Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber how’s Hobbes? I hope it was something benign and didn’t get worse.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @CMorning99 I'd have called the police when he shot the gun off but it is illegal in Arizona to shoot a gun in the air. There was a girl who died years ago from someone shooting their gun in the air from at least a mile away. Bullet came down and hit her.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @CMorning99 I'd have called the police when he shot the gun off but it is illegal in Arizona to shoot a gun in the air. There was a girl who died years ago from someone shooting their gun in the air from at least a mile away. Bullet came down and hit her.
    Yep. It is illegal here too.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,395 Member
    I am pretty sure it is illegal in CA too.

    Thanks for the well wished - Hobbes is better. Not 100% but getting there. He is very sleepy and very sensitive to noises, jumping at the slightest sound and barking. Not going to attempt agility class. I figure it is better to let him fully recover. He tried to jump up on the bed this morning and missed. On the second attempt I grabbed him so he wouldn't fall off and he yelped startling all of us but then he just collapsed and went to sleep so I guess he was ok. If we went to class I would worry he might stumble and fall off the dog walk or a-frame. A comment from one of my friends made me laugh - they said - 'dang and he didn't even get to enjoy it!' I am just so glad it wasn't worse or something more serious. Apparently per the ER Vet it has become a common problem with pot being legal now.

    @cmorning99 - your neighbor sounds really scary! Be careful giving up easements. We ended up in a lawsuit with my dd's house over an easement that allowed the owner (same person we bought her house from who split the lot and didn't disclose the easement until they started building on the 2nd lot) of the next door property to build within 12" (yes inches and not a typo!) of her fence. She now has a huge very modern 3 story home right up to her fence and towering over her little 1912 house.

    I think I read that hemlock is in the carrot family. Crazy that it is so poisonous! Glad you and your dh were ok @rheddmobile. I could totally see using those leaves because they are lacy and pretty!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I don't understand how random weed is worse when legal. Like that *kitten* expensive, I'm not tossing it randomly. Like when it was illegal and tossing it when the police are chasint you? That I get.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,003 Member
    @shanaber I'm so glad that Hobbes is recovering nicely. Wonder if he knows what happened and will avoid that plant in the future?
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning.

    Thinking back on it, I probably should have. It is def illegal here. I am going to hope that that was his way of having the final word. I bought some new no trespassing signs with the cali penal code and "under surveillance" on them. There are some on the gate already but they are falling apart. He is dangerous...based off of our interaction he is textbook Grandiose Narcissist, people who are aggressive, dominant, and exaggerate their importance. Interestingly it is actually a mental disorder usually caused by parents or some child experience where the child has felt and convinced themselves they are better than everyone. I find it amusing that all his pompass peacocking is a mental disorder LOL

    It has been rough few days for sure. While I was eating dinner grey cat was sitting on the arm of the couch and just opened his mouth and puked. Not uncommon, but something must have gotten in his eye b/c he just wildly started rubbing his bad eye and managed to rupture it again. We made it almost 6 months! I had some of the heavy duty narco that the vet gave us, it expired 9 months ago, but we gave him a shot and it worked like a charm. He passed out. The eye rebounded and he was up this AM. I am sure it hurts like hell though. He still was not keeping food down so I gave him his nausea meds and gabapentin. He still does not feel good.

    I spent all day building a PAI profile on PD (pscyho doc). Nothing surprising. But know I know who and what he is and does. He is an ambitious is his wife. Today I told DH I was going to get some work done. Dangerous thing for those things to consume you.

    So I have my to do list ready and going to tackling it. Maybe, it is freezing in this office!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,395 Member
    I don't understand how random weed is worse when legal. Like that *kitten* expensive, I'm not tossing it randomly. Like when it was illegal and tossing it when the police are chasint you? That I get.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I don't think it is any worse because it is legal just more common and available so dogs can get into it more. I honestly wonder now if it wasn't part of a joint but an edible someone dropped. Hobbes has never shown any interest in cigarette butts on the ground so I can't imagine him going after part of a joint. But an edible he would definitely gobble up.

