Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I think it is this, under food/diary settings. It's been awhile. I believe if it's checked it does the adjustment for exercises.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Day 1 of real planning.

    I have been reading up on recomp and came across leangains. I can only hope its accurate info. So I'm going to stay connected to my goal.

    I'm not a breakfast eater. Usually I just grab a protein shake abouy 9-10 and have coffee early. I think I'm going to leaninto this intermittent fasting idea.

    The IP saved my butt today. I made eggs, and some veggies last night and didn't get around to the chicken- it got late. Well, duh, I just threw it in this morning and I'll go home for lunch. I can do some of my strength PT too. I may be on to something with lunch at home.

    Have a healthy day all! :heart:
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Lunches this week while in the office are Lean Cuisine French bread pepperoni pizzas and Caesar salad with Bolthouse dressing. I usually do meal prep, but had to phone it in this weekend. The pizzas are nice and carb-y with good crunch and very satisfying.

    I work from home two days a week, so I make my food as I go when I'm here. For breakfast it's eggs/spinach/mushroom with a piece of toast and jam. Lunch will be two salmon packets w/ cream cheese and a sweet potato. Snack is my usual yogurt with Fiber One cereal. I also had a protein shake post-run. If I do a morning run over 5 miles, I seem to need a little extra earlier than usual. I pacify myself with black coffee usually until 10am, but sometimes that runger sets in on my longer mid-week runs. Today I made it with ice, chocolate almond milk (unsweetened) and protein powder. Usually I add fruit for sweetness, but didn't this time to save calories and avoid a carb spike. Next time I'll toss in a Stevia packet, but I definitely feel full and satisfied! I do get some satiety out of a thick shake that I really have to work on to get down and without a protein bar or shake, I don't think I'd get close to my protein goal.

    It's Tuesday, which means tacos for dinner. I usually compromise and either do sour cream OR cheese and depending on my mood I can go either way. It's a cheese kind of week.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Breakfast this morning was instant oatmeal topped with fresh blueberries, strawberries and chopped walnuts. Plus coffee because it's my lifeblood.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We are having turkey tacos tonight.

    @sarahthes mmmmmm coffee....
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2018
    *sigh* days just ticking away, I'm ready for my noon PT/lunch plan. That I planned for. But I don't plan for those plans to fall through.

    I'm stuck at work babysitting vendors that can't be left unattended.

    I thought maybe I'd get a late lunch, because all my coworkers that have gone to lunch would kindly relieve me... *kitten*. Then I could just grab a quick lunch swim, and something horrible to eat. But thats out because the wind yesterday was miserable. And I tried to get in/out of a negative pressure building with a dang heavy door opposing this horrendous wind and strained some intercostal muscles. Hurts to even breath.

    I'm not happy my coworkers suck. And I now have injury on top of injury.


    ETA problem solved. Just leave for lunch.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    love the sign-off @Elise4270 !!

    I just can't stop EATING today!!! I worked from home most of the morning, had some eggs, then some cereal. Then went to do a site visit. My mistake. I didn't eat or drink any more until I left around 3.30pm to come home. So a bag of crisps (potato chips), plus some cheese I'd taken with me for emergencies. I really should have stopped and eaten the salad lunch I had with me, or just DRUNK more!!

    I know that for me, I need proper regular meals, three times a day at standard times (excpet breakfast, that's usually not until 11ish). Otherwise I'm just never satisfied. So I've eaten and eaten and eaten today, most of it junk.

    so annoyed with myself.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Elise4270 No overflow tray, it just overflowed onto the lid. The sauce inside was great. My kid is eating it up.

    My favorite lean protein? That's like asking me which one is my favorite kid.

    All that canned Kirkland chicken I bought? I've been mixing up a can of that with two cut up hard boiled eggs, the smothering it with sriracha flavored horseradish sauce, and sometimes mustard. Damn good! And filling. All for just 350 calories, plus whatever is in the horseradish sauce, which isn't much. Call it 375.

    Alternating that with my usually carrots/hummus/2 hard boiled eggs. and either day also has apples and/or an orange.

    Garmin calorie adjustments on MFP...I've always gotten them, but the result is so inconsistent it's useless. I now ignore the step adjustments and add in 130 calories added per running mile.

