Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 I'll have to check out thirdlove. Sounds like they have a great return policy. Most you can't return after you've worn them.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I don't think I've heard of period underwear. That would be nice for overnight I bet!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo I don't think I've heard of period underwear. That would be nice for overnight I bet!

    It's been on my FB feed for a while. Then got talking to a lady at work who used them thought what the heck.

    So far, 12 hrs, loving them and they are comfortable
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    edited August 2020
    It's been such a busy week, haven't had time to check in. Woke up at 4am and read everything here but now I don't quite remember it all.

    Not sure school will get better. We are doing so much to prepare with class sizes, lunches, movement between classes, just everything. At least I am not prepping for classes. I worked till 11 Thursday night and went in a little later Friday (9) thinking I would leave early, nope! Anyway, all this work and we all suspect we will be totally virtual in a matter of weeks after we open to kids 8/26. Very impressed with the woman who was hired to take over my classes!

    Weight has been stable through all this so I am happy about that. Although I don't recommend purchasing this:

    Both DH and I love peanut M&Ms and usually will buy a bag that is to share (which is the size of 2 normal bags) and keep it in cabinet and each have 5-6 pieces after dinner. We are so good about only have a few at a time. But I saw that at BJs when I was waiting to check out and thought it would save time/money. No, not worth it. DH said he ate at least 2 bags worth one night and I probably ate one. I bought it last Sunday and that's what left.

    My smoothie skills with the Vitamix have been improving! Now I make enough for both of us and DH takes his in a Yeti cup for lunch. I think mentioned I add steel oats and chia seeds. (I soak them in almond milk the night prior). Now I started adding ground flaxseed. His cardiologist did a bunch of tests and said he has a heart of a 78 year old which was a little distressing. I guess based on the buildup in his arteries. Recommended more flaxseed so I am adding it to smoothie. Reading up on it, it has fiber, protein and is good for heart. Only adding 1T each though for now.

    My exercise was way down this week since I was at school so much. Did get four 30 min runs in for Runbet challenge but that's it. Going to ride Pellie today and hopefully lift also. But as I write this I realize I probably should just do one, I feel tired.

    @quilteryoyo - saw you had a birthday! Happy late Birthday! I like to do the same thing on mine with running or cycling the number!

    @avidkeo- I have some Knix underwear which I use for running- not for periods, but pee. Not that I am peeing on purpose of course. But sometimes leakage. Note to self: do kegels. So easy but I never do them. Oh! Just looked at the Knix website and they are also advertised as period underwear. hmmm, never realized that. I use them for all exercise just out of habit, but they are too thick for me to want to wear any other time. Thank goodness no more periods! The only annoying thing about the Knix is you are supposed to rinse them out after you use them before the wash. You know how when you get back from a run, drenched in sweat, you just want to get out of the clothes and not worry about that. I've left them in guest bathroom sink soaking by mistake many times.

    @elise4270 - I tried ThirdLove bras - just one and I ended up returning. Like the rest of you said it's so hard to get a good fit. I just wasn't comfortable in them. One of my teacher friends texted us the week before teachers came back to school "training my boobs to go in a bra this week". I sort of did the same thing home for 4.5 month - no bra unless I went out which was rare. I just hate all my bras now so I am wearing a jockey bralette (not for bigger boobs). I think I bought them at Target for running but not enough support - but they are very comfy! However, if you have a low cut shirt, it shows. But I ordered 2 more last night from Amazon.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 Stress burns a lot of calories, so it's probably okay that you ate so many M&Ms. I hope once school starts, things will settle down for you. Glad you like the lady that took over your classes.

    @bearly63 Love your bra stories. Especially..."I also feel like she at least owed me dinner." LOL Hope your hip issue is only muscle related and that your appointment goes well.