    @CMorning99 - I am sorry grey cat is having issues again. Hope he feels better!
    It is good to know what/who you are dealing with and puts you in a better position to deal with PD.

    We have a couple of days of nice/coolish weather before the winds come back again so I want to get out for a run. I should take Hobbes but honestly I am not feeling very comfortable with it. I guess I need to focus on all of the 1000's of runs we have taken when nothing has happened to him vs the 1 that did...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited January 2022
    I am pretty sure a relative of mine is a covert narcissist. Everything fits. I had to go no contact because my mental health needed it. Once I got so anxious I was sick because of going to see them. Of course, I'm the bad person because I stopped dealing with the *kitten*.

    @shanaber I guess an edible makes more sense but again, that *kitten* expensive. If I drop it I'm picking ot back up lol 😆 I can't say I've seen any weed plant or edible when out with Shadow. Last month I saw some needles in a green area in the grass. Shadow was not happy I didn't let her walk in the grass until they were gone.

    I have learned I have to keep a close eye on Shadow cuz she will eat anything. She finds everything 🙄

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I am pretty sure a relative of mine is a covert narcissist. Everything fits. I had to go no contact because my mental health needed it. Once I got so anxious I was sick because of going to see them. Of course, I'm the bad person because I stopped dealing with the *kitten*.

    @shanaber I guess an edible makes more sense but again, that *kitten* expensive. If I drop it I'm picking ot back up lol 😆 I can't say I've seen any weed plant or edible when out with Shadow. Last month I saw some needles in a green area in the grass. Shadow was not happy I didn't let her walk in the grass until they were gone.

    I have learned I have to keep a close eye on Shadow cuz she will eat anything. She finds everything 🙄

    Edibles here aren't that expensive. Pot is rather cheap, I think DD said it was 5-10$ an ounce up to 25$. Someone I talked to was of the opinion that the cheap stuff was outdoor grown, but dd said even the cheap stuff will put you on your butt.

    We thought Maggie (old dog) had glaucoma. She also has anxiety (but it is getting better) and dh's cousin gave us a bag of edibles, to tie us over til I could get her into the vet. I offered to pay her for them but she said they were literally $1 a bag, 10mg THC and prob had 15 in the bag. I gave Maggie 1/8 of it. She mentioned that if I gave her half or a whole one, she'd just be out of it for about 24 hours then have a heck of an appetite. She just has cataracts at this point. So I gave the gummies to DD. So it does sound like Hobbes could have gotten a gummy.

    Come to Oklahoma. We got cheap weed. DH is funding a pot grow... so perhaps we can get you a deal haha! too bad we can't mail it. They mail alcohol. So maybe one day.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    shanaber wrote: »

    We have a couple of days of nice/coolish weather before the winds come back again so I want to get out for a run. I should take Hobbes but honestly I am not feeling very comfortable with it. I guess I need to focus on all of the 1000's of runs we have taken when nothing has happened to him vs the 1 that did...

    I understand. The pups want out in the front yard to play, but now I am afraid to let them anywhere near the front beds.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    It is definitely not that cheap in AZ, southern CA, CO, or NV. I can't speak to elsewhere, as those are the only places we've bought. Are you sure it was an ounce? That sounds more like half a gram or so price. An ounce of weed is easily hundreds of dollars.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    It is definitely not that cheap in AZ, southern CA, CO, or NV. I can't speak to elsewhere, as those are the only places we've bought. Are you sure it was an ounce? That sounds more like half a gram or so price. An ounce of weed is easily hundreds of dollars.

    oh youre right. it was per gram. See how much I know. ☺️
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,003 Member
    edited January 2022
    @CMorning99 Be careful with the neighbor. I would definitely report him if he does anything else that is aggressive toward you. Sorry grey cat is having a hard time again. Wondering if it would be better if you just had that eye removed so that it would quit rupturing? I hope you got a lot of your to-dos done.