    I've been doing good avoid cereal since Ash Wednesday, though from time to time I've grabbed a bit. MUCH less than I used to. One particular box I was nibbling at just because I knew no one else in the house would eat it. I solved that problem but dumping it in the trash. Felt good.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I am finally caught up here after almost a week away... don't even ask about the running challenge. I think I am at least 4-500 posts behind there.
    On the building muscle question since this was a big deal for me and the first question I asked my nutritionist. She also said it is really difficult to build more muscle and reduce fat percentages while eating at a deficit. It is also tough on your body. She actually increased my calories by about 500/day on running days and 200/day on non-running days. Those extra running day calories to be primarily carbs and good fats like PB. The percentages (for me) came out to 41% Carbs, 31% Protein, 28% Fat. The other thing she said was that the best way to lose fat (and build muscle) was with interval training and strength training. Part of my 'do better' is to hit my calories and the macros - it doesn't happen often enough.

    I work from home all the time and you would think I would have the eating part down pat... this week we have no food in the house. I was gone all last week until Sunday night so no shopping opportunity yet. I went to make toast yesterday and realized that we have no bread at all... also no milk, no salad veggies, etc... I will go tonight after I go to the gym but here I sit at almost 11am, starving because I haven't yet figured out something for breakfast. I also haven't run yet because I know I need to eat before I can run or it just won't work. I did have multiple cups of coffee and a protein bar when I first got up so there is that.

    The other thing - While in Seattle at my daughter's I didn't run a lot. Maybe two or three times but I walked so much since I didn't have a car and we also walked all over on Saturday, shopping, etc... I ate ok but was amazed to see that I dropped 4 pounds. She also didn't have much food in the house and works really long hours so wasn't there much for dinners. Part of the walking was to her local grocery store for supplies and then back again when I realized I forgot something. I got the rotisserie chicken package and tortilla soup at Costco. Made the soup more protein heavy by adding more chicken to it and that would be lunch or dinner (one day it was both). I made chicken and dumplings one night and it was dinner a few times. We also went out a few times over the weekend. I have no idea what triggered the weight loss and I really expected to see a gain.

    I also have a new guilty pleasure as a result of all the grocery trips. I discovered Effie's Mocha biscuits! I have had the plain ones which I adore but had to try these since they were chocolaty. The are not particularly sweet and I like them so much! My daughter didn't care for them so I brought them home with me and had one yesterday with some homemade PB on top - Oh My! Hmmmm think I may just have to have one now ;)

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 we used that chicken for chicken salad in the summer made with fage, apples, celery, ...ummm probably more I can't remember. It was good, easy and not hot.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    The other thing - While in Seattle at my daughter's I didn't run a lot. Maybe two or three times but I walked so much since I didn't have a car and we also walked all over on Saturday, shopping, etc... I ate ok but was amazed to see that I dropped 4 pounds. She also didn't have much food in the house and works really long hours so wasn't there much for dinners. Part of the walking was to her local grocery store for supplies and then back again when I realized I forgot something. I got the rotisserie chicken package and tortilla soup at Costco. Made the soup more protein heavy by adding more chicken to it and that would be lunch or dinner (one day it was both). I made chicken and dumplings one night and it was dinner a few times. We also went out a few times over the weekend. I have no idea what triggered the weight loss and I really expected to see a gain.

    @shanaber I'm convinced that it's easier to lose weight by walking off the calories than running them off. I have no studies to back me up, of course. My thinking is that when you walk, your body is just burning calories an the normal rate and doesn't freak out. When you run, though, you're burning calories at a higher rate, the body freaks out, and it wants all the ALL THE FOOD. NOW.

    Or maybe not, I don't know. Seems like it.

    I'm not tracking calories today. Yeah, I know I said I would, but not today. I'm planning a 10 mile night trail run and figure I won't have time to eat back all my calories before I go to bed anyway.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    The other thing - While in Seattle at my daughter's I didn't run a lot. Maybe two or three times but I walked so much since I didn't have a car and we also walked all over on Saturday, shopping, etc... I ate ok but was amazed to see that I dropped 4 pounds. She also didn't have much food in the house and works really long hours so wasn't there much for dinners. Part of the walking was to her local grocery store for supplies and then back again when I realized I forgot something. I got the rotisserie chicken package and tortilla soup at Costco. Made the soup more protein heavy by adding more chicken to it and that would be lunch or dinner (one day it was both). I made chicken and dumplings one night and it was dinner a few times. We also went out a few times over the weekend. I have no idea what triggered the weight loss and I really expected to see a gain.

