Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    What's on today's menu?

    @shanaber I'm occasionally snacking on the kumquats we have growing. We had a cold spell and I haven't looked at the plums, pears, or the new fig. I hope they make, but I'll have to beat the crows to them.

    My menu for the day:
    Coffee (thought today was Saturday, could not figure out the noise trying to wake me at 530) rough.
    I have my egg bites w me.. mmmm

    Lunch is chicken cacciatore, no noodles.
    And I packed a Siggis for a snack.

    Dinner will be more of the same, if I'm hungry.

    My weight did a 2 pound jump yesterday, figure it's diet, salt, hormones (not enough coffee or water). Today it's only slightly down. Eeked my calories down by 100. I'm going to try to be more diligent with exercise.

    I heard stories about this huge loss on low carb. I expect to wake up looking like shalane flannagen any day now. :smiley:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Welp. There was a cookie dough incident.

    No judgement here. :wink:
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Welp. There was a cookie dough incident.

    No judgement here. :wink:

    It's race week, I'm not too worried about it. :)

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Today's plan is the food I have planned for breakfast/lunch/snacks, plus frozen pizza and Caesar salad for dinner. We have about 30 minutes to eat between getting home and soccer practice, so it's gotta be quick.

    Excited for my last trail effort before Saturdays race. I will do some light road miles tomorrow and Friday to keep from getting twitchy.

    Terrified and excited to run 25k!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'll have the same menu today as yesterday, except I never did grill that steak yesterday so I'll have that tonight. I grazed before my run, then grazed afterwards. Nothing horrible, but nothing great either. I did have a couple of bourbons to end the night. That's probably not the best thing in this last week before the race.

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I had a popcorn and chocolate incident last night and I'm still ravenous but not hungry this morning. So I think I have to go run tonight in case it's stress.

    Dinner tonight is baked potatoes with all kinds of stuff on them.

    Lunch is a frozen thing from the grocery store. Not sure what yet.

    I don't want to talk about breakfast. LOL
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @sarahthes I love baked potato for dinner. We did that last week and was yum!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    wow @7lenny7 can I have your menu for the day?

    went to the cinema last night. Bought a SMALL bag of dry roasted peanuts, and a SMALL bag of Maltesers. Thought I was being really good.

    Then my friend handed over her sweets (fruit gums) that she's no longer allowed to eat due to being Type 2 diabetic.

    I hate my friend. Told her I was learning trumpet and was going to come practice outside her house in revenge for corrupting me with sweets.

    Never did eat the maltesers though. That's good isn't it?

    might have just had a salted caramel cookie moment. I seriously doubt I'll be burning THAT off in my yoga class tonight....
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2018
    Welp. There was a cookie dough incident.
    @fitoverfortymom - this was the first post I saw this morning and I almost spit coffee all over my laptop! Hahaha! I have been thinking about making cookies too but then it got too hot and I don't want to turn on the oven - so I guess that is a good part of it being hot right?!

    Menu for me today: Breakfast - Greek yogurt, fresh strawberries and homemade granola, Lunch - green salad with quinoa and leftover chicken, Dinner - Chinese (Trader Joe's/Ming's) or leftover BBQ chicken and veggies. Probably no dessert but I may get a Starbucks Latte Macchiato for a snack.

    I love baked potatoes with all kinds of stuff on them too! I am not sure if they are good though for a diabetic diet but I suspect not. Hmm - should check on that.

    @7lenny7 - do you track your sleep patterns and if you do does the bourbon have any impact on how well you sleep or how rested you feel the next day? @lporter229 commented on her wall that she started tracking it and noticed that when she had wine she didn't sleep as soundly. I had noted the same if I have more than a glass or so of wine but then sometimes like last night (I had 2 glasses) according to my watch I had one of my best nights sleep. So who knows. I also ran almost 5 miles and had a tough training session at the gym so that may have affected me more than the wine.

    I have dentist appoint this morning and have to take my antibiotics first - not looking forward to the stomach side affects and hoping the Greek yogurt will help!

    ETC - spelling errors! I hate having spelling errors!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    @shanaber Good luck at the dentist. :fearful: I love having my teeth cleaned, but not so keen on the process.

    I don't drink very often, maybe 4-5 times a year I'll have 1. It definitely effects how well I sleep. I wake up hot, feeling dehydrated and get restless with a mild headache. I figure I may have an intolerance to alcohol.

    ETA my doc has me take a probiotic with each antibiotic. It really helps. Hopefully the yogurt has the same benefit. Dairy bothers me, so I don't see yogurts probiotic benefits.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    The dentist went fine thanks @Elise4270. Looks like I may be doing the Invisalign braces in the near future though.
    I didn't do well today eating wise though... we went to the movies this afternoon and yep I ate popcorn, lots of popcorn and even some Junior Mints. But it was really just too much popcorn. I did come home and have a small decent dinner.
    We'll see how my long run goes tomorrow.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hmm... My weight tend was heading downwards.. but is now officially back upwards.
    I'm back where I started 2 weeks ago...

