Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    We had a great time at agility tonight. My stomach was feeling cranky before we headed to class so I wasn't feeling too optimistic but I had a bit of ginger and that seemed to help and I ended up feeling fine. It was a tough class with a really challenging course but we really had fun with it and Hobbes just loves being there and running and jumping. He was wiped out when we got home 😊
    Dh ended up having leftover pizza while I was at class so I tempted fate and tried the leftover carnitas and was surprised at how good it was. Amazing what a few paper towels can do to get the grease out. Also had a piece of dark chocolate with hazelnuts and a glass of wine.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Glad your tummy got to feeling better and you both enjoyed agility class. Hobbes is adorable. What doe the pillow behind him say?

    @Avidkeo So sorry that the ligaments are torn, but glad you found out so you aren't doing more damage. Hopefully the 6 weeks will go by quickly.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo oh that sucks but at least you know what it is and can make a plan to fix it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo Ouch! was it the soleus that you tore? Any chance of swimming?

    Rain finally here. I'm to tired for a wordy/thoughtfilled update. Poor sleep again (pain). I think I am just SOL until it passes. Visit with a PA today for the toe nail fungus that was just kept at bay with the jublia, and I am out of it now. Won't do that again, it was expensive and doesn't work ($80 after a pharama card that would have been 400. That's just so dumb for 0.5mL of dabby wet on your toenail? ). I am asking again to just take it off... if she won't I'll call the podiatrist, who probably will have it done before i finish asking.

    I have an eye muscle spasm... not the top but bottom. It's like my eye wants to force closed. I must be stressed. I could get back on the antidepressant. I don't know why I am so resistant to taking them, well I hate the first 2 weeks of a full dose and weaning off them with the brain zaps are unpleasant. I am just getting over the jerks and zaps from the anesthesia. But this antidepressant could help with pain a little. Or I can break in to my stash of hydrocodone that doesn't even work for me, and take a larger dose. I'll probably do neither because tylenol still gives me a headache. Still taking the turmeric though. I am meant to suffer... oh well.

    no idea. so tired. coffee IV?

    food yesterday
    I did better I think. I ate an egg and cheese sandwich, beef jerky... oh bluebell ice cream X2 oh well. calcium for bone at least. ish..
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hello all!

    @RunsOnEspresso Calabacitas sound good.

    @Avidkeo So sorry you have torn ligaments....but sounds like you have a good plan and will heal nicely.

    @shanaber Sorry about the pm pain. Does the device stick up under the opposed to laying flat? That would be very annoying with bra straps etc. Hobbes is worn out! Nice work!

    @Elise4270 My eye does that spasm thing too sometimes, def. when I am stressed. Hope you find relief from the pain and can get some sleep. Ice cream is very good for bone strength I tell myself.

    Thanks for the kind words on my crazy bike challenge....shooting for it again in me something to train for.

    Exercise: today I attempted beginner yoga...I have taken yoga for 3 years. It's the one thing that I really have not gotten better body is very inflexible esp my spine and hips. I did it alot before Covid but still didn't see a ton of improvement other than I can touch my toes and floor easily. I am very good at shivasana. I also did a 20 min total body weight workout and a 30 min HiiT and Hills class....quick and hard.

    Food: After reading about @ddmom0811 and her yummy salads, I bought some more fixins and will make a big salad for dinner. Lunch, I went for the noshing plate....not quite as pretty as @RunsOnEspresso 's but will do. Added some walnuts and waiting on a hard boiled egg.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    PA wasn't much help for the toe. I don't get why removing the nail isn't going to help... So, good ol' rx and see if it tries to kill my liver, again. I think I'll phone the podiatrist. I did talk to her (PA) about resuming the antidepressants on record... I am having a horrible day, just horrible nonstop crying. DD said I can't stop taking the med or take it just whenever... well so you say, little black pot, so you say. I think I just need a nap.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Sorry @Elise4270 , but I agree with DD on this one. To get the benefits, you have to take it consistently. As for the toenail fungus, I'm pretty sure one of dad's doctor's told him to put Vicks Vapor Rub on it. Worth a shot and can't hurt anything.

