Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber She's resisting the CBD urge to fall asleep. Her and dad went hiking this morning
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    That's a good idea @Elise4270 . Hope your headache goes away and you're able to get your assignments done. Funny about the 'possum. They can be mean if cornered.

    @shanaber My husband and I had a waterbed for a long time. I remember when we decided to get rid of it that we had to sit on it and fold it up, and all sorts of stuff to get all of the water out. Those baffles make it lay nice, but so hard to get the water out! Hope you enjoy your new bed.

    Thanks for the recommendations about food. I do have a granola recipe I like. I already eat nuts, but maybe could add them in other places too - like salads. I haven't ventured into the realm of protein shakes or smoothies yet. Maybe that is something I need to think about.

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @shanaber Your waterbed story reminded me of a really funny story told by a friend. He had a job setting up waterbeds in peoples apartments back in the day. Tells the story of one guy overfilling his, breaking the frame and the thing basically blocking the door to his apartment (very small place) in the northeast. He needed the fire dept to come rescue him from a window. He told it so much better - I almost wet myself 🤣
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I am supposed to make some soup today. The weather has cooled dramatically, high of 70 today. I am caught up on nursing classes other than studying. YAY! ASL and maybe some violin today. hopefully... I gotta do better with the regular practice.

    My schedule has changed and with the Monday holiday, I have been in my couch nest for the last week, it's been quite calming. I do think I should follow up with my PCP though sometime when I can work it in. I have been watching unsolved crimes and such. So many mothers losing their kids, I know it's almost morbid but I don't feel so alone knowing others suffer worse than I can imagine and understand would that heartache I feel.

    Surprisingly down after a world record movement yesterday. One pound from "DO SOMETHING!".

    I was supposed to go see the trauma surgeon last Tuesday but just didn't feel like it. Suppose they will call if he really wants to see me again. I see the hip surgeon in October.

    ok... I need to find some motivation. I am tired today and don't feel that I slept well. The headache yesterday was managed with migraine med, I have a bit of one today but did eat nuts and soy (brownie batter-heck no I didn't cook it). Might be the culprit... OK onward.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @shanaber Hahaha. That's a funny waterbed story. That would be so embarrassing.

    @Elise4270 Understand about the crime shows and not feeling alone. Have you looked into a support group? Don't know if any are meeting in person, but they may be some good ones online. Glad the weight is down. Hang in there.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I made soup trying to be aware of the thing DD doesn't like in my Indian dishes... Held the sweet potato and added extra carrot, and put very little quinoa in the rice. grrr! She doesn't want it 'cuz I put fruit in it... grrr. It's Indian food. Well, it's a really good soup so I'll enjoy it and freeze the rest.

    @quilteryoyo Nah, I don't wanna talk to people. Yalls the only people I do.

    This weeks assignment is incredibly frustration. I cried. (sheesh).
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @Elise4270 Totally understand. It was just a thought. Sorry the violin brought you to tears this week. Hopefully it will get better.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 Totally understand. It was just a thought. Sorry the violin brought you to tears this week. Hopefully it will get better.

    I know. I just am not a people person and I don't know how to do people. It's uncomfortable. I appreciate the thought and advice, I know you've been there.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    I was lucky to have a hospice nurse I really liked that stayed in touch after John passed. She came and sat and talked to me and I would call her when I had a break down over something. I don't know what I would have done without her!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - totally get it on not wanting to sit and talk to people. A friend of mine lost her husband to cancer about 1.5 years ago. It was very quick diagnosis to the end. Around the same time a teacher here lost his wife to cancer. Apparently they went to the same support group and six months ago I found out they are now close friends. I hardly ever get to see the friend anymore, but we email occasionally and she will mention my co-worker. And whenever he emails me with a tech question or see him he will say "Susan says hi!". I haven't asked if they are dating or just friends. But I think it works out well for both of them. I can understand watching those shows.

    This past weekend at the condo my son and DIL started watching Class Action Park - and OMG! I'd never heard of it but look it up, it is insane how dangerous this NJ park was! Anyway, at one point they interviewed a mom who lost her son because of a dangerous ride and I thought of you. :heartbreak:

    Anyway, @quilteryoyo - when I reached my goal I also went below it. For me <145 is just too thin. I was excited to be below it but at the same time realized I couldn't sustain it and also I was all ribs! It is difficult to add in healthy foods at first. I did things suggested already and also added more to my breakfast.