    I did notice that when I add exercise I "gain" a bit. Maybe that's all it is, inflammation.

    I fixed these coconut fat bombs yesterday, because I'm not hitting my fat macros. I am still regretting it. Did not sit well with me. So, I'm gonna quit being a dum dum and just eat real foods, watching the empty carbs.

    I have no food plans today. My stomach wants nothing to do with food at the moment. Think if I get hungry by lunch I'll do a Chick-fil-A salad, only because I love the lemonade. Cold liquid sounds awesome.

    Today's menu?

    ETA and I need more leg muscles... I'm thinking about doing bathroom squats until doc says go kill some weights. Ideas?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @Elise4270 Squats could be useful for quads, but you might want to add some calf exercises too. I'm sure there are some body-weight calf exercises such as probably standing stable and then raising yourself up to your "tippy-toes" (or at least lifting your heels off the ground) and then back down again. You can probably find better ideas than that on Google, I'm just trying to think.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 Squats could be useful for quads, but you might want to add some calf exercises too. I'm sure there are some body-weight calf exercises such as probably standing stable and then raising yourself up to your "tippy-toes" (or at least lifting your heels off the ground) and then back down again. You can probably find better ideas than that on Google, I'm just trying to think.

    Thanks! I have monster calves. So I am trying to balance my legs by adding hamstring/quad muscle. I got chicken legs. Therefore, leg envy. And I need a butt. :blush:

    Did some research on why I'm not losing.. so I adjusted my macros/calories.

    Carbs are a limit, protein is a goal, fat is... Uh I forgot. A suggestion? (Ketogasm)

    So I shouldn't worry about hitting the fat unless I'm hungry.
    Still on for that "diet" lemonade.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 Squats could be useful for quads, but you might want to add some calf exercises too. I'm sure there are some body-weight calf exercises such as probably standing stable and then raising yourself up to your "tippy-toes" (or at least lifting your heels off the ground) and then back down again. You can probably find better ideas than that on Google, I'm just trying to think.

    Thanks! I have monster calves. So I am trying to balance my legs by adding hamstring/quad muscle. I got chicken legs. Therefore, leg envy. And I need a butt. :blush:

    Did some research on why I'm not losing.. so I adjusted my macros/calories.

    Carbs are a limit, protein is a goal, fat is... Uh I forgot. A suggestion? (Ketogasm)

    So I shouldn't worry about hitting the fat unless I'm hungry.
    Still on for that "diet" lemonade.

    This is something that bothers me on the variations of keto diets and such. A lot of people don't understand and will tell you that you should push more fat... they say if you are not losing weight, that you should just increase fat consumption. What they don't understand is that we want to "eat" our own body fat to lose weight, so fat intake is normally a limit.

    The exception comes during the early stages (I believe Atkins calls this the "induction" stage). There are many who have found that eating more fat during the first 8-12 weeks of a very low carb diet helps their body to transition more effectively. To become "fat adapted," the mitochondria in your muscles needs to go through a few stages of changes before reaching the final point of becoming fat adapted. During the first ~2 weeks, the change is really not any more than starting to improve ketone use. This is not necessarily a good thing, as your brain/nervous system can only use glucose and ketones for energy... our brain can't directly oxidize fat as can muscles. When you finally get to where muscles are really good at directly oxidizing fat (rather than making your liver convert the fat to ketones first), then ketones are freed up for use by your brain.

    OK, I got a bit off track there... but I would say it's ok to keep eating fat at this point. When you get to the 2 or 3 month mark, try cutting back on fat consumption so you use your body fat for energy.**

    **Caveat: I had an issue last year where I was fat adapted and still having difficulty getting enough energy. I would eat fat before races in order to have fuel because I just couldn't seem to access body fat. In the end, what I surmised is that the remaining body fat had a very high ratio of alpha-2:beta-2 receptors (this is what is commonly known as "stubborn fat"). When I first noticed this, I started taking an alpha receptor antagonist, which helped a bit. After the last race of the year, I started taking a beta agonist as well (it is a WADA banned substance "In Competition," and while none of my races are competitive enough to do doping tests, I couldn't ethically take it during racing season). I still take both of these, but will be stopping the beta agonist in sufficient time before my first race this year to have little or none remaining in my system.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2018
    @midwesterner85 dang you are a wealth of information! (I'll re read a few times to assimilate the info).

    I feel pretty good. I'm not sluggish, I feel alert and am sleeping better. I'm not hungry. The ketone strips are still "medium" (guess that lightens as I become fat addapted), keeping my gross carbs ~30-50 or less (I'm try to tighten this up, set about 31g now). And if I go over, I make sure I'm getting more exercise. All my carbs are veggies. Or supposed to be, I did eat some cheese sticks a few days ago. And chicken strips.... And breaded jalapeno poppers from Sonic.... :blush: baby steps, right?

