Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    The cold has been doing me in and I am apparently trying to store fat like a hibernating mammal. Up 5 lbs, some of which is likely water and the rest of which is likely Easter eggs.

    Gonna go into a bit of a cut after Jasper with better meal planning. Running volume will be a bit lower and spread across more days which should help too.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Re: Dreams. Haven't remembered one in quite a while. I should pay more attention.

    Re: Diet. Slogging it out every day. Had potential to lose it yesterday, but kept it in check. Almost end of TOM, so I should get a few weeks break from these manic carb cravings. My 25k is in 10 days, so I'll get out of training mode for a while to try and knock down these last pounds. I'll still run, but more for fun and exercise, and not targeting a specific event. Think I'm gonna have to do that for a while if I want to get this under control.

    Re: Braces. Had them for 18 months in high school. Had to have my incisors removed because they were impacted in my gums and my baby incisors never fell out. I still have a little gap and I was horrible about wearing my retainer, so things are a little crowdy. Nothing I want to spend thousands on to fix. My son is in braces now and has about a year to go.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    Something stupid is going on.. I get an error posting

    This is my second go of adult braces. I failed to wear the retainer (10 years ago- we went out of town and I left it at home. I didn't realize my teeth would move so much in a few days that I couldn't wear it). 2.5 years the first time, I'm at 13 months this go.

    @RunsOnEspresso My family physician said he wore them 6 years, his teeth just didn't want to move.

    Thanks all, my mood is better.

    Diet update. I think overall I'm feeling better, sleeping better and noticed this morning that the annoying acne that springs up with hormone pellets is not present, and I'm not oily from them either. That could still change.

    My bowels are improved. Leave it at that.

    Trend weigh is eeking downwards.

    I'm still "smarter", retain information easier and recall information that I can't believe I ever knew.

    PMS, was not an issue. No cravings, no bloat, only a faint headache (no migraine). Sweets smelled good. But I had no desire to actually eat them. Even at the German bakery.

    Con... I've not been able to crack the macros. I don't really have much fat to lose... Sure I'd like to lose about 6 pounds, but that's ideal racing weigh. So, idk if I'm going to ride this a bit longer or switch to more of a Paleo diet, with dairy. Can not exclude cheese. Although without crackers and bread, what's the point of cheese?

    I am though, now carb phobic. I do about 50g/day. But all of it is usually bad foods. I need to change that. Research time and plan some meals.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited April 2018
    Dreams: Lately I've been having really weird ones. I wake up thinking, WTF!! and am very glad to be awake. The last one I can remember is that I was working with some woman (though not where I work) and I looked down to notice that I had peed my pants. The rest of what I can remember is me casually trying to hide that from her. Maybe it's the bourbon. (ETA: I did not wet the bed)

    Diet: Up 4 pounds since the day before Easter. I figure some of that is the natural fluid retention after a long run. The rest is ham, chocolate eggs, cake, and bourbon. It finally occurred to me that with a big race coming up I should be eating at maintenance, not at deficit. Since I haven't logged anything in a couple of weeks I guess it doesn't matter. Lately I've let hunger be my guide, trying not to eat from boredom/habit/etc. Still trying to make better choices. Doing well for the most part, except I just bought a bunch of clearance Easter candy.

    Braces: Never had them but wish I had. My lower teeth on my right side are push in a bit. I hate it, but at my age (51) there's no way I'm getting them now.

    So, @girlinahat a glass of bourbon has the same amount of calories as a banana? And they're both mostly carbs? Bourbon it is. I do need to cut back though. I think my cereal craving has turned into bourbon craving. Not that I'm getting drunk or even buzzed, but I really, really am enjoying it and the calories add up. I may need to limit it to running days. First, though, I'll try limiting it to one per day.

    @Elise4270 apparently I missed where you said it was your birthday, so a late Happy Birthday!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 I'm 48 with braces. You could always considered the Invisalign products. I have a coworker who is 58 and he starts Invisalign later this month.

    Good luck on your race!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 I'm 48 with braces. You could always considered the Invisalign products. I have a coworker who is 58 and he starts Invisalign later this month.

    Good luck on your race!

    Thanks! It promises to be a grand event!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I managed to be up and out with enough time to indulge in an Americano this morning. (Love this freakin stuff).

    Saw this "sous vide" on the menu... Sure bacon sounds great. OMG. It's bacon and gruyere. As if I needed another reason to go to Starbucks.

    I've got to figure out how to do both at home so I don't start racking up $8+ a day for breakfast.

    Anyone have experience? I can cheat on the eggs and cheese and bake them. The coffee... I think I need an espresso machine. Unless I can fine ground espresso beans and use my keurig?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    edited April 2018
    @Elise4270 Why not just give in and buy an immersion circulator and do your own sous vide ;)

    When I want fancy coffee, I use my milk frother and put the frothed milk into regular coffee and top with cinnamon. It also froths nicely if you use cream instead. I think you can get espresso pods for the Keurig. Pretty sure I've seen them somewhere.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I'm off work today as we leave for Jasper right after school and I haven't started packing yet. We are bringing most of our food with us both to save money and so I can eat sensibly pre-race and not have to contend with restaurant food causing stomach upset. Brought my computer home though as I got pulled into an hour long call with boss' boss trying to troubleshoot a technical issue and thus did not wrap up everything I needed to finish yesterday.