    I was down to 146.5 this morning! I've been cold a lot lately and I think it's the weight. I think now this 146 is even thinner because I probably have a lot more muscle than I did when I first hit my goal back in 2014. I tried to follow my new plan of lift twice during week and ride Pellie the other days, but I only lifted once. I will run next two days.

    We go back to condo tonight. Forgot if I mentioned the garbage disposal stopped working on Sunday and the dryer!
    I did learn that the sellers owned it for four years and rarely went there. So that's probably why these appliances broke and others will start breaking. It's okay the dryer is quite old anyway. We knew we would have a lot of expenses up front. We need a new microwave too (it works but has electrical tape on it and looks shabby). My DH probably told me this, but I heard him telling someone else on the phone and it sunk in why he decided to purchase now (of all times!) We are retirement heavy (he's a financial planner) and he said something about the tax laws changing and it will be better to have less in a certain retirement fund and more in real estate for our kids down the line (tax wise). Plus we get to use it of course! I feel embarrassed to even tell people we bought this condo during this touch economic time for so many people. So I've hardly told anyone about it.

    I can't publicly talk about what's going on at school, but it is very stressful for all teachers and admins, and pretty much everyone. Just like every other school in the US! They hired a bunch of people that walk around and wipe off door handles and deliver wipes and sanitizer. I feel bad for them and am always super friendly but they can't see me smile with mask on! We need a hand symbol that means "I'm smiling at you!"
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2020
    ddmom0811 wrote: »

    I can't publicly talk about what's going on at school, but it is very stressful for all teachers and admins, and pretty much everyone. Just like every other school in the US! They hired a bunch of people that walk around and wipe off door handles and deliver wipes and sanitizer. I feel bad for them and am always super friendly but they can't see me smile with mask on! We need a hand symbol that means "I'm smiling at you!"

    How about a friendly wave and thumbs up!

    bear on me cant type.... lovey bug. Blanket sucker.

    Bear helped me eat my soup so he left me for a nap in his cat tree bowl. I should tell dd that even he liked it. I’m tired. Been up since 430.

    Got my mandatory flu shot today. It’s not terribly sore yet. We had orientation at the hospital today. Next week we have to be there at 6am and I live 1.5 hrs away... eeek. Be up about 4 I guess.

    Up a bit, but it’s an afternoon weight and I did eat more brownie mix... Might eat more later too. Perhaps I’ll nap first then eat it and watch something after Dh goes Bigfoot stalking. Poor Bigfoot just needs a good lawyer and a restraining order against the public. Lol!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Thanks @ddmom0811 . I'm not all ribs yet, so it probably won't hurt to be a little below goal. Like I said, 130 would be okay. Plus, I'm still in Medium to Large clothes, depending on what they are. That just blows my mind. But I think if I got to size small, I would be too thin. Sorry about the things breaking at the condo, but glad you knew it would be expensive up front so you aren't stressing over it. Also, sorry that school is so stressful for everyone. I agree, we need a hand smile, but I think you can see it in a person's eyes.

    @Elise4270 Bear is cute and obviously has good taste in soup. :wink: Good luck with getting up early to make it to your orientation next week. I feel you. I had to set the alarm for 4:30 a couple of days this week for the 6:30 shift at daycare. I think it's funny that your DH likes going Bigfoot hunting. I guess it's sort of like a carnival ride - there's the thrill and adrenaline rush if you hear something moving. I forget where you live - sorry, am awful about that. Is bigfoot a thing there?

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    This post has basically nothing to do with exercise or food, but it is about life and when things go amiss.

    Last night I was sitting on the couch, getting ready to write in my journal, when Tippy decided to join me and cuddle. Before she laid her head on me, I noticed something moving on her chest area. I thought it was fleas and was wondering why she had fleas. She never has. But, no. (I'll put the details in the spoiler, in case you don't want to hear about other parasites that get on dogs and cats.)
    It was ticks. Those little seed ticks (baby/nymph ticks). Because of her thick hair, I could only see her skin on her chest and belly. They were crawling everywhere. Must have been a hundred or more that I saw. (She had found/killed a little rabbit earlier, so I'm thinking they may have been in the rabbit's nest.) Anyway, I didn't know what to do. Google gave me no help. So I wound up calling my 24 hour vet at 10:45. They said to wash her with dawn dish detergent - suds her up good, leave it 5 minutes or so, rinse, and repeat. So, I'm out giving my dog, who hates baths, not one, but two baths at 11:00 pm. I had her sleep in the garage in her crate last night. In the meantime, I took a lint roller and rolled the couch and the carpet where she had been laying. Must have picked up about 25 - 30 on them - put them in a zip lock bag. Found a couple of the little suckers crawling on little they are hard to see and you can't feel them. Also found some in my PJs. After I got Tippy settled, I took a shower. So, didn't get to bed until about 1am.

