Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad the monument got set and you like it. Hopefully Crazy will calm down soon and you can stop worrying about her.

    @RunsOnEspresso Oh no! Sorry the Mexican wasn't up to par. I hate it when that happens.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - crazy is in HI! What the heck? I thought they still had the quarantine if you go there. Glad that the monument set works and that they have security. I can't fathom someone breaking in for cremains.
    @RunsOnEspresso - well that is a bummer about the Mexican being disappointing.

    We had Indian last night and again tonight. We had it during the week too, for two nights (because I was so busy). The owner/manager knows me well now, lol. I drank for the first time in a while (White Claws) and headache this morning. Weight up a pound.

    Condo - we went by yesterday to check out everything again. I hadn't opened the kitchen cabinets before and I realize they are not that great. But it's fine. We redid our kitchen a year or so ago, so I'm spoiled. Who cares! The view! I looked in cabinets and there are SO many dishes, several sets of silverware (just the normal kind) and canned food. Realtor thinks that the owner may not come and get anything. She doesn't know where he lives but from looking in closet it appears he may have lost his wife (only mens clothes), how sad. So if he doesn't come, there will be a lot to clear out, but it's fine. It will feel strange if he doesn't. As much as I detest all those things sitting around the one thing I like are these two birds/pelicans. So I hope he leaves those! If he lives up north and is older (which she says he is), he may not want to come to FL. Can't blame him! The storage unit is full of cool stuff - beach wagon, chairs, two bikes! There was a car in our future parking spot and I joked, is he leaving us this too! Probably he lets someone else park there while he's away. I realize we will need all new sheets (yeah, just yuck, using someone else's old sheets, even though I will in an AirBnB). The bed in the guest room is beautiful but it's a sleigh bed. Our adult kids are very tall and they wouldn't fit on it, so we need to get a different bed, and may as well get a queen. Bunk beds and master are good to stay. May as well get new towels too. And the main thing we both want to get rid of right away is the dining room table and cabinet and some of the furniture in the master. Feel very lucky to be getting this and it will be fun to have family get togethers there (and MFPRTNSNA). Dh is obsessed with getting adirondack chairs for the balcony. I don't like the idea that much because of the grand kids. He says we will never leave them alone on balcony. I'm going to put a gate around them, but didn't tell him that yet.

    Had an Egg McMuffin, no ham, for breakfast. And a few peanut M&Ms. I have to have something sweet for breakfast. So whenever I have an egg mcmuffin I have to follow it with something sweet.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    edited July 2020
    One more thing -- I think I'm going to join a Runbet. I've never done it but DD did it when she was training for the Big Sur Marathon a few years ago. I never joined a challenge because I was always running way more than the challenges. But since Pellie came to live at my house, my runs are way down.

    It is 6 weeks of 4 runs each week and only 30 mins each. It says minimum pace is 18 mins/mile - so that is basically walking. You pay $40 and at the end, if you successfully do it, you split the pot with the remaining runners. You know me and challenges. :wink: I figure I can do that and still ride Pellie for 30 mins or so and/or lift.

    So if anyone wants to join me it starts tomorrow -- July 27 - Sept 6. I think you can run/walk any 4 days in the week. There are 64 runners in it now. The only fear is Garmin better not get hacked again during this time! May turn on Strava at the same time!

    Edit - joined it! What the heck!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @ddmom0811 If he leaves all that stuff at least you can make some money back selling what you won't use!

    I've done runbet before. It works to get me back into running. I never earned a ton (few bucks each time) but I never lost. I chased out a few months back because they are definitely geared towards beginners or those getting back into it. Figure if I ever need it again I can pay again.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ya, I don't l know how she managed that. She has a friend who is a pilot. Or maybe the money she raised from her go fund me page. DH thinks she is married to a guy there. This girl is a drug addict and does not have the mean to vaca. So, opportunist I guess. I was thinking, How hard would it be to destroy the headstone if you really did care for him? I told DH if it happens, then at this point I have to accept it. I tried.

    Yesterday was not so great, I did resist the ice cream and dd made brownies. Today DH's beef jerky is done... He was surprised it made so much and thought he'd give some away. So I am eating all I can for breakfast before that happens. LOL! It does not pair well with coffee.

