Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @swenson19d - love the puppy pictures! Sleeping puppies always look so sweet!
    Where did you get your rugs? We are looking and haven't found anything we like. Seems the distressed/old and worn look is the thing right now and I don't want that.
    @quilteryoyo - we still have food leftover too. Mostly turkey and cranberry relish because I made so much of it. Hoping the relish will last for a while. Maybe to Christmas or maybe I can freeze it. I will need to make some more potatoes for leftover dinners. Oh and pie. I made a pumpkin pie and an apple pie tart that is fabulous - more crust than filling which I love. Note there are just 2 of us so it is a lot!

    Beaux is making us crazy. He is so dang cute but also so busy. Mostly if Hobbes is around he thinks he has to play constantly which makes Hobbes upset and no one can just relax so he ends up in the crate and I feel bad. I do take him in the other room with me for a couple of hours depending on what I am doing. They get plenty of playtime outside together too but if I don't go out with them they won't play and sit at the door.. or Hobbes comes in through the doggy door and leaves Beaux out. If we bring Beaux in Hobbes goes out and Beaux cries. So I am getting nothing done and the unpacking is stalled and making me crazy. I did take both for a walk and brought Hobbes home for some alone time while I took Beaux on a longer walk. It was better than having them both and Beaux was finally exhausted when we got home so he slept and I got a little work done. I keep telling myself it is only a few more days.
    I have to believe if he were our puppy he would be more used to Hobbes and vice versa and he would know our rules. Maybe... I don't know how his people are with him but their older dogs won't play with him and can't run around like Hobbes can. I am sure he behaves differently at home. They have lots of stuff out and I can't even contemplate putting breakable things away at this point where the furniture will get bumped and something broken.
    Stalking each other
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited November 2021
    Trying to adjust to non-running calories until I can get a cardio appointment for the unexplained tachycardia, doing okay so far. I did run 1 mile tonight keeping my eye closely on my heart rate but I’m afraid to try anything too stressful. Thanksgiving was okay since it’s just us and my mom who is also diabetic, so she can’t force carbs on me anymore! I miss pecan pie but otherwise it’s a relief.

    So the story of the ER visit. Strap in because I gotta vent, this experience was just unreal.

    According to the nurses it’s not Covid patients overwhelming the ER, it’s the lack of nurses because many have quit due to vax mandates or taken a bounty to travel to other areas. They said there were plenty of ER rooms but no one to staff them. So they were basically treating people in the waiting room. You would get called back to the little triage area, they would take your blood or do a test or whatever, and send you back out to the waiting area next to everyone else. Including covid patients. There is still a uniformed officer who takes people’s temps as they come in, but since they no longer isolate covid patients or suspected ones, there is now no longer any point to taking the temperature, it’s just that hospital policy pays for the officer to be there, so he does his job even though when someone has a fever they go back and sit with everyone else anyway.

    The staff really really are over being health care professionals. When I told the front desk I thought I was having a heart attack, that triggers a certain set of procedures which are mandated by law ever since some guy was ignored and died several years ago. So now it’s actually illegal to make someone wait with a suspected heart attack. They are supposed to have you back and hooked to an EKG in less than an hour, give you an aspirin within five minutes, I don’t remember all the details but I do remember that. So, a theoretically on call doctor invented somewhere in the depths of the computer system signed an automated order for me to be given an aspirin, but no actual human did that. They drew my blood, and the phlebotomist mentioned that there was no one to order any tests, she was just drawing blood in case any doctor decided to show up and sign something. And a tech gave me an EKG - for two minutes - in the triage room - then kicked me back out into the waiting room, and no actual human looked at the EKG for three hours, until my husband called and threatened to sue them for the difference in the way they treated him, a man, and me, a woman with the same basic symptoms. Shortly after that a real live third year intern called me into his personal billing office, the only available space, to have a talk about why I was there, and then the billing lady walked in to see what he was up to since stuff was popping up in the system that they weren’t getting paid for, and it turned out the triage nurse had literally thrown my intake paperwork in the trash. So no one would have ever been out to see me. I was waiting for nothing. I had been waiting for nothing for three hours.

