Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    @Elise4270 sorry about your leg and nerves...sounds painful! Lunch ideas....I tend to just grab easy to go stuff nuts, string cheese, apples. I should have @ddmom0811 salads....I need more vegetables.

    @quilteryoyo Hope tennis was fun and the good weather continues

    @Avidkeo glad your on the mend from feeling sick. Your reset approach sounds like the perfect plan....a fresh start! As does counseling....get some tools for the toolbox!

    Got a nice surprise - DS flew in last night to surprise a friend who was getting engaged....He got in late Fri and leaves early Sun.....36 get what you get haha.....I was happy to have lunch with him today.

    Food - a Banana for pre-ride snack and lunch which was a burger and fries...dinner....snack on something healthy.

    Exercise - did a couple of rides - one was an Oktoberfest themed ride with a German Instructor, in German. But I did it with a "virtural" group and we all had a beer with And did some upper body and core.

    Tomorrow....going to try to do 3 hours as training for a challenge next month...where I will ride 150 miles...I am crazy.....truth....
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @ddmom0811 I failed to respond to your exciting for the newest grandbaby...keep us posted! And congrats on the stable weight. Awesome!!

    @shanaber Yes....I was actually doing a hard ride when the news hit that RBG died and my phone lit up....I did not look until after I was done and was devastated. And I heard about the earthquake....2020 is just awful!

    If muscle is up and fat is down, wouldn't that explain the weight gain...which is prolly water too....I have no idea but sounds like your body compo is good and heading in the right direction! And agree....I go to TJs to buy some salads and veggies and then buy Southern pecan cookies and toffee....and trailmix....but that caramel corn sounds good.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks guys. This is why I love you all so much.

    Had a great day yesterday. Weekends are usually the hardest cause home with all the food haha. But working shift so was a little easier. Shift for me is 3 - 11pm. I ended up in theatre for a few hours and had a later dinner than usual but as I had taken it with me that made things easy.

    Oh something I have to share. It's definitely TMI so I'll spoiler it.
    went to the Dr to have a Mirena inserted last Monday. Omg it was AWFUL!! so I'm hoping that fit will help regulate some hormones and hopefully het me feeling more even over the month. I definitely notice spikes in appetite when I'm ovulating, and again when my period is due. Also I'm anaemic and get really heavy periods.

    So I was already a bit anxious as I don't like my cervix played with at the best of times. I did ok. Then she inserted started the procedure. Pain 8/10. It was agony. She faffs around for a couple of minutes, then tells me almost done, you've done so well. I think yay, she's about to stop. Then she says, hand me the mirena. omg I wish you actually could pass out from pain. That's my new 10/10. My cervix felt like it was on fire. Oh the relief when she said it was all over. I was sweating. It was the worst. Just like labour. Though I guess at least it was over in 5 minutes, not the 11hrs I had with DD2.

    Then the dr had to tell me I had a sensitive cervix. Great, wonderful way to find that out.

    So this damn thing better work cause if I have to take it out in 3 months because its having bad side effects... I might just leave it.

    Calf update: went for a 5k walk this morning and was a little tight at the end but not painful. Yay! I was also naughty and did 4 short (about 30 steps) jogs as an out of curiosity. And yep no pain.

    I'm not going to be running for another couple of weeks, but I am confident that I'll be running again very soon. I cannot wait!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo i hope the mirena thing works out. I’ve heard some love it and others have had issue with it migrating into the abdominal cavity. Uterine and cervix pain are absolutely horrible, I hope you treated yourself to something special after that!

    Brownies and fish sticks.

    I have a headache again, or still. Only half of my asl assignments done for the week, due tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve cried in 3 or 4 days. It feels like forever. Maybe it’s the sweater of Alex’s comforting me. I’m grumpy though especially to Dh. I’m a bit preoccupied with the hip and wondering if the labrum tear repair will improve all the pain or just some. I’m also concerned about the nerve bit in the left. And if my si joint needs fused or if the burnin at the IT band at the knee will get better. I suppose if so, I can spend my days learning the violin. The frozen shoulder is probably 87% and the right is a tad grumpy, but no limited motion yet.