    I have nothing to contribute to the marijuana discussion. I'm not even sure if it is legal here in TN. LOL

    I took mom to the doctor again today for her BP. It is too low in the morning and too high in the evening. She is taking medicine to raise it because a few months ago she was dizzy all the time it was so low. We are trying stopping it again and see what happens and then go from there. Since we were out and about, I went over to the hospital and picked up the CD of my back x-ray that I ordered 2 weeks ago. So, if you are interested, the pictures are in the spoiler.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,395 Member
    edited January 2022
    I have no idea about how pot is sold these days either. I did order some CDB edibles that have very low (essentially no) THC in them. They help with pain and stiffness and are an alternative to taking over the counter meds. I think they are probably easier on my kidneys but I don't use it too often and I cut them in half to last longer because they are so expensive - like $40 for a tiny box of 20. My friend whose son is a grower in OR, recommended them and they do seem to work well.

    I still can't figure out what he found and how I didn't see it. I did take him back out today and watched his every move. I am sure he wasn't happy that I kept telling him too 'leave it' every time he even looked like he might lick something or I wasn't sure what was in an area he wanted to sniff.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo I did eventually put a message in for the lead sheriff working mom's case. I haven't heard from him yet. I put in the message that "he said concerning things about mom's death" since I am sure he is not interested in my civil manner.

    I spent some time yesterday reading about how to deal with narcissists and I came across a psychology today article about the "Malevolent Dark Triad" of personality disorders. As I read, I expected to see PD's name as a case study. The article recommend staying away from people like that, there is no hope.

    - Narcissism is characterized by the pursuit of ego gratification, vanity, a sense of superiority, grandiosity, dominance, and entitlement.
    - Machiavellianism is marked by manipulation – a calculating, duplicitous, and amoral personality, focused on self-interest and personal gain.
    - Psychopathy is distinguished by callousness, impulsivity, and enduring antisocial and bold behavior.

    I did manage to get a bit done at work yesterday, lot of computer based training. I have more training this afternoon.

    Grey cat is rebounding and had a hearty appetite today. We switched to Prilosec for his tummy after so long on Pepcid. Different meds same purpose. He may have been on them too long.

    I took the evening off from reselling because I was starting to feel overwhelmed. DH and I watched The Eternals, it was ok...and sooooo long! Yesterday's mood regarding the property was definitely an "F it all". I swing back and forth between motivation and feeling like I am a never ending crushing weight.

    Today's goals: Review emergency ops procedures and update. Call Detective. Put in a call for a reference for an electrician AND a draftsman.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    My entire time with Shadow is basically me saying, leave it, ready? let's go LOL

    I don't know why but yesterday I was super tired. I skipped my evening weight lifting and went to bed at like 845.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    So I have the paid version of MFP, not sure if this is a paid or all feature but I am annoyed with the set time feature for food. Like yes, sometimes I enter it when I'm eating but I also pre-log if I know what I'm eating. Or at night I won't log my snack until the next day.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @CMorning99 I’ve been thinking about what to say to you about your neighbor because I think this is important and I want you to hear me. If you really and truly believe there is any possibility he had anything to do with the death of your mother - if you are not just talking big to make a point about what a jerk he is - then your life is in danger and you should not be playing around. Talk to the police about him shooting at you. Not call 911, call the police department and ask if there is some way you can have a sit down conversation with a police detective, not a regular officer, about what you should do next. It’s important that he doesn’t know you called the police on him, but that a record of your complaint is made. Also, find out the name of the homicide detective in charge of your mother’s case and arrange to have a talk with him, off the record. Homicide detectives are great guys, every one I have ever met (and since my mom is a professional crime writer I have met a few) has been a lovely conscientious person who truly wants the good guys to win. This is not the time to be getting into some kind of ego contest with a guy who might or might not literally KILL PEOPLE.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @rheddmobile does your mom write books or articles or both? Would I know her work? I have read a lot of true crime books.