I turned to food. I have found that if I feel bored, distracting myself with hobbies worked. But I haven't found an outlet for stress yet. Sigh.

    I have a training session today. Its the last of for my adult teaching course. I've enjoyed this course, it's been really useful. I'm also glad to not be studying for a while.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo Anxiety and depression often come from adhd especially in women who are often undiagnosed. (I may have went down a research loop before I got into the doctor LOL)

    @cmorning99 I wonder if the restaurant called Visa or Mastercard (whatever card type it was) and they could see who issued it. That is the only thing I could think of.

    So it sounds like they maybe had the card number and made a card? That seems like a lot of work. Or am I misreading?
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    @avidkeo You are already at the loan stage! LOL. We have to get a construction loan and I guess they are high risk loans and require a down payment. Once the house is built, they convert it into a mortgage. DH and I don't even know what we qualify for yet...might be a good number to have LOL

    @runsonespesso That is what it sounds like. I did a quick google for "blank credit cards" and a lot came up, you can buy them in bulk. They look real but obviously the chip or strip don't work. IDK how much work it would be to put the number and logo on it, I imagine just a printer or something.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @CMorning99 it always amuses me the lengths criminals will go to. That just seems like way too much work. Although maybe 3d printers make things easier these days? Iseear those things can print anything
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2022
    @Avidkeo Anxiety and depression often come from adhd especially in women who are often undiagnosed. (I may have went down a research loop before I got into the doctor LOL)?

    My anxiety stems from ASD. Dh is adhd and has lots of anxiety too. I keep trying to sell him on meds, but he’s determined to deal with it through willpower. I’m taking the meds. I catch myself singing, I chat with all my animals, etc… so must be working. I also have a better ability to just say “no” to someone or air concerns to Dh. I’m am so much more functional than i had been.

    The first time I asked for meds was after the kids and I all had a great day together and I just cried. No idea why. I think the ASD part of me makes it hard to understand and identify my feelings. ETA google says it’s Alexithymia. *sigh* (everything is “Alex” lately). Dh swore I was adhd (add) more than on the spectrum. Proved him wrong. Haha!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,004 Member
    @CMorning99 Sounds like this draftsman is going to be a good fit. Sorry about DH's credit card, but glad the restaurant caught it. Did he call the credit card company to let them know about it? I hope that is the only charge made. Sorry gray cat is keeping you awake and sorry he is having such issues.

    @swenson19d I must have missed the post about Bear. I hope he is okay.

    @Avidkeo I can understand why you were stressed. I tend to be a stress eater too, so when I am stressed I try to keep my go to foods out of the house - chips, dip, anything crunchy and salty.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo The credit card company called us. The restaurant stopped the transaction so we are good to go. DH went back and checked to see if they did a "test" charge for something small, but nothing. They went big right out the gate!

    Yesterday was rough. The AM was ok, I was tired but functioning. DH and went out with 300 of our closest friends to watch the SpaceX launch a payload and then watch the 1st stage booster return (it is reusable). It was really cool. I liked watching the booster (which is MASSIVE, 160ft) free fall and the boosters light up as they steer it to vertical and then gently set it on the ground standing up. About 5 seconds after it lands, there is a sonic boom. It took us about 30 min to get out of there though. We had stopped by BK and gotten lunch and ate it while we waited. There are some cool videos out, NRO put gopro's on it. I don't know what happened after lunch, but for the first time in a while I went punch drunk exhausted. The nausea, headache, vision issues...all I can think of is sleep. I pushed through at work, but alas I did not accomplish much. I finally gave up at 3:30 and left.

    I always feel mildly better when I get home. I didn't do much when I got home. I did call and schedule black cats blood work and ultrasound. Oh, one good thing. The mobile home movers called me back!!!! Only to dash my hopes of an easy move by telling me that the era that my mobile home is is prone to rusty frames and they have to do a full structural inspection. Damn. We got everything off to the new draftsman so he can start looking at it. DH and I skipped making dinner and had ramen. I felt moderately better after eating, but it didn't last long. I wrapped up 1 sale (so far Feb has been slow) and was in the shower at 7:30 and in bed by 8:30.

    I slept a bit better, I took a 20mg melatonin. Grey cat woke me up twice. He was making some weird noises sleeping, like he was choking. I think what it is is he drools at night and he is kitty snoring on drool. He has also decided that me must sleep on me. I think he likes it b/c it props him up. I still woke up pretty tired, but not sleep drunk tired.

    Today I don't have a lot pressing. Book work mainly. Insurances and registrations are due.

    I am going to try and wrap up as much as I can on this program.

    Have a great day!

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @CMorning99 oh we only started with finances because we need to know exactly where we are before committing to anything. Basically now we are going to try pay down as much of our mortgage as we can in the next 2 years, get more equity, then go from there. Very Loong Term plan.

    @swenson19 I'm glad the meds are working for you. Reading what you and @runs_on_espresso say yeah I'm probably something. I think im mild enough to get by, counselling always helps when things get overwhelming and I'm learning strategies as I go. NZ has such crap mental health support that it would probably take years if I wanted to pursue an official diagnosis. Though I remember how freeing it was to admit to anxiety. And to acknowledge it now.