    Thanks for the suggestions. Nuts are out. Salad on mondays might be a good idea, I can get a Chick-fil-A or subway one, Thursday clinical I was starving, so think cheese sandwiches will do.

    Dh is out with his Bigfoot gal. Yay! Lol!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo If the minerva doesn't work look at nexolanon implant. I'll be getting my 3rd one in October. They last 3 years and I have no issues for the first 2 years. Usually start getting my period back in the 3rd. Which is lame but not as bad as always having it. I looked at minerva and similar but was afraid of the uterus tearing. Oh and I am allergic to copper so didn't want anything copper inside me.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo If the minerva doesn't work look at nexolanon implant. I'll be getting my 3rd one in October. They last 3 years and I have no issues for the first 2 years. Usually start getting my period back in the 3rd. Which is lame but not as bad as always having it. I looked at minerva and similar but was afraid of the uterus tearing. Oh and I am allergic to copper so didn't want anything copper inside me.

    Had that. Did not go well. My appetite went off the charts, I got my period every 2 weeks and it killed my sex drive completely. I mean I guess that prevented pregnancy...

    And yeah I didn't want the copper one cause it can cause your periods to get worse, no thanks!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Glad it was a mild earthquake. Hang in there with the weight. You are doing great and remember, it is just a number. (Do as I say, not as I do. LOL) Sounds like your BMI is going down and that is more important, even though I totally understand worrying about that number. I also understand about the pop tart. I tend to do the same thing with food. Need to get rid of it and don't want to waste it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @bearly63 Yeah for getting to have lunch with your son. You're doing great with the bike rides!

    @Avidkeo Glad you had a good day yesterday and the calf seems to be getting better. Sorry about the painful procedure. Anything I have done in that area is painful...I hate even thinking about it.

    @Elise4270 Hope the headache goes away and you were able to complete your ASL assignment. Glad the shoulder seems to be doing okay. Sorry about the hip issues.
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    My appetite went off the charts, I got my period every 2 weeks and it killed my sex drive completely. I mean I guess that prevented pregnancy...
    HAHAHA Almost made me spit my coffee out.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo Ah, that stinks. It's so weird how everything affects us all differently. Stupid hormones.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso I hear you about starting over and over again.

    Its been 3 years since I lost the initial 20kg, so it's time to see my current weight as my new highest. Studies show if you keep it off for 3 years, than it's rare to put it all on again. Yay!

    So today is day 3 of my 1 year goal to lose 10kg. I currently weigh 71.8kg.

    I figured slowly and surely is the best way to go! And frankly it's already easier. I have my calories set to 250 deficit. I will only eat back about half of my exercise calories - though my bike and watch were a pretty close match this morning.

    Bring it on!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    My appetite went off the charts, I got my period every 2 weeks and it killed my sex drive completely. I mean I guess that prevented pregnancy...

    LOL! When I had issues with constant spotting and frequent periods, DH just offered to buy condoms. I thought gee thanks for the consideration... and I am allergic to latex. Sounds like you have a good plan on the weight and foods.

    Tea, english muffin with cheese, and fish sticks for dinner.

    Awoke with another headache. Tylenol wasn't effective so I took another migraine med and advil. I'll regret the advill with tummy troubles but swollen intestines is better than a three day headache. I wonder if the frequent headaches were why I did the hormone pellets. If it continues to be an issue, I'll see my GP.

    Weight was half a pound from the do something mark, although yesterday it was 2 pounds.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am so glad I don't have to worry about any of those concerns any longer! I was on the pill at a pretty young age (14 I think) because of all the issues I had every month. Between that and a ruptured ovarian cyst when I was 18 I figured I couldn't get pregnant, even when I wanted to, until I did 8 years after we got married. However I never got pregnant again and now I no longer need to worry about it. Menopause can feel very liberating!

