Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Oh Boy here (late 20's early 30's). I like him. handsome, rugged, welder, articulate, funny. Hope she don't let this one get away. Ya'll cross your finger for her!! (and him)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have yet to deal with ticks. When dd was living in MD she would find them on her pup occasionally she she went hiking. We had them when I was a kid too in Idaho. I think I would freak out to see so many of them - Yikes!
    We use Advantix too. It seems to work really well for fleas which are the big problem here.
    We had a baby spider invasion in an apartment we lived in when dh was in grad school. It was a very old building and the bathroom had a pink bathtub and I remember seeing little black dots all over it and wondering how it got so dirty. For months after that I kept checking everything for baby spiders, the bed, the couch, my clothes. I was sure they were everywhere!

    I am not sure why I remember so much of my childhood. I guess because it was pretty wonderful up until my parents got divorced when I was 13 or so. Seems like there are big gaps in my memories after that until I went to college.

    @quilteryoyo - that is so funny about your mom not allowing you to cut your hair and mine cut mine all off because she didn't want to deal with the thick curly tangles.
    @RunsOnEspresso - do you often have scorpions get Ito your house? I know when we did a lot of camping here we had to always check out shoes in the morning before we put them on for scorpions and other critters.

    @Elise4270 - hope all goes well with dd's boy interest. I think it is great that she wants him to have him over and meet you!

    I am going to have to check out Brene Brown. I have never heard of her.

    No run for me today. I was all dressed to go out but the air quality is so bad so I am hoping tomorrow will be better. We still don't have air conditioning. The bids to fix/replace what is wrong have been over $3000 apart. The cost is as much as it was to install the whole system 10 years ago so we are researching our options. Fortunately it hasn't been terribly hot again and we can keep the house relatively cool by closing off rooms and keeping lights and things off and running the fan in the evening after the temps have dropped.
    Dinner tonight was going to be smoked ribs but when dh opened the package they were bad. Now the house smells bad. I called Costco and they wanted us to bring the meat and packaging in for a refund so we did, double wrapped it in heavy bags and it still smelled. We got a full refund though. I wouldn't have bothered but it was more than $30 for the package of ribs so totally worth the drive and bother. Dh said he couldn't deal with another package of ribs so we are going to just go to our favorite BBQ place instead. Not as good as his but ok and I understand where he is coming from.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    We get scorpions too, I just scoop them up and toss them outside. Dh is the only one ever stung and it was in the sink on a BBQ flipper handle. He said it wasn't half as bad as a bee sting.
    I looked up Brené Brown. I will listen to her podcast. I talked to DH about it all and he had some sound reasoning as to why I need to do meditation. So I guess that's my plan, he shared an audible book with me and I have the Brené Brown podcast marked. Least it's a start.

    @shanaber yuck, I hate it when they miss pulling expired products. I am usually really good at checking dates, but it still happens. I tried to get DH to get bbq today but settled on a gas station burger and onion rings.

    DD's boy-toy left. Dh thinks he's not as innocent as I want to think. Perhaps so. I'm just glad DD cleaned and put the effort into including her peeps with family. oh well. We'll wait and see how it unfolds

    I'm stalling studying... again. DH is going out to mason meeting far off, DD left to go see her cousin- just me and cuddle bear I guess. oh and studying.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber yuck, I hate it when they miss pulling expired products. I am usually really good at checking dates, but it still happens. I tried to get DH to get bbq today but settled on a gas station burger and onion rings.

    DD's boy-toy left. Dh thinks he's not as innocent as I want to think. Perhaps so. I'm just glad DD cleaned and put the effort into including her peeps with family. oh well. We'll wait and see how it unfolds

    I'm stalling studying... again. DH is going out to mason meeting far off, DD left to go see her cousin- just me and cuddle bear I guess. oh and studying.

    The ribs weren't expired. I always check too and want at least a week or more in case we don't get them cooked as soon as we initially plan to. These had 5 more days before they expired. I just wonder if it wasn't related to the heat we have had. Maybe Costco didn't get them moved in out of the heat quickly enough or something. I also checked our fridge to make sure it was cold enough and everything else (milk, chicken, etc.) is all fine.

    I think it is good that your dd made the effort and wanted you to meet him. Hopefully she will invite him over more frequently so you and dh can get to know him better. What did Beary think of him? That is usually my first level evaluation. If the pets don't like them or they don't like the pets, well then it is not going to work out, sorry 😁

    Some how you need to turn that Beary cuddle time into studies with cuddles!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Bear is a great study snuggler. He usually gets under my knees that I have a blanket over, his sucky blankie.

    OK. I got a childhood story.
    It is not embellished, much and I left the part out where my mother pushed me underwater as I was struggling to the side of the pool and she laughed at my inability to conquer the water.