    @bearly63 Looks like a very healthy lunch.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - I am so sorry about your torn ligaments! So glad you got it checked out so you know what is wrong and how to fix it. Hang in there!
    @quilteryoyo - the pillow says ' All you need is love and a dog named Hobbes' Dh got it for me last Christmas.
    How is your cousin settling in to the new place? I hope he likes it!
    @elise4270 - I get that same eye spasm when I am stressed too. It used to happen at client meetings when I had to present and it was terrible and I was sure everyone could see it. I don't know of anyway to make it go away other than trying to relax, maybe listen to some classical music and try clearing out your mind?
    Calcium is good for healing as is lots of protein! Go for it!
    Nail fungus - I have (thankfully) never had but have heard it can be terribly difficult to get rid of. A friend got it years ago (like maybe 40) when she had porcelain (before acrylic) nails put on for her wedding. She is still fighting it. If you talk to the podiatrist I would be interested to hear what they say.
    I'm no help on the anti-depressants either but I would probably stop taking them too if they made me feel bad. Maybe they can just give you a lower dose or a different type?

    So @bearly63 and @runsonespresso had these beautiful, oh so healthy lunches... I made a quick dash to Trader Joes and passed on the grocery store (too busy). I only got cheese, salami and crackers at Trader Joe's, oh and peaches they're healthy 😊 If I had known the grocery store was going to be packed I would have gotten some veggies at TJ's. So lunch was cheese and crackers and salami. Maybe I should have a peach too just so I can think it was a little healthy.

    I rushed to get home for a family FT call with our DD. She has been working on her house and had a bunch of plumbing work done today and is going to give us a 'tour'. Unfortunately her pest control guy came right when we were going to start so now we are waiting.
    Oh and she didn't get the job she applied for ☹️ The clinic has a contract with an organization to provide residents (ie free labor) and has strict requirements for their supervision. Even though Cate was the clinic's first choice and she has done resident supervision for UW they would not approve her. She will be getting an offer for a job taking over for another doctor going on maternity leave though. It isn't the job she wants (she will have to see adults) and there are no benefits but it is a job and a foot in the door for moving to another clinic or position.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I have salami cheese and crackers sometimes too. It's good to switch it up! I get bored after a while.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    @shanaber Ugh, glad your DD found some employment... Sounds stressful and competitive and trying. You would think she would not have such a hard time getting in where she wants with her credentials. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her.

    @quilteryoyo I can't imagine that 1989 is old and the parts being hard to find! That was just yesterday, no?

    DD came out of her room and kept me company for an hour or so. I feel better (did take med). I think I need some face to face cathartic moments now and again. Dh tries but it's not the same and we disagree so easily, I just make him mad- he can't help and I just need an ear and some understanding, (I need DD). So, hopefully with that my eye will settle down. She's only taking one class next semester. I said that I understood her choice, if her grants won't cover it, I got it. DD told me disney plus is free for a year with Verizon, so I added it so I can watch Hamilton. DH said disney is all pedo's... *shrugs* I have no idea. I don't do news or what have you.. all this hate in the world. The show I wanna watch isn't pedo... Guess I could offer to buy it elsewhere if that makes it better. DD suggested Nathan for you on Hulu too.

    DH got bbq again, so Que and beans. I had 1 ice cream with a banana.

    I will cut it off myself if I gotta! Anyone see Shameless? (it is extraordinarily crude, so don't watch it unprepared). I am sure I got it at the Y pool... for the second time.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 If you like Star Wars watch The Mandalorian.

    Shameless was one of my fav shows! Not the same without Emmy Rossum. Still watch it though.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    @elise4270 If you like Star Wars watch The Mandalorian.

    Shameless was one of my fav shows! Not the same without Emmy Rossum. Still watch it though.

    season 10 came out on netflix this week... I watched it all... hehehe!
    ETA William H Macy is just to die for in this role though. You hate him / you love him.. efn frank.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Love the pillow. My cousin is getting settled in and seems to really like it there. He is still in quarantine, as his CoVid test hasn't come back yet, so that part is hard. And, he may be quarantined longer because the facility had 2 staff test positive last week. They won't say if they worked in his building or not, so they may be keeping everyone in their rooms for another 2 weeks, just to be sure. It's hard. But, he is enjoying having the room to himself, for now. OH, great news. He got approved for Medicaid, Group 2, so they will be helping to pay for his stay. So, he's set for the long term...just waiting to see when he will get the increase in Aid & Attendance from the VA. Even if he doesn't, we can manage to keep him there for a long time. That's a relief. Sorry DD didn't get the job she wanted. That stinks.