    It ended up taking seven hours. And it was the worst ER experience of my life, and I’m including the massive ovarian tumor and torsion which caused me to writhe and scream in pain until they injected morphine into my muscle because they couldn’t get a vein because I was so dehydrated, and the morphine didn’t work so they went to fentanyl and then my respiratory rate dropped so they put me on oxygen. That was horrifying but at least I felt that real live humans were making some sort of effort to fix the problem! This ER was entirely staffed by people who had mentally checked out. The girl who did my second blood draw had orders to put in an IV in case they admitted me and needed more blood, and she literally told me, “Yeah, there’s no way they’re admitting you, so I’m just going to do the draw and not put one in.” Then she blew out three veins - in my elbow, wrist, and hand - because it was so cold in there it was like being in a meat locker. She was also supposed to do a second EKG but after so much trouble getting a vein we both forgot. Then, finally, seven hours after I arrived, the discharge nurse shows up with the friggin aspirin.

    I’m leaving out the human drama of sitting in a waiting room next to every other poor soul being treated. I got to witness a young guy’s family having a prayer circle to pray for a miracle for him to come back to life after having had an aneurysm and being declared brain dead. I did my own praying, for his poor mother to feel God’s peace in her heart, and shortly after that all the hospital staff showed up with really pushy questions about organ donation and insurance and funeral arrangements. I mean, nothing they did for me was fast, but when they have a chance at an organ donor, they move so fast the poor lady’s head was clearly spinning. She was so upset she couldn’t even walk straight and they were walking her through twenty page legal documents. Some dude came in with a finger in a bag and left without a finger, they did not reattach it. Next to me a girl curled up in a ball on her chair kept moaning, I can’t I can’t it hurts so much. I have no idea what her deal was but they put her on an IV and then when it ran out they kicked her out the door.

    Meanwhile, meat locker. Outside temperature 31 degrees, having dropped from a daytime temp near 70. Inside, no heat, ventilation at full. A lady came out with blankets, looked to the right and to the left, gave blankets to the people in those sections of the room, and did not even glance at our whole section of the waiting area. People are waving and shouting. She leaves, with the armful of blankets. I suspected from past experience it would be chilly so I wore a hoodie and sweats, and when I got home my diaphragm ached for two days from shivering so hard for so many hours. It was literal torture being that mentally stressed and that cold at the same time. I have heard about people in prison on a hard cot with no blanket and that was us. There was an old lady who I think probably had a stroke or something who kept asking, Why is it so cold?

    Anyway, I sort of wish they had done a cardiac enzyme profile as they are required by law to do. They did do the troponin which was fine, but troponin can be fine with myocarditis which is why they do the enzymes. Turns out baby doctor read my ekg wrong and the cardio who signed off on it at the review two days later found something he missed, which may or may not mean anything, but yeah, they really should have admitted me and checked it out. Once again fascinated by the difference in how men and women with the same symptoms are treated, after seeing my husband get the VIP treatment this summer.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @rheddmobile The discrepancies in m/f care is horrible.

    @shanaber Rug are Lowes purchases.

    Beary is missing. I am so sad.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @rheddmobile - that is just horrific! If someone got treated like that here, honestly it would a) be all over the news and b) there would be a lawsuit or many. Have you considered calling one of the news organizations or papers? Maybe they can send someone in and see what kind of treatment they get and report on how bad it is. Or even interview you and others waiting for care. I am sure people were sent home and died due to poor quality of care. Is there another hospital you could go to if needed? We are fortunate to be in the middle of an area with several hospitals within our insurance network.

    Oh no! @swenson19d. I hope you find Beary! What happened? Maybe he is just out adventuring and exploring?
    Thanks for the info on the rugs - I will check out Lowes.

    We had Chipotle last night and I don't usually eat the entire bowl but I ate all of it and felt so full even hours later when I went to bed. This morning I am all puffy I am assuming from too much sodium. It wasn't a bad meal, just beans, chicken veggies and lots of lettuce. Oh and guacamole. It is cool here - in the 40's this morning so maybe I will get the crazy puppy out for a walk and that will help us both
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    edited November 2021
    @shanaber That is a great looking tart and I love the pictures of the pups. Hobbes will probably miss Beaux when he leaves, but will be relieved to have his own space and routine back too.

    @rheddmobile That ER visit is just horrible. Sounds third world-ish...not what you would expect from a hospital here in the states. I think that is happening everywhere though. I have heard some horror stories from our ER too lately. I just don't get it. I really don't. I follow a blog that discusses the discrepancies between how women and men are treated when it comes to heart issues. Leaving the CoVID patients in the waiting room is not acceptable either. I think I would make a stink about it too, just not sure who to complain too. Like @shanaber said, maybe the local or national news. Bad press will get a company's attention.

    @swenson19d I hope Beary comes home! Mom's cat was missing for over a week once. When he came home, he was injured, but healed quickly. The vet said he had been in a cat fight.

