Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - you made me laugh with your explanation of the 2.5 min biking! When I first joined my cycling club I thought I was so fit that I'd have no trouble at all. After all I ran half marathons! Well... the first Saturday I didn't even make it to the 3 mile spot before I was dropped. It was a very cold day for FL, so only the hard core riders were out, so it was faster than normal, but still.. I had to turn around and go back. It took me a few months to get to where I was never dropped. One time this 75 year old guy passed me going up a hill. This is a 34 mile ride at a steady 18-20mph. And it is hard! I will be terrible again if we ever get to ride it again. Some people are doing it with COVID, but I'm not.

    @bearly63 - 100 miles on a Peloton. OMG - no! I've done 100 miles on a road bike and after 75 it is miserable. On a road bike it's your shoulders and upper back that hurt. I imagine on a Peloton it would be the saddle! Don't get a saddle sore! Move around. I have had my share of those but don't seem to get them anymore. Once had to go to a doctor it was so bad, how embarrassing.

    Shoot more to say got but got to go now.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso -wow the most colorful meals! Love it!

    @shanaber - yes it's awful how bad CA, TX and FL are doing.

    @avidkeo - ugh on the pain. Yes, we would all do the same thing!

    Forgot what else I was going to say.
    The condo contract is signed! I cannot believe we are buying this! In these times! Yikes. But DH is a financial planner and we will be fine. It's fully furnished, with stuff that is not really our style, especially the dining room table. I told Realtor I want to go back Sat to look at the dishes and what's in the cabinets! Still in shock we did this. But it will be so nice to have a place for weekends and it's only an hour away. Yeah, we are both thinking but what about Peloton!? I will definitely run on the beach! I love doing that. There is a nice gym downstairs and I'm going to get on the board and demand a Peloton! We may end up moving there one day. If I can just get my school to let me stay working from home, I can just stay there! And we can have the kids and grandbabies over! And my DD some day.

    Here it is:

    Weight is up a pound but it's okay, ate Indian last two nights because I was so busy working, no time to make Hello Fresh. Tonight was Hello Fresh Enchiladas. Did a Pellie ride this AM and may lift tomorrow morning. This busy scheduling is really cutting into my workouts! But it should be coming to an end soon.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @ddmom0811 the furnishings look very much like a staged beach house. Not my style either but I do like the margarita glasses 🤣
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ddmom0811 - Congratulations! It looks fantastic! Love the view and that you are so close to the beach! I agree that the furnishings wouldn't be my choice either and as @RunsOnEspresso said look like was staged. Did the previous owner rent it out like an Airbnb or time share maybe? Also I noticed there is a spin bike shown in the gym picture. Not a Peloton but maybe you could do a Peloton workout on it?

    We had Panera and I tried a new BBQ Chicken salad with no BBQ sauce and the dressing on the side. I liked it but it was so salty! I feel like I need to just guzzle water now and then I will be up all night to go to the bathroom!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso and @shanaber - yes it does look staged! I don't know if they rented it out but this building has a one month minimum rental. We looked at buildings that had one or two week rentals and they were so beat up. This one looks like it has hardly been used at all. Yes, I was thinking that about the spin bike in gym. Or get beach cruisers and ride there. This is a drivable beach so the sand is packed. DH said we will get on the board and try to get a Peloton in gym.

    Weight shot down to 146 today. It's good I don't obsess about these things, lol.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    My weight only slightly down but it's going in the right direction so 👍🏻

    Any other garmin users not sure what to do without the app? Lol I see all these people uploading manually to strava and I'm like nah. I don't want to delete the extra data when it finally uploads. I did snap a quick photo of my watch after my run so I can log it in my journal. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Oh, and I had to laugh about the Garmin outage. They don't know how long it'll last. I was thinking "sure I finally decide to use Garmin coaching and Garmin goes down". I should have tomorrow & Sunday's runs in my watch (because those were set up & synced Monday) but if it goes longer I'm right back at WTF do I do? Just made me chuckle as I was running.

    Also, I finally moved my shoe mileage to Garmin and now I have to write down which ones I wore in my journal to update later. 🤣
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm sure garmin will be back by the end of the day. I can imagine that they are going nuts over there, trying to fix it; or Google will buy them and all will be well with master google in charge.

    From beyond
    I'd been asking Alex to look after his sister. This morning I awoke with an overwhelming urge to turn off the card I gave her. She wanted to go dress shopping remember? She only got a few things, offered to bring me the change, but didn't. Said she and her cousin were shopping more yesterday and she returned empty handed. I really hate being lied to and I hate being her enabler. So, I told her that I had little money on that card, which is true because I'd have to transfer from an investment account. And investment accounts aren't for gas, cigarettes, beer... Boundaries.

    Email came in today he is ready to set it and we just need to phone. DH woke me up wanting me to be on the call immediately. Dude, I am not even awake, can you please? I offered some of Alex's friends to write a letter to him to be included with the cremains, thus far a disappointing zero letters have been received. I did have one via FB prior to the request that I transcribed (girl seemed to have been on vacation in Colorado and stricken with COVID symptoms upon return). I add mine, it was sad of course. I couldn't seem to make myself focus on the positive memories. But I suppose that's fine an all. I left him my St Mary charm, I have one he bought me, so I traded him and a silver cross blessed by the pope, and an abalone charm I had re-set that my dad gave me when I was like 8 or 9, the only thing I had of him growing up, representing the parental love ya know. I wore it for years. My dad died of health effects alcoholism in 2004.