    @ddmom0811 I'd love tot to the run challenge! I hope the previous condo owner is okay... covid, older, selling... kinda makes you think he might ill or have health concerns. If there is stuff you want, you might be doing him a favor relieving him of it. Unless he's sentimental (or kids are) or moving to another condo I'd think there'd be little chance he needs/wants it. just a thought.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 Love that you and DH are on the same page with most things at the condo. I sort of hope the owner comes back to get some of the things - like clothes. I'm surprised the realtor doesn't know where he lives. I know you are excited and changing things to make it yours will be fun!

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 / @quilteryoyo -- I hope he comes to pick up the stuff too! DH just told me that he noticed some of the clothes had tags on them in the closet. If he doesn't come to clean it out, I guess if we find something sentimental we could save it. Though it can be difficult to tell what's sentimental! We've only spoke with the selling Realtor, I'm sure the listing agent must know where he lives. But I get the impression it's not close by for some reason.
    I am going to try to get Mustard Seed to pick the furniture up. Not sure if that is nationwide org or not, but around here it's an org that gives furniture to women leaving abusive homes. I've never given to them before because we had the same furniture in our house for about 30+ years, so never got rid of anything until we started redoing everything last year. By then it was so old and awful, no one would want it! But this condo furniture could definitely be used by someone.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 DH was just saying he needs running motivation. How would he join the challenge? My Garmin is still down, is anyone's back up?
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Download the RunBet app. He will see several challenges there. The one I'm doing starts tomorrow so it's at the top.

    Yeah, Garmin is really having trouble. I just rode Pellie and Garmin won't connect to the app at all. What I'm going to do is turn on Strava when I run and my Garmin watch. RunBet may have to take some other proof if Garmin stays down. If he doesn't use Strava he could maybe wait a day or two to join until Garmin is back up.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    This may be the week I force myself to do more normal. I have 2 appointments and one errand. I also promised myself to visit Alex's grave. I have those journals and thought to start on them and there is a granite vase, I thought perhaps I could plant a small nandina in it. I'm not sure it'll survive the heat or cold being above ground, but it'd be neat until I needed to rescue it. Better than plastic flowers. I thought maybe I'd rotate live plants as they tolerated the weather.

    yesterday was beef jerky and brownies. Today is scale no matter what, even with brownie belly bra fat. *sigh* I did it to myself.

    Where is @bearly63 and @shanaber? you ladies doing okay?

    MetLife is dragging out paying a small dependent policy we have on Alex. So we are looking to change life insurance companies. DH has Unum through work we could maybe up, or do an additional private policy to replace my metlife one (unum paid, no qualms). If we need to collect again in the future, no way I want my family/ or myself to worry about it paying. I wonder if metlife doesn't pay out if I can ask for my premium back for the last 14 years. Any way, any suggestions for a new company?

    woe is me
    I think my errands would be easier if my clothes fit better. I got in cello practice yesterday for the second time.... my shoulder is so stupid. It hurt so bad last night, it kept me up from 230am to 7am. I even took my last hydrocodone to shut it and the hip up and it did not help either at all. Of course, dh wakes me to take the metlife call... ugh.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 I think you will find with any life insurance the payment is dragged out. Both my dad's and uncles took months to get paid. My uncle died in December and I didn't get the life insurance until June or July. My mom had the same with my dad's. Different companies too.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - I will ask my DH who is a financial advisor and may know companies. But I think @RunsOnEspresso is probably right - they all will drag their feet.

    DH had stomach issues after lunch yesterday (he thinks because he ate too much!) so he wasn't up for Indian leftover dinner. I could have eaten mine anyway but decided to have a PBJ and fries.
    We went to BJs last night. We find if we go the 45 mins before they close it is empty. I hadn't been in a store in weeks and there was a sign at the register "national coin shortage, we don't give change". Huh? I hadn't even heard about it. I haven't used cash in so long anyway!