    So... I'll keep the fat up per your personal recommendation. I think adjusting my calories from near maintenance to a deficit will help me hit the fat macro easier. I'm naturally a protein eater. I just need to get more of those fatty meats (without preservatives).

    I'm open to any and all suggestions you have. Thanks again!
    There are cake donuts here in the break room. My favorite cake donuts. They smell awful. Absolutely zero temptation. Total win.

    Etc spelling

    ETA ...
    Ordered the yohimbine HCl. I'll have to pass on the beta antagonist, looks like Albuterol type meds.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - do you track your sleep patterns and if you do does the bourbon have any impact on how well you sleep or how rested you feel the next day? @lporter229 commented on her wall that she started tracking it and noticed that when she had wine she didn't sleep as soundly. I had noted the same if I have more than a glass or so of wine but then sometimes like last night (I had 2 glasses) according to my watch I had one of my best nights sleep. So who knows. I also ran almost 5 miles and had a tough training session at the gym so that may have affected me more than the wine.

    @shanaber Subjectively speaking, it depends on how much I have. If i just have one or two, I seem to sleep just as well, or perhaps better. Three or four (which is rare) and I wake up with a dry mouth, but I can't recall feeling like I had worse sleep. I absolutely love the taste of bourbon but I hate getting drunk, or even getting buzzed for that matter, so I usually limit it to two, and those are slow sippers, one drink might last an hour.

    I do have a new whiz-bang CPAP machine that tracks much more detail than my old one, and there's an program I can download to extract the data and try to analyse it. If I had more time I'd like to do just that. It would be interesting to compare sleep after not drinking vs. 1 or 2 drinks. I know the scientific studies show that drinking worsens sleep quality.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @midwesterner85 dang you are a wealth of information! (I'll re read a few times to assimilate the info).

    I feel pretty good. I'm not sluggish, I feel alert and am sleeping better. I'm not hungry. The ketone strips are still "medium" (guess that lightens as I become fat addapted), keeping my gross carbs ~30-50 or less (I'm try to tighten this up, set about 31g now). And if I go over, I make sure I'm getting more exercise. All my carbs are veggies. Or supposed to be, I did eat some cheese sticks a few days ago. And chicken strips.... And breaded jalapeno poppers from Sonic.... :blush: baby steps, right?

    So... I'll keep the fat up per your personal recommendation. I think adjusting my calories from near maintenance to a deficit will help me hit the fat macro easier. I'm naturally a protein eater. I just need to get more of those fatty meats (without preservatives).

    I'm open to any and all suggestions you have. Thanks again!
    There are cake donuts here in the break room. My favorite cake donuts. They smell awful. Absolutely zero temptation. Total win.

    Etc spelling

    ETA ...
    Ordered the yohimbine HCl. I'll have to pass on the beta antagonist, looks like Albuterol type meds.

    It's a beta agonist, not a beta antagonist. I won't actually say the drug name (PM me if you really want to know) as there is a lot of negative public opinion due to some history of certain people (kids) using it improperly. It's an upper and can be risky if not taken in proper doses at proper times (i.e. taking way too much simultaneously with other drugs, including downers such as alcohol).
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - do you track your sleep patterns and if you do does the bourbon have any impact on how well you sleep or how rested you feel the next day? @lporter229 commented on her wall that she started tracking it and noticed that when she had wine she didn't sleep as soundly. I had noted the same if I have more than a glass or so of wine but then sometimes like last night (I had 2 glasses) according to my watch I had one of my best nights sleep. So who knows. I also ran almost 5 miles and had a tough training session at the gym so that may have affected me more than the wine.

    @shanaber Subjectively speaking, it depends on how much I have. If i just have one or two, I seem to sleep just as well, or perhaps better. Three or four (which is rare) and I wake up with a dry mouth, but I can't recall feeling like I had worse sleep. I absolutely love the taste of bourbon but I hate getting drunk, or even getting buzzed for that matter, so I usually limit it to two, and those are slow sippers, one drink might last an hour.

    I do have a new whiz-bang CPAP machine that tracks much more detail than my old one, and there's an program I can download to extract the data and try to analyse it. If I had more time I'd like to do just that. It would be interesting to compare sleep after not drinking vs. 1 or 2 drinks. I know the scientific studies show that drinking worsens sleep quality.

    Anything more than 2 and I don't feel as rested. Also, if I have a late dinner and drinks and try to go to bed too soon after I struggle as well.

    But I never truly feel rested so I am not the baseline to go off of.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Oh how I love the days just before a race! Currently fueling up with peanut butter, cheddar and honey sandwiches. It may sound weird, but it's excellent!