Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Today was very, very bad. I think it's partly stress. It's definitely an eating behavior that I don't enjoy, and I don't stop eating until I feel uncomfortably full. I don't know what to do at this point. About every 10 days, I just lose it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Today was very, very bad. I think it's partly stress. It's definitely an eating behavior that I don't enjoy, and I don't stop eating until I feel uncomfortably full. I don't know what to do at this point. About every 10 days, I just lose it.

    Are you at a deficit? It seems if I've been at a deficit for 10-14 days I'll start wanting pizza. And the battle begins.

    When I get the runaway hungries, I go to a light soup, tortilla is my favorite with extra chicken.

    I'm a stress eater too. Water, vitimans, sleep,and I have some antidepressants to dip into once in a while (doc took me off them, but I still have a stick pile). I'm a pharmacutical hoarder.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    What's everyone's food plan for the week? Share that inspiration!
    I fixed some chicken breast. Everyone likes chicken brrast. So here we are, Tuesday and they are gone. I'm going back to thighs- they are better anyway. That means... I'm vulnerable this week and need to put a contingency plan in place asap.

    I actually got up early. I went to bed like 9, and am up at 4. The plan is to drink enough coffee that i can't help but to be awake, and trick myself to getting on the bike this morning.

    My work assignment is desk work. I'm not good at sitting still. We don't have comfy work stations. Work coffee is horrible. So, I better get my exercises in, and push the caffeine to the max. Still soul suckingly tired. I feel like pizza is the answer, or a burger.... Or apple pie... I'm up for hormones Wednesday, maybe that'll help. Maybe I'm akin to the sloth.

    My weigh is linear (ish), but I can see fat loss. Maybe that's the tired.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    For this week, I'm a bit messed up...

    Yesterday morning, I decided to return to manual mode for my insulin pump that is just not working on the (supposedly) new and improved auto mode. That means I now need to go through and figure out settings and adjust everything for manual mode. That includes fasting in order to isolate background insulin.

    Yesterday, I did early afternoon to early evening (fasting until dinner). Coffee for breakfast. For dinner, I re-heated some sirloin roast from this past weekend.

    Today, I'm not doing any basal testing. Coffee for breakfast (as normal for week-days), probably chicken breast for lunch, charcoal steak for dinner.

    Wednesday, I plan to basal test again from wake-up until as late as possible. I need to stop the testing and address low BG's, which ruins the rest of the test. If I get too high, I will do the same. Skip breakfast. Depending on how far I make it, I'll skip lunch too, and maybe dinner. It would be nice if I can get such a long test to work.

    Thurs. probably coffee, chicken breast, and either chicken breast or steak.

    Fri. I have off from work for the holiday, so will probably be coffee and sausage and/or eggs - definitely sausage since there is a sale at a local grocery store of my favorite sausages that they make in their meat dept. I'll eat some and freeze the rest. Then probably will cook some more sirloin roasts (I have 2 more thawed, each is less than 2 lbs. when cooked).

    Sat. I have a meeting (not for work) that I will travel to (about 2 hrs.). Will probably have coffee on the way for breakfast and then burgers (plain and with no bun) for lunch after the meeting. Then will either run in the afternoon in that city or do some shopping - maybe both. And finally planning to see my brother (he lives there) for his birthday. I no longer drink, but I'm hoping the place he is going has some food options that fit my very low carb (zero carb) diet. So if they serve steak or naked chicken wings (no bread), then that is what I'll have.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @midwesterner85 How do you manage the fatigue with the low carb? Of do you experience it?

    I love the lower carb diet, but I think it contributes to low energy. Is it something I can just wait out until my brain/body gives in?

    I'm currently at less than 100 carbs /day. And most of that is fruit. So not uber low, but low enough I believe it's affecting my energy.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Today was very, very bad. I think it's partly stress. It's definitely an eating behavior that I don't enjoy, and I don't stop eating until I feel uncomfortably full. I don't know what to do at this point. About every 10 days, I just lose it.

    Are you at a deficit? It seems if I've been at a deficit for 10-14 days I'll start wanting pizza. And the battle begins.

    When I get the runaway hungries, I go to a light soup, tortilla is my favorite with extra chicken.

    I'm a stress eater too. Water, vitimans, sleep,and I have some antidepressants to dip into once in a while (doc took me off them, but I still have a stick pile). I'm a pharmacutical hoarder.

    My MFP calories are set to maintenance (and sedentary), so any deficit I get is through exercise only. I roughly eat half of my exercise calories, sometimes more.

    The only other thing I can think of that has changed is I got a Mirena IUD back in the end of January. Weight gain/hunger is a potential side effect, so I wonder if that is a factor. Going to read up on it a bit and also try and come up with some strategies for dealing with that "wave of carb desire" that seems to creep up. Once I get started, I can't turn it off, so I'm focusing on prevention. I don't want to ditch the IUD, but if this is happening because of that and I can't figure out coping mechanisms to get through it, then it's gone. I haven't worked this hard to get this far and have it messed up by stupid hormones.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @fitoverfortymom I have a Mirena as well (got it Sept 2016) and I wonder if it contributes to the problems I have with adherence. I was LCHF (but not keto) when I got it and had no problems staying LCHF - I stopped for unrelated reasons about 4 months after getting the IUD and that's when my dietary adherence went to *kitten*.