    I have the same salad almost every day for lunch but I try to mix up the veggies and a different protein (hemp seeds, nuts, cheese, eggs) every few months. At BJs they had these adorable little mini cucumbers. I never put in cucumbers because I made 3 salads at once and I don't like how they look after a couple days. But I thought I'd try them - omg - delicious! They would be fun to just eat plain like a carrot stick! Also, they had these little cottage cheese containers and I thought I'd try that. So today's lunch was so good! I mixed my dressing in the cottage cheese. I don't think I've eaten cottage cheese since the 80s when it was some required food on weight watchers. The reason I bought it was some article somewhere about it being a good recovery food. Anyway, my salad the next few weeks will be fun as long as they carry these cucumbers. FYI the other items in my salad: Spinach leaves, grape tomatoes, grapes carrots, celery, beets, sweet peppers and sometimes a broccoli slaw type mix. Feel like I've said this before, if so, I will buy Prevarin I see advertised whenever I have the TV on.

    I was going to take a picture but it is an ugly mess of a salad! LOL Not pretty like @RunsOnEspresso dishes! But it was good.
    So tonight is the leftover Indian and then Hello Fresh for a few days in a row.
    Brutus rolled in something and he stinks! Of course he is so addicted to me now, from being home so much, he won't leave me for a second. I guess a bath is in order this afternoon.

    Last of all I did day 1 of the RunBet - 30 mins and then a 20 min Pellie ride.

    Next week all teachers go back to school (and even though I'm not teaching). I want to try to get them to let me work from home, but it is not something they do in the diocese for any school. I know I need to be there for the beginning of school but once we get going I don't see why I'm needed on campus.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @ddmom0811 I like cottage cheese on salads in place of dressing. It adds some extra protein. I haven't bought any in a while since I'm the only one that eats it & the brands here aren't as good as the ones in Wisconsin LOL Maybe I'll pick some up next grocery trip.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hello's Monday so far?

    @quilteryoyo....way to stay healthy...we may have to put you in charge of meal planning for the MFPRWNNH Daytona Weekend.

    @RunsOnEspresso We make our own margs too....we have a good recipe that is not too sweet, just a little agave, tons of fresh lime, etc. It's blended and then poured over the rocks. Sorry the food wasn't up to par. What is calabacitas?

    @Elise4270 Glad the monument is set. LOL on the shark comment. Isn't it shark week....maybe crazy will make the show...I would have to and beef jerky do not pair well lol. Sorry about the life insurance issues and the shoulder pain. Is the issue due to the cause of death? I hate insurance companies but yet we still need them.

    @ddmom0811 Do not think about getting rid of the bunks in advance of our MFPRWNNH Daytona Weekend. The rest is fine... ;) That runbet sounds cool. I am struggling to run 3 days a week these days....but still trying to get it in for the weight bearing part of it. That sounds like a cool organization to donate stuff to. I have seen coin signs all over the place lately. Think about how no one is spending nor using cash. Makes total sense. I eat the mini cuckes like a carrot and they are easy to just slice up for salads. Hope you get to work from home. What's Prevarin?

    @shanaber hello there....

    Well....I survived my 5.5 hour, 100 mile PeloFondo bike challenge. I now have a better feel about what running a marathon must be that its more mental than physical at some point. I did my research, planned the right fuel foods ( pbj, honeystinger waffles, some nuts, some gummy bears) and 100 oz of Liquid IV electrolytes and 100 oz of water. I rolled my legs out after each ride for a 5 min bathroom break and then changed clothes between the 3 and 4th hour. My bum survived well thanks to the liberal use of Chamois Butter in all the right places. The best part, I rode with 50 other crazy people and we had the funniest FB message thread going that just kept me in stitches. The rides were awesome...they basically recreated the ride that the instructor had done a year before up to the top of Haleakala on Maui. So 5 rides, one hour each, all climbing. I ignored her callouts and just stuck to 18 mph and varied the cadence and resistance to reach that speed. Learned a lot and was really proud of finishing something that challenging. Now what? Hmmm......I'll find something. Here is the post I did to our group after finishing and the certificate earned:

    back to normal eating....salmon tonight....some veggies....gotta stop eating like I am some sort of athlete lol!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @bearly63 Way to go! You look so good too, even during the run! Love the e-mail you sent the group. You're amazing!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Seems I am always catching up here!!
    @Elise4270 - Can't believe Crazy is in Hawaii - maybe she will get blown away in the storm. I had the same thought about how she managed to get there.
    I am glad the monument is set. I have never heard of anyone vandalizing a monument to get the cremains but would believe people are capable of doing strange things like that. Good that they have extra security and maybe by the time she gets back she will have moved on to other (strange) interests.
    I am no help with the life insurance other than to say it took about 8-9 months for my dad's government life insurance to process and it was a really small amount. I figured it was the federal government bureaucracy taking its sweet time but maybe that is just how they are. We don't have life insurance, used to have through work and don't bother with it now.

    @ddmom0811 - exciting about the condo. Does the previous owner still have access even though you own it now? It is kind of strange to walk away and just leave everything there, especially food and new clothes. The charity sounds great though to donate the things you don't want/care for/ or won't use. It will just be fun to fi it up the way you like it and enjoy being right there by the ocean! Looking forward to the MFPRTNSNA and will sleep on the couch or floor if I need to!
    Do the baby cucumbers have a name? I will have to look for them here but have never seen them. Maybe at Whole Foods or Bristol Farms if I get over that way.
    I like cottage cheese sometimes. It seems my mood for it comes and goes. When I was looking to add protein to my lunches I think you all suggested it. I need to but it in smaller containers though because often times it ends up spoiling before I can eat it all.

    @bearly63 - You are amazing! What a great job on that challenge ride - wow! Fantastic! Love all the pictures and the certificate in your post!

    So I asked on my PM group about it hurting when I run and also about sports bras that won't push on the edge and make it sore. One of the ladies who is a runner said I probably need to let it heal more and build up more scar tissue around it and then it won't hurt. That said I did try running some little bits yesterday during my walk. Like she said though we all have different needs in sports bras but she always buys the heavier duty ones with the widest straps. The bra I had on yesterday had wider straps and came over further so it seems to hold the PM in place and bonus it didn't rub or make it sore. I think I am going to have to get rid of most of my sports bras though, even my favorite Oiselle ones because the straps hit right at the edge and make the PM dig into me.
    Today I was going to try running a bit more but I was getting so dizzy it was not an option, so Hobbes and I just went for a really long walk. It wasn't too hot out yet and there was a great breeze coming from the ocean!
    Food: Hasn't been great as far as breakfast and lunch is concerned. I really struggle to find things I like and want to eat that are somewhat healthy. I really need to just get back to making salads for lunch. We are also out of my go to, yogurt for breakfast and I need to make granola...
    We grilled chicken on Saturday and dh tried a new recipe/process and it was delicious.
    We got Mexican last night and I ordered carnitas. It was my favorite from our old restaurant that is now permanently closed so figured I would try it from the new place we have been getting take away from. The meat was ok but it (and the rest of the dinner) was sitting literally in a puddle of grease. There was at least 1/4-1/3 cup of oil/grease in the bottom of the container. I ate some of the dinner from the top down and then took it all out and drained it on paper towels and saved it for another meal. I am not really even sure I want it now... I will not order it again.
    I think we will have leftover grilled chicken tonight as I have agility class with Hobbes and it is easy to just reheat... The rest of the week - who knows. I need to shop - Costco and the grocery store and probably Trader Joes. I don't want to go to any of them. I am becoming a hermit.

    @avidkeo and @rheddmobile - how are you doing?
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @bearly63 - amazing ride!!! Love the collage you made! Yes, I'm keeping the bunk beds because Ella and granddaughter #2 who will be here end of Sept can use them eventually!

    @shanaber - We won't own the condo until 9/4 assuming all goes well with closing. IDK if he will go back or not.
    They were just called mini cucumbers. That's too bad about the sports bras! Disgusting about the grease! That would upset my stomach because I'm not used to it. Yes, the cottage cheese is in tiny packs with just 80 calories but quite a bit of protein.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Oh shoot I forgot who asked about calabacitas. It's corn, zucchini and peppers.

    I've found baby cucumbers at Costco before.