    The point is I tried to rewrite the narrative. Submitted for your enjoyment. It's choppy because it needs translated into sign language. All those little words we use so things sound better are omitted and usage is rearranged for clarity. Way better than spoken English!
    I grew up in Denton Texas in a small house, small yard. When I was 6 years old I took swim lessons. It was hard for me to learn to swim, I was scared of water. I liked swim lessons, want to swim. One day I go to swim lessons and there were hundreds of tarantulas (big spiders) at the bottom of the pool. We didn't swim that day. My little brother learned to swim before I did. I remember he jumps off high dive and my dad help get him. I was too scared, no jumping off high! Once at public pool I thought I was going to drown. I got out of pool all day. Sometimes family go to lake Dallas. I saw people recover drowning victims twice. I thought a monster was in the dark water. My dad said some people drink too much beer and try swim, not monster. I was still scared. Once I thought a monster tried to pull me underwater. I got out walked up to sit with dad and not go back in. He said its ok go back. I said no... He say why? I say cuz I dont wanna... He told me to go.. I went to feel for the monster. It was gone. When I grow up-I think it was a tree branch not monster.

    When I got older 12-13 years old, I swam every day. I was the fastest swimmer of all my friends. I was 15-16 and had Advanced Life Saving class on how to rescue drowning people. It was hard and I had 3-4 classes to get certification.
    I went Cozumel in 2014 SCUBA diving. Was scared a little for sharks.
    I went to Hawaii in January 2018, I go snorkeling for manta rays. I was scared in the ocean. I had a mild panic attack. I look in water, look and look through googles looking for monster/shark. The manta rays came and did flips -we watch- I feel calmer. I learn I practice things scary things, learn you are good swimmer. I am still scared of the water even at the ymca.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ugh still no edits... Beary didn't even notice we had company. I usually have to warn everyone that he'll launch himself on to their shoulder. Diet cat hid outside. Old cat tried to room with them and was rejected. Boy has 2 cats, must be an okay guy. DD is uncertain if they will see each other again.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 I like your story and am glad you were able to find something to talk about that was mostly fun for you.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 I'm a bit concerned and curious about this part...
    and there were hundreds of tarantulas (big spiders) at the bottom of the pool.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 I'm a bit concerned and curious about this part...
    and there were hundreds of tarantulas (big spiders) at the bottom of the pool.

    I am not sure why, but there is a time of year that they are really active. I remember it being a little cold that day so I can't say if it was early spring or nearing fall. Here in Oklahoma just 2 hours from Denton, we see them mostly in late summer, early fall. They might have sensed the warmth of the pool since water cools slower than air and made a mass move to a warmer area. Or could be mating season. Maybe @rheddmobile knows. As I remember it, the bottom of the pool was nearly covered. It wasn't a huge pool, guessing I'd say 40+ feet in length. The city pool seemed to be 4-5 Olympic sized pools as I remember. IDK if that's even possible. seemed huge.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    oh it was also very rural back in 76, so the pool was next to a large field.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    It's mating season now, or recently. I remember seeing a post about it within the last week or so. I just never thought a bunch would go into a pool. Did they die? Do they swim? I don't think I've ever heard of a swimming pool being filled with them!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    OMG....thanks for basically ruining my sleep for the next week! Scorpions and tarantulas! Jeez!!! We have scorpions weekly in my house. Last week I wash washing my face and the went to grap the wash cloth off the counter next to me and yes....there was a little bugger sitting on it.....that would have not gone well!

    @Elise4270 good overcame your fear to learn how to might still be afraid but you can do it!! Flu shot is all good so far! I tried scuba in Mexico....that ended badly. I have had issues with sharks since Jaws....The other book that I read after seeing a life coach was called Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. Really good and helpful. It's about changing the chatter and overcoming "self-loathing" and learning to accept and love who you really are. I found it useful.

    @shanaber Yuck....I hate the smell of expired food. I am a post date tosser of most everything, much to my spouses chagrin. He just smells something. I generally toss. But Costco totally failed if they were not "past date" and nasty. Hope the AC gets fixed soon! Check out Brene Brown....she is wonderful. She spoke at UT's virtual graduation and it was such a great funny and perfect speech for the times. About Failure. Worth the 20 min watch :

    @RunsOnEspresso haha....we had the same thought....the part about the pool full of tarantulas. Total stuff of nightmares. And my hair is straight or straight and usually up in pony these days. Congrats on scale, running etc.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We have had a few scorpions in the house this year, mostly the garage, dining room and master bath.

    They recently dug up the canal near us and moved it which I'm sure disturbed them.