    In any case, yesterday was another rest day way over maintenance that should be cancelled out by non-rest days this week. Probably didn't need so many chocolate eggs though. The rest are for the kids to be hidden on Sunday.

    Breakfast today was a huge oatmeal bowl with fresh berries and some cheese. The cheese seems to have made a noticeable difference in satiety. I was as satisfied with my oatmeal as I normally am with a yogurt -berry-cereal bowl.

    Lunch is leftover pasta and I'm pretty sure it's low on protein so I'll be hangry later.

    Supper will take care of itself. (I.e. the cooking fairy (my husband) will make it while I'm out running after work.)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited March 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @midwesterner85 How do you manage the fatigue with the low carb? Of do you experience it?

    I love the lower carb diet, but I think it contributes to low energy. Is it something I can just wait out until my brain/body gives in?

    I'm currently at less than 100 carbs /day. And most of that is fruit. So not uber low, but low enough I believe it's affecting my energy.

    I think you are talking about "keto flu." I don't have any issues with that. Those who do generally are lacking sufficient electrolytes.

    ETA: And I did not have enough time to go home and cook a chicken breast on the countertop grill for lunch... had a noon meeting and was prepping for it late, so ended up just grabbing 2 triple cheeseburgers, plain w/no buns at McDonald's.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @midwesterner85 I'm curious about a zero carb plan. Is it something you do for weight loss or to control blood sugar? I figure both.

    Is it something you plan on following forever?

    I think I want to try a month of it, but not sure if I'd just regain the loss once "good" carbs we're reintroduce (hopefully that'd be with some running so the carbs wouldn't hang around very long if I keep them low).

    Is it something I can do for 30 days and keep most of loss, if I maintain a deficit? Or is it better just to eat my macros (at a deficit) as I plan for the foreseeable future? I don't think I want to eat zero carb forever, although I may have a different opinion after trying it.

    Practical advice?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @midwesterner85 I'm curious about a zero carb plan. Is it something you do for weight loss or to control blood sugar? I figure both.

    Is it something you plan on following forever?

    I think I want to try a month of it, but not sure if I'd just regain the loss once "good" carbs we're reintroduce (hopefully that'd be with some running so the carbs wouldn't hang around very long if I keep them low).

    Is it something I can do for 30 days and keep most of loss, if I maintain a deficit? Or is it better just to eat my macros (at a deficit) as I plan for the foreseeable future? I don't think I want to eat zero carb forever, although I may have a different opinion after trying it.

    Practical advice?

    I'm not convinced there is any such thing as "good carbs," but I follow this plan for both BG control and weight management. It's a carnivore plan - plants have carbs (technically so do animal products, but it is minimal by comparison). Dairy is something to limit or eliminate, but generally meat without additives (no breading, minimal to no sauces) is best.

    I don't think it would hurt to try, but I will say this about low carb, zero carb, and keto plans: It takes at least 8 weeks to become fat adapted. After muscles have become fat adapted, you are very efficient at directly oxidizing fat. That isn't unlimited, though. The average person (eating carbs) is limited to fat oxidation at about 55% of VO2 max, 65% for an elite athlete. Through a lot of experimentation and testing, I have found I oxidize fat to about 85% of VO2 max. This is still a limit, though. For my last marathon (Oct. 2017), I was fat adapted, but was still over the limit starting out. I went through a lot of glucose very fast in the first 2-3 miles and BG dropped low. It took a long time and a bunch of carbs to treat that low BG. I ended up doing some other wierd stuff with diet since then and am now back to the zero carb diet. I've become fat adapted again and I'm going to soon start to experiment with Generation UCAN during races (during training to see if it will work for races) so that there is a steady supply of glucose available for those very high intensity runs, but not a spike that makes my BG too high.

    Because the adaptation takes 8 weeks, I would not suggest going from a moderate carb plan to a zero carb plan for only 30 days. It's just not enough time to adapt and get the benefits; but you will actually end up further behind since you get through the first couple of phases of adapting and then stop. Going from a keto plan to zero carb is different because you should already be fat adapted when on keto.

    As for me, I will keep this up for the foreseeable future except for UCAN. It's probably a lifetime WOE at this point, but who knows what will ultimately happen?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks for all the information.

    So.... If I do it. I should.... Hmmm.... Perhaps someone like me, without BG issues should try a lowest carb regimen and fuel my runs appropriately? (Probably not running until May).

    Because even once fat adapted, I'll need to fuel the runs? Because the body can't keep up with that demand.

    Can I do 8 weeks nearest zero and go to a low-moderate carb plan and be better off, er see improvements (physique and physically)?

    I'm trying to weigh how practical a change in this direction, would be for me. Or of it'd be a wasted effort unless I do X.