    I played singles tennis today and then came home and mowed the lawn. Burned an extra 893 calories, so I get to have another piece of cheesecake!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I had never heard of period underwear either but I may need to check out the Knix underwear that @ddmom0811 mentioned. I have the same leakage issue once in a while. I do kegels but they don't seem to help much but maybe the leakage would be worse if I didn't. I am also so happy to be beyond worrying about periods!
    @avidkeo - I think it is kind of creepy that FB seems to know what we may need without us ever looking for that 'thing'. I completely understand how their algorithms work but it is still creepy.
    @ddmom0811 - I hope things get better and back to right side up soon! Has all the drama with the teachers leaving died down? Also I hope the teacher that fell is ok!
    I have a little bowl on my dining room table that I put different M&M's in depending on the season. Dh loves the peanut ones and I like the peanut butter ones but I get all different kinds. The bowl doesn't hold a lot so we don't eat too many at a time. I usually would get them at Target but I haven't been there in a long time.
    I have the same Jockey Bralettes. Got them ages ago at the outlet store and like them ok. They are comfortable for around the house which is where we are now 90% of the time anyway.
    @bearly63 - It is so weird to me that bra fitters think it is ok to embarrass and/or make you feel uncomfortable. I guess it is good though when the result is that you get something that fits well.
    I am really glad you are getting the MRI and having it checked! I will be thinking of you this next week - Good Thoughts for Good Results!!
    I think you asked me about Hilde, she is our neighbor. No relation to us but she and her husband were proxy grandparents to dd who had none nearby. They had no children and she has no family at all here.
    @quilteryoyo -Yay for Cheesecake!!

    Food - I cooked the sausage and Jambalaya rice for dinner last night (Zatarains) with a big salad. It tasted great but oh so salty! I need to look into just making it with spices from scratch. I also made the peach crisp I have been wanting to make and OMG I put the recipe into MFP an it was more calories/serving than my dinner! It was delicious though. Next time I will make it with more peaches and in a bigger pan so the crisp part is spread out more. I figure it couldn't have been too bad though as I was down over a pound this morning.

    Got a longer than planned run in today which was also good because dh got donuts... we are getting take away Mexican for dinner. I have not kept to my goal of getting up and out earlier, but I did take my hydration vest with me which helped with the dry heat.

    For the last couple of months I have been really constipated which was great for my running and not needing the bathroom. This week it all came to an end and I have found myself literally running for the bathroom (or walking fast). Today was the worst though. Even after going twice at home I had to stop at the bathroom 3 times today due to an upset stomach. For almost a mile I had to walk because when I ran I had terrible stomach cramps. I have no idea what to do about this other than to keep my runs short and/or never be far from a bathroom? Also thinking some of it may have been a reaction to the rich dessert last night and/or the stress from Hilde's issues.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Your food sounds delicious. Calories in food can really add up, but glad the peach crisp was good and that it didn't cause any weight gain. I have no advice on the tummy issues. But I sympathize, if that helps at all. You and your DH are so kind to help out Hilde as much as you do. Hope the house issues get settled soon.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hilde update... what a mess. The restoration people have classified it a grade/class 3(?) clean up because there was sewage involved. They are going to have to take out most of both bathrooms, the wall between the bathrooms and the main bedroom and the floor in the bedroom and hallway. If they can't match her current hardwood floor they will also replace the floors in her spare bedroom and her den. It means she has to go 'somewhere' for anywhere from 2 weeks to a month or possibly more. We have been struggling to figure out what to do, especially now with the virus so prominent here (our positivity in our county is around 12% and our town has the highest infections). She of course is trying to figure out how she could stay there in the middle of it all, but with no bathroom that won't be an option.

    I couldn't sleep last night, trying to figure out a way we could bring her here but she is terrified that Hobbes would jump on her. She told me this morning 'it is not an option for many reasons' that she didn't give me. So the only thing I can think of is maybe going back to the group care home she was in previously. If you all have any ideas or suggestions I would welcome them. Honestly I don't know what people do in situations like this and how she would manage it.

    Food has not been great so far but we are grilling chicken tonight with steamed broccoli and I think maybe some quinoa instead of rice.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber What a mess! I'm glad Hilde has you to help her out, even if it is stressful for you. The first thing that popped into my head was maybe renting some sort of camper that you could set up at her residence, but I don't know how safe that would be for an older woman. You might want to call your local Agency on Aging and Disability and see if they can help. I'll think about it and let you know if I have any ideas.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I like @quilteryoyo 's suggestion. See if there are any services for her through the community. A group home sounds scary right now and she might like/need to be near the work being done. This is a lot that you will be taking on. So sorry....for both of you.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Could she stay in an extended stay hotel? Maybe you could talk to the manager and get a good deal on price, considering the circumstances.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2020
    @shanaber Will Hilde's insurance put her up in an extended stay hotel? That way she could still distance probably more so than the group home. Set her up with regular groceries and check-ins that shes ok and well?