    Suicide hotline
    I may reach out to them and explore why, how and what they see people going through. There was a post on FB from one prevention service touting how this person go their life on track by using the service. I get that it is to offer help and hope to those feeling suicidal. But i wanted to say my son wasn't so lucky and be crappy... so maybe I need to understand more.

    Food and scale.
    Been eating like a child left alone. Tostada's, cheese and ice cream. I may not have it in me to do better. No way I'm stepping on the scale.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi peeps. Finally checking in. Why can't it be Friday every day....not that it really feels different than any other day with the Virus from hell....I guess I need to work harder. :D

    @RunsOnEspresso Lol...the biking felt different to me than running fitness wise...I finally figured out that I just never pushed myself was point A to pt. B. But on the bike, you can push yourself esp with classes and someone telling you to up your speed etc. I often tell them what they can do with that request....I swear a lot at the screen. Fit is important....I will send you a video of one of the instructors going through fitting a few people. I am sure its for any bike. That's a quick pace....very nice! Sorry about the Garmin Issue- I blame Putin.

    @shanaber You are welcome to come anytime...we have a guest room which I am currently modernizing decor in. Sorry Zach (son) your room is now officially our nice guest room! Your rent will be wine. Glad you got your walk/run'd think you would get a text or something from your PM saying hey....a little low here! A clean house is so I sit and look at my kitchen floor and sigh.....

    @ddmom0811 Love the place....I dibs the top bunk. Who's my roommate? I would be immediately ansy to start redecorating....I agree it looks airbnb staged....or just cheap second home. But just new bedding etc will do alot. And then you can go after the furnishings. Love that you will take over the board and add Pelotons....go girl! My 100 miles will be over 2 days....shooting for 80-85 on Sat. And I can take as long as I want....but doing it with a group and doing 5 1 hour hill my own slow and steady pace. I am hitting REI soon to pick up my Chamois Butter....and will be changing clothes twice during. And standing every hour in the saddle. You doctor must have field day with you lol! But that does sound painful. :s

    @Elise4270 Dang it....I know you are right. I just keep telling myself after this one challenge....or my next run....or when hell freezes over. Do I want to go before my hiking vacation to Colorado (if they let us in) if he tells me to sit on my 🍑? What to do.....what to do? Glad you are setting boundaries for DD....she doesn't realize that is probably what she needs. Glad the monument is in and set, and sorry for the sadness. The charms sound beautiful. Reach out to the suicide hotline....that would be good for you and them. Every person and situation is different.

    @quilteryoyo and @avidkeo whats the big plans for the weekend?

    Yesterday did a one hour ride and just stuck to 18 MPH...varying the cadence and resistance to see how I felt...It was doable...for one hour. LoL...WT#$^%$$ am I thinking....oh well....gotta try new things to keep from getting stuck.
    Today, rolled, stretched and did a meditation class....always so good and I need to do more of that.

    Making lasagna to get my carbs stored for tomorrow. But not having a glass of it will be boring.

    Supposed to rain this weekend so my ride is coming at a good time. Will let you know how I did tomorrow afternoon....but def have to ride a bit on Sunday. That is gonna smart..... :#
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have a mountain bike hanging in my garage. I keep saying I need to take it somewhere to look at it & make sure everything is 💯

    It's very old. I bought it at 15. My most expensive purchase ever at that time. I saved up my money & rode it to drivers ed every day. It still has the original tires on it so I'm pretty sure they should be replaced 🤣

    But for now, I'll stick to indoor rides. I was sweating buckets for a 20 minute ride!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso video from Christine D'ercole - Peloton Instructor and masters cyclist. This was usefull for me.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    edited July 2020
    Congratulations on the condo! It looks fantastic! I know you will enjoy it there and so will your family.

    Good to set boundaries for your DD. Glad the monument is about ready to be set. Sweet of you to live those things for Alex. Don't be too disappointed about the letters. I think his generation just doesn't really know how to write a letter. It's a lost art.

    Good luck tomorrow. I know you can do it! My plans....I need to run my Virtual Space Station 10K as the month is quickly coming to an end. It's supposed to be rainy here, so I may wind up doing it on the treadmill. I think I could go faster and wouldn't have to stop if I do. Outside would be a slug fest.

    Almost forgot to tell you how proud of myself I am. I had to get blood work this morning for an upcoming doctor's appointment. Normally, after I get it, I go to a fast food place for a sausage and egg biscuit. Today, I took homemade honey granola and a banana to have for breakfast instead. Definitely a lot healthier.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 I would love a MFPRWNNH get away in Daytona! Count me in if COVID goes away!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    I ate so much yesterday.

    gas station burger
    10oz sirloin from chilis with a salad, broccoli and corn (butter)
    then ate an almond butter and jelly sandwich on high calorie daves bread...

    slept poorly. no meds.... lots of aches. and dh farts loudly so much... how? why? gah!

    looks like rain here (ohh fingers crossed!).

    I tricked the fat cat in to going outside, I put non-diet food outside; perhaps she'll chase a bug now.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 The food sounds good though. Sorry you are in pain and can't sleep. Hope it eases up soon.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Yesterday I made myself a margarita for National Tequila Day. I made my own because if DH makes it, he does a double and its soooo many calories
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Margarita's are my favorite.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'm feeling very snacky today. We are getting Mexican tonight and I had a caloric lunch so I'm trying not to eat.

    I'm working on my photog biz so I'm sitting in front of the computer & I guess today it's making me think I'm hungry. Grrrr
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I want Mexican! Sometimes when I have a high caloric lunch it makes me hungry too. I think maybe because it's usually not the healthiest of foods and leaves me wanting more.