    I think for me I need to just get back to cleaner eating. A burger and tater tots last night, donuts for breakfast and not much to eat the rest of the day until chicken for dinner. I need to get more veggies and salads which is how I lost the 1st time around. My %muscle is up and fat is down again today and my weight dropped about 1/2 a pound. I would like to get back to my starting point (150) again. I am only up 3lbs from there but still it is going in the wrong direction! Oh and I rarely eat the 1700 calories I have allowed myself and none of my exercise calories. Maybe I am just not eating enough again.

    @elise4270 - I hope you can get your headaches under control. I used to get migraines when I was in college and I couldn't function studying and going to class.

    I see the cardiologist tomorrow morning. Hoping to get a short run in before. I have all my questions and hopefully can get it adjusted.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @elise4270 hugs. Headaches are the worst!

    @shanaber good luck with the cardiologist. Hopefully things get sorted.

    Well i really didn't want my lunch which was a Spinnach abd broccoli salad with linseed, sunflower seed, almonds and salami. I wanted a meat pie. But I ate my salad and it was actually really tasty
    And fulling. Omg so much food haha.

    Now I'm waiting to finish for the night, go home, have a slice of left 9ver pizza and omelette. And an ice cream.

    All about moderation eh!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber I'm with you - so glad I no longer have a period. Hope the cardiology visit goes well.

    @Elise4270 I used to get visual migraines all of the time - when I sat in front of the computer all day. A neurologist told me to take a full strength aspirin every day. Since then, I have had very few episodes. I don't recommend you do that without talking to a doctor, but it may help prevent them.

    @Avidkeo It's amazing at the volume of food you can eat when you eat healthy. LOL
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Technical difficulties in class today. So I'm on my phone.

    Headache is better. I do have a tiny ache and am hoping it won't get worse. My afternoon class is online today so I wiggled violin around and won't be here waiting for 4 hours between.

    Unsure. I have stuff to make split pea soup in the IP. Sounds really good.

    Dd's boy toy flaked on her. I sure wanna ring his neck. She's fragile right now.

    If I have a headache today I'll phone the PCP. My strength is better this morning, I can walk almost like a normal person. I still have muscle twitches (shoulders, sides, thighs and butt) and might ask the PCP about that. I think I counted 10 before I fell asleep for a nap on the couch with boogie bear yesterday. I'm a tad concerned it's sinister, so it is probably begnin. Lol!

    C'mon educational material, I'm bored.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Dd's boy toy flaked on her. I sure wanna ring his neck. She's fragile right now.


    Grrrr I hate people sometimes!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Slept well. Quick coffee before taking the kids to school/Kindy. Then off to the physio. Calf feels good, just tight. I see a foam roller in my future...
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Dd's boy toy flaked on her. I sure wanna ring his neck. She's fragile right now.


    Grrrr I hate people sometimes!

    I know. I told her yesterday to make plans just in case he flaked. "Good" thing today, her cousin has drama with the nutty roommate. I will bet you that the police get involved. You know 3 girls bickering will make his day. LOL!

    Glad to hear the calf is coming along!
    I had a sandwich at home today since the afternoon class was an online assignment, ugh, I am still at it and it is due today by midnight.

    Violin went well today. I may be feeling a bit less stupid about it.

    I had time today to get worked in for laser hair removal for my chinnie chin beard due to the hormones. I went to a different place (near class) and wow, they have better equipment and it wasn't painful. No blisters or redness yet.

    @ddmom0811 DD is officially a La Mer monster. I need to order her some facial cleanser after the free sample was miraculous. I will never be at a loss for gifts for her now.

    ok, back to pharmacology ( I could use a brownie tho).
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Sorry the boyfriend flaked on her. People are so inconsiderate sometimes.

    @Avidkeo Hope the physio went well.