    ETA oh doy.. that's what @quilteryoyo said. Great minds, eh? LOL!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    eh... yesterday was terrible. I had a whole cauliflower pizza, 860 calories. Then cookie dough. When I honestly logged it, it was 800 calories (10 cookies). I did spend all day (again) in the same spot on the couch watching Buzzfeed Unsolved.

    Was down enough to call it a trend. But then the dough...

    Opens today. I hem hawed getting up and checking it only to find the material wasn't posted. So I sent an FYI email and and sitting here listening to my ipad ding repeatedly with alerts of BB posts. Guess they got my email. Least I have stuff to do to drag me back among the land of the living.

    Leg/hip. shoulder
    Doc tomorrow. Leg seems to be doing better than the previous surgery still. I have the cranky pain in the joint which I assume is labrum. Knee is calming down enough that I rubbed the site where the screw is, which was rather knotted and swollen. I have still, the remnants of a deep bruise now faint yellow just outside the knee at the joint, 6 weeks post! What did they do twisting my leg-o??!!
    Shoulder is trying to loosen up. I will see if it will accommodate the violin today. Not that I don't like the cello... I have 2 one hour sessions with the instructor and am sort of hoping to do one hour for each instrument. Or if the shoulder is still terrible, I may drop it this semester and find a psych class. or math. or biology. or computer. eh.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    eh... yesterday was terrible. I had a whole cauliflower pizza, 860 calories. Then cookie dough. When I honestly logged it, it was 800 calories (10 cookies). I did spend all day (again) in the same spot on the couch watching Buzzfeed Unsolved.

    Was down enough to call it a trend. But then the dough...

    Opens today. I hem hawed getting up and checking it only to find the material wasn't posted. So I sent an FYI email and and sitting here listening to my ipad ding repeatedly with alerts of BB posts. Guess they got my email. Least I have stuff to do to drag me back among the land of the living.

    Leg/hip. shoulder
    Doc tomorrow. Leg seems to be doing better than the previous surgery still. I have the cranky pain in the joint which I assume is labrum. Knee is calming down enough that I rubbed the site where the screw is, which was rather knotted and swollen. I have still, the remnants of a deep bruise now faint yellow just outside the knee at the joint, 6 weeks post! What did they do twisting my leg-o??!!
    Shoulder is trying to loosen up. I will see if it will accommodate the violin today. Not that I don't like the cello... I have 2 one hour sessions with the instructor and am sort of hoping to do one hour for each instrument. Or if the shoulder is still terrible, I may drop it this semester and find a psych class. or math. or biology. or computer. eh.

    Trust me, you don't want to know. I've seen some weird sights in theatre!

    Glad that overall its feeling better though! Now to sort the shoulder out.

    @shanaber you are such a good friend. I agree a hotel/motel is probably the best way to go. Definitely safer.

    Well I've been on track for a week now, managed 8 days in a row! Weight is starting to head back in the right direction. And I don't feel obsessive. I log and move on. No spending all day analysing how much I have left in the bank so to speak. Yesterday I accidentally left my phone in the car, so wasn't able to update every hr, and I ended the way with around 200 calories extra! Won't do that too often lol.

    Calf is... Well over the weekend it was sore. I thought I'd done something Thursday to twinge it again but couldn't think what. But yesterday it felt better, and today no niggles. I've marked on the calendar 6 weeks before I run from the date of most recent injury, but I'm fully prepared to push that out. I am feeling like a full 4 weeks from the last time I had pain. So that would be 4 weeks from today all going well. I really want it back to 100% before I start using it again.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @shanaber Could she stay in an extended stay hotel? Maybe you could talk to the manager and get a good deal on price, considering the circumstances.
    Thanks all for the suggestions. I don't think a camper would work because she is in a wheelchair. We thought about the hotel, one with a handicapped room and a small kitchen, but when I discussed it with her we couldn't figure out the sleeping arrangements. She sleeps in a recliner that has a 'lift function' to help her get up. She said if she got on the bed she wouldn't be able to get up but I thought she could use her walker to help her get up... She wants to rent another chair but I don't think a hotel would allow her to bring in her own furniture. I was thinking they might have some kind of chair she could use with an ottoman or something even if it wasn't a recliner like she has at home. I know she is worried, afraid and wants to stay home but I wish she could be a little willing to try, knowing it is temporary and won't be perfect. Honestly dh, dd and I have discussed that she really shouldn't be home, living alone at all. Dh thinks she may have caused the actual flood by leaving the water running in her bathroom.
    I will be giving our Senior agency a call and see if they have any advice.