    I was supposed to work this morning, but the vet I talked to said I needed to take Tippy to the clinic this morning. So, I texted my boss and we worked it out that so I could take her and then come in later. I got up at 6:00, got ready and took her in. All he did was give her a different oral flea and tick medicine. I thought they were going to put some sort of powder on her to get rid of them. So, I was disappointed with that. I brought her home, but she stayed outside all day. I'm hoping if any were left, they crawled off of her on the porch.

    After work, I bought some diatomaceous earth to put on the carpet tomorrow, just in case.

    I didn't get home until after 7, and was really tired, so no exercise today. Ate cereal for dinner again. I hope I feel like running some tomorrow. I need to if I'm going to get my marathon in this week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo we keep the monthly flea and tick stuff on our animals. Once bear got a rat or mouse and despite having flea and tick stuff on, had probably 100 flea bites around one side of his neck, probably from carrying it around. I can imagine hundreds of seed ticks. Ugh, like those big spiders you disturb and realize there are a million tiny spiders on it’s back now everywhere! I’ve brushed into a nest of tiny ticks and they are insane to find. Good thinking with the lint roller and vet. Glad Tippy is bug free and you caught it before they multiplied. Dh had cocker spaniels when we met, they were hard to treat with flea and tick stuff, I guess because of the dense fur. Always a problem and fight. Here we just battle mostly chiggers, but Dh gets the yard sprayed now and that helps.

    Dd invited a boy over tomorrow. She’s 25 and has to ask permission to have a boy over... man, I think I’d get my own place. But this is first “interest” in maybe 8 years, so I am hoping that is a good sign. But caught her smoking pot in her room last night. Jeez, please just take it outside. I’m not even griping about it hindering the natural process of coping, I get it helps-just outside. I hate that horrible skunk stink, and I’m traumatized by drug use from childhood and with Alex already. Dh goes Bigfoot stalking and wears a hand gun and carry’s out a shotgun on his shoulder, more trauma.

    Self parenting/psychoanalysis
    I have an ASL assignment coming up in a few weeks to tell a story, based on our sign learning, about a childhood story. Like something we lived. It’s mad. All I can remember is trauma and unhappiness. I can’t think of a single innocent story from growing up that is fit. perhaps I can make something up. Maybe I misunderstood and I can tell Hansel and Gretel in ASL. OTHERWISE my mind spins on Alex and I’ll tell a terrible story about how the crazy girl plotted to steal his ashes. Which isn’t childhood, but grades seem lienient, so it’d do. This has prompted me to put “self introinspection” or something like that on my to do list. I’ve become cynical. Or ptsd as Dh says. I told him I think I am having an existential crisis. My life is a running theme of sh1te... I need to find a way to change the dialogue.

    I resisted brownie batter. Ate frozen pizza with dd. Who is cleaning! Yay! Ugh her room was like trash compactor in Star Wars movie minus the trash monster.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo OMG....I have the creepy crawlies! glad you got her in to the vet....and will have the critters gone!

    @Elise4270 I am getting my flu shot today.....I hope I don't have a sore arm on Sunday....and I need shingles...I hear thats a bear. I might wait to not send my immune system into a melt down. Bear is a blanket sucker...haha. So cute.

    @ddmom0811 love the story about our friend....I hope they are dating! I heard about class action park....kinda like Tiger can't look away! Sounds like the condo needs your TLC....and some new appliances. I really feel for teachers right now. They are such professionals and yet the burden of this pandemic falls on them. So much stress and "karen"ish parents. I like Elise's idea of a thumbs up....or masks that show your mouth. Although being able to hide my "fbombs" is a win win.....

    @shanaber I remember laughing in college when we were all sharing a huge bathroom at the sorority house and getting ready to go out....the girls with straight hair were trying to get waves. The girls with waves and curls were using the dryers to straighten their hair. Embracing what we have is better. The new fitness craze....the waterbed workout!

    The West needs some relief from these fires.....its so bad. And meanwhile, a whole town is gone after the last hurricane and it hasn't been mentioned. What a mess.

    Going to walk today with a friend, do some strength and make pizza tonight. Havine our a couple over to watch the UT football game....figured individual pizzas make sense.....they are careful as are we.