    @Elise4270 I know. 1989 doesn't seem like that long ago, until you do the math. LOL We've tried to talk dad into buying a different truck, but he likes this old beat up one that he doesn't have to worry about running over the farm. Glad you had a good talk with DD. It helps to have someone you can talk to. I was lucky to have a great Hospice Chaplain that kept in touch after John's death. I don't know where I would have been without her as I just couldn't open up about all of my struggles to my parents.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - having someone to talk to/lean on is SO important. FWIW - my dh doesn't do it well either. It makes him uncomfortable and usually he laughs. I know he isn't laughing at me as it is how he copes but it doesn't make it any better. I miss having my friends to talk to. I do text with my good friend in No CA but it is not the same as having someone right there to talk, cry and laugh with.
    We got Disney+ for the same reason, to watch Hamilton as well as another show they had about a dog that dh wanted to watch but we have found lots of other things to watch now. I have watched Hamilton twice and will probably watch it again. Be sure to turn on sub-titles, it makes it much easier to follow. Actually we watched 1st time no sub-titles and then I turned them on the 2nd time.
    I think part of the issue with pediatric positions is most of the health groups (Health Point, Children's, Group Health/Kaiser) are moving away from specialists like pediatrics and doing more GPs. Which is fine, she can do that but her joy is working with the kids. Even as big as HealthPoint is they only have 5 pediatricians in the entire system and no one leaves so competition is high. They typically have 1-2 applicants for a position and they had 8 that they actually interviewed for this one. HealthPoint is apparently a really good place to work, they take great care of their employees and no one leaves. I guess because they are non-profit and they know you could make a lot more money in private practice or elsewhere so they want to make it worth staying there. Also because they are non-profit they are eligible for the loan repayment programs which is HUGE.

    @quilteryoyo - could you find the part at a car junk yard? I know that is a big thing here or used to be.
    So glad your cousin is settling in ok. I hope they get out of their rooms soon and can socialize a bit more.

    I got up early so to get out for an early walk and then going to the grocery store, hoping it won't be too busy. Dh got donuts again from a place that makes them with fresh fruit on top. They cover them in some kind of syrup so they are nauseatingly sweet. It is good because I won't eat them at all, just makes me wish the peaches I bought were closer to being ripe - they are still too hard to eat.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Scale is down a tad today... suspiciously states "What's going on, Universe? I know this is a trap".

    Office phoned this AM regarding my blood work yesterday, checking where my liver enzymes were. All fine except my blood calcium is a tad high. But I don't think it is. It was 10.1. I'll mention it to my orthopeadic surgeon just in case. I am almost sure that is my normal anyway.

    ugh I saved money on book, I thought. Email this morning says if you bought them from the publisher to send them back and purchase the bundle from the bookstore. Ya know what? nah. I will just purchase the additional items from the publisher after i pop in to the bookstore and see what it is I am lacking. Looks like I have to part with another 4-500 bucks. horrible. 200$ for online access for each class to the publishers supplemental learning system. I am offended. I am not a child, I can study on my own; held hostage over 2-5% of my course grade. It's extortion. end rant.

    Kitchen foraging. Almond butter and jelly perhaps.

    yuck. still so grumpy. But my right hip is not out of alignment as bad today. So that is wonderful. The labrum tear is unhappy, all the way to my ankle- grumpy. shoulder still stupid too. But the scale is down a bit.

    I watched Hamilton last night. ugh, why did no one say it was sad? I did love it though. @shanaber I watch everything with the captioning on. But did not watch Hamilton that way. I don't know if it was an issue on my end or disney, but it kept kicking me off every 15 minutes. It was very annoying. Not sure I'll watch it (or anything else on disney) again because of that issue. I watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, youtube all just fine so no reason disney would be janky except its free.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 I think if ESPN is having sports it makes Disney slower. The first time we watched it kept freezing and there was something on ESPN (UFC maybe?). The next time everything was fine but there wasn't anything sports on.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - that is interesting. I wonder if they share a Network on the back end. I do know Disney was not at all prepared for the onslaught of new subscribers (my old company runs their data center and I know they were jumping through hoops).
    @Elise4270 - we have not had any issues with it freezing or knocking us off. We have a Roku device and watch on our TV with it and I have also watched on my laptop over wireless.

    Got my walk, er, run in. For now - the sun was hot but we ran a good portion of it. More later. I need a shower!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I know ESPN is owned by Disney but beyond that I have no idea how their back end works. We stream through the app on Playstation 4. Never had an issue with Netflix or Amazon on there so have to assume it was Disney.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber So glad you were able to mostly run today! That's fantastic! The mechanic that dad goes to knows all of the junk yard people around here, so I'm sure he checked. He did manage to find a new on from O'Riley's Auto. It's pretty expensive, but for a new one, it's probably worth it. Dad will be happy he gets to keep his old reliable truck.