Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I hate dh's diet. He isn't fetching food or cooking anything, just drinking these shakes... I am going to have to fend for myself I suppose.

    The scale
    Was down the other day. I don't want to get on it again because I like the idea it might be down a tad.

    Food plans
    *shrugs* Earl Grey so far... Stomach is growling already.

    Sleep and leg/hip
    Still poor and grumpy.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We finally got to the store yesterday so lots of fruit again. Had kraft gf nac n cheese yesterday. Best of what I've tried so far.

    Attempted to run this morning. I was scheduled for 50 minute progression run. I did 20 minutes and was done. It was warm (90°), the air is *kitten* (California fire), and my body was like nope. I'll try my plyometric workout at lunch.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @rusonespresso - thanks, the fire is a bit south and way inland from us. Maybe 1-1.5 hour drive. Unfortunately it is in a area that we love to visit in the winter for apples and just hiking around. There are some cute little shops and restaurants that have been there for years. We discovered it because there was a place to order and pick up fresh turkeys for the holidays and we would all drive up a day or so before Christmas, visit the shops, have lunch and apple pie at the restaurant and play in the snow. Even when dd was in college she wanted to still go on her break even though the turkey place was long gone. Dh and I took Hobbes up there last year just to take a drive and it was all still the same. It is in the evacuated area and I am just hoping it isn't destroyed and the people who work there are all safe too.
    I did see on the news last night that the winds are blowing the smoke over into AZ, I didn't realize it was all the way to Phoenix though! I always think we are so hot, until I see your posts... I was just whining to myself that it is already so hot out before my run this morning (70F) 😂 Guess I better suck it up and get out there. I will think of you running in 90F and it will give me motivation!

    @quilteryoyo - love the pictures of the kids - so darn cute!
    I wouldn't worry too much about the weight bouncing up and down as long as the trend isn't up, up , up and you feel good. I look at mine over time and want the trend overall to be going down and not worrying about the little bumps in-between.

    @elise4270 - I like to put whatever fruit is in season into my salads so berries or peaches or whatever, especially with arugula. I think the spiciness of the arugula with the sweetness of the fruit is a good combination. Also since you love tacos how about making a taco salad with the taco meat, corn and maybe black beans mixed in with the lettuce and some salsa for dressing? You could even break up a taco shell or a few chips into it for some crunch.
    Can you give your dh a list and ask him to pick up a few things for you and then coerce him into making something for you too?

    @ddmom0811 - hope you (and the condo) are safe from the hurricane. It does look like it is sweeping up the coast and not actually coming onto land in FL so that is good I think.
    Thanks for the info you sent me on the Peloton plans. Dd went to try it out and ordered hers yesterday. She also got the free financing for 39 months but the bike won't be delivered until mid September. She has not figured out how to add me to her plan but she will and then I can at least use the app without paying the monthly fee.

    This weekend seemed to be all about food starting with Hilde's birthday dinner on Friday. Dd did a Zoom dinner with her where she bbq'd and we got Hilde (and us) bbq dinner from a favorite restaurant. I set up her Zoom on her iPad and they visited for over 2 hours. Hilde said it was her best birthday ever and is still talking about it! We got Mediterranean take away on Saturday (chicken and veggie kabobs for me - yum!) and last night we bbq'd burgers with a huge salad.
    When I shopped last week I got fruit (peaches and cantaloup) and turkey breast for sandwiches as well as cottage cheese. So I have actually been doing much better eating lunch. The peaches are so delicious too! I got a box of them planning to make a cobbler but they may not make it for that because I am just eating them all. I also had one yesterday after my run and it was the perfect recovery snack!
    Tonight is agility class and leftovers. We have so much in the fridge that I am sure it will be dinner for several days this week.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    You can see the smoke hanging in the air in this photo.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Glad the zoom call and dinner went well with Hilde and she enjoyed it so much! Also glad the fires aren't near you. Hope your little get away place survives. I'm not too worried about the weight bouncing around. I just think it interesting that I can gain so much in just a couple of days. I'm hoping to stay under 140. If I do, I'll be happy. I think 140 will by my "you need to start doing better" point.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - I could see it here off on our horizon near the mountains too. I don't think it is impacting our air quality at all though. It is all going your way. I did channel you today when I went out for my run. It felt so hot and my legs were uncooperative after yesterday's longer than should have run.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber Our air quality seems better today than yesterday. It was so hazy, and that yellowy fire haze. At first I thought it was a monsoon and got excited & then saw the news about the fire. I'm more sensitive to the air with my allergies and asthma. It sucks LOL

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2020
    Dh is being a butt. rant.
    Yesterday I forgot to put a trash bag in the can after taking it out, and I cried when he asked if I wanted to go do anything when he went out for a run, like as if, there is something I can do . I can't do anything (about Alex being gone). So last night he asks me if I am abusing my meds... What meds? the opiates. Dude I haven't taken any in a week, and the week before I took 3. So he asks about the antidepressants. ugh I am prescribed 30mg daily, I'm taking 15. And this morning he cancels Alex's phone line... I told him I wanted to keep the number. I guess it's time to give in to the 30 mg dose. But I don't think it's going to matter at all.