    Especially frustrating because our conclusion was basically 'I dunno...'

    Hoping I get enough done today that work stress doesn't trigger overeating on this trip.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    @Elise4270 Why not just give in and buy an immersion circulator and do your own sous vide ;)

    When I want fancy coffee, I use my milk frother and put the frothed milk into regular coffee and top with cinnamon. It also froths nicely if you use cream instead. I think you can get espresso pods for the Keurig. Pretty sure I've seen them somewhere.

    I found an IP recipe that'll work. I'll Google the espresso pods! I haven't seen any yet.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I'm off work today as we leave for Jasper right after school and I haven't started packing yet. We are bringing most of our food with us both to save money and so I can eat sensibly pre-race and not have to contend with restaurant food causing stomach upset. Brought my computer home though as I got pulled into an hour long call with boss' boss trying to troubleshoot a technical issue and thus did not wrap up everything I needed to finish yesterday.

    Especially frustrating because our conclusion was basically 'I dunno...'

    Hoping I get enough done today that work stress doesn't trigger overeating on this trip.

    Hang in there! Running should help the brain troubleshoot a problem/challenge. I bet you have a breakthrough.

    Enjoy your trip!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yesterday was damn near perfect. While I love running in the AM, this evening trail time during my son's soccer practice is really helping. I'm not quite as rungry during the day, and I end up with tons of calories left over before going to bed. It's helping me create more of a calorie savings account rather than what feels like living calorie-to-calorie. Hard to explain. I think TOM is's hard to tell with a Mirena because it's super almost non-existent anyway, except for the PMS part. :#

    I've also been eating more earlier and having a smaller dinner, which is opposite of what I've typically done. I'm not sure I love it, but I'm just kind of rolling with it and being mindful about it.

    Scale seems to support what I'm doing, back down to 151.6 (with ultimate maintaining goal of 145-150). I'm close and feeling motivated to keep it tight!

    @7lenny7 I can't wait to hear your race report!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Elise4270 we have two Nespresso machines and two milk frothers. My wife loves it. I initially balked at the cost of the pods...about 70¢ each, but it is cheaper than $tarbuck$. And the espresso from the machine is pretty good. She loved the first machine so much I bought a second machine for her to keep on the boat.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I have an espresso machine. I've used it twice. It's a lot of work and I can't function at that high of a level before coffee.

    I want the Ninja coffee machine. I drink too much coffee for the keurig. Even my dad's carafe one is barely enough.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I love the Nespresso machines. I also eyed the Ninja coffee bar. I mostly just drink black coffee, though, so we went with a Cuisinart with a metal carafe (no hot plate to burn your coffee) and a hot water dispenser. My son loves to drink hot tea, so this is a good fit for us. Plus, who can resist having "tea time" with your 14 year old son? <3
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    My hubby uses the Keurig to make tea but I think Keurig tea is kinda gross.

    I have been using my French press a lot lately because we ran out of coffee pods and I was desperate. I love it and wish I had more time to use it for my everyday coffee. It's a lot better than Keurig coffee that's for sure. Though the Keurig is better than work coffee.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Keurig is better than work coffee.

    My coworker just brought in some Hazlenut pods for the Keurig we share at the office. WAY better than the icky brewed coffee in the break room.

    I've never had Keurig tea. I have a bunch of tea varieties in my desk and there's plenty of hot water available. That's how I stay hydrated during the day because the stupid office is so danged cold.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    My hubby uses the Keurig to make tea but I think Keurig tea is kinda gross.

    I have been using my French press a lot lately because we ran out of coffee pods and I was desperate. I love it and wish I had more time to use it for my everyday coffee. It's a lot better than Keurig coffee that's for sure. Though the Keurig is better than work coffee.

    I love French press coffee. Dh bought the pour over too, it's fine, but I like to do the French press overnight in the fridge. Mmm...

    I won't drink work coffee. @fitoverfortymom We do tea, but have the hot water on demand water bottle. My son and I are the only ones that drink it regularly. The tazo passion is my favorite right now, also the orange one, it maybe wild sweet orange? But I also love the twinnings Earl grey, and chai.. :smiley:
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    My hubby uses the Keurig to make tea but I think Keurig tea is kinda gross.

    I have been using my French press a lot lately because we ran out of coffee pods and I was desperate. I love it and wish I had more time to use it for my everyday coffee. It's a lot better than Keurig coffee that's for sure. Though the Keurig is better than work coffee.

    I love French press coffee. Dh bought the pour over too, it's fine, but I like to do the French press overnight in the fridge. Mmm...

    I won't drink work coffee. @fitoverfortymom We do tea, but have the hot water on demand water bottle. My son and I are the only ones that drink it regularly. The tazo passion is my favorite right now, also the orange one, it maybe wild sweet orange? But I also love the twinnings Earl grey, and chai.. :smiley:

    I love Darjeerling when I want caffeinated tea. Chammomile or Vanilla Chammomile by Celestial Seasonings when I'm in the office. My son and I have Sleepytime together at night. Seriously, that is my favorite time of day.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    can I just insert a small rant about nespresso pods and the environment? please?

    whereas coffee grounds in a french press are great for composting.