    @quilteryoyo I ended up eating everything sweet, and started on the baking chocolate. I know things are bad when I'm eating compound chocolate haha. Fortunately things settled quickly. Both cars got fixed and didn't eat away all our savings, we had a wonderful weekend away where I was able to read 2 books, and life has settled again.

    On that note, scale is back down! I'd gained over 5lb in the week I was eating what ever. Basically lost it all and am back in track. Probably gained a pound in that week. Shows how much water weight we can carry!

    I'm working shift this weekend, makes food a challenge because I get HUNGRY when I'm tired.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,004 Member
    I love watching launches @CMorning99 . Did I tell you that one of my jobs was launching the GPS satellites? Coolest job ever. I'm glad you are making progress on the house and moving the mobile home. Hope you feel better today.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo Mental health help is ridiculous here too. I started with my primary care doctor to get a referral to psych because trying to navigate mental health is nearly impossible. Then throw in depression, anxiety, adhd etc and it is even harder. Like I need to follow up with someone because the date my primary gave for the referral has come and gone. So I feel like I'm back at square one and don't know what to do LOL

    I didn't sleep well last night so I have been super tired all day. I did my weights at lunch and I skipped two of the exercises. I figure 2/3 of the workout is better than none. It was still like 30 minutes. And it was leg day. I like leg day but I don't need such intense workouts since I run 5 days a week.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,004 Member
    I agree @RunsOnEspresso , two thirds of a workout is better than none....actually, it's still a work out, just shorter than planned. You did great. Sorry about it being so hard to navigate the mental health system for you and @Avidkeo . It should be easier.

    @Avidkeo I'm glad things settled down for you and you had that great weekend away. On the carry water around, I can gain 3 - 5 pounds overnight when I have salty foods.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I forget where you are located, texas or Arizona? I see Tasha at for meds. I don’t know that any of the therapists can see anyone out of state. I do know Tasha can since she is a mental health nurse with advanced practice degree. Just a thought. She got me in within a week. Dh is working there, but they all work for themselves but are working together to provide care. So there is nothing in it for me.

    My leg is killing me with this cold. No oculus games tonight. Just Netflix, Hulu.

    I got a little video of the pups outside in the snow & ice. It was too cold to try to get any really cute stuff. My hands froze. Sandy was so happy she was bouncing and reminded me of tigger. They loved running and eating the snow and ice today.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    Not much to report today. Best thing is I am not tired! Woof, it was a rough 2 days.

    Work went well, made some solid progress on the program. I am always my worst roadblock when I don't want to do something. I hope to wrap up that program today.

    I didn't do any of the paperwork that needs to be done but that is OK. DH did get a hold of the Title folks and it was actually very easy to request a copy of the title...and it may only cost $500.

    I made dinner, played on my iPad for a bit...and was in bed lights out at 8pm

    Weight seems to have leveled off a bit. Still not tracking calories but I seem to be hungrier more so I think I am eating less. We have missed our last 2 walks, but going to go today.

    I am supposed to hear back today if the mobile home movers can come out this weekend to take a look at the frame. I hope they don't "forget" like the last ones. We need to go up to the ranch and get the mail, and drop off a check for the handyman. Black cat has his appt on is weekends like this I am glad we have the Tesla...that is 80 miles round trip each time. DH obviously has not had any gas expense and I have only filled up 1x since we had it.

    Better get to it before my motivation is gone.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,395 Member
    @cmorning - I haven't seen a launch in a long while. I had a friend when I was working whose condo deck faced Cape Canaveral in FL. She had some serious photography equipment and would take the most amazing pictures! I also told dh about the video and he looked it up and had a great time watching them. Thanks for the heads up on that.
    Glad you are feeling better and not so tired. Stress can really wreak havoc on your sleep to say nothing about kitty interruptions! Glad you are making progress on things with the draftsman and the movers!

    @RunsOnEspresso - I would contact your primary care's office and just explain that you didn't get an appointment made quickly enough and the referral time ran out and ask if they can provide another or reset the one they already made. They should be able to do that within the online healthcare system, probably without even needing to get your doctor involved again.

    @swenson19d - I was wondering how your leg/hip are doing. You haven't mentioned them for a while. Has your mobility improved some?
    I love watching pups play in the snow! Most of them get so excited by it. It will be interesting this next week to see how Hobbes reacts if there is any accessible around where we will be. He wasn't very interested when we took him to the snow a few years ago in AZ but it was an area with lots of people and sleds and skiers so he was mostly watching them.

    @avidkeo - glad you were able to get your cars fixed without breaking the bank! It is amazing how much water weight we pick up from eating differently or from stress or whatever! My weight is up about 4lbs and I just wonder if it is from whatever is going on with my body right now, inflammation or ??