    @elise4270 - I am glad the leg is healing faster this time around. Do the screws stay in or are they removed once the bone is set? I would think it would be very irritating to have it there. Have fun with the cello and hopefully the violin if your shoulder allows it.

    @avidkeo - I think when you are rehabbing an injury like that more time is better to make sure it is fully healed. Hopefully you won't be like me and just get so impatient. It does sound though like you are approaching it very smartly!

    I actually went to bed at a decent time last night, slept well and got up early. That meant Hobbes and I could get out in the cooler morning and run. We were home before the time I would normally head out and that was even with stopping to chat with a trail friend. I love it but I just need to make it a habit - get to bed early, get up and out early!
    Dinner last night was grilled chicken with steamed broccoli and quinoa. I made the quinoa with a bit of lemon infused olive oil, garlic, onion, thyme and parsley. It was pretty good. I wanted it pretty bland so dh would like it. Next time I am going to experiment with more spices. Food today has been pretty good so far. I have agility later with Hobbes so dinner will be leftovers of some sort.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Shanaber It does sound like Hilde should be in an assisted living home. Perhaps this would be the time to get her in one. Maybe she'd become comfortable knowing it's temporary and become "okay" with staying permanently if she feels that her quality is better or is safer.

    The screws stay in the femur. He will remove them if they bother me. The last ones didn't, and I noticed on x-ray, that these don't appear to stick out as far as the others. It isn't much but will become tender if constant pressure is on them. Cello could do that, but we'll see.

    @Avidkeo Ya I figure they do a whole lot on twisting on that leg to line it up. I watched a youtube video of the femur rodding, it is brutal.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Proud of you for keeping your eating under control since you were struggling for a while and that your weight is going in the right direction. As for your calf, are you going to PT? I did when I hurt mine and it really helped.

    Glad you were able to get to bed early, get a good night's sleep, and get out and beat the heat. You're dinner sounds good. A lot of you seem to eat quinoa. I've never had it. What is it exactly? You're right about the chair. I'm sure the hotel would worry about bedbugs, even though they could get that from infected luggage. It wouldn't hurt to ask. All they can say is no. I agree with @Elise4270 about the assisted living. If you could find a good one that she can afford. I know my cousin is much safer in one. Fortunately, he realized he needed help.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - that is sad about Hilde and I'm sure it is stressful for you. The bathroom need is a major pain, I have no advice since I get it too.

    @elise4270 - Yes the school will keep you busy. That sounds painful to play Cello with shoulder pain!

    No major drama at school today. Just super busy. I got take away Indian tonight because we usually do it on the weekend but there was a bad storm and we didn't to drive there. It's not a place that does Uber Eats. So this delicious Indian is by my school, so that works out perfectly. May be the new plan!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I wish Hilde would consider an assisted living facility. They have some really nice ones here that are a combination of retirement home/assisted living with different levels of support as needed. She is just not open to it and doesn't see any need for it. I don't know if it is just CA or everywhere but there doesn't seem to be any authority or organization that will say you can no longer live by yourself. We had friends whose mom had dementia and they needed a doctor's order to have her moved into a care facility and even then the doctor really didn't want to give them the order. She was worse than Hilde and would leave lit cigarettes (in ashtrays) all around the house forgetting about them. It was just a matter of time before she would have caught something on fire. I did call our county center for aging and they didn't have much but gave me some other numbers to call. They think I can get a social worker assigned who will work with the insurance company to either get a chair if the hotel will allow it or get an aid to stay, probably in an adjoining room to help her get in/out of bed. This is all assuming she would be amenable to it. Dh talked to her today and she was saying maybe she wouldn't have the work done at all and just leave it... I am sure the thought of mold and bacteria has not occurred to her.
    Thanks all for letting me vent on this here. I know it is completely off topic...

    @ddmom0811 - yum! Indian food!!