    I have a one-on-one lab review tomorrow. Classes begin soon. Maybe this will help me a bit.

    up. down. up. down...

    frozen pizza mostly. DD has a cousin with a birthday and brought home the worst dish ever. I think it's suppose to me a mock cheesecake or no bake. Horribly sweet. I still ate two pieces waiting for it to be better.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! WOW, two family bdays in one week!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Elise4270 Thank you. Last year I was hoping that Mya would be born on my birthday, but she came 3 days too soon. :wink: Mom's is on the 15th and nephew's is the 27th. Lots of celebrating in August. Plus, my mom and dad's anniversary is 4 Sept. They will be married 64 years.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉🎁
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Happy Happy Birthday @quilteryoyo ❣️
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hey ladies:

    Missed a few days...the first week of the month is busy for us bean counters....will head out for my very slow run and check back in once I have caught up with all the happenings....

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I think it was @ddmom0811 that had asked about the virtual race charity. They just announced it's St. Judes.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo....Happy Birthday...sorry I missed it but so cool that you celebrated with 6.1!! the cutest lil her birthday outfit! Reminds me of a memory of my kids first birthdays. We set the cake with the single candle down on the high chair tray to take a picture and of course, Zach grabs it....Mother of the Year. But wait.....2 years later, did it again.....I am surprised they saw 21!

    @rheddmobile Congrats on the weight....I am there too...for about 5 min. :D

    @RunsOnEspresso St. Judes is such a great charity!!! Signed I run the 5 K whenever I want? Cool pic but sorry about the air quality.

    @shanaber where was the fire? DD is getting the bike? I think she signs you up on the bike with login and LB name (leaderboard) and then you are part of her household. Then you can login on the website or the app....they all act a little differently....

    @Elise4270 Sorry about how your's a roller coaster. School might be something nice to focus on. Salad:
    Made this last week - so dang delicious - Peaches for the win:

    @ddmom0811 I hope the storm has passed, and school will be ok...such a crazy time right now everywhere.

    I have been riding a lot and ran today....and trying to add more strength stuff to the mix. I will be going on vacay at the end of next week so no Peloton unless I can get my husband to bring it (kidding not kidding) but I need a break tbh. My hip/femur is hurting a bit and I need to go back to the doctor but will wait til after so he can't tell me not to go hiking. I realize that is very immature but I'm 57 going on 17 so it fits.

    Food: Lots of carbo loading....last night we had salmon burgers from our store....I put mine on a bed of greens with a lemon basil good.

    Tonight - I am making a dish I saw in the NYT cooking section that looks really good: I love greek/Mediterranean, so I am hoping this is good. I will add some zucchini and kalamatas.


    Happy Hump Day....
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @bearly63 Thank you! Yes, you can run your race whenever. If you want to submit your results & get a finishers certificate it needs to be done before October 4th.

    I got an email today from a local race company. Their triathlon is going to be virtual this year. There's a duathlon option and you can use treadmills and indoor bikes. So I'm thinking I might do the duathlon. It's a 1-mile run, 12-mile bike ride, and 3.1-mile run. Runs would obviously be outside. I'd have to really think about time of day and probably get up earlier than usual to fit everything in before it got too hot.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    turkey sandwich, despite the preservatives. Cheese crackers (like cheez-its- but without soy).

    I think it's having a senior moment. It's up. And the fat cat gained half a pound. Well check back on that tomorrow. I might need to weight the cat on the kitchen scale.

    I think I am up for a nap now. Where's that lil poo bear.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo Keep looking after yourself. I'm sure the loss if such a young soul was enough to put you over the top. We are living in unprecedented times. The stress and anxiety levels are building for so many of us, everything we do adds to it; am I being exposed am I exposing others, can I do this or that; will this ever end?

    I found an NADH+ supplement to be helpful (along with the antidepressant). DD even decided to try it today.

    Hang in there. We're here if you need to let it out. Therapy might be good. DH thinks I need it, but I really am combative over the whole idea. Does not mean I couldn't benefit if I can ever get over the "no one cares/ I am ment to suffer" woe.