    I did get out for a short, 2 mile run on the road today. It felt pretty easy. My back is feeling tight tonight, but I think it is more from being a slug this afternoon and lounging on the couch while watching movies and playing a game on my phone than it is from the run.

    On the way to church this morning, mom and I saw some deer on a hill near my house. One of them was black. I've never seen a black deer.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Bear is home. Eric and I canvassed the neighborhood this morning with flier’s. I can’t say for sure that did it. He is kinda weary and unsure of what the check happened. We think he was abducted (by aliens, as bear would describe it; had no idea there was a world outside this one, and returned. Dd says he smells like carpet. He’s just aloof right now so I’m giving him space. He wasn’t hungry when he came in either.

    Huge sigh of relief.

    Kevin had a good day at dh’s family thanksgiving. Lots of kids, big and little, 5 big dogs and a house full of adults. Kids were noisy, screaming playing chase, banging on the piano and he did fine.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    So glad to see that Bear is home @swenson19d !
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited November 2021
    @quilteryoyo I wonder if the deer is a mule deer? I’ve heard about them and saw some in a museum, if I remember right, it looks similar.
    Thanks for the Beary thoughts. I sure cried over that turd yesterday. I could cry now just as hard having him home.

    Edit: google says the black can be a very rare color variant. Nice find!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited November 2021
    So happy Bear is home! I wonder whether some well-intentioned person “adopted” him then saw the flyer. Does he have a collar with a tag?

    I’m not sure contacting anyone would help with the hospital - the local and National news is already full of articles about how overloaded and burned out the health professionals are, and I feel like that’s what I was seeing. The administration wants the staff to be more conscientious but what are they going to do, punish the people who stayed for being overwhelmed because other people left? By the way, this is a top ranked, nationally renowned hospital. We’re Memphis, hospitals are one of the things we do here, this is a national medical center.

    Baby doctor really was a third year intern - I googled him as soon as his name popped up on my chart - and he was about the prettiest corn-fed Texan you ever saw in your life, six and a half feet tall and built like a semi. Very nice boy, just a little off-putting that I feel like I have as much experience reading an EKG as he does. He had not developed a “bedside manner” yet, just talked like a nice kid with no feeling of authority whatsoever. If I met him at a race I would like him. Since we weren’t at a race, I envy my husband who when he went to the ER ended up with a super mean lady who had been a cardiologist for 20 years, and was extremely thorough.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @swenson19d I looked it up too and think the deer was a melanistic of the rare ones. It was cool to see, even if it was far away.

    @rheddmobile I feel bad for the health care workers, but seems like, even short staffed, they could do better. How is sending them back to the waiting room and not in a room helpful at all? If they have rooms, I would think that would be easier for everyone, including the nurses. I guess the thing I am shocked at the most is that there was no doctor there at all. That seems ridiculous to me.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @reddmobile OMG, how did you not lose your *kitten* while there! I hear how our medical community is just so done. My jerk neighbor is/was an ER doctor and he just left for the "admin" side. It is sad since there is often no one to complain to.

    @swenson19d I could never let my cats be outdoor cats. We are surrounded by coyotes and my nerves could never take it.

    @shanaber I am glad you are getting something, but yeah, unless the person had everything buttoned up nice and tight, I would not want to be an executor.

    I enjoyed my 4 day weekend, it actually felt really long! DH cooked the $100 prime rib and it came out fantastic. We had some good sides and all in all it was a relaxing day. We were really thrown off because we feel like mom died the day after thanksgiving, but we failed to remember it was a rotating date. DH teleworked on Friday and I went off to the Goodwill's who were having their one and only 50% off sale for the whole year. I got about 50 items to sell. I had to come home and wash my car b/c someone had written profanities in the dust :angry: When I did that, I realized that the water spots on my car were not coming off. The well water the base switched to is pure limestone. We have to switch out our drinking water filter every 7 days.

    On Saturday morning DH got a text that his Tesla was ready for pick-up...well..hmmm. It was not supposed to be ready till June so we had not gotten any of the paperwork yet to trade in his car. He called and they were supper nice and unmatched us from that car and put us back at the top of the list. We spent the day cleaning and staying busy since I had an annoying countdown in my head of "mom had x hrs to live". In the process of cleaning I found a stack of mail DH had brought in a couple days prior, it just looked like random bank notices. Without looking I opened one and AND IT WAS FROM THE LIFE INSURANCE know the one I had been fighting with for a year and they kept saying I was not the beneficiary but the trust was listed as the contingent beneficiary? The one I randomly filled out another form (the same one they have sending me for 6 months) to see what would happen 2 weeks ago? THEY SENT ME A CHECK!!! What the heck changed? IDK if maybe it was processed and someone didn't check? Or maybe the trust was never the beneficiary (that was always suspish). It paid for the house demo.