    Dh was talking this morning about things he wants to do and places he wants to go next year (2023) for his birthday. He will be 75 (yikes!!) so it is a big one. He wants to go back to Alaska to see the Iditarod again and also maybe take the European river cruise we have been talking about and planning for the last 5-6 years (things just kept getting in the way). He figures we need to start planning now and will probably need to make cruise reservations this year because they sell out so far in advance.

    I am trying to convince myself to go out for a run. It is so windy again and it wasn't supposed to be. Just when I think it is dining down it whips right back up again. @CMorning99 are you getting it up your way too? I think I will go do some yoga and maybe take Hobbes just for a walk around the neighborhood to get a bit of activity in.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @swenson19d I'm in Arizona. I go to Mayo and they are usually pretty good. Since covid, appointments just seem to take forever to get.

    @shanaber Yes, I just need to reach back out to them. My primary said it'd take a while to get an appointment and her notes said around 1/28. And I don't know if that means I'd have an appointment by then or they would reach out with an appointment around that date. Her note could be read either way. Since it's only been a week from the 28th I was trying to be patient LOL

    I went out this morning to run. Google said it was 38, feels like 34. I am pretty sure it felt like 28. I got about half a mile in and couldn't feel my face. My eyes were watering and my ears were so numb the hurt so I headed home. I was in tears by the time I got home. It was about a mile total. And slow cuz I was trying to cover my ears with my hands (which were in gloves but still cold).

    I went back out at lunch, took doggo for 2 more miles, dropped her off, then finished up my strides.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber Alaska sound like an enjoyable trip! 75 sounds like it's about the age you are almost an adult. My ex-mother-in-law said at 82 she didnt feel like an adult. Still so much of life to understand.

    My leg & hip are or were in a state of baseline pain. Where I managed the day-to-day stuff in the house okay. I've been taking 800mg Advil (for some reason, it isn't getting my guts), and 2 Tylenol every other day. The duloxetine (antidepressant with ability to decrease nerve pain), was upped from 30 mg to 60 and that seemed to help a bit more with the pain as well. The change in weather, freezing temps, makes it all hurt and ache enough where I am back to dreaming about falling, unable to walk, etc. Pain is invasive in sleep. Next doc visit is in May. I am waffling on going. Hip labrum and bursitis (I think) are the source of the concern. But, I had one surgeon mention that more and more surgeries, are going to result in more and more damage. So the cost of fixing this or that may result in post surgical pain; like the incision to do the rodding twice. It is tender to touch but probably "normal".

    Kevin and Sandy play on me and he just bit my rear. jeez man that hurts. He nipped me on the outside of my calf the other day, stepped on my bicep while I was laying down, nipped the other ankle... I am all dog abused, deep purple and blue bruised. He has this goofy "grin" he give you before he starts barking, just showing his bottom teeth. He's lucky he's so dang lovable. Sandy has turned into a little possessive love bug. She is quite good at protecting us for pets and cuddles from the other dogs. She gives Kev the stink eye if we pet him... Were gonna have to watch that.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    Work last night was pretty chill. I'm expecting tonight to be crazy sigh. It took me so long to get to sleep last night when I got home, and I ended up with only 6hrs sleep. I toyed with leaving my long run till tomorrow but if I have another rough night tonight then it's just worse. So went out, and it was fantastic.

    Now starving. I had cornflakes for breakfast (always eat something before a run of over 10k). Have to figure out something for dinner. Or I can just buy dinner... That can be hit and miss given hospital cafe food...
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @rheddmobile Embrace the call of the Racoons! haha! Might look into building them little apartments, "Coonie-ville"
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,395 Member
    Ha! @rheddmobile!! Laughed out loud at the raccoons! They know a soft heart when they see one. I bet they were saying 'Go see if the lady that gives us a water pool will let us inside where its warm!' The one that came in must have been voted to do the asking 😂😂😂
    I really hope your power stays on. I do think there are some areas in TX that also were without power but not the large swaths like last year or whenever it was.

    @avidkeo - hope you have a good night at work. Great job getting your long run in!

    @swenson19d - I think you should keep the appointment even if you don't want to have more surgery it will give you an opportunity to ask questions and see about other things you can do to help with the mobility.
    Hobbes used to bite at me and I don't recall what we used to do to stop it other than sharply yelling "ouch". He also started to resource guard me with dh for a while and we had to put a stop to that.

    I did my yoga (OMG am I stiff and I used to be fairly flexible) it proved to me I need to do more. Took Hobbes out for a very short neighborhood run and ended up going down to the trail. Saw the HS cross country runners - a pair a girl and boy crossed the big street just as we were approaching. They were in shorts and I think the girl was about 5'6" or 5'7" and all legs. She looked like a gazelle - so pretty when she ran. I am pretty sure I never looked like that running or doing anything else, ever in my life... The boy was struggling to keep up with her. I saw her again when I got to the middle trail entrance (less than a mile) and she had gone all the way around in the time it took me just to get there. Saw the boy a bit later, he was no longer able to keep up.

    I need to go to the grocery store. May have to go tomorrow or after dinner tonight. Dang wind messed up my day completely!