    Happy Saturday ladies!

  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @elise4270 Find some Brene Brown....dialogue is really important....and that chatter in our heads can be really negative. Also saw this on Amazon and it caught my eye: StoryJacking: Change Your Inner Dialogue, Transform Your Life Kindle Edition. For the assignment, just make up a story....they'll never know.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I love Brene Brown. Her podcast is really good too.

    I don't really remember my childhood. I have vague memories starting around 4th or 5th grade, more of high school but most of my memories are college and after.

    My hair is straight or straight. I can wear it down or in a ponytail. Lol

    Ticks. Yuck. No bug stories except I had to kill a scorpion the other day after I got out of the shower. Smashed it to pieces to make sure it was dead.

    Food has been decent lately. Running and walking every day but Tuesday.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    edited September 2020
    @Elise4270 I opted for the pill flea and tick medicine for Tippy. She's gotten it since she was a puppy and it does good. It doesn't really keep them off of her though. They can get on, but if they bite her, it kills them. That means if she brings them in, sometimes they crawl off of her without biting. Being both an inside and outside dog makes it hard. I've never really had a problem until now, and she's seven. So, I'm not stressing about it, but it is just one more reason to get rid of the carpet. AND the first time I sprayed one of those huge spiders and the babies went in a million different direction, I freaked. That one is awful. I also hate the smell of pot. Sounds like the good thing about having a boy/man friend over is that she is cleaning up her room. That's a win. As far as the ASL assignment goes, if you don't want to make something up, think about things that didn't necessarily involve family. Did you have a best friend? A favorite subject in school? A favorite toy? A pet? Favorite book?

    @bearly63 Yep. I pretty much had the creep crawlies all night and all day yesterday. I didn't see any running around last night, so I feel better. Just going to make sure I get rid of them and be more vigilant about checking myself over.

    @RunsOnEspresso I would make sure the scorpion was dead too. Those things can be dangerous. I'm glad I never lived where they were prevalent.

    As for hair, mine is naturally curly, but not the pretty kind. It doesn't really get long - it gets big, if you know what I mean? In high school the in thing was long, straight, black hair. I hated my hair, especially since my mom wouldn't let me cut it - against our religion at the time. So, I tried using big curlers in it, just to tame it down, but that didn't really worked. Tried straighteners. That just damaged it and didn't really do any good. I was so happy when I joined the Air Force and had to cut it short. I never looked back. Even though, every once in a while I still long for long hair that I can style. But, most days I love the fact that I can just wash, brush, and go.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo I had a friend before my parents divorced. I went to 13 different schools, so not really any friends after than. I think I can tap into a typical day, stuff I enjoyed when I was about 7-8. Thanks for the memory prompt! We switched from Frontline, where they have to be bitten to Advantage/Advantix to where it kills what gets on them. IDK if that could help any. Our cats ate inside/outside and dog's exclusively out. I also cheat and give them monthly wormer (ivomec) from Canada instead of through the vet as a script. They all had heartworms and we lost two through the vet treatment. Online found that old method was 2 years of low dose ivomec. the two remaining dogs are now negative for heartworms. Disclaimer: not advocating anyone to take medical care, animal or human into their own hands. Just a what I did tidbit. The heartworm issue stemmed from the uncontrolled mosquitos on the cockers.

    My house is cleaner!

    @RunsOnEspresso and @bearly63 I will look for the Brene Brown. Thank you so much. I remember Zig Ziggler in HS, about self-talk and stinking thinking. But this is a bit deeper than feeling inadequate, I do have that too but probably in a healthy, not cocky way... I hope. I'd had been living in my dreams. Ya know, your brain is really dumb. You can think or dream something and your brain can "feel" it, just like it happened. So I allowed myself to feel those good dreams of giving to people in need, flying with the birds and such. I think with the Alex trauma I have let that take over the little bit of headspace that I was surviving in. All this really helps. I forgot about some good feelings. I need to tap into that.

    Still mullagatawny soup left. Maybe I can get DH to fetch chili fixin's. I told DD we'd order pizza or something for her "cool dude".
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ugh MFP is being weird. no edits

    @bearly63 The flu shot wasn't terribly sore yet. It's just less than the chronic grump of the frozen shoulder. I did find myself waking up from the pain of sleeping on it and it was sore enough to consider tylenol/advil. I just looked up the CDC shingles recommendations, guess I should get it. I might check if a pneumonia shot is offered at walgreens too, since covids a thing.