    Sunday DH and I went up to the ranch to take care of some things and and then went to lunch. We had made a grocery list as well.

    I am at my highest weight in 20 years, it has to stop. We bought all the fixings for snack pack lunches, cheese, crackers, veggies, fruit, nuts. DH loves those things and he used to buy them and eat them everyday. It will make it easier to just eat the same thing every day. Although when DH made our lunches I had to point out he put in 4 oz of cheese in each and that was 480 calories alone LOL.

    Well, I am deskless so I better keep moving around LOL

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    Big hugs to you. I'm glad you were able to relax over the weekend and made it through the first anniversary of your mom's death. Those are hard days.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @swenson19d - Yea for Beary coming back home! It sure does sound like he went visiting or someone saw him and decided he needed a new home. We had some 'kids' take dd's cat from our front lawn. She was a beautiful siamese and had tags. We had been searching and searching and talking to everyone in the neighborhood. One of our neighbors thought they saw the kids pick her up, maybe just to pet her and then they were gone. When went to the house and spoke to an adult they were like, No we haven't seen your cat and have no cat in our house... A couple of hours later the kids walked back in our cul-de-sac and she magically reappeared.
    So glad Kevin did so well with all the family and kids. That is awesome. Did Sandy get to go too?

    @CMorning99 - hugs to you for making in through the anniversary weekend, It had to have been so tough! Glad you got the insurance check finally! That was a battle you really didn't need.
    What kinds of things do you resell? Other than the things from Hilde's house I have never tried to sell much online and don't think I would have the patience to deal with all the flaky people. I did buy a pair of my one of my favorite non-running Topo shoes on e-bay last week for $30. The seller listed them as used and didn't respond to my questions but for the price I figured it was worth taking a chance. Ends up they are brand new and never been worn.
    I am going to try selling some of dh's Star Wars collectables that he has decided he no longer wants. I figure someone may want them for Christmas.

    I am back to eating more normally, although I did have pumpkin pie for breakfast this morning.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    I have some time LOL

    @shanaber I mainly sell used clothing I find in thrift shops but have been trying to branch into hard goods. I started off cleaning out my closet, I went on a huge shopping spree back in 2017 when I had lost so much weight and then gained it all back. I was googling how to sell the stuff and I came across all these people selling on ebay, poshmark, etc. I thought that looked fun and I was hooked after my first thrifting trip LOL Today I sold a Burberry's basic skirt for $100 to Australia...I think I found it on 75% day off at a thrift store so probably paid $2 for it. But I am really reluctant to sell on FB marketplace. I watch a lot of other resellers sell there and seem to do well, definitely a very low price point and I guess mailing is better than pick-up. So far I have had pretty good luck...haven't been scammed "yet". They always say never list anything you wouldn't feel bad about giving away LOL My goal is to make enough reselling to buy all the appliances in the new house.

    My replacement got his computer access today so I am officially fired. They don't have an office for me yet, so I have been "given" the lactation room with a laptop ... yeah. Hey there is a comfy couch in here. LOL But it is also right off the conference room so I get trapped a lot by meetings.

    Had my first "healthy lunch", it was sad. I need hummus or something or those raw veggies are not gonna be long in my rotation. But I need to figure out my gut issues, I have been so uncomfortable for a week now.

    Been listing to the Some Work All Play podcast, they are funny. Well, I guess that is about it when you they don't know what job to give you! The guy I am replacing has decided to stay till Feb now....

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @CMorning99 So what is your job now? Are they just trying to find something for you to do until you retire?

    @shanaber My niece's husband is crazy about Star Wars. I might be interested in something from the collection for him for Christmas. I know nothing about it, so would need your or your husband's expertise for a recommendation.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo I am still going to be overseeing the Commanders Support Staff, so admin stuff. The bottle neck is the guy I am replacing keeps changing his mind on when he is going to leave. It is funny too b/c I got him for the secret santa...the dude is a complete Eeyore!