    @shanaber I'm convinced that it's easier to lose weight by walking off the calories than running them off. I have no studies to back me up, of course. My thinking is that when you walk, your body is just burning calories an the normal rate and doesn't freak out. When you run, though, you're burning calories at a higher rate, the body freaks out, and it wants all the ALL THE FOOD. NOW.

    Or maybe not, I don't know. Seems like it.

    I'm not tracking calories today. Yeah, I know I said I would, but not today. I'm planning a 10 mile night trail run and figure I won't have time to eat back all my calories before I go to bed anyway.

    I concur! Running was effective for increased weight loss for me for about 6 weeks, and then I went into "runger" mode as you described. By then, though, I was hooked and couldn't stop running, so I've been in 10lb limbo since January!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I've been so focused on the protein, I actually have room for a few carbs... Wow!

    @girlinahat I have days like that too, where I can't stop eating. Usually it's stress or PMS or maybe I've been at a deficit too long and my body takes control.

    @shanaber Congratulations on the 4 pounds! I hope it stays in Seattle!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @Elise4270 - I hope it does too!
    @7lenny7 and @fitoverfortymom - I don't know... I walked and walked and walked before and never lost anything. Oh, maybe a pound or two back and forth. It wasn't until I was lifting weights (helps too I am sure) and then started running and building up to running more and more, that I really lost any significant weight. I am almost wondering if it has more to do with doing different types of activities. I don't really get in that 'must eat everything' runger mode very often and usually just don't eat enough.

    So I said I was going to have my Effie's biscuit and PB butter before I headed out to run but I forgot and realized as I was struggling again with the dizziness that I had forgotten it. I am pretty sure this could have been a pretty decent run if I had eaten something more. Oh well... I will do better! That starts with getting to the grocery store!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Do any of you put protein powder in your coffee? I drink my coffee black but I was thinking the chocolate flavored powder might make an ok mocha?
    Also have you tried cooking with it? I saw a pancake mix with added protein powder and was thinking that could be an easy thing to do?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I have done all of the above. I prefer the premier protein shakes in my coffee to powder. Powder is hard to mix in.

    I also prefer flapjacked pancake mix to making my own. Just easier.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Dinner tonight (after the kids go to bed) is Tortiere (frozen/premade). Never had it before... If we like it, we will get a recipe and try from scratch. Definitely only food for running days though. Very rich.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    @shanaber I do it fairly frequently. My advice is to mix your protein powder with a small amount of liquid (water or milk) then add it to the coffee. I am sometimes successful just adding it to the coffee... but generally I end up with chunks if I don’t do it he other way
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @sarahthes We don't see any type of meat pies in our neck of the woods. I like them. If you find a recipe you like please share it.

    @hanlonsk @shanaber I added the protein powder to my coffee for a while too. It's something that doesn't want to mix with hot coffee. Most of the powders have soy, so I've gone to the premade stuff exclusively. But, the power does do well if you want cold coffee. I did my own French press cold extraction coffee in the summer.

    I was over my calories yesterday. Boo. I wanted something cold last night and had some halo that put me over, I really was probably just thirsty.

    Anyone else wierd about what they drink from? I bought some disposable clear plastic cups and do better. But if I have to drink out of a cup at home? It's not happening.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Hi all,

    I took a break from running between Oct. 24 and Dec. 26 to focus on fat loss as I had a goal for 2017 to achieve and found it too difficult to both run and lose weight. I reach my goal at one point in Dec., fluctuated a bit, and ended up not reaching my goal by the end. From Dec. 27 through Jan. 14, I took a "diet break" and ate whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. During that time, I gained back 32 lbs. - 19 lbs. of fat, 11 lbs. of water, and about 2 lbs. of lean tissue (I have very good equipment). I returned to eating very low carb and running again starting Jan. 15, but still have about 18.5 lbs. of fat remaining to lose again, so my body fat has not changed in the last 2 months.

    Anyway, I'm eating the right foods for my health, but I just need to eat less. As I said, I find it difficult to eat at a deficit and run, so I've started eating at a deep deficit on non-running (weight lifting) week-days and eating close to maintenance on running days and weekends.

    I'm impatient and it is going to take a long time to lose this weight since I'm a very slow loser and also can't really do both quick (normal for most of you) weight loss and cardio training simultaneously. I'm just trying not to stress too much about weight loss, but that is easier said than done. In the end, I'll probably end up going to a quick weight loss in the off season next winter, but will have to skip the "diet break."