    I also noticed our bathroom needs to be recaulked. It's starting to separate from the baseboard. Sigh. I hate home ownership sometimes.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    No, all the spiders were dead. Poor things. I think they are pretty cool critters so they don't give the me creeps.

    DD and I cleaned the house yesterday and I threw away a plate of date pit DH had been collecting so he could plant them ... hes really mad at me today even though he has more dates and it was a nasty sight in the kitchen.

    I think today will be the last day of soup.

    no weight measurements, I'm a bit content with seeing it down and don't want to see it jump. I am a bit crampy which is usually a ghost period, mild symptoms but no period.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 I'm a bit concerned and curious about this part...
    and there were hundreds of tarantulas (big spiders) at the bottom of the pool.

    I am not sure why, but there is a time of year that they are really active. I remember it being a little cold that day so I can't say if it was early spring or nearing fall. Here in Oklahoma just 2 hours from Denton, we see them mostly in late summer, early fall. They might have sensed the warmth of the pool since water cools slower than air and made a mass move to a warmer area. Or could be mating season. Maybe @rheddmobile knows. As I remember it, the bottom of the pool was nearly covered. It wasn't a huge pool, guessing I'd say 40+ feet in length. The city pool seemed to be 4-5 Olympic sized pools as I remember. IDK if that's even possible. seemed huge.

    Sorry, I am only knowledgeable on stuff that lives here and we don’t get either tarantulas or scorpions!

    I am a world class expert on freaking out about imaginary brown recluse bites though. The house I grew up in was crawling with them and they would always come up through the pipes and die in the bathtub. Brown recluse bites are as close as I have to a phobia. The best part is that often the victim doesn’t feel the bite when it happens, and it can take up to four days for necrosis to develop, so if you are in an anxious mood, live in a house full of brown recluses, and have an itchy bump, you can basically be in a constant state of freaking out at all times.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I looked up tarantulas and mass drowning to find out if I could learn anything, and apparently some species of tarantula do have mass migrations in September, which could potentially take a bunch of them into a swimming pool by accident. I also found this very cool poem.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @rheddmobile Thanks for the info and I loved the poem. I have a habit of saving the spiders in the house, maybe that behavior is related to pool incident. I was bitten by a brown recluse years ago, I'll see if I can dig up the photo. I think statistically, their bites are bad but don't always lead to necrosis. Black widows, on the other hand, you will need medical attention.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @rheddmobile Thanks for the info and I loved the poem. I have a habit of saving the spiders in the house, maybe that behavior is related to pool incident. I was bitten by a brown recluse years ago, I'll see if I can dig up the photo. I think statistically, their bites are bad but don't always lead to necrosis. Black widows, on the other hand, you will need medical attention.

    Yep, my mom has gotten bitten several times and just gets about a quarter sized dark patch. But I had a friend in grade school who lost a fist sized chunk of one gluteus. I love most spiders, but not these!

    We have black widows here too, our school soccer field used to be infested with them. Hardly anyone dies from black widow bites today so imagine my shock when I looked up how many people used to die before the advent of black widow antivenom - it was 40%! Of course medical care has advanced in multiple ways since that era, but still, scary.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have been terrified of spiders well, forever. Probably because my older brothers used to torment me with them. Dropping them on my face when I was sleeping or throwing them at me. I just don't deal well with them at all. Tarantulas on the other hand are a different story. They are fun and have a personality. Like most things they don't bite unless they or their nest is threatened. I don't think I would have one as a pet but I am not afraid of them.
    I don't think I have ever seem a brown recluse or know that they exist in So Cal. We do have black widows but even those are pretty rare.

    I 'met' a woman this weekend through NextDoor that raises milkweed for the Monarch Butterflies. It is the only thing they eat. She left me an envelope of seeds that I will plant in early October and hopefully have plants big enough to support the butterfly eggs in the spring. I am pretty excited to see what we get!

    No run today but I decided to take Hobbes out for a walk around the neighborhood. It was smoky enough to make me cough and my eyes water and I smelled of smoke when I got home. Hoping to run tomorrow as Tuesday I have an appointment to take Hilde to and we have agility tomorrow night.

    Food - we went to a new place I found and got Kolaches... OMG so delicious! We had one we shared with bacon, egg and cheese and I have an apple one for tomorrow. Otherwise just snacked all day. Had a Zoom call with friends and I made a charcuterie plate to have with our wine.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber I had never heard of a Kolache. Looked it up. They look delicious. I have a friend that "raises" Monarch Butterflies. I'm pretty sure once she finds eggs, she brings the milkweed inside so they don't get eaten by predators. If you'd like, I can find out for sure. She's always posting when they hatch. It is pretty amazing.