    Yesterday was a pretty good day! Both DH and I set 1 "to do" and we both did ours. He switched his medical to here and I cancelled the insurance policy on mom's house....maybe I should have claimed the house disappeared LOL We had a lazy afternoon/evening and I worked on reselling for a bit. We had Trader Joes AMAZING tomato and red pepper soup with grilled cheese for dinner. DH found some hot sauce he is obsessed with and tried to put it on everything LOL

    Only a couple things to figure out for today. I need to make an appt with the clinic, I have 3 things I need/want to do. I need to get my shoulder documented officially. I need to get an appt for my hands, for years I get the sharpest miserable pain in my knuckles, both in the hand and middle part of the fingers. I am also considering going for my gut issues. I highly suspect the gas, cramps, etc are due to a food intolerance or imbalance. It happened to me once before, it was horrible, but it went away on it's own. I need to get some good probiotics. But what is a bit suspish is the mild pain is focused where my appendix was. I have never felt "right' in that area after that boondoogle of getting it removed and wonder if there is some scar tissue. Made me think, one of DHs friends sister had a baby in Oct, went back last week for pain and they did an xray and found a pair of scissors! I am sure that is not my issue, but still!?!

    Food was good yesterday, didn't track calories though. Today is a bit more sus as I wanted to get rid of some leftover thai, so that is for lunch. There isn't a lot though. But I have a 40 min easy run on the books.

    I was listening to the podcast last night Some work all play, and they did a great segment on under fueling. But by the end I was a bit annoyed bc I almost felt like they were "diet shaming" runners. They kept saying EAT PIZZA, EAT EAT EAT...I and wanted to yell back...Dude, that is not my problem, tell me how to lose weight without under fueling.

    Well, guess I better go see if there are any duties for me to take over yet....

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,018 Member
    @CMorning99 Glad things are going okay with you. That's crazy about the scissors though. It's a good thing she didn't need an MRI before they found it. Good grief. I hope you can get some answers for your pain too.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    Another day! I woke up kinda cranky today, not sure why.

    I left work early yesterday to go running and when I got home the maintenance guys were there to work on the hot water heater. It escalated quickly and soon they had torn my shower apart. They said the heater was fine, the issue was that the water is so hard here that the pipes and mechanisms turn to stone. In our case, the mineral deposit had built up so much in the cartridge in the shower handle, it was not letting thru enough water to turn on the instant hot water heater. When they replaced it, it is like standing under a jet of water LOL They also cleaned out our kitchen faucet and the guy pulled out all the "water saving crap" that he could and broke off a chunk of minerals and now our kitchen is the same! I asked him what it was doing to our washer and he just said that they don't fix appliances here, just replace them b/c of what the water does to them.....great. Our washer is only 4 years old.

    DH let me know he had been trying to call the DMV for 2 days about his title and he kept getting a message that the lines were busy and to call back the next day. A note about DH, he is so smart yet when it comes to common sense and life....he is about a 5 y/o. I called and just started pushing options and finally when one came up to get in queue for a call back, I joined...never mind it was to non-opt car, I got in (DH would not think of that). They actually called us back and said the title had been mailed to our old address but the DMV does not forward sensitive mail so we would have to apply for a replacement title. She was super helpful and we got everything in the mail today, hopefully we did it right.

    After all was said and done, I was done LOL! I was tired!

    Today my "to do" is to call that mobile home mover....again. I plan to go running this afternoon. I was cleaning out the pantry and found some pre-workout. I figure if I take of scoop of that as soon as I walk in the door, I wont get lazy LOL.

    Tomorrow I have court and then meet up to pay for the demo for the house. I also have to meet up with my handy man to go over what I want done with the tree guy and he is going to supervise for me. My tenant, for a good tenant she is know it all LOL She tried to tell my handyman that the almond and walnut trees he was cutting down were just dormant and not dead. She was half right. 1 of them was rotted. The other 2 maybe were alive but mom and not watered for years and as far as I know produced 1 almond and 1 walnut a year. No point in watering or caring for them. Handyman said, that is fine, but the boss wants them gone LOL. When we cleaned out all the big bushes around the tenants mobile home, we found stacks of buckets and odds and ends she had pulled out of the dumpsters that I had thrown away. DH asked what the chances were of her moving it to the mobile homes new location or if she was going to leave it for us to clean up. She has accumulated a lot of stuff, 2-3 patio sets, plants, pots....we shall see.

    Have a great day! 75 here and warm!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @CMorning99 re: not feeling right in the area of your late appendix: since having my ovary removed I have had weird sensations in that area of my gut - pretty sure it’s lingering nerve damage. They do have to cut their way in somehow. Hopefully no scissors in there!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Oh hey, the forums work on my app again! I stopped checking for awhile cuz I just got a blank white page!

    After my sports bra popped open halfway down my block the other day I need to get serious. It was a hook closure one so not like an elastic band popped open lol

    I am giving myself until March to get my clothes fitting better and if not, then I will start collecting clothes in larger sizes. Even though I hate shopping and like my current clothes lol