    Thanks for letting me pick your brain. I obviously know very little about this, just enough to eff it up. :wink:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    It's not practical for high intensity. For standard runs at lower intensity, it is great because you have access to a lot of stored fuel on your body and are efficient at using that fuel.

    How much do you consider to be low-moderate carb? Either way, if you are starting running again in May, now is the time to get started. It is easier and faster from an energy perspective to return to eating carbs than to become fat adapted. The other perspective is stomach issues. Once you get used to eating only meat, it will be quite distressing to add plants again. You will spend a lot of time in the bathroom at first.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2018
    I did a low carb diet back I'm the mid 90's. I remember those tummy troubles. Haha!

    I'd like to keep my carbs 60-100 I think (when I resume running. All these will be pre/during run)... I'm going to cut them back as far as I can, try for near zero and see how it all goes.


    ETA.... Late lunch today and I just had a lovely double cheeseburger with no bun or guilt. :smiley:


    What kind of distance/time can you get without adding carbs? Back when I was running, I found 1 hour runs needed a little something. Just wondering if this might improve.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2018
    After some research, I have decided to do a fat adapted diet. I don't think this will change much about the way I like to eat. So far I am sleeping better, have more energy and noticed that I remember stuff and understand the details of assignments on the first go around.

    I'm still winging it. Eating low carb veggies, meats, and wondering what I'll do with the fruit at home... Probably eat it.

    I'd still like some apple pie. But the sugar devil hasn't got a hold of me, so no pie- no problem.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    After some research, I have decided to do a fat adapted diet. I don't think this will change much about the way I like to eat. So far I am sleeping better, have more energy and noticed that I remember stuff and understand the details of assignments on the first go around.

    I'm still winging it. Eating low carb veggies, meats, and wondering what I'll do with the fruit at home... Probably eat it.

    I'd still like some apple pie. But the sugar devil hasn't got a hold of me, so no pie- no problem.

    As you try to eat up the remaining fruit, pie, etc., it is best to time it to either right before intense workouts (it will provide energy, but from glucose rather than fat) or right afterwards (better glycogen uptake right after exercise so less likely to be stored as fat).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2018
    How's everyone's weekend meal going? Special meals planned?
    I have my first business trip planned the end of April. I'm stoked. Haha! I need to buy some stuff, as work clothes are furnished FR, (smurfy blue coveralls, or pants and shirt, or overalls). No reason for me to have nicer clothes outside of church.

    So I'm using this date for motivation.

    The last few days I have felt so much better. I wake up and don't feel like I haven't slept. I sleep better and I want to do stuff. So odd. I really hope it's because my diets changed and I'm on to something.

    I told dh I'd like to invest in some clothes (not buy the cheapest thing available that is trash after 6 months). He balked, said I might get fat. Jeez thanks. So onery. I'm still, of course, dragging his *kitten* shopping or will do some in a few weeks. He has granny taste anyway.

    Today's the first day my weight is below the trend line. Finally.

    Eat well my friends!

    ETA thanks @midwesterner85 for sharing your diet plan that lead me to change.

    And if anyone knows a good place to shop/brands worth the money, please let me know. I need some slacks, maybe a shirt or 2., business casual.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @elise4270 - what kind of clothes are you looking for? Suits, Business casual??? Do you have an outlet mall nearby? I really like the Ann Taylor Loft - the regular stores are pricey so I usually go to the Loft Outlet. They have cute business appropriate clothes; dresses, sweaters, blouses and slacks. They also typically have really good sales like 40-50% off. I had never shopped there until a couple of years ago and my daughter took me there because that is where she shops for her work clothes :) I don't think they have suits though but I honestly haven't looked for one. I have 2 from a while back and didn't need another one.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Also tell your DH that if you spend more on good clothes it is great incentive NOT to get fat or gain any weight!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @elise4270 - what kind of clothes are you looking for? Suits, Business casual??? Do you have an outlet mall nearby? I really like the Ann Taylor Loft - the regular stores are pricey so I usually go to the Loft Outlet. They have cute business appropriate clothes; dresses, sweaters, blouses and slacks. They also typically have really good sales like 40-50% off. I had never shopped there until a couple of years ago and my daughter took me there because that is where she shops for her work clothes :) I don't think they have suits though but I honestly haven't looked for one. I have 2 from a while back and didn't need another one.

    I found Ann Taylor clothes online. I liked them there's a store about 2 hours from us. I plan to check it out. I'll see if I can find an outlet store too.

    I want some blouses, kind of button up things, with collers. And traditional womens slacks. I have some legging type "slacks" but am sure that its not business casual to show off your derriere.

    I don't need a suit. I have a jacket I love, American eagle, but don't have anything to wear with it. Maybe some awesome jeans (or slacks) and heals!

    Great info! Thanks!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber we hit the loft today. I found 2 pr of slacks and plan to order some online (I want navy blue but they didn't have my size). A few shirts from van heusen too. Off to a good start.

    Then we ate German food for lunch! Mmmm!

    I had no idea getting this much fat in my diet would be so hard. I think my goal is ~100g? I'll have to stock up on walnuts and avocado for starters.